Is There One Sound/valid Syllogistic Argument For The Existence Of God?


Yep, ass clown... there's somebody home here, that's why you're having such fits. We can't all be dumbed-down morons like Justin. For the record, and Breeze knows this, I have already previously accepted his view on universal spiritual awareness. It is very much possible that all life is spiritually aware and we perhaps aren't aware of that, or it doesn't translate to us consciously. Perhaps our spiritual awareness, coupled with 'original sin' and our higher cognition simply results in our need to express our awareness through things like worship and religion, where other living things are not so compelled? I don't know, I can't make that determination, and Breeze could be absolutely right.

So we don't have a disagreement. The person in this thread who everyone is disagreeing with is YOU, ass clown. We're now over 500 pages, mostly of your long-winded opinions and tripe, and you only have one follower, one poster who is thanking your posts or lending you any support whatsoever. It's the same poter you basically started with. You're not making a very good case, ass clown. I get the sense that even Emily is growing weary of trying to converse with you, and she is probably the most tolerant and diplomatic poster on the board.

Taps for Boss Baby Jane Hollie


Poor Boss, reduced to the banalities of Hollie and Company. You don't even address the substance anymore. You even contradict what you argued earlier against Amrchaos' nonsense: Of course subatomic particles, including electrons, are what they are, just like any other existent, via the law of identity. Of course Amrchaos is an idiot. You knew that, Boss. You stood for common sense and real science for a brief moment. Oh, you burned so bight, Boss! I had to put on my shades. But then, I guess, the years of substance abuse overcame you, you veered off course and flew too close to the Sun.

Oh, how low you've fallen, Boss, all the way down to the level of the dregs. So after talking your way into the cramped and slimy corner of sheer piggish pride, you're reduced to contradicting yourself when you were still making sense. But, of course, that was before the ramifications of the truths you formally asserted dawned on you. That was before you came face-to-face with the dreadful stupidity of your irredeemable relativism, the shame to end all shams.

Alas, poor Boss, alas.

Taps playing
youre a sad little little man

The Betty Boop Chronicles

People are taking a simple, incontrovertible, LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology and making it into something complex or mystical.

The bottom line: the jihadists are the ones stupidly arguing against the existence of the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of the God axiom and the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC nature of the God axiom!

See the following post on another thread populated by more sensible persons, i.e., a thread on which there are fewer thoughtlessly closed-minded, dogmatic, fanatical jihadists of self-inflicted mental retardation: The hypocrisy and arrogance of atheism Page 63 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue is not whether or not this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is a FACT. It is a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Go debate the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology with the wall or with the fuzz in your navel. Only imbeciles debate over the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Only imbeciles fail to apprehend this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, and only liars pretend that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is an informal logical fallacy or does not exist.

1. Do you believe that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology ultimately/transcendentally holds true outside our minds, beyond the axiomatic imperatives of human thought, or not?

Yes or no?

2. Is this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology a mere fluke of nature or the voice of God imprinted on our brains/minds?

Nature or God or both?

That is the only thing about this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology that is arguably controversial or open to debate.

The FACT of the existence of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, or the FACT of the nature of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is not controversial or open to debate!

And I'm done with the idiots who cannot or will not make this simple distinction, that which a child would understand.

It is I who has tolerantly, patiently, sometimes satirically, sometimes coaxingly and sometimes tactically combatively, put up with inexcusable stupidity and obtuseness, intellectual intolerance and dishonesty.

Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw; more at, the fact that so many of you aligned yourselves with the Pollyannaish banalities of Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw.

Who but uneducable imbeciles would give this snot-nosed punk, this utter fool, anything more than contempt or the back of his hand?

What kind of person but a drooling imbecile holds that God exists but that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology does not exist or is merely a fluke of nature? That's assuming, of course, that Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really ever even grasped the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, let alone the subsequently pertinent questions thereof.
your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~
I do not pretend to know from the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin anything more or less than what they hold, like you relativist ass clowns.

since when are relative and absolute values not compatible - ass clown, except of course when defining your absolutionist biblical agenda you have no other way to deceive those you are trying to convince ...

... in terms of some lower standard of divine attribution.

it is your perception that is relative and absolutely corrupt.

Have we now moved to "chants and incantations"? :dunno:

BreezeWood added a Lamentation:
God God why have you forsaken me!

And I could add a prayer for God's mercy and benevolence:
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
in the "Struggle" for Peace or spiritual battle for the human conscience
to overcome ill and achieve true peace which surpasses all human misunderstanding.

Or for whichever of us, if anyone here, is JW:
Jehovah Akbar!

MD has declared TAG Jihad on the world!
Surrender Infidels! And your little dog, too....

Stop, Emily! People are taking a simple, incontrovertible, LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology and making it into something complex or mystical.

The bottom line: the jihadists are the ones stupidly arguing against the existence of the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of the God axiom and the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC nature of the God axiom!

See the following post on another thread populated by more sensible persons, i.e., a thread on which there are fewer thoughtlessly closed-minded, dogmatic, fanatical jihadists of self-inflicted mental retardation: The hypocrisy and arrogance of atheism Page 63 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue is not whether or not this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is a FACT. It is a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Go debate the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology with the wall or with the fuzz in your navel. Only imbeciles debate over the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Only imbeciles fail to apprehend this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, and only liars pretend that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is an informal logical fallacy or does not exist.

1. Do you believe that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology ultimately/transcendentally holds true outside our minds, beyond the axiomatic imperatives of human thought, or not?

Yes or no?

2. Is this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology a mere fluke of nature or the voice of God imprinted on our brains/minds?

Nature or God or both?

That is the only thing about this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology that is arguably controversial or open to debate.

The FACT of the existence of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, or the FACT of the nature of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is not controversial or open to debate!

And I'm done with the idiots who cannot or will not make this simple distinction, that which a child would understand.

It is I who has tolerantly, patiently, sometimes satirically, sometimes coaxingly and sometimes tactically combatively, put up with inexcusable stupidity and obtuseness, intellectual intolerance and dishonesty.

Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw.

What kind of person but a drooling imbecile holds that God exists but that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology does not exist or is merely a fluke of nature? That's assuming, of course, that Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really ever even grasped the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, let alone the subsequently pertinent questions thereof.
Actually, you are taking something subjective, undemonstrated, purely opinion and drenched in your religious dogma and attempting to make it something it is not.

Basically, you're a failed snake oil salesman.

Drooling idiot.
And in two sentences, your argument was shot down in flames.

How's that workin' out for ya'?
Hi Hollie and also Boss or G.T. or anyone else questioning Justin's identity as JW or as a sock of M.D. or someone else.

NO on both counts. I PM to M.D. to straighten this out and got very long detailed info on the background of when the posts started and helpung Justin to format his posts.

1. He doesn't have the higher educational background of M.D. and that's why Justin just hits agree or copies and repeats.

2. He would even copy spelling or wording errors from M.D. because he didn't know to correct them and assumed they were right.

As Justin explained he had taken on the plumbing business of his family and doesn't have time or background to answer in full like MD.

It sounds to me like Justin is not only trying to learn what MD means but also has come a long way learning how to post on here.

I didn't know that either, so now I get that Justin doesn't mean to just mimic but he's still learning.

Please may I ask you also to have patience and work with Justin not mock him. Or he will learn bad habits thinking that's just how ppl talk on forums. Can we raisevthe standard and teach better habits than that?

I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Can we talk to people with respect the way we Prefer to be talked to, not repeat back the slams other ppl post instead. If we criticize Justin for copying and mimicking, maybe we should not be parrots either, and foul at that!

Can we please use words amd posts to lift one another up to higher levels, not slam each other down like sumo wrestlers.

Thanks, I think this will set a better examole for Justin to follow who is not M.D. but is trying to learn and needs good habits, not bad, if he's going to copy anyone on here.

You are all better people than this.
Please act like it.

Thanks Love and Hugs
I think you are all great and just don't
see it yet. The more good you find in others,
The more they find the same in you.
Let's keep digging deeper, and we'll find gold, diamonds and pure treasures in the people collecting here. Pure gold mine.
We'd be rich if we dug instead of throwing rocks around. Some real treasures await us....
BreezeWood added a Lamentation:
God God why have you forsaken me!

And I could add a prayer for God's mercy and benevolence:
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
in the "Struggle" for Peace or spiritual battle for the human conscience
to overcome ill and achieve true peace which surpasses all human misunderstanding.

Or for whichever of us, if anyone here, is JW:
Jehovah Akbar!

MD has declared TAG Jihad on the world!
Surrender Infidels! And your little dog, too....

Stop, Emily! People are taking a simple, incontrovertible, LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology and making it into something complex or mystical.

The bottom line: the jihadists are the ones stupidly arguing against the existence of the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of the God axiom and the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC nature of the God axiom!

See the following post on another thread populated by more sensible persons, i.e., a thread on which there are fewer thoughtlessly closed-minded, dogmatic, fanatical jihadists of self-inflicted mental retardation: The hypocrisy and arrogance of atheism Page 63 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue is not whether or not this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is a FACT. It is a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Go debate the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology with the wall or with the fuzz in your navel. Only imbeciles debate over the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Only imbeciles fail to apprehend this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, and only liars pretend that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is an informal logical fallacy or does not exist.

1. Do you believe that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology ultimately/transcendentally holds true outside our minds, beyond the axiomatic imperatives of human thought, or not?

Yes or no?

2. Is this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology a mere fluke of nature or the voice of God imprinted on our brains/minds?

Nature or God or both?

That is the only thing about this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology that is arguably controversial or open to debate.

The FACT of the existence of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, or the FACT of the nature of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is not controversial or open to debate!

And I'm done with the idiots who cannot or will not make this simple distinction, that which a child would understand.

It is I who has tolerantly, patiently, sometimes satirically, sometimes coaxingly and sometimes tactically combatively, put up with inexcusable stupidity and obtuseness, intellectual intolerance and dishonesty.

Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw.

What kind of person but a drooling imbecile holds that God exists but that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology does not exist or is merely a fluke of nature? That's assuming, of course, that Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really ever even grasped the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, let alone the subsequently pertinent questions thereof.
Actually, you are taking something subjective, undemonstrated, purely opinion and drenched in your religious dogma and attempting to make it something it is not.

Basically, you're a failed snake oil salesman.

Drooling idiot.
And in two sentences, your argument was shot down in flames.

How's that workin' out for ya'?
Hi Hollie and also Boss or G.T. or anyone else questioning Justin's identity as JW or as a sock of M.D. or someone else.

NO on both counts. I PM to M.D. to straighten this out and got very long detailed info on the background of when the posts started and helpung Justin to format his posts.

1. He doesn't have the higher educational background of M.D. and that's why Justin just hits agree or copies and repeats.

2. He would even copy spelling or wording errors from M.D. because he didn't know to correct them and assumed they were right.

As Justin explained he had taken on the plumbing business of his family and doesn't have time or background to answer in full like MD.

It sounds to me like Justin is not only trying to learn what MD means but also has come a long way learning how to post on here.

I didn't know that either, so now I get that Justin doesn't mean to just mimic but he's still learning.

Please may I ask you also to have patience and work with Justin not mock him. Or he will learn bad habits thinking that's just how ppl talk on forums. Can we raisevthe standard and teach better habits than that?

I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Can we talk to people with respect the way we Prefer to be talked to, not repeat back the slams other ppl post instead. If we criticize Justin for copying and mimicking, maybe we should not be parrots either, and foul at that!

Can we please use words amd posts to lift one another up to higher levels, not slam each other down like sumo wrestlers.

Thanks, I think this will set a better examole for Justin to follow who is not M.D. but is trying to learn and needs good habits, not bad, if he's going to copy anyone on here.

You are all better people than this.
Please act like it.

Thanks Love and Hugs
I think you are all great and just don't
see it yet. The more good you find in others,
The more they find the same in you.
Let's keep digging deeper, and we'll find gold, diamonds and pure treasures in the people collecting here. Pure gold mine.
We'd be rich if we dug instead of throwing rocks around. Some real treasures await us....

lol naw, im going to take my immaturity and wrath all out on userhandle md rawlings and if his little lap dog continues his berating of other posters, then on him too

where they yip yap at women, or call people faggots, ill be there to shun them with the force of a thousand ancient kings and their armies.

where they try passing snake oil as intelligent conversation, ill be there with the fire to light their oil and burn them back into obscurity

however, even without me, theyre doing a mighty fine job of alienating themselves, and so i can cross my arms behind my head like a boss and just smile like a sideways buttcrack

eww...bad analogy gt...BAD
I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Then you are clearly not adequately comprehending or interpreting what I post. Emily, go back and re-read where MD made his original presentation of the 5 Things, (later amended to 7 Things) and his argument for TAG. You will find that I never disagreed with his argument or rejected it's possibility, in fact, I praised the argument and commended him for presenting a valid syllogistic argument, per the thread challenge. My only point of contention with any of this has been that human knowledge is not infallible and we are not omniscient. Therefore, the possibility always exists that we are wrong, that our "logic and logical thinking" are incorrect, and that we can never KNOW truth, we can only believe we know truth. MD viewed my observation as a personal threat to his ideas and began a campaign of attacks on me, both personally and intellectually.

Now you are free to have your opinion, but I don't see anything equal about the posting styles or tactics of myself and MD. I've not disrespected anyone's intelligence here, unless you can say that my not granting human intelligence as beyond reproach would qualify. I simply can't allow that MD is somehow immortally omniscient for the sake of "getting along" here. If you wish to concede that in order to achieve some greater objective, that's your prerogative.
BreezeWood added a Lamentation:
God God why have you forsaken me!

And I could add a prayer for God's mercy and benevolence:
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
in the "Struggle" for Peace or spiritual battle for the human conscience
to overcome ill and achieve true peace which surpasses all human misunderstanding.

Or for whichever of us, if anyone here, is JW:
Jehovah Akbar!

MD has declared TAG Jihad on the world!
Surrender Infidels! And your little dog, too....

Stop, Emily! People are taking a simple, incontrovertible, LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology and making it into something complex or mystical.

The bottom line: the jihadists are the ones stupidly arguing against the existence of the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of the God axiom and the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC nature of the God axiom!

See the following post on another thread populated by more sensible persons, i.e., a thread on which there are fewer thoughtlessly closed-minded, dogmatic, fanatical jihadists of self-inflicted mental retardation: The hypocrisy and arrogance of atheism Page 63 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue is not whether or not this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is a FACT. It is a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Go debate the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology with the wall or with the fuzz in your navel. Only imbeciles debate over the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Only imbeciles fail to apprehend this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, and only liars pretend that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is an informal logical fallacy or does not exist.

1. Do you believe that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology ultimately/transcendentally holds true outside our minds, beyond the axiomatic imperatives of human thought, or not?

Yes or no?

2. Is this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology a mere fluke of nature or the voice of God imprinted on our brains/minds?

Nature or God or both?

That is the only thing about this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology that is arguably controversial or open to debate.

The FACT of the existence of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, or the FACT of the nature of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is not controversial or open to debate!

And I'm done with the idiots who cannot or will not make this simple distinction, that which a child would understand.

It is I who has tolerantly, patiently, sometimes satirically, sometimes coaxingly and sometimes tactically combatively, put up with inexcusable stupidity and obtuseness, intellectual intolerance and dishonesty.

Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw.

What kind of person but a drooling imbecile holds that God exists but that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology does not exist or is merely a fluke of nature? That's assuming, of course, that Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really ever even grasped the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, let alone the subsequently pertinent questions thereof.
Actually, you are taking something subjective, undemonstrated, purely opinion and drenched in your religious dogma and attempting to make it something it is not.

Basically, you're a failed snake oil salesman.

Drooling idiot.
And in two sentences, your argument was shot down in flames.

How's that workin' out for ya'?
Hi Hollie and also Boss or G.T. or anyone else questioning Justin's identity as JW or as a sock of M.D. or someone else.

NO on both counts. I PM to M.D. to straighten this out and got very long detailed info on the background of when the posts started and helpung Justin to format his posts.

1. He doesn't have the higher educational background of M.D. and that's why Justin just hits agree or copies and repeats.

2. He would even copy spelling or wording errors from M.D. because he didn't know to correct them and assumed they were right.

As Justin explained he had taken on the plumbing business of his family and doesn't have time or background to answer in full like MD.

It sounds to me like Justin is not only trying to learn what MD means but also has come a long way learning how to post on here.

I didn't know that either, so now I get that Justin doesn't mean to just mimic but he's still learning.

Please may I ask you also to have patience and work with Justin not mock him. Or he will learn bad habits thinking that's just how ppl talk on forums. Can we raisevthe standard and teach better habits than that?

I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Can we talk to people with respect the way we Prefer to be talked to, not repeat back the slams other ppl post instead. If we criticize Justin for copying and mimicking, maybe we should not be parrots either, and foul at that!

Can we please use words amd posts to lift one another up to higher levels, not slam each other down like sumo wrestlers.

Thanks, I think this will set a better examole for Justin to follow who is not M.D. but is trying to learn and needs good habits, not bad, if he's going to copy anyone on here.

You are all better people than this.
Please act like it.

Thanks Love and Hugs
I think you are all great and just don't
see it yet. The more good you find in others,
The more they find the same in you.
Let's keep digging deeper, and we'll find gold, diamonds and pure treasures in the people collecting here. Pure gold mine.
We'd be rich if we dug instead of throwing rocks around. Some real treasures await us....

LOL! No one with any sense believes that the theists of absolute objectivity do not attempt to sensibly address the real issues on this topic. The only people who waste time on trash are relativists of whatever religious stripe. Even my satire is substantive, and satire is all any of you will get from me from here on out.
Stop, Emily! People are taking a simple, incontrovertible, LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology and making it into something complex or mystical.

The bottom line: the jihadists are the ones stupidly arguing against the existence of the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of the God axiom and the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC nature of the God axiom!

See the following post on another thread populated by more sensible persons, i.e., a thread on which there are fewer thoughtlessly closed-minded, dogmatic, fanatical jihadists of self-inflicted mental retardation: The hypocrisy and arrogance of atheism Page 63 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue is not whether or not this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is a FACT. It is a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Go debate the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology with the wall or with the fuzz in your navel. Only imbeciles debate over the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Only imbeciles fail to apprehend this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, and only liars pretend that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is an informal logical fallacy or does not exist.

1. Do you believe that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology ultimately/transcendentally holds true outside our minds, beyond the axiomatic imperatives of human thought, or not?

Yes or no?

2. Is this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology a mere fluke of nature or the voice of God imprinted on our brains/minds?

Nature or God or both?

That is the only thing about this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology that is arguably controversial or open to debate.

The FACT of the existence of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, or the FACT of the nature of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is not controversial or open to debate!

And I'm done with the idiots who cannot or will not make this simple distinction, that which a child would understand.

It is I who has tolerantly, patiently, sometimes satirically, sometimes coaxingly and sometimes tactically combatively, put up with inexcusable stupidity and obtuseness, intellectual intolerance and dishonesty.

Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw.

What kind of person but a drooling imbecile holds that God exists but that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology does not exist or is merely a fluke of nature? That's assuming, of course, that Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really ever even grasped the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, let alone the subsequently pertinent questions thereof.
Actually, you are taking something subjective, undemonstrated, purely opinion and drenched in your religious dogma and attempting to make it something it is not.

Basically, you're a failed snake oil salesman.

Drooling idiot.
And in two sentences, your argument was shot down in flames.

How's that workin' out for ya'?
Hi Hollie and also Boss or G.T. or anyone else questioning Justin's identity as JW or as a sock of M.D. or someone else.

NO on both counts. I PM to M.D. to straighten this out and got very long detailed info on the background of when the posts started and helpung Justin to format his posts.

1. He doesn't have the higher educational background of M.D. and that's why Justin just hits agree or copies and repeats.

2. He would even copy spelling or wording errors from M.D. because he didn't know to correct them and assumed they were right.

As Justin explained he had taken on the plumbing business of his family and doesn't have time or background to answer in full like MD.

It sounds to me like Justin is not only trying to learn what MD means but also has come a long way learning how to post on here.

I didn't know that either, so now I get that Justin doesn't mean to just mimic but he's still learning.

Please may I ask you also to have patience and work with Justin not mock him. Or he will learn bad habits thinking that's just how ppl talk on forums. Can we raisevthe standard and teach better habits than that?

I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Can we talk to people with respect the way we Prefer to be talked to, not repeat back the slams other ppl post instead. If we criticize Justin for copying and mimicking, maybe we should not be parrots either, and foul at that!

Can we please use words amd posts to lift one another up to higher levels, not slam each other down like sumo wrestlers.

Thanks, I think this will set a better examole for Justin to follow who is not M.D. but is trying to learn and needs good habits, not bad, if he's going to copy anyone on here.

You are all better people than this.
Please act like it.

Thanks Love and Hugs
I think you are all great and just don't
see it yet. The more good you find in others,
The more they find the same in you.
Let's keep digging deeper, and we'll find gold, diamonds and pure treasures in the people collecting here. Pure gold mine.
We'd be rich if we dug instead of throwing rocks around. Some real treasures await us....

LOL! No one with any sense believes that the theists of absolute objectivity do not attempt to sensibly address the real issues on this topic. The only people who waste time on trash are relativists of whatever religious stripe. Even my satire is substantive, and satire is all any of you will get from me from here on out.

i thought you were employing satire in every single post youve made.
your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~

Hollie and company.

You're so befuddled, you can't keep track of who you're responding to.

Let go of the fear and superstition that causes you such angst. Your anger and self-hate is destructive to mind and body.
Stop, Emily! People are taking a simple, incontrovertible, LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology and making it into something complex or mystical.

The bottom line: the jihadists are the ones stupidly arguing against the existence of the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of the God axiom and the LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC nature of the God axiom!

See the following post on another thread populated by more sensible persons, i.e., a thread on which there are fewer thoughtlessly closed-minded, dogmatic, fanatical jihadists of self-inflicted mental retardation: The hypocrisy and arrogance of atheism Page 63 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The issue is not whether or not this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is a FACT. It is a LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Go debate the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology with the wall or with the fuzz in your navel. Only imbeciles debate over the reality of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology. Only imbeciles fail to apprehend this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, and only liars pretend that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is an informal logical fallacy or does not exist.

1. Do you believe that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology ultimately/transcendentally holds true outside our minds, beyond the axiomatic imperatives of human thought, or not?

Yes or no?

2. Is this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology a mere fluke of nature or the voice of God imprinted on our brains/minds?

Nature or God or both?

That is the only thing about this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology that is arguably controversial or open to debate.

The FACT of the existence of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, or the FACT of the nature of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology is not controversial or open to debate!

And I'm done with the idiots who cannot or will not make this simple distinction, that which a child would understand.

It is I who has tolerantly, patiently, sometimes satirically, sometimes coaxingly and sometimes tactically combatively, put up with inexcusable stupidity and obtuseness, intellectual intolerance and dishonesty.

Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really was the last straw.

What kind of person but a drooling imbecile holds that God exists but that this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology does not exist or is merely a fluke of nature? That's assuming, of course, that Inevitable the Betty Boop Imbecile of Imbeciles, the Dingbat of Theistic Belief of Just Because . . . But Not Really ever even grasped the FACT of this LOGICAL and SCIENTIFIC FACT of human cognition/psychology, let alone the subsequently pertinent questions thereof.
Actually, you are taking something subjective, undemonstrated, purely opinion and drenched in your religious dogma and attempting to make it something it is not.

Basically, you're a failed snake oil salesman.

Drooling idiot.
And in two sentences, your argument was shot down in flames.

How's that workin' out for ya'?
Hi Hollie and also Boss or G.T. or anyone else questioning Justin's identity as JW or as a sock of M.D. or someone else.

NO on both counts. I PM to M.D. to straighten this out and got very long detailed info on the background of when the posts started and helpung Justin to format his posts.

1. He doesn't have the higher educational background of M.D. and that's why Justin just hits agree or copies and repeats.

2. He would even copy spelling or wording errors from M.D. because he didn't know to correct them and assumed they were right.

As Justin explained he had taken on the plumbing business of his family and doesn't have time or background to answer in full like MD.

It sounds to me like Justin is not only trying to learn what MD means but also has come a long way learning how to post on here.

I didn't know that either, so now I get that Justin doesn't mean to just mimic but he's still learning.

Please may I ask you also to have patience and work with Justin not mock him. Or he will learn bad habits thinking that's just how ppl talk on forums. Can we raisevthe standard and teach better habits than that?

I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Can we talk to people with respect the way we Prefer to be talked to, not repeat back the slams other ppl post instead. If we criticize Justin for copying and mimicking, maybe we should not be parrots either, and foul at that!

Can we please use words amd posts to lift one another up to higher levels, not slam each other down like sumo wrestlers.

Thanks, I think this will set a better examole for Justin to follow who is not M.D. but is trying to learn and needs good habits, not bad, if he's going to copy anyone on here.

You are all better people than this.
Please act like it.

Thanks Love and Hugs
I think you are all great and just don't
see it yet. The more good you find in others,
The more they find the same in you.
Let's keep digging deeper, and we'll find gold, diamonds and pure treasures in the people collecting here. Pure gold mine.
We'd be rich if we dug instead of throwing rocks around. Some real treasures await us....

LOL! No one with any sense believes that the theists of absolute objectivity do not attempt to sensibly address the real issues on this topic. The only people who waste time on trash are relativists of whatever religious stripe. Even my satire is substantive, and satire is all any of you will get from me from here on out.
Satire is all you have ever offered. Even that, aside from your usual stumbling over terms and phrases you didn't understand, was weak and ineffectual.

Be content knowing that you're just a mere pedestrian buffoon.
your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~

I agree. Poor thing. I think he needs to be admitted to a crisis management facility before he ends up in full meltdown mode.
your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~

Hollie and company.

You're so befuddled, you can't keep track of who you're responding to.

Let go of the fear and superstition that causes you such angst. Your anger and self-hate is destructive to mind and body.

Another Atheist Confusing His Personal Opinions with Scientific Facts

That's your opinion.

What are not subject to your mere opinions/beliefs, as if your religious musings had primacy over reality, are the objectively and empirically verifiable universals of human psychology, starting with the bioneurologically hardwired laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle), which yield the absolute, logical proof of the reductio ad absurdum of the irreducible mind and of the infinite regression of origin, which in turn yields the construct of a transcendent divinity as one of the legitimately rational alternatives of origin that cannot be logically ruled out by anyone: Consciousness is of the highest metaphysical order of being and from nothing, nothing comes!

Consciousness + from nothing, nothing comes = A transcendent Creator of unparalleled greatness.

The recognition of that potentiality of origin is manifestly premised on incontrovertible axioms of human cognition relative to humanity's existence and the existence of the cosmological order! That is the evidence for God's existence. It's absurd, utter baby talk, to assert that there's no evidence for God's existence.

So when you make ridiculous claims that there's no evidence for God's existence, that the idea of God (in your head just like everybody else's) is based on nothing or that the idea of God is imaginary when in fact the construct is known to be a universal, scientific fact of human cognition/psychology, the potential substance of which, once again, cannot be logically ruled out, I'm going to falsify your ridiculous claims.

You think you're going to dictate around here?

Are you implying that you have some peer-reviewed and experimentally verified resolution to the problems of existence and origin that has overthrown this universal, scientific fact of human cognition/psychology, that your religious belief that the material realm of being is the exclusive alternative of origin, the eternally existent ground of origin? Or are you implying that you can explain how something arose from nothing?

If not, then I strongly suggest that you stop making the ridiculous claim that there's no evidence for God's existence or no logical proofs supporting the conclusion that God exists.

your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~

Hollie and company.

You're so befuddled, you can't keep track of who you're responding to.

Let go of the fear and superstition that causes you such angst. Your anger and self-hate is destructive to mind and body.

Another Atheist Confusing His Personal Opinions with Scientific Facts

That's your opinion.

What are not subject to your mere opinions/beliefs, as if your religious musings had primacy over reality, are the objectively and empirically verifiable universals of human psychology, starting with the bioneurologically hardwired laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle), which yield the absolute, logical proof of the reductio ad absurdum of the irreducible mind and of the infinite regression of origin, which in turn yields the construct of a transcendent divinity as one of the legitimately rational alternatives of origin that cannot be logically ruled out by anyone: Consciousness is of the highest metaphysical order of being and from nothing, nothing comes!

Consciousness + from nothing, nothing comes = A transcendent Creator of unparalleled greatness.

The recognition of that potentiality of origin is manifestly premised on incontrovertible axioms of human cognition relative to humanity's existence and the existence of the cosmological order! That is the evidence for God's existence. It's absurd, utter baby talk, to assert that there's no evidence for God's existence.

So when you make ridiculous claims that there's no evidence for God's existence, that the idea of God (in your head just like everybody else's) is based on nothing or that the idea of God is imaginary when in fact the construct is known to be a universal, scientific fact of human cognition/psychology, the potential substance of which, once again, cannot be logically ruled out, I'm going to falsify your ridiculous claims.

You think you're going to dictate around here?

Are you implying that you have some peer-reviewed and experimentally verified resolution to the problems of existence and origin that has overthrown this universal, scientific fact of human cognition/psychology, that your religious belief that the material realm of being is the exclusive alternative of origin, the eternally existent ground of origin? Or are you implying that you can explain how something arose from nothing?

If not, then I strongly suggest that you stop making the ridiculous claim that there's no evidence for God's existence or no logical proofs supporting the conclusion that God exists.

Yo, spammer. That's the same pointless nonsense you've cut and pasted in multiple threads.

It's just a fact. There is no evidence for the existence of any of the gawds and no logical proofs supporting the conclusion that any gawds exist.

Really, sweety. Your screeching tirades are good for some comic relief but watching you constantly make a fool of yourself should be an embarrassment.

Consciousness + from nothing, nothing comes = A ridiculous argument of unparalleled pointlesness.
your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~

I agree. Poor thing. I think he needs to be admitted to a crisis management facility before he ends up in full meltdown mode.

Magical Materialism - The Stuff of Straightjackets and Shock Therapy

Any rational person who knows what he's talking about, knows the actual facts of prebiotic research, knows that abiogenesis is an indemonstrable hypothesis, could never be anything more than the attempt to explain how life might (maybe, perhaps, cross your fingers) have arisen from non-living material since the Miller experiments falsified the notion that amino acids (except for the few simpler, more durable amino acids), let alone nucleic acids, actually form or hold their chemical composition under any planetary atmospheric conditions outside living cells.

Hence, that's why all of the current hypotheses look toward space for the building blocks and dive into the oceans' depths in search of a radically more instantaneous simultaneity of composition above the level of the infrastructural, virtually non-informational, self-ordering properties of mere chemistry.

Oh, but then, for staggeringly complex reasons, the problems there, in the depths of the oceans, are no less daunting, arguably worse for the prospect of abiogenesis.

In the meantime, all human beings intuitively understand that living consciousness is of a metaphysically higher order of being than inanimate mindlessness, and the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind without the latter willing that it do so. Both of these apprehensions are universal facts of human psychology! Hence, at the very least, the actuality of God's existence cannot be logically ruled out.

And you do realize—don't you?—that equating one of the undeniable alternatives of what you know to be an apparent necessity of existence (a transcendentally and eternally self-subsistent Intelligence as opposed to the strictly material alternative) to magic is redundantly atheistic and begs the question without any rational justification whatsoever.

Did you really mean to argue that the notion that the material realm of being has always existed in some dimensional state or another is . . . scientifically verifiable? Or perhaps you were suggesting that you could explain to us how something could arise from nothing. Would you happen to have a peer-reviewed and experimentally verified source for either one of these . . . articles of faith handy?


At the same time, it's logically impossible for a finite mind to assert that God the Creator doesn't exist . . .obviously. I'll bet you’ve never thought about that fact of human psychology. Tautologically, if God the Creator doesn't exist, then nothing exists. According to the laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle) to say/think that God the Creator doesn't exist is inherently contradictory, self-negating and, thus, positively proves that God must be!

I wonder how that hardwired fact of human psychology persists. That's pretty freaky if it's just a fluke of nature and not the voice of God, eh?

Materialism: thy name is magic.

I do not pretend to know from the objective facts of human cognition regarding the problems of existence and origin anything more or less than what they hold, like you relativist ass clowns.

since when are relative and absolute values not compatible - ass clown, except of course when defining your absolutionist biblical agenda you have no other way to deceive those you are trying to convince ...

... in terms of some lower standard of divine attribution.

it is your perception that is relative and absolutely corrupt.


BreezeWood: I go blisters on my fingers!
your shit is barely legible, riddled with anger, and just sad man

nobody's reading your bullshit anymore, charlatan

my job was done well, here. self high five!~

I agree. Poor thing. I think he needs to be admitted to a crisis management facility before he ends up in full meltdown mode.

Magical Materialism - The Stuff of Straightjackets and Shock Therapy

Any rational person who knows what he's talking about, knows the actual facts of prebiotic research, knows that abiogenesis is an indemonstrable hypothesis, could never be anything more than the attempt to explain how life might (maybe, perhaps, cross your fingers) have arisen from non-living material since the Miller experiments falsified the notion that amino acids (except for the few simpler, more durable amino acids), let alone nucleic acids, actually form or hold their chemical composition under any planetary atmospheric conditions outside living cells.

Hence, that's why all of the current hypotheses look toward space for the building blocks and dive into the oceans' depths in search of a radically more instantaneous simultaneity of composition above the level of the infrastructural, virtually non-informational, self-ordering properties of mere chemistry.

Oh, but then, for staggeringly complex reasons, the problems there, in the depths of the oceans, are no less daunting, arguably worse for the prospect of abiogenesis.

In the meantime, all human beings intuitively understand that living consciousness is of a metaphysically higher order of being than inanimate mindlessness, and the idea of God imposes itself on the human mind without the latter willing that it do so. Both of these apprehensions are universal facts of human psychology! Hence, at the very least, the actuality of God's existence cannot be logically ruled out.

And you do realize—don't you?—that equating one of the undeniable alternatives of what you know to be an apparent necessity of existence (a transcendentally and eternally self-subsistent Intelligence as opposed to the strictly material alternative) to magic is redundantly atheistic and begs the question without any rational justification whatsoever.

Did you really mean to argue that the notion that the material realm of being has always existed in some dimensional state or another is . . . scientifically verifiable? Or perhaps you were suggesting that you could explain to us how something could arise from nothing. Would you happen to have a peer-reviewed and experimentally verified source for either one of these . . . articles of faith handy?


At the same time, it's logically impossible for a finite mind to assert that God the Creator doesn't exist . . .obviously. I'll bet you’ve never thought about that fact of human psychology. Tautologically, if God the Creator doesn't exist, then nothing exists. According to the laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle) to say/think that God the Creator doesn't exist is inherently contradictory, self-negating and, thus, positively proves that God must be!

I wonder how that hardwired fact of human psychology persists. That's pretty freaky if it's just a fluke of nature and not the voice of God, eh?

Materialism: thy name is magic.

There is no hardwired fact of human psychology. That's pretty freaky to make those kinds of pointless statements and expect to be taken seriously.
I blame MD and Boss equally for posting venting that doesn't respect the intelligence of the audience we are trying to cultivate here.

Then you are clearly not adequately comprehending or interpreting what I post. Emily, go back and re-read where MD made his original presentation of the 5 Things, (later amended to 7 Things) and his argument for TAG. You will find that I never disagreed with his argument or rejected it's possibility, in fact, I praised the argument and commended him for presenting a valid syllogistic argument, per the thread challenge. My only point of contention with any of this has been that human knowledge is not infallible and we are not omniscient. Therefore, the possibility always exists that we are wrong, that our "logic and logical thinking" are incorrect, and that we can never KNOW truth, we can only believe we know truth. MD viewed my observation as a personal threat to his ideas and began a campaign of attacks on me, both personally and intellectually.

Now you are free to have your opinion, but I don't see anything equal about the posting styles or tactics of myself and MD. I've not disrespected anyone's intelligence here, unless you can say that my not granting human intelligence as beyond reproach would qualify. I simply can't allow that MD is somehow immortally omniscient for the sake of "getting along" here. If you wish to concede that in order to achieve some greater objective, that's your prerogative.

The Three Laws of Divine Thought According to Boss Boss, but = a Tiny Little god (Boss) in the Gap!

1. The Divine Law of Identity

God holds that for any given A: A A. Hence, God = Boss.


2. The Divine Law of Contradiction
God holds that for any two or more propositions YES (A = NOT-A). Hence, the propositions that 2 + 2 = 4, 2 + 2 = Boss, and 2 + 2 = Boss' Grand Delusion are all true in all respects: at the same time, in the same way, within the same frame of reference.


3. The Divine Law of the Excluded Middle
God holds that for all A: A AND ~A. Hence, the following positive and negative expressions regarding Boss' state of mind are true at the same time: Boss is crazier than a paranoid schizophrenic with a megaphone haranguing a manic depressive hallucinating on LSD and holding a shotgun, and Boss is not crazier than a paranoid schizophrenic with a megaphone haranguing a manic depressive hallucinating on LSD and holding a shotgun.

(Personally, I think God is wrong about Boss' state of mind, especially. Boss clearly is crazier than a paranoid schizophrenic with a megaphone haranguing a manic depressive hallucinating on LSD and holding a shotgun, only. Of course, Boss is also crazier than a polo team of fairies wearing boots (you gotta believe me!) mounted on the unicorns of pagan mythology and using a leprechaun for the ball while a pack of flying pink elephants cheer them on. But don't tell God, who is really Boss, that I said that or he might take the shotgun from the manic depressive and start pumping buck shot into his computer screen.)


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