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Is There Something More Sinister Behind Democrat Anger?

If Trump succeeds in getting US into a war in Iran then that statement won't hold a DROP of water.

Trump's NSA is John 'war monger' Bolton, and he is nothing but pure SWAMP critter.

A "war" with Iran is a two day affair.....behead their government, and hit their nuke facilities...the deep ones we use MOABs and cave in the entrances.. The IDF would open the show with various munitions, blind their radar, crater their runways, and target their special forces. The only danger is killing russian technicians...that could get dicey but Putin is no fool....he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. The end-game is the Iranian people, who hate their leaders, will do the mop-up, elect new leaders, and rejoin the world community.

One of our military leaders said it best.
2 bombs and their gone.
There was intense hatred from the left aimed at Bush43, but that was mostly about the USSC deciding they'd seen enough of the the Gore campaign hijinks in Floriduh. But the rabid disgust and vile outbursts aimed at Trump are way more bizarre than anything W went through. Why is that? Maybe because they lost the Supreme Court pick. Maybe because the thousands of government jobs an administration provides went the other way. Their stranglehold on the energy sector and cozy relationship with Wall Street hung in the balance.

The obvious reasons are the commissars believed Hillary was a shoo-in; that once again they'd faked out the American electorate with their phony schemes. She was lazy, profane, guilty of multiple felonies, and too stuborn to change her approach in a midwest with lawns covered with Trump signs. But did they really like her enough to go after Trump with such vengence? No.

My opinion is that they were convinced she couldn't lose for reasons now being looked into. They had the party apparatus, the media other than Fox and Rush, and the government intel agencies all hard after Trump. Did they also have the RUSSIANS on their side? Hillary and the DNC bought a Russian hoax dossier. Hillary had done plenty of business with Putin, the uranium deal in particular. Putin knew Hillary, had dirt on Hillary, and found her an easy target for blackmail. Trump? He didn't know anything about Trump other than what the GRU knows about every public figure. Why would he support a wildcard, known for his aggressive patriotism, business skills, and wealth which made him oblivious to lobbyists and special interests?

The Ratocrats are particularly incensed about the failure of the Mueller fiasco and now terrified about what Barr and his new pitbull will find out about Comey, Brennan, and Clapper. But I believe their real fear are the Russians and the deal they had with them to sabotage Trump. I'm confident the truth is only a few months away and these socialist traitors, all of them, will be exposed and ousted from power forever more.

My (main) problem with G. W. Bush pre 9/11 was I knew if he were to be elected that the US would be in a major war in Iraq.
In the summer of 1996 I met Rick Perry at Love Filed in Dallas. I asked Lt. Gov. Perry why he was in Dallas & he replied he was in Dallas to look at financing option$ for a Bush 2000 run. As soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth the first thought that went through my mind was WAR IN IRAQ = SURE THING. Mind you this was over four years before the 2000 election. Well, the rest as they say is history.

"This is the guy that tried to kill my Dad at one time."

There was no need for 9/11, or for any other 'excuse' for G. W. to go to war with Iraq & with Saddam.
For G. W. Bush, it was personal; 9/11 was only the pathway for a family feud.
I (already) knew that in the summer of 1996 right after I left Love Field, talking with Lt. Gov. Rick Perry.

Why Dems hate Republicans

They stole a Supreme Court Seat
They refused to cooperate on anything while Obama was President
They have been attacking healthcare
They elected a man who is the worst ever selected as President

Fair enough but not true. They gave Obama all his nominations...he got two Supreme seats with no reisistance...compare that to what your creatures did first to Bork, then Thomas, and Kavanaugh. Obama didn't care much for negotiating with the GOP and rarely tried. Barry-Care was a fraud intended to fail and push us into single-payer...once commies get ahold of healthcare, submission of the masses is imminent. Finally, what you think of Trump is irrelevant...he's doing what we elected him to do....promises made, promises kept.
GOP refused to fill an open Supreme Court seat

Don’t complain if you get no cooperation
It will be short and easy to win. The oil will pay for the war.

Trump believed Iraq should repay us and so do most sane people for freeing them from Saddam & Sons. He's been President for a couple years now and understands things he didn't know about as a candidate. He has no interest in Iranian oil now that he's made the US much more important than their tiny part of the world energy sector. He'll probably eventually hit them...why not, they murdered hundreds of GIs in Iraq with their IEDs and years of terrorism...they'll get theirs eventually.
Mission Accomplished

Ooooh....snide but wrong...the part of the mission that fleet was involved with was accomplished. Without your Rats giving the Iraqi "resistance" moral support, same as you did the V.C., they'd have run to their hidey-holes and waited for Barry to bow to Zarqawi.
Mission Accomplished

Ooooh....snide but wrong...the part of the mission that fleet was involved with was accomplished. Without your Rats giving the Iraqi "resistance" moral support, same as you did the V.C., they'd have run to their hidey-holes and waited for Barry to bow to Zarqawi.
The best friend Russia and our enemies ever had was THE DEMNAZI PARTY!
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If Trump succeeds in getting US into a war in Iran then that statement won't hold a DROP of water.

Trump's NSA is John 'war monger' Bolton, and he is nothing but pure SWAMP critter.

A "war" with Iran is a two day affair.....behead their government, and hit their nuke facilities...the deep ones we use MOABs and cave in the entrances.. The IDF would open the show with various munitions, blind their radar, crater their runways, and target their special forces. The only danger is killing russian technicians...that could get dicey but Putin is no fool....he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. The end-game is the Iranian people, who hate their leaders, will do the mop-up, elect new leaders, and rejoin the world community.

You seem to forget about the 1953 coup that was initiated by those arrogant folks, such as yourself, also believed was gonna be no big deal.
The 1953 coup has caused decades of blow-back & consequences.
So, you believe a war on Iran will be a real quick cake walk; I will take exception to your narrow perspective.
The consequences of a US war on Iran would be long, brutal, and world encompassing.
But you just go ahead & play the arrogant American; it suits you well.
If Trump succeeds in getting US into a war in Iran then that statement won't hold a DROP of water.

Trump's NSA is John 'war monger' Bolton, and he is nothing but pure SWAMP critter.

A "war" with Iran is a two day affair.....behead their government, and hit their nuke facilities...the deep ones we use MOABs and cave in the entrances.. The IDF would open the show with various munitions, blind their radar, crater their runways, and target their special forces. The only danger is killing russian technicians...that could get dicey but Putin is no fool....he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. The end-game is the Iranian people, who hate their leaders, will do the mop-up, elect new leaders, and rejoin the world community.

One of our military leaders said it best.
2 bombs and their gone.

What type of 'bombs?'

If you are implying nukes, I will tell you one thing; when one goes off, they will be going off all over, and it won't just be near Iran.
Everywhere ..........
My (main) problem with G. W. Bush pre 9/11 was I knew if he were to be elected that the US would be in a major war in Iraq.
In the summer of 1996 I met Rick Perry at Love Filed in Dallas. I asked Lt. Gov. Perry why he was in Dallas & he replied he was in Dallas to look at financing option$ for a Bush 2000 run. As soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth the first thought that went through my mind was WAR IN IRAQ = SURE THING. Mind you this was over four years before the 2000 election. Well, the rest as they say is history.

"This is the guy that tried to kill my Dad at one time."

There was no need for 9/11, or for any other 'excuse' for G. W. to go to war with Iraq & with Saddam.
For G. W. Bush, it was personal; 9/11 was only the pathway for a family feud.
I (already) knew that in the summer of 1996 right after I left Love Field, talking with Lt. Gov. Rick Perry.

So maybe Saddam should have reconsidered trying to murder the old man in Kuwait....After bin-Laden went into hiding, we weren't satisfied....add to that Saddam DID have WMD which the Russians ran into Syria to hide and embarrass Bush. The real culprit was Turkey..if they hadn't reneged on their promise to let 4th ID to sweep down thru the Sunni Triangle, the dead-enders wouldn't have had the arms and munitions to fight us. And of course Pelousy and her hags were giving the enemy all the moral support they could use.....Still we WON the Iraq War...Barry ran away and we went in and WON it again...Saddam is gone, they kept their oil, most of which they sell to China, and they're a democracy again...
There was intense hatred from the left aimed at Bush43, but that was mostly about the USSC deciding they'd seen enough of the the Gore campaign hijinks in Floriduh. But the rabid disgust and vile outbursts aimed at Trump are way more bizarre than anything W went through. Why is that? Maybe because they lost the Supreme Court pick. Maybe because the thousands of government jobs an administration provides went the other way. Their stranglehold on the energy sector and cozy relationship with Wall Street hung in the balance.

The obvious reasons are the commissars believed Hillary was a shoo-in; that once again they'd faked out the American electorate with their phony schemes. She was lazy, profane, guilty of multiple felonies, and too stuborn to change her approach in a midwest with lawns covered with Trump signs. But did they really like her enough to go after Trump with such vengence? No.

My opinion is that they were convinced she couldn't lose for reasons now being looked into. They had the party apparatus, the media other than Fox and Rush, and the government intel agencies all hard after Trump. Did they also have the RUSSIANS on their side? Hillary and the DNC bought a Russian hoax dossier. Hillary had done plenty of business with Putin, the uranium deal in particular. Putin knew Hillary, had dirt on Hillary, and found her an easy target for blackmail. Trump? He didn't know anything about Trump other than what the GRU knows about every public figure. Why would he support a wildcard, known for his aggressive patriotism, business skills, and wealth which made him oblivious to lobbyists and special interests?

The Ratocrats are particularly incensed about the failure of the Mueller fiasco and now terrified about what Barr and his new pitbull will find out about Comey, Brennan, and Clapper. But I believe their real fear are the Russians and the deal they had with them to sabotage Trump. I'm confident the truth is only a few months away and these socialist traitors, all of them, will be exposed and ousted from power forever more.
Is Dem anger worse than the GOP anger with Obama and Hillary? I recall a GOP Congressman at an Obama state of the union calling the Pres a liar. If Dems did that to Trump he'd still be speaking.

Are you serious?
Dems have lost their minds over Trump.
So, you believe a war on Iran will be a real quick cake walk; I will take exception to your narrow perspective.
The consequences of a US war on Iran would be long, brutal, and world encompassing.
But you just go ahead & play the arrogant American; it suits you well.

You can "take exception" all the live long day....I'm ex-Military and you're a bookworm. I didn't say anything about a "cake walk"....we could lose several aircraft to russian AA and a ship or two to their harpoon missiles, but the bottom line is they might not fight much past the second day since their losses would be horrific and we have no designs on an invasion.
A "war" with Iran is a two day affair.....behead their government, and hit their nuke facilities...
It will be short and easy to win. The oil will pay for the war.

If Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz we'll have no choice but to remedy the situation and the rest of the modern world will back us.
Stopping the shipment of 35% of the worlds oil is going to piss off a lot of countries!!!
If Trump succeeds in getting US into a war in Iran then that statement won't hold a DROP of water.

Trump's NSA is John 'war monger' Bolton, and he is nothing but pure SWAMP critter.

A "war" with Iran is a two day affair.....behead their government, and hit their nuke facilities...the deep ones we use MOABs and cave in the entrances.. The IDF would open the show with various munitions, blind their radar, crater their runways, and target their special forces. The only danger is killing russian technicians...that could get dicey but Putin is no fool....he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. The end-game is the Iranian people, who hate their leaders, will do the mop-up, elect new leaders, and rejoin the world community.

One of our military leaders said it best.
2 bombs and their gone.

What type of 'bombs?'

If you are implying nukes, I will tell you one thing; when one goes off, they will be going off all over, and it won't just be near Iran.
Everywhere ..........

He never said nukes, he said bombs.
My (main) problem with G. W. Bush pre 9/11 was I knew if he were to be elected that the US would be in a major war in Iraq.
In the summer of 1996 I met Rick Perry at Love Filed in Dallas. I asked Lt. Gov. Perry why he was in Dallas & he replied he was in Dallas to look at financing option$ for a Bush 2000 run. As soon as I heard those words come out of his mouth the first thought that went through my mind was WAR IN IRAQ = SURE THING. Mind you this was over four years before the 2000 election. Well, the rest as they say is history.

"This is the guy that tried to kill my Dad at one time."

There was no need for 9/11, or for any other 'excuse' for G. W. to go to war with Iraq & with Saddam.
For G. W. Bush, it was personal; 9/11 was only the pathway for a family feud.
I (already) knew that in the summer of 1996 right after I left Love Field, talking with Lt. Gov. Rick Perry.

So maybe Saddam should have reconsidered trying to murder the old man in Kuwait....After bin-Laden went into hiding, we weren't satisfied....add to that Saddam DID have WMD which the Russians ran into Syria to hide and embarrass Bush. The real culprit was Turkey..if they hadn't reneged on their promise to let 4th ID to sweep down thru the Sunni Triangle, the dead-enders wouldn't have had the arms and munitions to fight us. And of course Pelousy and her hags were giving the enemy all the moral support they could use.....Still we WON the Iraq War...Barry ran away and we went in and WON it again...Saddam is gone, they kept their oil, most of which they sell to China, and they're a democracy again...

LOFL, that post has more excuses for US forces & government than there are holes in a block of Swiss cheese.

There were no WMDs in Iraq, period

I used to have a modicum of respect for Colin Powell but after I saw him lie his ass off to the UN in February, 2003, in regard to the (invisible) WMDs in Iraq, Powell became just another liar. Liars are a dime a dozen.
So, you believe a war on Iran will be a real quick cake walk; I will take exception to your narrow perspective.
The consequences of a US war on Iran would be long, brutal, and world encompassing.
But you just go ahead & play the arrogant American; it suits you well.

You can "take exception" all the live long day....I'm ex-Military and you're a bookworm. I didn't say anything about a "cake walk"....we could lose several aircraft to russian AA and a ship or two to their harpoon missiles, but the bottom line is they might not fight much past the second day since their losses would be horrific and we have no designs on an invasion.

You're ex military? Well, I offer my condolences to the US military.

Bookworm? So, you hate folks that learn, and you hate knowledge. Plenty of great military leaders were & are book worms.
I wouldn't put down books, nor worms, if I were you. Jus' sayin'
You seem to believe a war between the US & Iran would be limited in scope; no it would not be limited.
Remember that jack ass G. W.? He said the Iraq war would cost ~$40 billion & the Iraqi oil would pay for it.
The only thing limited here is your brain.
So, you believe a war on Iran will be a real quick cake walk; I will take exception to your narrow perspective.
The consequences of a US war on Iran would be long, brutal, and world encompassing.
But you just go ahead & play the arrogant American; it suits you well.

You can "take exception" all the live long day....I'm ex-Military and you're a bookworm. I didn't say anything about a "cake walk"....we could lose several aircraft to russian AA and a ship or two to their harpoon missiles, but the bottom line is they might not fight much past the second day since their losses would be horrific and we have no designs on an invasion.

You're ex military? Well, I offer my condolences to the US military.

Bookworm? So, you hate folks that learn, and you hate knowledge. Plenty of great military leaders were & are book worms.
I wouldn't put down books, nor worms, if I were you. Jus' sayin'
You seem to believe a war between the US & Iran would be limited; no it would not be limited.
The only thing limited here is your brain.

Sure it would be limited.
We bomb the shit out of em until they cry Uncle.

If Trump succeeds in getting US into a war in Iran then that statement won't hold a DROP of water.

Trump's NSA is John 'war monger' Bolton, and he is nothing but pure SWAMP critter.

A "war" with Iran is a two day affair.....behead their government, and hit their nuke facilities...the deep ones we use MOABs and cave in the entrances.. The IDF would open the show with various munitions, blind their radar, crater their runways, and target their special forces. The only danger is killing russian technicians...that could get dicey but Putin is no fool....he shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. The end-game is the Iranian people, who hate their leaders, will do the mop-up, elect new leaders, and rejoin the world community.

One of our military leaders said it best.
2 bombs and their gone.

What type of 'bombs?'

If you are implying nukes, I will tell you one thing; when one goes off, they will be going off all over, and it won't just be near Iran.
Everywhere ..........

He never said nukes, he said bombs.

Hence MY question: "What type of 'bombs?'"

You never said what type: So, tell us, what type.

I also stated, "If nukes."

I know how you right wing arm chair warriors typically wanna blow the planet to Hell so, nukes are your thing; right?

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