Is This 1968?

Remembering back to another Democratic convention in Chicago. Will this one be any different or will it be yet another bloody fight? What could go wrong in Chicago?

This year is going to be worse.

Dems are 100x more unhinged and violent than they were in 1968.
I don't believe for a minute it will be anything like 1968 Chicago. Don't expect blood nor tear gas.

If it is to turn ugly, which I highly doubt, I imagine it would be more like the battle that occurred in the Democrats' 1972 convention. The one that ticked off the old guard union officials so much they delayed McGovern's acceptance speech to the wee hours of the morning. The "Ohio passes" convention in which McGovern named Thomas Eagleton as his running mate which turn into a disaster after his bipolar mental woes became public. Ever since then these affairs have become staged and boring.

It would be nice to see some passion return. There is no fight in the party anymore. All they do is whine and litigate.
Remembering back to another Democratic convention in Chicago. Will this one be any different or will it be yet another bloody fight? What could go wrong in Chicago?

It'd be nice to see the cops beat some leftard ass again.
But instead of Daley, we have a weak black commie as mayor.
He'll probably let the clowns burn the city down.
It'd be nice to see the cops beat some leftard ass again.
But instead of Daley, we have a weak black commie as mayor.
He'll probably let the clowns burn the city down.

Or people will just - gasp - exercise their first amendment rights

here's the thing about the 1968 protesters... they turned out to be right.

Almost no one today thinks that the Vietnam War was a good idea.

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