Is this acceptable in US politics?

Hmmmm similar to
Conservative opposition to drone strikes has nothing to do with drone strikes and everything to do with the right's unwarranted contempt for Obama; where when drone strikes continue under a republican administration – and they most certainly will – we'll not hear a peep of opposition from conservatives, the very same people who are critical now.

Hmmmm similar to Obama and Democrats silence in defending prochoice from govt intrusion when it comes to ACA, and only opposing when it comes to abortion.

Do you see a trend of exclusion and party bias going on? If Obama is so blinded by party agenda and bias he would sacrifice and demonize American citizens and choice as enemies, what worse can go wrong when this blindsighted bias is projected into conflicts of foreign countries that have no chance of democratic voice in the matter.

The silence of Democrats is hardly different. But maybe if we listen closely we might hear the muffled cries of the peace groups stifled by their own party leaders. If this silencing is going on in America where we used to have free press, how much more is silenced overseas that does not have such press at all but journalists killed.
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Conservative opposition to drone strikes has nothing to do with drone strikes and everything to do with the right's unwarranted contempt for Obama; where when drone strikes continue under a republican administration – and they most certainly will – we'll not hear a peep of opposition from conservatives, the very same people who are critical now.

How about the left who are silent now under Obama's wars ?

Conservatives believe the same as the top Military leaders, that said Drones with boots on the ground. Which Obama ignored.
A Republican would not ignore the advise of his top brass military like Obama does.
I don't care who our President is whether it be R or D, but any President who sides with our enemies and shuns our allies I am going to be against that.
You're full of nonsense.
Definition of a Nation
A relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country.

So does Obama represent everything you are and stand for 100%?

Yes or no?

Because that is exactly what you are claiming about the Iranians.

Onus is on you to prove that 100% of all Iranians are "evil" as you so fallaciously claimed them to be.

I never said all Iranians are evil.
I said the Nation is evil- meaning it's leaders and that they follow Sharia Law which oppresses women and kills gays.
Does Iran follow Sharia Laws? Yes
Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy Report
Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws,

Nope, you said the nation is "evil" and that means everyone in the nation. Your semantic squirming is another sign of desperation.

No that does not mean everyone.
Your collectivism mentality is showing. :biggrin:

Your collectivism mentality is showing

Oh the irony coming from the person painting 100% of all Iranians as "evil".

Keep believing that even though I never said it.
A Nation being evil is not all Iranians, even though you think so.
So does Obama represent everything you are and stand for 100%?

Yes or no?

Because that is exactly what you are claiming about the Iranians.

Onus is on you to prove that 100% of all Iranians are "evil" as you so fallaciously claimed them to be.

I never said all Iranians are evil.
I said the Nation is evil- meaning it's leaders and that they follow Sharia Law which oppresses women and kills gays.
Does Iran follow Sharia Laws? Yes
Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy Report
Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws,

Nope, you said the nation is "evil" and that means everyone in the nation. Your semantic squirming is another sign of desperation.

No that does not mean everyone.
Your collectivism mentality is showing. :biggrin:

Your collectivism mentality is showing

Oh the irony coming from the person painting 100% of all Iranians as "evil".

Keep believing that even though I never said it.
A Nation being evil is not all Iranians, even though you think so.

Still your problem, not mine.
I never said all Iranians are evil.
I said the Nation is evil- meaning it's leaders and that they follow Sharia Law which oppresses women and kills gays.
Does Iran follow Sharia Laws? Yes
Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy Report
Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws,

Nope, you said the nation is "evil" and that means everyone in the nation. Your semantic squirming is another sign of desperation.

No that does not mean everyone.
Your collectivism mentality is showing. :biggrin:

Your collectivism mentality is showing

Oh the irony coming from the person painting 100% of all Iranians as "evil".

Keep believing that even though I never said it.
A Nation being evil is not all Iranians, even though you think so.

Still your problem, not mine.

I don't have a problem.
Nope, you said the nation is "evil" and that means everyone in the nation. Your semantic squirming is another sign of desperation.

No that does not mean everyone.
Your collectivism mentality is showing. :biggrin:

Your collectivism mentality is showing

Oh the irony coming from the person painting 100% of all Iranians as "evil".

Keep believing that even though I never said it.
A Nation being evil is not all Iranians, even though you think so.

Still your problem, not mine.

I don't have a problem.

Drowning in denial is your problem.
What denial Derideo_Te?
It's a matter of opinion, you think I'm saying that a Nation is defined by all Iranians and I didn't say that.
I'm saying that a Nation is defined by it's laws and leaders and does not include all Iranians.
All nations have a diversity in it's citizens.
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Bibi s dangerous deal with Republicans i24news - See beyond

Republicans are helping Netanyahu to beat his rivals in Israel, he is helping them humiliate their president

In the 1983 Israel State Cup soccer competition, Hapoel Tel Aviv played against Maccabi Tel Aviv. The victory goal was scored by Hapoel player Gili Landau. It was a historic goal. Not because of its beauty, but because Landau, a brilliant footballer, scored the goal with his hand, under the referee's nose.

Netanyahu is not Gili Landau. Not at all. But the technique is the same technique: What isn't accomplished with the leg will be accomplished with the hand; what doesn’t work in Israel will work in Washington.

The invitation Netanyahu received from United States House of Representative Speaker John Boehner, to address a joint session of the two houses of Congress, is a brilliant electoral trick.

It is acceptable for foreign leaders in directly interfere in US politics?[/QUOTE

In my humble opinion, it is neither more nor less acceptable than it is for leaders of our country to directly interfere in the politics of other nations. Not that we have ever done that or ever would, right?
Could another nation drone us, with the same impunity with which Obama uses our drones?

Would world opinion really be against such a turnabout, if say, ISIS droned some golf courses Obama likes?

Or worse?

Drones are already being used by drug cartels to bring cocaine into this nation. Won't be long before terrorists figure out how to use them too.

And yes, people in America won't be happy when that starts happening but you can't stop the technology. They will just develop countermeasures.
You said: Drones are already being used by drug cartels to bring cocaine into this nation.

Drones are expensive. And how much weight do they carry? A couple of ounces?
No wonder no links.
Bibi s dangerous deal with Republicans i24news - See beyond

Republicans are helping Netanyahu to beat his rivals in Israel, he is helping them humiliate their president

In the 1983 Israel State Cup soccer competition, Hapoel Tel Aviv played against Maccabi Tel Aviv. The victory goal was scored by Hapoel player Gili Landau. It was a historic goal. Not because of its beauty, but because Landau, a brilliant footballer, scored the goal with his hand, under the referee's nose.

Netanyahu is not Gili Landau. Not at all. But the technique is the same technique: What isn't accomplished with the leg will be accomplished with the hand; what doesn’t work in Israel will work in Washington.

The invitation Netanyahu received from United States House of Representative Speaker John Boehner, to address a joint session of the two houses of Congress, is a brilliant electoral trick.

It is acceptable for foreign leaders in directly interfere in US politics?[/QUOTE

In my humble opinion, it is neither more nor less acceptable than it is for leaders of our country to directly interfere in the politics of other nations. Not that we have ever done that or ever would, right?
Could another nation drone us, with the same impunity with which Obama uses our drones?

Would world opinion really be against such a turnabout, if say, ISIS droned some golf courses Obama likes?

Or worse?

Drones are already being used by drug cartels to bring cocaine into this nation. Won't be long before terrorists figure out how to use them too.

And yes, people in America won't be happy when that starts happening but you can't stop the technology. They will just develop countermeasures.
You said: Drones are already being used by drug cartels to bring cocaine into this nation.

Drones are expensive. And how much weight do they carry? A couple of ounces?
No wonder no links.

BBC News - Drone carrying drugs crashes near US-Mexico border

22 January 2015 Last updated at 07:18 ET
Drone carrying drugs crashes near US-Mexico border

A drone carrying more than six pounds (2.7kg) of methamphetamine has crashed near Mexico's border with the US.

Mexican police in Tijuana say they were alerted to an unidentified object in a car park of a shopping centre.

"The drone had packages taped to it and was covered with plastic bags containing the drug known as crystal", the local police chief said.

Authorities are investigating where the flight originated, who controlled it and where it was bound for.

Police say it is not the first time a drone has been used for smuggling drugs across the border.

In April, US authorities in South Carolina found a drone outside a prison fence which had been carrying mobile phones, marijuana and tobacco.

Other attempts to smuggle drugs have included catapults and ultralight aircraft.
So does Obama represent everything you are and stand for 100%?

Yes or no?

Because that is exactly what you are claiming about the Iranians.

Onus is on you to prove that 100% of all Iranians are "evil" as you so fallaciously claimed them to be.

I never said all Iranians are evil.
I said the Nation is evil- meaning it's leaders and that they follow Sharia Law which oppresses women and kills gays.
Does Iran follow Sharia Laws? Yes
Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy Report
Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws,

Nope, you said the nation is "evil" and that means everyone in the nation. Your semantic squirming is another sign of desperation.

No that does not mean everyone.
Your collectivism mentality is showing. :biggrin:

Your collectivism mentality is showing

Oh the irony coming from the person painting 100% of all Iranians as "evil".

Keep believing that even though I never said it.
A Nation being evil is not all Iranians, even though you think so.
It is an evil nation, with a whole lot of evil people.

How's that for truth and compromise?
I never said all Iranians are evil.
I said the Nation is evil- meaning it's leaders and that they follow Sharia Law which oppresses women and kills gays.
Does Iran follow Sharia Laws? Yes
Iranian Gay Men To Be Hanged For Sodomy Report
Four Iranian gay men are due to be executed for sodomy under their nation's Shari'a laws,

Nope, you said the nation is "evil" and that means everyone in the nation. Your semantic squirming is another sign of desperation.

No that does not mean everyone.
Your collectivism mentality is showing. :biggrin:

Your collectivism mentality is showing

Oh the irony coming from the person painting 100% of all Iranians as "evil".

Keep believing that even though I never said it.
A Nation being evil is not all Iranians, even though you think so.
It is an evil nation, with a whole lot of evil people.

How's that for truth and compromise?

How about it's evil because it is being run by evil people with horrible sharia laws. :)

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