Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

Anything can cause oppression you moron.
Oppression isnt racism! Holy fucking shit
We arent talking about anything. We are talking about racism. Oppression is a direct result of racism you silly ass white boy.
That doesnt mean oppression is racism OMFG
Oppression is a direct result of bigotry or bias. Not just racism, you greedy little victim
Oppression is a direct result of racism you silly ass white boy.
Poor victimized child
May the white, blue eyed jesus save you from eternal damnation :itsok:
And with that red herring I will accept your concession on the issue.
If you want to rape words, so be it.
Yes. Thats just one form of systemic racism.
racism and oppression isnt the same thing.
Oppression is a direct result of racism.

View attachment 207055

Oppression - Wikipedia
But they arent the same. There is oppression based on race but they doesnt mean they are the same thing :cuckoo:
What in your tiny brain keeps you from understanding that racism causes oppression? :itsok:
Anything can cause oppression you moron.
Oppression isnt racism! Holy fucking shit

I believe the man said racism causes oppression.

Disparate Impact
Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
In extending ‘disparate impact’ reasoning to housing cases, the court acknowledges that discrimination comes from more than just individual bad actors.

Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

You have denied everything you were shown. And you were shown more than this determination by the supreme court that institutional racism, which is the same thing as systemic racism, exists. Not just individual acts. And since you are not on the supreme court, no one needs to show you anything else. Therefore since you made the claim that disputes the supreme courts ruling, you either provide proof that it does not exist, and the supreme court ruling stating such, or STFU.

That's all there is to it. You and every other white racist in here running off at the mouth with your opinions and personal attacks don't count.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Bigotry. Bias. Racism. Greed. Ignorance. Just about anything.
One thing they ALL historical periods of oppression have in common? They were done by people with POWER.
Was there ever a time in this country where racism caused oppression to a certain group of people? If so, when, and when did it come to an end (and how?)
racism and oppression isnt the same thing.
Oppression is a direct result of racism.

View attachment 207055

Oppression - Wikipedia
But they arent the same. There is oppression based on race but they doesnt mean they are the same thing :cuckoo:
What in your tiny brain keeps you from understanding that racism causes oppression? :itsok:
Anything can cause oppression you moron.
Oppression isnt racism! Holy fucking shit

I believe the man said racism causes oppression.

Disparate Impact
Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
In extending ‘disparate impact’ reasoning to housing cases, the court acknowledges that discrimination comes from more than just individual bad actors.

Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

You have denied everything you were shown. And you were shown more than this determination by the supreme court that institutional racism, which is the same thing as systemic racism, exists. Not just individual acts. And since you are not on the supreme court, no one needs to show you anything else. Therefore since you made the claim that disputes the supreme courts ruling, you either provide proof that it does not exist, and the supreme court ruling stating such, or STFU.

That's all there is to it. You and every other white racist in here running off at the mouth with your opinions and personal attacks don't count.
I have stated, just a few posts ago, that racial superiority isnt possible so how in the hell can i be racist you retarded dumbfuck?
If blacks hate our unjust big govt so much, why do they vote for a party that wants to expand it constantly?
In what world does that even make sense?

Democrats don't hate blacks, unlike Republicans.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
oh please :rolleyes:

Please, what...please stop speaking the truth? [emoji849]

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
The duopoly doesnt give a shit about blacks. They dont give a shit about whites. They dont give a shit about anyone.
Anything can cause oppression you moron.
Oppression isnt racism! Holy fucking shit
What, in your brain, typically causes oppression?
Bigotry. Bias. Racism. Greed. Ignorance. Just about anything.
One thing they ALL historical periods of oppression have in common? They were done by people with POWER.

No more excuses. Show us that systemic racism doesn't exist.
He cant. The best he can do now is claim I said racism and oppression are the exact same word. Thats his MO when proven wrong.
Oppression is a direct result of racism.

View attachment 207055

Oppression - Wikipedia
But they arent the same. There is oppression based on race but they doesnt mean they are the same thing :cuckoo:
What in your tiny brain keeps you from understanding that racism causes oppression? :itsok:
Anything can cause oppression you moron.
Oppression isnt racism! Holy fucking shit

I believe the man said racism causes oppression.

Disparate Impact
Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
In extending ‘disparate impact’ reasoning to housing cases, the court acknowledges that discrimination comes from more than just individual bad actors.

Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

You have denied everything you were shown. And you were shown more than this determination by the supreme court that institutional racism, which is the same thing as systemic racism, exists. Not just individual acts. And since you are not on the supreme court, no one needs to show you anything else. Therefore since you made the claim that disputes the supreme courts ruling, you either provide proof that it does not exist, and the supreme court ruling stating such, or STFU.

That's all there is to it. You and every other white racist in here running off at the mouth with your opinions and personal attacks don't count.
I have stated, just a few posts ago, that racial superiority isnt possible so how in the hell can i be racist you retarded dumbfuck?

Can you hate a race(because they obviously hate whites) for being superior and not be racist?
Oppression is a direct result of racism.

View attachment 207055

Oppression - Wikipedia
But they arent the same. There is oppression based on race but they doesnt mean they are the same thing :cuckoo:
What in your tiny brain keeps you from understanding that racism causes oppression? :itsok:
Anything can cause oppression you moron.
Oppression isnt racism! Holy fucking shit

I believe the man said racism causes oppression.

Disparate Impact
Supreme Court: Institutional Racism Is Real
In extending ‘disparate impact’ reasoning to housing cases, the court acknowledges that discrimination comes from more than just individual bad actors.

Is thinking a race is superior, racist?

You have denied everything you were shown. And you were shown more than this determination by the supreme court that institutional racism, which is the same thing as systemic racism, exists. Not just individual acts. And since you are not on the supreme court, no one needs to show you anything else. Therefore since you made the claim that disputes the supreme courts ruling, you either provide proof that it does not exist, and the supreme court ruling stating such, or STFU.

That's all there is to it. You and every other white racist in here running off at the mouth with your opinions and personal attacks don't count.
I have stated, just a few posts ago, that racial superiority isnt possible so how in the hell can i be racist you retarded dumbfuck?
If blacks hate our unjust big govt so much, why do they vote for a party that wants to expand it constantly?
In what world does that even make sense?

Democrats don't hate blacks, unlike Republicans.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
oh please :rolleyes:

Please, what...please stop speaking the truth? [emoji849]

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
The duopoly doesnt give a shit about blacks. They dont give a shit about whites. They dont give a shit about anyone.

Why are we waiting? Show us that systemic racism doesn't exist.
He can't show us systemic racism doesn't exist. This is par for the course here at USMB. The White racists here claim what we say isn't so, we show them pages of fact that it is, they continue to deny and continue making the same claim but can never show evidence that things we say don't exist. Yet they cry about wanting a civil discussion about race. Bullshit. They want a racist echo chamber.
Every thread is about white racism to you. Hell, you probably think the Teletubbies are about white racism.
Lemme see if I can get this palooka to think a little...

Tim Wise, by your own wording, uses facts he can cite. His argument is that there's a white supremacy system that by DEFAULT is oppressive to blacks.

Candace Owens, by your own wording, is using nothing more than opinion, aka literally talking out of her ass, and she says to stop being a victim.

What facts are required to express the opinion that blacks should stop being victims?

Tim Wise, et all, is saying there's a SYSTEM of RACISM/OPPRESSION

Owens, et al, is saying "stop being a victim"

I should stop there, but to make it crystal clear to you I'll add, victim of what?

Racism, what else?

You see, here is where you and IM2 go off the rails: Owens does not claim there is no white racism nor does she claim there are no victims.

In my humble opinion, what she is saying is that by playing victim all the time, you will remain a victim no matter what anyone does. It is a mental attitude that informs everything you do. Also, this victim mentality has resulted in a bunch of frivolous and meaningless charges of racism such as cotton plants and whites wearing dreadlocks.
Whites are being accused of racism at every turn for the stupidest fucking reasons and all this does is hamper any progress on race relations. We're being told even by people of our own race that we are wretched creatures that should be ashamed of our race and that we should kill ourselves (notice that the ones advocating racial suicide never follow their own advice). Lastly (this is just me talking), if you are a victim of racism then it is what it is. But stop playing victim when you are not.

Owens may be on track with this thinking or she may not be. But it is merely an opinion or outlook that does not contradict what Wise says in any way.

You don't seem to understand this simple fact. Blacks have never played the victim.

Blacks who bitch about white dreadlocks are playing victim. There's simply no other explanation for that kind of nonsense.

When you talk about some victim mentality look at yourself first. Because your post is a prime example. Because whites aren't being taught that you are wretched creatures who should go kill yourselves.

A Dr. Adam Kotsko from Shimer College in Chicago, in 2015 tweeted to the effect that "Whites should commit mass suicide."

Model Munroe Bergdorf says "All white people are racist."

There have been many quotes in this vein from celebrities and professors over the last few years. In addition to all that, you, Paul and Asclepias keep beating whites here over the head with the history of white racism, the number of people killed by whites and that we are all guilty. Asclepias just told someone the other day that he thinks whites are genetically predisposed towards violence for Christ's sake. Then he told me that he thinks whites are the weakest race. How can you read that shit and not see that we are being told we are inferior in some way?

You aren't taught to be ashamed. You are taught what your people have done.

We are told what our people have done and that we should be ashamed because of it.

Whites have used how we dress and our hair to make fun of us forever.

You know what I noticed some years ago? That every single black comedian I ever heard or saw on TV or whatever, with the exception of Bill Cosby, made fun of whites in one way or another or at least talked about race in some way. Every. Single. One.
Then of course there are the movies and comedy skits of black comedians in whiteface such as the Eddie Murphy skit on SNL and the movie White Chicks.
Then there are what I call White-people-aren't-cool movies. These usually depict an anal retentive or white goofball in a fish-out-of-water type story where they find themselves in the 'Hood or some such nonsense. Movies like Malibu's Most Wanted and Bringing Down the House with Steve Martin dressing up like a guy from da 'Hood saying stupid shit like "What's the dealio?".

I'm not particularly bothered by any of that but I have noticed it.

So maybe there is a reason why some blacks call racism when this is done.

The reason a black person calls racism about a cotton display is because they're a fucking idiot, not because of anything whites did.

This amnesia you whites here have is just not going to be accepted.

Amnesia about what?

You and the others here can't take being called white without crying about racism and how we hate all whites. That's a frivolous and meaningless charge that you guys do in here all the time. .

What? When have I ever complained about being called white? I'm white so call me a white person all you want. However, below are some quotes by you, Baz Ares and Asclepias. I have substituted the word "white" or "whitey" in the original quote with the word "black", "blackie" or "darkie":

You: "I'm not debating this with you black ---(boy), I'm telling you."
You: "Blackie gave guns to certain tribes and not others then paid them after to capture their enemies."
You: "No, you were just talking darkiebread dumbshit."
Asclepias: "Most black people are idiots."
Baz Ares: "Blackie doctor statue who did experimental surgery..."
Baz Ares: "But doing thang this way is Pure Blackie ways..."
You: "Since my family was here when yours was in Europe, this is not blackie's world."
Asclepias: "Blackie doesnt have a world."

There are many other cases by other black posters here that I remember reading but you get the idea. So, when you say "...others here can't take being called white...", this is probably what they're referring to.

So the question is, would you not find this racist if the above quotes were by white people to or about blacks? If you would then you can see why some whites are bothered by it.

So don't lecture us about how we should do things.

I won't lecture you about how blacks should do things if you don't lecture us on white moral inferiority. How's that?

Whites have been fucking up here in this nation for at least 242 years. You guys seem to live under this delusion that you are perfect and everyone else has the problem. No, whites have been the problem and when you talk about playing the victim, that's all whites have ever done.

Speaking for myself, I am very well aware that whites are not perfect and that they have their own problems. The difference is, for the most part, whites don't blame blacks for every problem they have. Whereas according to you, whites, and only whites, are responsible for all the economic and social ills in the black community.
Unless you expect her to spend her life being pissed off, how is that relevant?

How do you know she hasn't?

Among other things, intellectual laziness is not acknowledging that Rwandans were responsible for their own actions.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.

Let me ask you this then: Given the actions of the white colonizers, did the Rwandans have no control over future events? Would they have been compelled to commit the genocide even if they hadn't wanted to? Was the genocide of 1994 an assured outcome thirty years that no one could have avoided after the end of colonization?

I dont see the value in your question to be honest.

Which translates to: "I don't want to answer your question because the right answer will blow a Rwanda-sized hole in my argument."

You know goddamn well what the answers are to these questions and since you're too afraid to answer, I'll answer them for you:

1.) Yes, the Rwandans had control over future events.
2.) No, they would not have been compelled to commit genocide even if they didn't want to.
3.) No, the genocide was not an assured outcome (predestined) that could not be avoided.

However, let me ask you this question which in turn may give some guidance in regards to your question . Given the actions of the Pope. Would europeans have poured forth from the european continent and committed genocide if the Pope had not issued the Papal Bull Dum Diversas?

"“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”."

You refuse to answer mine but you want me to answer yours? Are you fucking kidding me?
You dont have to answer my question on the thread I just wanted to turn a lightbulb on in your head.

You said: "However, let me ask you this question..."

If you weren't asking a question then why did you pose it as a question?

Looks like from your emotionally laced tirade

"emotionally laced"? Because of what, my saying "fucking"? Are you fucking kidding me? Look, another emotionally laced tirade. Feel free to show it to your friends to get a chuckle over the emotional white guy.

I did what I set out to do.

If you mean you set out to avoid the truth of the questions I asked then yes, you did what you set out to do.

Here's the thing, the papal bull you cited does not vex me in the least because I recognize and understand that these people were responsible for their own actions and it has nothing to do with me. I see and acknowledge any and all atrocities committed by whites throughout history and I condemn every one of them. The difference between you guys and myself is that I don't blame the Holocaust on the anti-Semitism that was taught and festered throughout Europe for centuries before the 30s, I blame the Nazis and Germans who, of their own freewill, chose to round up Jews like cattle and gas them and stick them in ovens. They are responsible for the Holocaust, not the racist rhetoric of their forebears.

The anti-Semitism in Europe did not cause or predestine the Holocaust just as white colonization did not cause or predestine the Rwanda genocide.

I assume that you and others here would like to see an end to racism, correct? This is why you talk about the history of white racism all the time, right? If your goal is not an end to racism then either you wouldn't bother or you are just flogging whites with their racist history as punishment instead of rehabilitation or enlightenment.

So, in order to see an end to racism we then must be able to recognize that a racist's heart can be enlightened and changed, yes? So how is it that a white American racist's heart can be changed but the Rwandans' hearts could not?

If we cannot allow that a heart can be changed then the fight against racism was doomed from the start.
Not sure what is so difficult for you to comprehend? You have to be a Black person.

Its cumulative.

Intellectual laziness is pretending whites didnt orchestrate what happened in Rwanda.

Let me ask you this then: Given the actions of the white colonizers, did the Rwandans have no control over future events? Would they have been compelled to commit the genocide even if they hadn't wanted to? Was the genocide of 1994 an assured outcome thirty years that no one could have avoided after the end of colonization?

I dont see the value in your question to be honest.

Which translates to: "I don't want to answer your question because the right answer will blow a Rwanda-sized hole in my argument."

You know goddamn well what the answers are to these questions and since you're too afraid to answer, I'll answer them for you:

1.) Yes, the Rwandans had control over future events.
2.) No, they would not have been compelled to commit genocide even if they didn't want to.
3.) No, the genocide was not an assured outcome (predestined) that could not be avoided.

However, let me ask you this question which in turn may give some guidance in regards to your question . Given the actions of the Pope. Would europeans have poured forth from the european continent and committed genocide if the Pope had not issued the Papal Bull Dum Diversas?

"“We weighing all and singular the premises with due meditation, and noting that since we had formerly by other letters of ours granted among other things free and ample faculty to the aforesaid King Alfonso -- to invade, search out, capture, vanquish, and subdue all Saracens and pagans whatsoever, and other enemies of Christ wheresoever placed, and the kingdoms, dukedoms, principalities, dominions, possessions, and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held and possessed by them and to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery, and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successors the kingdoms, dukedoms, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions, and goods, and to convert them to his and their use and profit -- by having secured the said faculty, the said King Alfonso, or, by his authority, the aforesaid infante, justly and lawfully has acquired and possessed, and doth possess, these islands, lands, harbors, and seas, and they do of right belong and pertain to the said King Alfonso and his successors”."

You refuse to answer mine but you want me to answer yours? Are you fucking kidding me?
You dont have to answer my question on the thread I just wanted to turn a lightbulb on in your head.

You said: "However, let me ask you this question..."

If you weren't asking a question then why did you pose it as a question?

Looks like from your emotionally laced tirade

"emotionally laced"? Because of what, my saying "fucking"? Are you fucking kidding me? Look, another emotionally laced tirade. Feel free to show it to your friends to get a chuckle over the emotional white guy.

I did what I set out to do.

If you mean you set out to avoid the truth of the questions I asked then yes, you did what you set out to do.

Here's the thing, the papal bull you cited does not vex me in the least because I recognize and understand that these people were responsible for their own actions and it has nothing to do with me. I see and acknowledge any and all atrocities committed by whites throughout history and I condemn every one of them. The difference between you guys and myself is that I don't blame the Holocaust on the anti-Semitism that was taught and festered throughout Europe for centuries before the 30s, I blame the Nazis and Germans who, of their own freewill, chose to round up Jews like cattle and gas them and stick them in ovens. They are responsible for the Holocaust, not the racist rhetoric of their forebears.

The anti-Semitism in Europe did not cause or predestine the Holocaust just as white colonization did not cause or predestine the Rwanda genocide.

I assume that you and others here would like to see an end to racism, correct? This is why you talk about the history of white racism all the time, right? If your goal is not an end to racism then either you wouldn't bother or you are just flogging whites with their racist history as punishment instead of rehabilitation or enlightenment.

So, in order to see an end to racism we then must be able to recognize that a racist's heart can be enlightened and changed, yes? So how is it that a white American racist's heart can be changed but the Rwandans' hearts could not?

If we cannot allow that a heart can be changed then the fight against racism was doomed from the start.

Where did I say I wasnt asking a question? I even put the word "question" in my response to you when I said you didnt have to answer.

Yes emotionally laced. No I am not kidding you. You are full of emotions.

No I meant to make you consider my question. Looks like you did what I wanted you to do.

Yes racism should be ended. Immediately. The problem is that we know whites cant give it up. Its against their own best interests.
Didn't read the whole thread, but people often get the definitions of words mixed up, especially when it's politically expedient to.

Racism is the belief that one's traits are determined by race, and therefore implies that one race is superior to another based on those traits. Racism is entirely, 100% contained within the mind and cannot be definitively proven unless someone admits to it.

Prejudice is just another way of saying "pre-judging", or pre-determining what you think of someone or some people based on something, which could be or include race. This is what people today commonly refer to as "racism" when it's really not. I might pre-judge someone based on how many tattoos they have, how they're dressed, what hair style they have, etc. And the reality is that everyone does this numerous times daily. It's not necessarily a bad thing, and also can't be proven definitively unless someone cops to it, just like racism. It becomes a bad thing when you use to to justify:

Discrimination. This is when prejudice acts upon someone who's be prejudiced against. Exclusion from something, unequal treatment, violence, and so on. Obviously the word has a negative connotation, and when used in this sort of context, naturally so. But it doesn't have to be negative. Someone who's responsible about their love life will naturally discriminate as not to make a bad decision. But discrimination within a group context is almost always a bad thing.
Didn't read the whole thread, but people often get the definitions of words mixed up, especially when it's politically expedient to.

Racism is the belief that one's traits are determined by race, and therefore implies that one race is superior to another based on those traits. Racism is entirely, 100% contained within the mind and cannot be definitively proven unless someone admits to it.

Prejudice is just another way of saying "pre-judging", or pre-determining what you think of someone or some people based on something, which could be or include race. This is what people today commonly refer to as "racism" when it's really not. I might pre-judge someone based on how many tattoos they have, how they're dressed, what hair style they have, etc. And the reality is that everyone does this numerous times daily. It's not necessarily a bad thing, and also can't be proven definitively unless someone cops to it, just like racism. It becomes a bad thing when you use to to justify:

Discrimination. This is when prejudice acts upon someone who's be prejudiced against. Exclusion from something, unequal treatment, violence, and so on. Obviously the word has a negative connotation, and when used in this sort of context, naturally so. But it doesn't have to be negative. Someone who's responsible about their love life will naturally discriminate as not to make a bad decision. But discrimination within a group context is almost always a bad thing.
Disagree with the definition of racism. Racism is a system (ism) predicated on race. Racist or racialistic is more along the lines of what you are talking about.
Yes racism should be ended. Immediately. The problem is that we know whites cant give it up. Its against their own best interests.
You mentioned above that racism is an institution of our societal systems. When you say "give it up" what should we give up? What are you referring to?
Yes racism should be ended. Immediately. The problem is that we know whites cant give it up. Its against their own best interests.
You mentioned above that racism is an institution of our societal systems. When you say "give it up" what should we give up? What are you referring to?
Individually whites should incinerate their notion of supremacy induced by an massive insecurity complex and go seek mental health help. This one step is vital to curing themselves of the disease of being racist.

Collectively whites should understand and back the notion that the US has wronged the Black race and therefore the US should pay reparations to the descendants of the enslaved and those that suffered through the Jim Crow era. This would wipe out the wealth gap immediately.

All white owned companies that profited from, help facilitate, or were involved with slavery and Jim Crow should divest themselves and use the money to start up a fund to give full scholarships to Black youth

The legal system should be reviewed by Black people and every discriminatory law or sentencing guidelines should be removed.

Cops should be fired that have a pattern of abuse or too many (2) complaints against them of racist behavior.
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