Is There Such A Thing As "Right" And "Wrong?"

What would Jesus do? We are all Jesus, metaphorically. We are the Buddha. What is the right thing? I am gunning for the Buddha (sorry, personal joke).
What would Jesus do? We are all Jesus, metaphorically. We are the Buddha. What is the right thing? I am gunning for the Buddha (sorry, personal joke).

Buddha would do nothing but get fat. :D

But we're certainly not all Jesus. I haven't hung on any crosses lately losing every drop of blood for the your sake.
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Ahh. So it's not fair to equate Christians with Christianity. Got it.

I'm not sure what biblical Christianity actually is. Considering that Christianity has splintered into so many competing sects and subdivisions, I'm not convinced that Christians know what biblical Christianity is

if you tally the scores, religion "wins" in the mass human destruction race.

1) I didn't say that. I said don't equate Christians to "organized religion." Twist words much?

2) I believe you wholeheartedly when you say that you're "not sure what biblical Christianity actually is." Your posts indicate that with flying colors. Splintering into sects is an act of man ... not an act of Christ. If all of those sects would simply stick to the basic tenets of the Bible then there would be far less division. Christianity is like a spoked wheel. Christ is at the center and is the hub of the wheel. The various Christian tenets are the spokes. What too many men end up doing is focusing on a single spoke or two while ignoring the hub and the other spokes.

3) Many folks who call themselves Christians go to church on Sunday but they never read their Bible. Many are ignorant of what biblical Christianity is.

4) Many deaths have occurred in the name of religion but Christ never killed in the name of God nor did His Apostles. They are the true examples of Christianity.

5) Non-theists have killed approximately 54,559,615 babies since 1973 Roe v Wade. That's in America alone and those are the ones that have been reported. A Bible believing Christian wouldn't even consider ripping a baby limb from limb or burning it to death with saline. One MUST be a non-Christian to even consider it.
Are you deliberately ignoring my answers to all your silliness?

Please note that I wasn't speaking with you.

If your premise has been blown up with one poster, you simply go and try it on someone else?
Why not retire this foolishness?

Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........
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1) I didn't say that. I said don't equate Christians to "organized religion." Twist words much?
That's so silly. Christianity is an organized religion. Don't understand much?

Your actually the stereotypical apologist. It&#8217;s an old ploy of religionists, to define out of their religion anyone who does anything in the religion&#8217;s name that they find &#8220;un-religious&#8221;. That's a bit disingenuous, don't you think? Christianity, like most religions, has splintered into a number of sects and subdivisions and there are varying interpretations on any number of issues. The catalyst that generally ends belief in the tooth fairy is the exposure of that parental fraud. Similarly, your &#8220;don't equate Christians to organized religions is an artifact of such fraud. It permits the apologist to dismiss such inconvenient details with a counter claim of fabrication.

2) I believe you wholeheartedly when you say that you're "not sure what biblical Christianity actually is." Your posts indicate that with flying colors. Splintering into sects is an act of man ... not an act of Christ. If all of those sects would simply stick to the basic tenets of the Bible then there would be far less division. Christianity is like a spoked wheel. Christ is at the center and is the hub of the wheel. The various Christian tenets are the spokes. What too many men end up doing is focusing on a single spoke or two while ignoring the hub and the other spokes.
As you are the self-entitled authority on "biblical Christianity", define for us those sects and subdivisions of Christianity that, according to you, aren't "real Christianity".

3) Many folks who call themselves Christians go to church on Sunday but they never read their Bible. Many are ignorant of what biblical Christianity is.
But you - you alone are the authority on the terms, definitions and true understanding of
biblical Christianity.

4) Many deaths have occurred in the name of religion but Christ never killed in the name of God nor did His Apostles. They are the true examples of Christianity.
Charles Manson never actually killed anyone, either.

5) Non-theists have killed approximately 54,559,615 babies since 1973 Roe v Wade. That's in America alone and those are the ones that have been reported. A Bible believing Christian wouldn't even consider ripping a baby limb from limb or burning it to death with saline. One MUST be a non-Christian to even consider it.
It seems your bible-believin' Christians disagree with you unless you know for a fact that not a one of the reported (or un-reported) abortions you cited was not one of your good bible-believin' Christians.

On what authority do you presume to speak on behalf of bible-believin' Christians ?
No, I wouldn't. But that wasn't the question. I am no punky liberal equivocator.

You wouldn't mind if your life was ruined in some criminal manner? Do you actually expect me to believe that?

Not sure they wish to accept that.

Doesn't matter, Chuck. Drifting Sand did a brilliant job on this thread of making her point. Mary L. was the icing on the cake! Of course Mary L cares if someone ruins her life by way of a criminal attack! Who does she think she is kidding here?!

It would have been better to own the mistake than to deny one was made. No one asked Mary L what she was ( liberal equivocator? What is that??! ) but rather how she would feel if her own life were ruined. The discussion has been excellent and it's obvious DS came prepared for the debate. Kudos to Drifting Sand. Irish Ram replies have also been an excellent read.. Great thread / Great read!
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Please note that I wasn't speaking with you.

If your premise has been blown up with one poster, you simply go and try it on someone else?
Why not retire this foolishness?

Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........

You made your points here very well which is why some want you to retire the thread, DriftingSand and Irish Ram.

I think under the circumstances you've been quite gracious in the attempts of others( past tense ) to derail your thread / posts and when it gets to that point the only thing left to do is confront the person about what they are doing so that others can see the truth of what is happening.
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"To me, truth is not some vague, foggy notion. Truth is what is real. And also, what is unreal. Fiction and fact, and everything in between, plus some things I can't remember, all rolled up into this one big 'thing.' This is truth, to me." - Jack Handey
Ahh. So it's not fair to equate Christians with Christianity. Got it.

I'm not sure what biblical Christianity actually is. Considering that Christianity has splintered into so many competing sects and subdivisions, I'm not convinced that Christians know what biblical Christianity is

if you tally the scores, religion "wins" in the mass human destruction race.

1) I didn't say that. I said don't equate Christians to "organized religion." Twist words much?

2) I believe you wholeheartedly when you say that you're "not sure what biblical Christianity actually is." Your posts indicate that with flying colors. Splintering into sects is an act of man ... not an act of Christ. If all of those sects would simply stick to the basic tenets of the Bible then there would be far less division. Christianity is like a spoked wheel. Christ is at the center and is the hub of the wheel. The various Christian tenets are the spokes. What too many men end up doing is focusing on a single spoke or two while ignoring the hub and the other spokes.

3) Many folks who call themselves Christians go to church on Sunday but they never read their Bible. Many are ignorant of what biblical Christianity is.

4) Many deaths have occurred in the name of religion but Christ never killed in the name of God nor did His Apostles. They are the true examples of Christianity.

5) Non-theists have killed approximately 54,559,615 babies since 1973 Roe v Wade. That's in America alone and those are the ones that have been reported. A Bible believing Christian wouldn't even consider ripping a baby limb from limb or burning it to death with saline. One MUST be a non-Christian to even consider it.

Drifting Sand, I do not equate Christians to organized religion either. Denominations is something that began with the Romans after they murdered the early christians and Jews and called themselves the "Roman Catholic Church".... the first church was in Israel and they were Jews and Gentiles ... none of which were "catholic"... the term Catholic is not found in the bible. You are a believer or you are not a believer. That's it. No organized religion or titles that separate and divide. People would fight over who baptised them if you let them choose who did it. The Apostles knew that straight away...

When I hear the word organized religion I think of the RCC. There are people who have joined the RCC but who are there by assignment to win others to Christ - the leadership within has born again priests ministering to the people also - but again they are the exception within. Reading the bible is still new to many Catholics but that is changing. So while the people may have accepted Christ - the doctrine of Christ - which the bible commands be followed - has never been adhered to by the Vatican since its inception. ( which is why the claim of being first church is impossible - the first organized religion - yes - first church - no )

On your third point, if a Christian doesn't read the bible they are not going to grow. You cannot grow properly if you don't eat your food - physically - and you cannot grow spiritually if you don't devour the Word every day. Natural food gives the body strength, the Word of God gives the spirit of a man the strength he needs to be what he has been called to be. A conqueror. If a Christian notices they are slipping into fear? It is a sign they are not in the Word enough, not praying enough. Reading the Word of God ushers in the presence of God and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is no fear. The Word of God supernaturally heals the body. Proverbs says the Word of God is health to all our flesh. If I were sick I would be feasting on the Word and speaking it daily. Proverbs 6:22 and Psalm 5:12 specifically.

On your fourth point - The history of the true church is martyrdom not soldiers who fight like the world fights. The history of the true church is Jesus Christ is the head of the Church - not the pope. The history of the true church is that they had no part in politics, military endeavors, hoarding treasures here upon this earth, gaining great wealth and possessions. The true church shunned any participation in worldly interests because the true church is not a part of the world system.
The true church - Body of Christ - are worshipers of Jesus Christ, not the vessel that God chose to send Him here through - Mary, his earthly mother. She isn't a deity to worshiped! That is idolatry people! She was a human as fallible as any other human who has ever walked the earth. She had children after Jesus was born. No longer a virgin. Sons and daughters whom the RCC continues to deny to this very day in order to hold onto that virgin status - which again puts the organized religion of RCC in direct conflict with Holy Scripture. Had Mary had her other children while a virgin God could not be true in stating Jesus is His only begotten Son yet that is what God said. Who shall we believe? Gods Word or the early Romans who kept the bible from the people in order to write their own rules?

There are over 100 million born again Christians in the Chinese underground church who live for Christ alone. There are approximately 12 million Catholics in China. The true size of the Roman Catholic Church membership today is quite small compared to Christians throughout the world. The membership is dying off which is why the RCC churches in Europe are mostly empty these days. That is the motive behind interfaithism. Force non Catholics to join the RCC in order to revive it and make it a religious - politico force to be reckoned with -all who refuse its membership will be targeted. What they are really targeting is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which teaches if a believer departs from the Doctrines of Christ he has departed from the faith. Christians in the future will be forced to join a false church or face the consequences. It's the time of Matthew 24 Jesus warned us about.

On point five - About burning the babies with saline - the method of abortion - it is satanic. Is it not? I was reading this blog called confessions of a satanist - which was very sad. The satanist was confessing how he was present when a baby was kicked around the room by other satanists and then sacrificed on the altar to Satan. He said when he participated in that for the first time something in him changed and he knew it. Of course he was possessed by demons through his involvment with satanism and didn't understand what was happening to him but it was interesting that he was still wondering why he had no conscience over something as horrific as kicking a baby around a room until it died. The answer is found in Romans 1. The answer to why some are still blinded to the truth you are delivering here is found in Romans 1. In fact, everyone who ever wondered why God is not convicting their heart of something - wondering where is the evidence of God if their conscience bothers them not - Romans 1 is their answer. They need to ask God to remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. Repent of their sins and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to come in and redeem their souls and transform their minds - which is something only the Word can do.
Questions for Atheists, Christians, or anyone interested:

Do you believe in the concept of right and wrong? Is there some ethical code that defines what right and wrong is? If there is no Author of moral or ethical concepts then who gets to decide where the line is drawn?

Problems for Atheists

Morality is honoring the equal rights of all to their life, liberty, property and self-defense, to be free from violation through force or fraud.

It's that simple, and as universal as that....for adults. It's driven by the need for good order which is a universal desire for all except tyrants and anarchists. The motivation for adhering to that moral code is enlightened self-interest--atheists, agnostics, materialists and believers alike.

There are grey areas for those less than adults. Take the right to liberty. Is it immoral to put a baby/young child in a playpen; or keeping him from riding his trike into the street? What about chores? When do we acquire the right to manage our own property? At 2?.....10?.....when? Does a child have the right to a gun to defend himself? And the biggie, is the right to life. To claim that it begins at conception is pure religious dogma--which isn't even biblical.

All these grey areas gradually become black and white at some point for each moral right. Where those points are, and how to deal with such gradations socially and legally is our problem.

Thanks for your strong OPINION. I see you've included exceptions to your own rule(s).

No, there aren't exceptions for adults. The problem is at what point we acquire those rights prior to adulthood, a problem which your response ignores. And that moral code is based on one assumption, the supreme rights of adultf human life.

As for your statement concerning when life begins I believe that science (minus any religious dogma) would strongly differ with you. Clearly a zygote isn't dead else it would not continue to produce cells and grow. Clearly it's taking in necessary nutrition vital to its continued growth. So, science has no choice but to consider a zygote alive.

I'm not saying a zygote isn't alive at conception. All animals acquire life at that point. The issue is when we acquire our moral rights. Swatting a fly stops a beating heart. All life is not sacred. and neither is human DNA automatically sacred at conception. No one can justify that, not even biblically.
Please note that I wasn't speaking with you.

If your premise has been blown up with one poster, you simply go and try it on someone else?
Why not retire this foolishness?

Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........

No, I don't think I will.
You see, I made a perfectly sound argument and all he has done is ignore it and not defend his premise at all but simply goes and uses it on someone else without coping with the objections.
That is argumentative cowardice.
If your premise has been blown up with one poster, you simply go and try it on someone else?
Why not retire this foolishness?

Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........

You made your points here very well which is why some want you to retire the thread, DriftingSand and Irish Ram.

I think under the circumstances you've been quite gracious in the attempts of others( past tense ) to derail your thread / posts and when it gets to that point the only thing left to do is confront the person about what they are doing so that others can see the truth of what is happening.
Please cite the derail.
Unless you mean an argument that challenges someone so much they simply ignore it.
I can find that one.
Morality is honoring the equal rights of all to their life, liberty, property and self-defense, to be free from violation through force or fraud.

It's that simple, and as universal as that....for adults. It's driven by the need for good order which is a universal desire for all except tyrants and anarchists. The motivation for adhering to that moral code is enlightened self-interest--atheists, agnostics, materialists and believers alike.

There are grey areas for those less than adults. Take the right to liberty. Is it immoral to put a baby/young child in a playpen; or keeping him from riding his trike into the street? What about chores? When do we acquire the right to manage our own property? At 2?.....10?.....when? Does a child have the right to a gun to defend himself? And the biggie, is the right to life. To claim that it begins at conception is pure religious dogma--which isn't even biblical.

All these grey areas gradually become black and white at some point for each moral right. Where those points are, and how to deal with such gradations socially and legally is our problem.

Thanks for your strong OPINION. I see you've included exceptions to your own rule(s).

No, there aren't exceptions for adults. The problem is at what point we acquire those rights prior to adulthood, a problem which your response ignores. And that moral code is based on one assumption, the supreme rights of adultf human life.

As for your statement concerning when life begins I believe that science (minus any religious dogma) would strongly differ with you. Clearly a zygote isn't dead else it would not continue to produce cells and grow. Clearly it's taking in necessary nutrition vital to its continued growth. So, science has no choice but to consider a zygote alive.

I'm not saying a zygote isn't alive at conception. All animals acquire life at that point. The issue is when we acquire our moral rights. Swatting a fly stops a beating heart. All life is not sacred. and neither is human DNA automatically sacred at conception. No one can justify that, not even biblically.

Children are a gift from God. Their lives are sacred because God says so. Your denial of Gods' position in the Universe doesn't move Him one inch on the truth of it. PT. The moral code was built in on the day He placed you in your mothers womb. It's called your conscience and one day it is going to stand up and testify against you before the courtroom of heaven.

On that day? Each and every one of us will give an account to God on what we have done with His Son while here on the earth. Did we deny His Son? Did we deny that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and that no man can come to God except through His Son, Jesus Christ? Were we diligent to defend the truth and contend for the faith? You see, some of you here are not just atheists but rather people in the occult who desire to destroy the faith of others by denying Christ and the doctrines of Christ as the way to salvation. Your actions are going to be judged later even though your consciences ( which are seared ) tell you otherwise.

Some of you think this is going to get you immortality, some have been promised powers from the devil, some have been promised rewards for coming here to speak curses against people's health, their vehicles, families, marriages, etc. It is a common practice of witches to attend churches to speak curses over the members and the preacher - how much more so for a religion thread on a message board? Wherever people gather you can be sure the enemy is busily trying to plant seeds of destruction.

Whenever you see someone continually railing against God and the believers you can be sure their motive and marching orders come from hell.

For the believers here the solution is simple.

Stay prayed up and filled with the Holy Ghost.

Each day when you come to the board plead the blood of Jesus Christ and hold the blood against all demonic activity.

One prayer that should be prayed - I break every word curse over the members of this board spoken by any human spirit, evil spirit or person practicing witchcraft or the occult, in the name of Jesus Christ. I destroy those words by the power of Luke 10:19 and blow them to the four corners of the earth. They shall produce nothing. In the name of Jesus... then you can go into warfare against those principalities and powers.. because you have destroyed the root. If you are not getting a victory, fast and pray and then declare the Word of God into the atmosphere and over the board. The goal is to snatch these "lost ones" from the fires of hell as Jude commands us. There but for the grace of God could be one of us. Humility is the key and mercy is the door.

Thanks for reading!

- Jeremiah
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That's so silly. Christianity is an organized religion. Don't understand much?

I wake up every morning as a Christian but I belong to no "organization." I read a little from my Bible. I say my prayers. I thank God for another day and pray that He leads me in the right direction. That's it! I don't pay any dues. I don't answer to some sort of a holy man wearing special clothing. I don't follow any particular rituals. Therefore, Christianity is not the same as organized religion.

Your actually the stereotypical apologist. It’s an old ploy of religionists, to define out of their religion anyone who does anything in the religion’s name that they find “un-religious”. That's a bit disingenuous, don't you think? Christianity, like most religions, has splintered into a number of sects and subdivisions and there are varying interpretations on any number of issues. The catalyst that generally ends belief in the tooth fairy is the exposure of that parental fraud. Similarly, your “don't equate Christians to organized religions is an artifact of such fraud. It permits the apologist to dismiss such inconvenient details with a counter claim of fabrication.

In simple terms a Christian should ask himself "what would Jesus do" in any particular situation. One can't believe in Christ and seek to emulate His example then purposely go out and commit a crime or do anything in direct opposition to His Gospel message. THAT would be "disingenuous." I find it interesting that non-theists routinely call Christians imperfect and flawed then jump all over them for being imperfect and flawed. What they don't seem to understand is the fact that it's BECAUSE of our imperfections and flaws that we need a Savior to save us from ourselves. Man's fallen state is foundational to the basic tenets of Christianity. It's the very reason Christ sacrificed Himself on our behalf.

As you are the self-entitled authority on "biblical Christianity", define for us those sects and subdivisions of Christianity that, according to you, aren't "real Christianity".

First of all, I'm not the final judge. Christ is. I don't judge a person's heart or soul. I can only judge actions and compare them to the doctrines of the New Testament. But I would say that any church that teaches that some sins are permissible in today's modern age has fallen into false doctrine. There are a handful of churches that now allow gay pastors. They are wrong for doing so and are contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Any church that omits the importance of repentance and fails to teach all the doctrines of the Bible including damnation for them who reject Christ are failing in their duty to teach the whole truth.

But you - you alone are the authority on the terms, definitions and true understanding of
biblical Christianity.

I am led by the Holy Spirit to seek the truth and to read my Bible. Christ is the ultimate Authority and the Holy Spirit is Teacher and Comforter. I'm simply a conduit that He may or may not use when He sees fit. I pray that I never purposely mislead anyone or put myself above Him and His Word.

Charles Manson never actually killed anyone, either.

LOL. You were with him day and night? How on earth would you know something like that? Just because he wasn't convicted of a specific, hands-on murder doesn't mean that he never committed one. Nevertheless, he was convicted for planning and orchestrating murder. He was complicit.

It seems your bible-believin' Christians disagree with you unless you know for a fact that not a one of the reported (or un-reported) abortions you cited was not one of your good bible-believin' Christians.

I don't believe any Christian led by the Holy Spirit would ever abort a baby. There may very well be women who, out of fear or desperation, did have an abortion. Although it is wrong and is a sin even they can be forgiven if they come to a level of repentance. Nevertheless, it's certainly not taught or condoned by the Bible. Christ loved children.

On what authority do you presume to speak on behalf of bible-believin' Christians

Christ has given all Christians the authority to spread the Gospel truth.
Morality is honoring the equal rights of all to their life, liberty, property and self-defense, to be free from violation through force or fraud.

It's that simple, and as universal as that....for adults. It's driven by the need for good order which is a universal desire for all except tyrants and anarchists. The motivation for adhering to that moral code is enlightened self-interest--atheists, agnostics, materialists and believers alike.

There are grey areas for those less than adults. Take the right to liberty. Is it immoral to put a baby/young child in a playpen; or keeping him from riding his trike into the street? What about chores? When do we acquire the right to manage our own property? At 2?.....10?.....when? Does a child have the right to a gun to defend himself? And the biggie, is the right to life. To claim that it begins at conception is pure religious dogma--which isn't even biblical.

All these grey areas gradually become black and white at some point for each moral right. Where those points are, and how to deal with such gradations socially and legally is our problem.

Thanks for your strong OPINION. I see you've included exceptions to your own rule(s).

No, there aren't exceptions for adults. The problem is at what point we acquire those rights prior to adulthood, a problem which your response ignores. And that moral code is based on one assumption, the supreme rights of adultf human life.

As for your statement concerning when life begins I believe that science (minus any religious dogma) would strongly differ with you. Clearly a zygote isn't dead else it would not continue to produce cells and grow. Clearly it's taking in necessary nutrition vital to its continued growth. So, science has no choice but to consider a zygote alive.

I'm not saying a zygote isn't alive at conception. All animals acquire life at that point. The issue is when we acquire our moral rights. Swatting a fly stops a beating heart. All life is not sacred. and neither is human DNA automatically sacred at conception. No one can justify that, not even biblically.

Wow. A human life is compared to a fly? Killing an unborn human life is like swatting a fly? How many flies have cured diseases or painted the Sistine Chapel? But I think I get your point so I won't rail on you too harshly.

An unborn human's moral right to exist happens at the moment of conception. It wouldn't begin to grow if it didn't naturally "choose" to do so. I believe in the rights of unborn women.
Bruce! Not convincing someone of your premise does not an explosion make. I know how important you are, but there are a variety of people here with which to exchange ideas.
When you retired this foolishness was "common courtesy" < (social norm) sidelined as well? Are you simply unable to comment on a subject without hurling personal insults?
Are you that insecure?
Knock that sh*t off.........

You made your points here very well which is why some want you to retire the thread, DriftingSand and Irish Ram.

I think under the circumstances you've been quite gracious in the attempts of others( past tense ) to derail your thread / posts and when it gets to that point the only thing left to do is confront the person about what they are doing so that others can see the truth of what is happening.
Please cite the derail.
Unless you mean an argument that challenges someone so much they simply ignore it.
I can find that one.

Mary L. stated she would not mind being the victim of a criminal attack. The dishonesty here has been over the top, Bruce. The claims of PT I could drive a mac truck through and you didn't fare well in this debate either. As I am a judge for debate finalists in my own city I believe I have a good idea of when someone has made their point and when some one has not.

- Jeremiah
Thanks for your strong OPINION. I see you've included exceptions to your own rule(s).

No, there aren't exceptions for adults. The problem is at what point we acquire those rights prior to adulthood, a problem which your response ignores. And that moral code is based on one assumption, the supreme rights of adultf human life.

As for your statement concerning when life begins I believe that science (minus any religious dogma) would strongly differ with you. Clearly a zygote isn't dead else it would not continue to produce cells and grow. Clearly it's taking in necessary nutrition vital to its continued growth. So, science has no choice but to consider a zygote alive.

I'm not saying a zygote isn't alive at conception. All animals acquire life at that point. The issue is when we acquire our moral rights. Swatting a fly stops a beating heart. All life is not sacred. and neither is human DNA automatically sacred at conception. No one can justify that, not even biblically.

Wow. A human life is compared to a fly? Killing an unborn human life is like swatting a fly? How many flies have cured diseases or painted the Sistine Chapel? But I think I get your point so I won't rail on you too harshly.

An unborn human's moral right to exist happens at the moment of conception. It wouldn't begin to grow if it didn't naturally "choose" to do so. I believe in the rights of unborn women.

I chose to ignore that insult because Darwinians are determined to make sure the sucker fish have the same rights as humans. After all we came from the apes, right? Wrong!

Darwin is the spiritual father of communists because Darwins theory suggests that man is not Gods crowning creation - even though God himself said, Let us make man in our image ( God speaking to the Holy Spirit and Jesus is the garden ) God Almighty has given man dominion over all the earth! Gen. 1: 26 and Psalm 8.

Man is a trichotomy made in the image of God - Spirit, Soul and Body. Animal life is not a trichotomy but a dichotomy therein Darwins attempt was to lower the status of man - Gods prize creation. To that of a sucker fish! What nerve, eh?

We were created and destined for high places, people. It is good news! As Christians we do take dominion over the natural and spiritual realms because if we do not use our authority? Someone can take it from us and use it against us. The choice is ours. Use your authority! Luke 10:19 and exercise it daily! As we do this, we will wax stronger and stronger in the spirit. As the battle increases so does Gods provision. The anointing is stronger now than it has ever been. God is on the move! The days ahead will be glorious. No question about it.

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