Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

Oh this is fun--------NYPD former commissioner who has seen the evidence, says the whole Biden clan needs to be arrested but also lets the cat out of the bag about HUNTERS cell phone also having the emails and images. Hey FAUN--------there goes your whole deny that Hunter was the one using his own computer defense.
The former commissioner Kerik is a convicted do know that, don't you?

Oh this is fun--------NYPD former commissioner who has seen the evidence, says the whole Biden clan needs to be arrested but also lets the cat out of the bag about HUNTERS cell phone also having the emails and images. Hey FAUN--------there goes your whole deny that Hunter was the one using his own computer defense.
The former commissioner Kerik is a convicted do know that, don't you?
Oh no--he didn't pay taxes for his illegal immigrant Nanny. You think this somehow changes the fact that he is saying that more than Bidens computers are involved but also his cell phone?

Oh this is fun--------NYPD former commissioner who has seen the evidence, says the whole Biden clan needs to be arrested but also lets the cat out of the bag about HUNTERS cell phone also having the emails and images. Hey FAUN--------there goes your whole deny that Hunter was the one using his own computer defense.
The former commissioner Kerik is a convicted do know that, don't you?
Oh no--he didn't pay taxes for his illegal immigrant Nanny. You think this somehow changes the fact that he is saying that more than Bidens computers are involved but also his cell phone?
Your article source is a FAKE NEWS Site, comrade!


Notes: En Volve is an extreme right biased news and opinion website. En-Volve has also published ridiculous stories such as “Obama Orders Life-Sized Bronze Statue of Himself to Be Permanently Installed in White House?” and this “Colin Kaepernick FIRED From 49ers After Disrespecting Police and National Anthem,” which obviously is not true as he played the entire season with them after this fake news article was published. Since, En-Volve does not have an about page stating they are satire, we must assume they are just a propaganda site that publishes fake news. According to Politifact they are a fake news source. also has them listed as a fake news source. (3/24/2017) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/7/2017)

How do you know the FBI is not working on the case? If there were ever a case, for them to be working on, it wouldn't be telecasted....for goodness sake! :lol: They'd be working an undercover sting operation, trying to get everyone involved including the big wigs running the operation... that takes time. Nailing Hunter somehow, does nothing to stop the child sex trafficking and nothing to stop the pedophilia and nothing to help the girls, If any of this is true and not just made up out of broad cloth.

Some times y'all make me wonder when you decided to retire your logic and brains? :lol::lol:
Clearly not...ignoring information and pretending that it is ok for the media to censor information can hardly be considered “informed”.

But it's perfectly fine to censor "disinformation", which Facebook and Twitter said they would do this time, given the effect Russian Disinformation had last time. guys are seriously stupid.

Twitter and Facebook didn’t censor one thing negative about Trump, no matter how disproven. Their out is to trick you sheep into believing this nonsense about Russian disinformation. China is laughing their butts off right now at just how gullible our country is.

Nobody denies Hunter got a bunch of money. Nobody denies he wasn’t qualified. Only idiots think he just happened to be hired by Bursima. Nobody denies Hunter had/has a drug problem. The pictures are clearly not fakes. It isn’t exactly a stretch to think that the emails were Hunter’s and that Joe wasn’t involved. There is TONS and TONS more evidence here worth investigating and reporting but the left, and unfortuntely our intelleigence agencies are trying to protect the deep state. Granted, you lemmings don’t understand what you are protecting, but there is no excuse to have your head buried so deep in the sand. Win at all cost, the country be damned I guess. guys are seriously stupid.

Twitter and Facebook didn’t censor one thing negative about Trump, no matter how disproven. Their out is to trick you sheep into believing this nonsense about Russian disinformation. China is laughing their butts off right now at just how gullible our country is.

Actually, the real problem.. . everything negative about Trump is true, and you guys keep falling for it.

I actually did have Facebook pull down a story I reposted that turned out to be wrong. (This was about Rittenhouse, where a fake criminal record was making the rounds.)

Nobody denies Hunter got a bunch of money. Nobody denies he wasn’t qualified. Only idiots think he just happened to be hired by Bursima. Nobody denies Hunter had/has a drug problem.

Wait, you are bitching because someone got too much money? That really describes most of the One Percent... Simple enough solution... Go back to a 93% upper tax rate.

The pictures are clearly not fakes.

What pictures? You guys keep talking about pictures that show him having sex with a teenage Chinese girl, but never provide a link to prove it. Most of the pictures I've seen are just him on the beach and stuff.

It isn’t exactly a stretch to think that the emails were Hunter’s and that Joe wasn’t involved.

Except the Republican Senate already investigated this.

There is TONS and TONS more evidence here worth investigating and reporting but the left, and unfortuntely our intelleigence agencies are trying to protect the deep state.

Right... when you use terms like "Deep State", it's hard to take you seriously. If the intelligence professionals in the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, etc. are more concerned about Trump than Biden, that should tell you something about Trump.

Granted, you lemmings don’t understand what you are protecting, but there is no excuse to have your head buried so deep in the sand. Win at all cost, the country be damned I guess.

I understand EXACTLY what I am protecting.

Trump has wrecked the economy, fumbled Covid response, incited race wars, encouraged the worst kind of fanatics.... Trump is the danger to the country, not the "Deep State" or Biden.

He's managed to kill more Americans than all our enemies combined since the end of WWII.
Clearly not...ignoring information and pretending that it is ok for the media to censor information can hardly be considered “informed”.
Ignoring information like how Russia has been pushing this narrative with disinformation since last year as described by our own intelligence agencies?
How do you know the FBI is not working on the case? If there were ever a case, for them to be working on, it wouldn't be telecasted....for goodness sake! :lol: They'd be working an undercover sting operation, trying to get everyone involved including the big wigs running the operation... that takes time. Nailing Hunter somehow, does nothing to stop the child sex trafficking and nothing to stop the pedophilia and nothing to help the girls, If any of this is true and not just made up out of broad cloth.

Some times y'all make me wonder when you decided to retire your logic and brains? :lol::lol:

If it's bad news for the can't possibly be true...
How do you know the FBI is not working on the case? If there were ever a case, for them to be working on, it wouldn't be telecasted....for goodness sake! :lol: They'd be working an undercover sting operation, trying to get everyone involved including the big wigs running the operation... that takes time. Nailing Hunter somehow, does nothing to stop the child sex trafficking and nothing to stop the pedophilia and nothing to help the girls, If any of this is true and not just made up out of broad cloth.

Some times y'all make me wonder when you decided to retire your logic and brains? :lol::lol:
Nailing his AZZ---stops him from VIOLENTLY RAPING 12 and 13 year olds.

Oh this is fun--------NYPD former commissioner who has seen the evidence, says the whole Biden clan needs to be arrested but also lets the cat out of the bag about HUNTERS cell phone also having the emails and images. Hey FAUN--------there goes your whole deny that Hunter was the one using his own computer defense.
The former commissioner Kerik is a convicted do know that, don't you?
Oh no--he didn't pay taxes for his illegal immigrant Nanny. You think this somehow changes the fact that he is saying that more than Bidens computers are involved but also his cell phone?
Your article source is a FAKE NEWS Site, comrade!


Notes: En Volve is an extreme right biased news and opinion website. En-Volve has also published ridiculous stories such as “Obama Orders Life-Sized Bronze Statue of Himself to Be Permanently Installed in White House?” and this “Colin Kaepernick FIRED From 49ers After Disrespecting Police and National Anthem,” which obviously is not true as he played the entire season with them after this fake news article was published. Since, En-Volve does not have an about page stating they are satire, we must assume they are just a propaganda site that publishes fake news. According to Politifact they are a fake news source. also has them listed as a fake news source. (3/24/2017) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/7/2017)


Oh this is fun--------NYPD former commissioner who has seen the evidence, says the whole Biden clan needs to be arrested but also lets the cat out of the bag about HUNTERS cell phone also having the emails and images. Hey FAUN--------there goes your whole deny that Hunter was the one using his own computer defense.
The former commissioner Kerik is a convicted do know that, don't you?
Oh no--he didn't pay taxes for his illegal immigrant Nanny. You think this somehow changes the fact that he is saying that more than Bidens computers are involved but also his cell phone?
Your article source is a FAKE NEWS Site, comrade!


Notes: En Volve is an extreme right biased news and opinion website. En-Volve has also published ridiculous stories such as “Obama Orders Life-Sized Bronze Statue of Himself to Be Permanently Installed in White House?” and this “Colin Kaepernick FIRED From 49ers After Disrespecting Police and National Anthem,” which obviously is not true as he played the entire season with them after this fake news article was published. Since, En-Volve does not have an about page stating they are satire, we must assume they are just a propaganda site that publishes fake news. According to Politifact they are a fake news source. also has them listed as a fake news source. (3/24/2017) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/7/2017)

They aren't the only ones posting the emails which are clearly shown in the article----------are you saying that they made up the emails? Really? Comeon now, is the best you got---attack the messanger and hope no one notices the email exchange? I don't care what the article says---it just rehashes what was is listed in the emails.
Clearly not...ignoring information and pretending that it is ok for the media to censor information can hardly be considered “informed”.

But it's perfectly fine to censor "disinformation", which Facebook and Twitter said they would do this time, given the effect Russian Disinformation had last time.

How has this story been CONFIRMED to be “disinformation”?
If that laptop exists and there’s child porn on it and they did nothing FBI heads need to roll
I read some tweets and some guy with 1000's of followers and is part of a news team (not msm) said "I got this from the highest of higher ups....Hunter has vids on his laptop of him raping and torturing chinese children, and the Chinese have those same vids. Hence, owning Biden thru blackmail. They OWN him due to his pervertedness".

I'd say they own Joey Xi too... Big Time.
Is this another reason the FBI hid the Hunter Biden Laptop?

18 Oct 2020 ~~ By Selwyn Duke
It didn’t surprise the informed, and understandably a bit cynical, to hear that the FBI sat on Hunter Biden’s laptop instead of seeking justice. The bureau was previously involved in an illegal plot to take down Donald Trump, after all, and its Deep State elements would assuredly love to see Joe Biden succeed him in January. So why would they reveal damning information on their establishment hope? Yet suppressing Huntergate perhaps provided a secondary benefit: The information could be used against Biden once he was in office. This wouldn’t be anything new. It’s believed that longtime, legendary FBI director J. Edgar Hoover used “dirt files” on politicians for leverage; for one thing, it’s said, this enabled him to remain bureau head for as long as he wished. William Sullivan, once the number three official under Hoover, put it this way: From the moment the director got damning information on a senator, the man would be “right in...
This, ironically, brings us to one of Trump’s strengths. While the Left has been advancing the projection-based narrative that the president is a corrupt man susceptible to blackmail, he has always struck me as the antithesis of that.
Oh, sure, he’ll use the law to his advantage, as he did with eminent domain (which he touted and is wrong about). As for following the law, though, my read on Trump is that he’s as punctilious about that as he is about germs (he’s a famed germaphobe).
And perhaps this is another reason the Deep State wants Trump gone: You can’t have leverage over a man you can’t get dirt on — and you can’t get dirt on a man who’s fanatical about keeping his hands clean.

After Trump is re-elected, I think he should really shake up the dOJ, by apponting Joe DiGenova as AG and firing all the lawyers and hiring and rehiring those he prefers as Obama did before him. Then fire the up echelon of the FBI including Wray appoint Sheriff David Clarke. Replace CIA Director Gina Haspel with either General Mike Flynn or Admiral Mike Rogers.
Actually the Law staffers for Judicial Watch would make good DOJ lawyers as replacements for the progressive Attornys now embedded there.
The media are doing their best to ignore the news, so the fact that none have talked about the Hunter's emails reflects negatively on the state of journalism, not on the truth of the matter. You people are so dumb.
you have to wonder how people believe the garbage created by the Left about Russia, Russia especially after Obama's perfidy was exposed on an open microphone sending a message to Putin that he'd be more "flexible" after the election. His flexibility became apparent when Putin invaded the Ukraine ceasing the Crimea, while iBiden, Clinton and Kerry assisted in the traitorous conspiracy doing nothing.
Indeed, we hear and read the DNC incessant claim that it's 'disinformation' by the Fifth Columnist Quisling media.
Fortunately the PMS/DSA Democrat Left, DNC, China Joe, his son Hunter, Kerry and Clinton are being caught in the headlights like deer. We know that to be true because they have no real response to the facts. There has never been a reasonable response to why Hunter Biden was hired to sit on the Burisma Oil & Gas Company receiving more than $50,000/month and Joey Xi's extortion of the Ukrainian ministerial of government affairs.
Now this serendipitously appears as factual proof and all the biased media can do is violate the law by censoring the information to the people. There is no reasonable explanation. They've been caught with their pants down and doesn't look pretty.
Why would Christopher Wray and his cohorts at the FBI choose to hide the computer and stonewall an investigation into the corrupt Joey Xi Biden and Hunter?
Was Wray attempting to set himself up as the next J. Edgar?
Was it to help Biden in the coming election?
Was it to hide those VIP/politicians involved in the Epstein Pedophile scandal?
Any of the four possibilities are conceivable and if found true should lead to the immediate dismissal with predjudice of Wray immediately followed by arrest and prosecution.
Meanwhile lest we forget Wray has been sitting on the Epstein scandolous case, from his supposed suicide to the Lolita Pedophile Island guests especially those politicians.
The FBI needs to be asked if they still have the HARD DRIVE..........or if they destroyed it for the Bidens like they did Hilliarys computers for her.

You mean like Muellers team that destroyed the information on their devices.
How do you know the FBI is not working on the case? If there were ever a case, for them to be working on, it wouldn't be telecasted....for goodness sake! :lol: They'd be working an undercover sting operation, trying to get everyone involved including the big wigs running the operation... that takes time. Nailing Hunter somehow, does nothing to stop the child sex trafficking and nothing to stop the pedophilia and nothing to help the girls, If any of this is true and not just made up out of broad cloth.

Some times y'all make me wonder when you decided to retire your logic and brains? :lol::lol:
If the FBI is corrupt, why would the FBI be investigating themselves? Because they can cover up the corruptness, that's why.
There is no time to give. What if it were YOUR kid being tortured and raped? Still want it to take time to investigate?
How do you know the FBI is not working on the case? If there were ever a case, for them to be working on, it wouldn't be telecasted....for goodness sake! :lol: They'd be working an undercover sting operation, trying to get everyone involved including the big wigs running the operation... that takes time. Nailing Hunter somehow, does nothing to stop the child sex trafficking and nothing to stop the pedophilia and nothing to help the girls, If any of this is true and not just made up out of broad cloth.

Some times y'all make me wonder when you decided to retire your logic and brains? :lol::lol:
You are not speaking to me, but I'm going to answer anyway.
I wonder HOW you can ignore what your gut should be telling you about those you want to vote for, support and back up regardless of the reports from muliple people and evidence.
Nailing Hunter is a start. But according to you....its broadcloth.
Question to ask yourself:

So why is the FBI's top child porn lawyer involved in the Hunter Biden laptop case?
So this guy supposedly signed a subpoena in 2019 for it. If there was video evidence, like is being claimed, wouldnt he have been all over it?

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