Is Thinking Obsolete?

People actually thought Obama was going to be the savior of the world in 2008. Democrat automatons trekked to Denver and wept when he spoke. I thought it was some of the scariest shit I have ever seen. Mindless. Just mindless.

ACTUALLY, thinking people saw his intelligent policies as a way out of the Reaganist/Booosh mess- see sig, then the corrupt Booosh world depression. It's happening now, after 5 years of mindless Pub obstruction, fear mongering propaganda, idiotic RushBeckbots, and phony crises...thanks for nothing.:eusa_liar::cuckoo:
Obamashitforbrains fails and idiots like you want to blame others. The republicans in the house did their job, reid in the senate is the obstructionist. Stopping obamashitforbrains policies is only good for the country idiot.
Is thinking obsolete? In the case of the Progressives on USMB, it was never de rigueur in the first place.
People actually thought Obama was going to be the savior of the world in 2008. Democrat automatons trekked to Denver and wept when he spoke. I thought it was some of the scariest shit I have ever seen. Mindless. Just mindless.

I love when cons present their own bullshit as other peoples thoughts and actions
love it when idiot libtards won't take blame for their own stupidity. Idiot.
Science introduction

"As a small country with few natural resources, Switzerland owes much of its prosperity to its ability to innovate. The brain power of its citizens is a major resource. The country prides itself on its high standard of scientific research and development. This is a tradition which reaches back for several centuries.

Switzerland sees it as vitally important to remain at the cutting edge of scientific research and innovation. Its policies in this area are aimed at ensuring that it does not fall behind the world leaders.

The Swiss are very much aware that they cannot rest on their laurels. The beginning of the third millennium has seen the emergence of a knowledge-based society, in which education is the key to economic development for the country as a whole, and for individuals is the surest way to obtain a secure position at work and in society."
Science introduction - Switzerland - Information

See the problem here Rabbi? Our country is filled with dittohead idiots for God like you, and most here instead...

Actually Sowell outlines it pretty well, had you bothered to read it. We are inundated with brain dead cocksuckers like you. As evidenced by the high level of anti semtiism and jew hatred shown.
I read it, and you fucked yourself little non-thinker because a country like Switzerland has damn few people like you, and it's why they are eating our lunch.
I'm thinkin all the time!

Thinking-BENGHAZI!-about gangster toddlers from Honduras coming in with Ebola, looking for government handouts.

Thinking about how effective Voter ID is at stopping all that voter fraud.

Thinking about all the freeloaders who are going to be forced to buy health insurance so they can subsidize insurance for high school dropouts.

Thinking about how rich people are using up all our roads and bridges.

Thinking about Ebola doctor shoulda been shot down over the ocean.

Thinking about negroes-BENGHAZI!-on food stamps.

Thinking Common Core is Satan's vomit.

Thinking about Obama being born in Kenya.

Thinking how we need more and more government to solve all our problems for everything.

Thinking waterboarding-BENGHAZI!-ain't torture.

Thinking Syria's WMDs came from Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

Thinking taxing rich people more will make things more fair.

Thinking Nazis are left wing.

So I don't know what that low information voter guy Mr. Sowell is talking about! I'm a big time thinker!
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