Is this forum all right wingers?

appears to be about 90+% to the right..


And the site is hosted in Texas!

I'd say it's about 70-30 Conservative to Liberal depending how you grade.

Overall a nice mix of views, moderators who are reasonably fair and take their responsibilities seriously, and a lot of very nice functionality on being able to post links, vids and pictures.

You should really give it a chance.

See and it brings people together.....Joe B...I approve this message!
appears to be about 90+% to the right..


And the site is hosted in Texas!

Well it does seem like that, because most of the drivel coming for the left doesnt resonate and you forget it seconds after you read it.

What can ya say? Crazy sells. People remember crazy. It's like when ya walk down the street. Ya don't think much about most of the people ya pass...but that Christian fundamentalist wack job on the corner screaming about the end of the world.. you remember HIM.. You LOOK for him the next day... Ya might even cross the street before ya get to his corner.
We welcome Obamaroids, Obama Fluffers and Obama Context Filter Users and that goes for ever' last one of you regardless of your race, color or your creed
There's about 1% Fake Conservative here too. See if you can spot bucs90 and Jake Starkey, opps I meant see if you can spot them
:lol: CrusaderCrank can't stand that his silliness gets outed at every turn.

Go read him on FDR and you will be laughing in 30 seconds at CF.

Frank is just upset that I am right of center but from his hull down position beyond the far right horizon I seem like a lefty to him.

There's about 1% Fake Conservative here too. See if you can spot bucs90 and Jake Starkey, opps I meant see if you can spot them
Has anyone see Dr. House pretend to be a patriotic American.

He is so utterly shallow.
Fact: Dr. House is 14 and typing in the basement.


And I think you were the one who said Biden was "dreamy", correct?
Where the host is makes little difference. Evidently, you've not read enough posts to realize that we have many left wing zealots.

If, as you say we are 90% conservative...that is a good thing.

right wing is not the same thing as conservative and there are at least 2 types of conservative. Most right wingers are social conservatives however few are actually fiscal conservatives.

I think you have it backwards, most RWs are fiscal conservatives, fewers are social conservatives. Otherwise, Santorum woulda won the nomination.

You must be joking.

Romney won because he outspent his opponents 20 to 1.

The billionaires chose Romney.
right wing is not the same thing as conservative and there are at least 2 types of conservative. Most right wingers are social conservatives however few are actually fiscal conservatives.

I think you have it backwards, most RWs are fiscal conservatives, fewers are social conservatives. Otherwise, Santorum woulda won the nomination.

You must be joking.

Romney won because he outspent his opponents 20 to 1.

The billionaires chose Romney.

Oh. Im a billionaire now? Dang I wonder where Im hiding my money. The Caymans maybe?
Fake Starkey once told us that he fainted after an 0bama speech.

He also said that he carries pictures of 0bama and Plugs Biden in his man-purse (murse?)...

Creepy, huh?

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