Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

Thank you for the encouragement, Editec. Adversity is just a piece of iron to sharpen ones Sword by. The Sword of the Christian is the Word of God in their mouth. Which is why we see Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords returning with a Sword in His Mouth. We are to walk as Jesus did. Do the works Jesus did and speak the Word as Jesus did. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty! ( through the pulling down of strongholds )
Is there such a thing as "right" and "wrong"? That question is to the individual but first we must identify if there are any strongholds in the persons belief system that are keeping them blinded to the truth.

Example: A person is diagnosed with sleep disorder. They are prescribed zanax. ( example ) They use it to sleep and a stronghold develops in the mind which tells the person you cannot sleep without this drug. Some people will become convinced that never again will they sleep without it. Now they are addicted to a synthetic drug which is harming them and they cannot seem to get free of it. Why? They have believed a lie. The drug is the only alternative if they want sleep. What does the Word of God say? That his beloved will sleep! That the sleep will be restful and blessed. Believe the Word of God and go back to the doctor declaring this is not what God tells me about my ability to sleep. I choose to be drug free and want to be taken off this drug. Then proceed to declare the Word of God over your situation until you are sleeping well without anything. Conquer the strongholds in your mind with the Word of God and demolishes every stronghold ( lie ) the enemy has built therein. All battles begin in the spirit realm. The manifestation is what you see in the natural realm.
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You made your points here very well which is why some want you to retire the thread, DriftingSand and Irish Ram.

I think under the circumstances you've been quite gracious in the attempts of others( past tense ) to derail your thread / posts and when it gets to that point the only thing left to do is confront the person about what they are doing so that others can see the truth of what is happening.
Please cite the derail.
Unless you mean an argument that challenges someone so much they simply ignore it.
I can find that one.

Mary L. stated she would not mind being the victim of a criminal attack. The dishonesty here has been over the top, Bruce. The claims of PT I could drive a mac truck through and you didn't fare well in this debate either. As I am a judge for debate finalists in my own city I believe I have a good idea of when someone has made their point and when some one has not.

- Jeremiah

Then why don't my posts get engaged with, and why do I get attacked and when asked for cited examples you quote other people.
If this logic makes sense to you then the debate finalists in your city are being poorly served.
If your premise has been blown up with one poster, you simply go and try it on someone else?
Why not retire this foolishness?

Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........

No, I don't think I will.
You see, I made a perfectly sound argument and all he has done is ignore it and not defend his premise at all but simply goes and uses it on someone else without coping with the objections.
That is argumentative cowardice.

Bruce, I didn't say back off of the debate, I'm saying to present your case in a more acceptable manner. I would like to read your point of view without wanting to smack you first. I think you are smart enough to present your case without resorting to personal affronts. Seriously.

Try this> type your post in the usual manner, and then delete any sentences that are directed at anything other than the topic at hand. Even to the point of disregarding any sentences directed at you, in favor of a debate unencumbered by personality conflicts.
My conscience determines what I consider to be right or wrong.

I believe the conscience is that place in our being where God communicates to us most often.

You're free to believe that. There's just no reason to accept it as true.

There's lots of reason to accept it as true (if you understand how God works and communicates with His creation).

Titus 1:15
, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled."

Not everyone seeks a clear conscience nor to every man is it given.
Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

Of course there is.

It's defined by anyone with the power to enforce their definition of it for as long as they hold power, whether on an individual, community or corporate basis.

The only reason murder is wrong is because a lot of us agree that it's wrong, and that extends to a willingness to be taxed in order to pay for violent enforcement of a rule against murder.

Religion won't answer this question until one of the gods being worshiped successfully steps in to our reality and violently enforces His Laws among the non believers.
I believe the conscience is that place in our being where God communicates to us most often.

You're free to believe that. There's just no reason to accept it as true.

There's lots of reason to accept it as true (if you understand how God works and communicates with His creation).

Titus 1:15
, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled."

Not everyone seeks a clear conscience nor to every man is it given.

I understand perfectly well how the gods work. The gods have communicated to me Charles Manson is the spiritual good twin of David Koresh.

I have concerns.

Kindly express those concerns on my behalf during your next communication.
Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

Of course there is.

It's defined by anyone with the power to enforce their definition of it for as long as they hold power, whether on an individual, community or corporate basis.

The only reason murder is wrong is because a lot of us agree that it's wrong, and that extends to a willingness to be taxed in order to pay for violent enforcement of a rule against murder.

Religion won't answer this question until one of the gods being worshiped successfully steps in to our reality and violently enforces His Laws among the non believers.

Actually, that's happened more than once in biblical history and it's promised that it will happen again. Believe it or don't believe it. That's between you and God.

But right and wrong aren't just nebulous concepts that float around waiting to be defined. I don't need a society to tell me what its concept of right and wrong is. Society's opinions sway like a reed in the wind. When Cain murdered his brother Abel it was wrong. When Lizzy Borden murdered her parents it was wrong. When Jeffery Dahmer murdered his victims it was wrong. Murder is wrong in Russia, Spain, Israel, Egypt, Canada, Brazil, and the USA. It has been, is, and always will be wrong. On the other hand, treating folks kindly, charitably, and empathetically will always be right no matter what the era or geographical location.
You're free to believe that. There's just no reason to accept it as true.

There's lots of reason to accept it as true (if you understand how God works and communicates with His creation).

Titus 1:15
, "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled."

Not everyone seeks a clear conscience nor to every man is it given.

I understand perfectly well how the gods work. The gods have communicated to me Charles Manson is the spiritual good twin of David Koresh.

I have concerns.

Kindly express those concerns on my behalf during your next communication.

I did that this morning but will certainly honor your request again.
Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........

No, I don't think I will.
You see, I made a perfectly sound argument and all he has done is ignore it and not defend his premise at all but simply goes and uses it on someone else without coping with the objections.
That is argumentative cowardice.

Bruce, I didn't say back off of the debate, I'm saying to present your case in a more acceptable manner. I would like to read your point of view without wanting to smack you first. I think you are smart enough to present your case without resorting to personal affronts. Seriously.

Try this> type your post in the usual manner, and then delete any sentences that are directed at anything other than the topic at hand. Even to the point of disregarding any sentences directed at you, in favor of a debate unencumbered by personality conflicts.

My experience is that most people that want to "smack" me want to do it because they can't handle my arguments.
Boss is a great example. He loses his mind when I point out how he has tripped on his sneakers, which happens with great regularity. He flies into invective and vulgarities. Newby does the same, as does Cecilie.
Thanks for the input, but I enjoy my style.
What is "acceptable" to you is not of a great concern to me.
If you want to be taken seriously, I expect to see you confront the believers that like to use every mode of vulgarity invented, and new ones they come up with.
I never do that. I leave the low road to them.
Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

Of course there is.

It's defined by anyone with the power to enforce their definition of it for as long as they hold power, whether on an individual, community or corporate basis.

The only reason murder is wrong is because a lot of us agree that it's wrong, and that extends to a willingness to be taxed in order to pay for violent enforcement of a rule against murder.

Religion won't answer this question until one of the gods being worshiped successfully steps in to our reality and violently enforces His Laws among the non believers.

Actually, that's happened more than once in biblical history
and it's promised that it will happen again. Believe it or don't believe it. That's between you and God.

But right and wrong aren't just nebulous concepts that float around waiting to be defined. I don't need a society to tell me what its concept of right and wrong is. Society's opinions sway like a reed in the wind. When Cain murdered his brother Abel it was wrong. When Lizzy Borden murdered her parents it was wrong. When Jeffery Dahmer murdered his victims it was wrong. Murder is wrong in Russia, Spain, Israel, Egypt, Canada, Brazil, and the USA. It has been, is, and always will be wrong. On the other hand, treating folks kindly, charitably, and empathetically will always be right no matter what the era or geographical location.

There is no proof of the miraculous in history. Admittedly, some of the stories are more convincing than others, but proof eludes.

God's first proven defense of Himself remains in the future.
No, I don't think I will.
You see, I made a perfectly sound argument and all he has done is ignore it and not defend his premise at all but simply goes and uses it on someone else without coping with the objections.
That is argumentative cowardice.

Bruce, I didn't say back off of the debate, I'm saying to present your case in a more acceptable manner. I would like to read your point of view without wanting to smack you first. I think you are smart enough to present your case without resorting to personal affronts. Seriously.

Try this> type your post in the usual manner, and then delete any sentences that are directed at anything other than the topic at hand. Even to the point of disregarding any sentences directed at you, in favor of a debate unencumbered by personality conflicts.

My experience is that most people that want to "smack" me want to do it because they can't handle my arguments.
Boss is a great example. He loses his mind when I point out how he has tripped on his sneakers, which happens with great regularity. He flies into invective and vulgarities. Newby does the same, as does Cecilie.
Thanks for the input, but I enjoy my style.
What is "acceptable" to you is not of a great concern to me.
If you want to be taken seriously, I expect to see you confront the believers that like to use every mode of vulgarity invented, and new ones they come up with.
I never do that. I leave the low road to them.

Rest assured I am not one of those people. Your arrogance and the disagreeable tone you take with posters makes me want to smack you. :eusa_angel:

I rarely get past the insults to read any argument you may be trying to make. What you call "style" I consider immaturity. Your attitude out weighs any point you may be trying to make. You shoot yourself in the foot before you even get out of the starting blocks.

And, I'm not here so that you will take me seriously. I'm here because of my co-mission with Christ, to spread the good news.

Is there a lower road than making yourself look better by degrading others?
Of course there is.

It's defined by anyone with the power to enforce their definition of it for as long as they hold power, whether on an individual, community or corporate basis.

The only reason murder is wrong is because a lot of us agree that it's wrong, and that extends to a willingness to be taxed in order to pay for violent enforcement of a rule against murder.

Religion won't answer this question until one of the gods being worshiped successfully steps in to our reality and violently enforces His Laws among the non believers.

Actually, that's happened more than once in biblical history
and it's promised that it will happen again. Believe it or don't believe it. That's between you and God.

But right and wrong aren't just nebulous concepts that float around waiting to be defined. I don't need a society to tell me what its concept of right and wrong is. Society's opinions sway like a reed in the wind. When Cain murdered his brother Abel it was wrong. When Lizzy Borden murdered her parents it was wrong. When Jeffery Dahmer murdered his victims it was wrong. Murder is wrong in Russia, Spain, Israel, Egypt, Canada, Brazil, and the USA. It has been, is, and always will be wrong. On the other hand, treating folks kindly, charitably, and empathetically will always be right no matter what the era or geographical location.

There is no proof of the miraculous in history. Admittedly, some of the stories are more convincing than others, but proof eludes.

God's first proven defense of Himself remains in the future.

Sweetheart Joe, What proof do you require? I can give you three documented eye witness accounts of Jesus Christ returning to earth after being pronounced dead. Does He have to come back every Easter? ;)
Bruce, I didn't say back off of the debate, I'm saying to present your case in a more acceptable manner. I would like to read your point of view without wanting to smack you first. I think you are smart enough to present your case without resorting to personal affronts. Seriously.

Try this> type your post in the usual manner, and then delete any sentences that are directed at anything other than the topic at hand. Even to the point of disregarding any sentences directed at you, in favor of a debate unencumbered by personality conflicts.

My experience is that most people that want to "smack" me want to do it because they can't handle my arguments.
Boss is a great example. He loses his mind when I point out how he has tripped on his sneakers, which happens with great regularity. He flies into invective and vulgarities. Newby does the same, as does Cecilie.
Thanks for the input, but I enjoy my style.
What is "acceptable" to you is not of a great concern to me.
If you want to be taken seriously, I expect to see you confront the believers that like to use every mode of vulgarity invented, and new ones they come up with.
I never do that. I leave the low road to them.

Rest assured I am not one of those people. Your arrogance and the disagreeable tone you take with posters makes me want to smack you. :eusa_angel:

I rarely get past the insults to read any argument you may be trying to make. What you call "style" I consider immaturity. Your attitude out weighs any point you may be trying to make. You shoot yourself in the foot before you even get out of the starting blocks.

And, I'm not here so that you will take me seriously. I'm here because of my co-mission with Christ, to spread the good news.

Is there a lower road than making yourself look better by degrading others?

It's good you aren't trying to be taken seriously.
When you start holding believers to the same standards it will be a start. I won't hold my breath.
Thank you for saying I make myself look better than others, though.

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