CDZ Is this image a problem for you? Does it disturb you?

Do they think they need to be armed 24/ They do realize that they have no idea when a violent criminal will attack them...that is the problem you guys always pretend doesn't exist...then you fall back on " one in my family has ever been a victim of a crime" and use that to create your feelings about people who carry guns...

Somebody in every family has been a victim of crime. Choosing to deal with it in a mature way instead of as a scared whining baby is what makes the difference.
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

Plan for self defence? Sure. Strapping on a gun, and wearing it around the house every day is nuts.
Disagreed, but I understand how members of the authoritarian Left seek to demean all supporters of gun rights in an effort to eventually disarm the population.
Depends on the attitude they teach the kids. If the kid thinks he needs to stay in a fighting stance 24/7 because they are afraid someone might jump them at any minute, they are being taught a violence culture. That would be the same attitude of gun nuts who think they need to be armed 24/7

Do they think they need to be armed 24/ They do realize that they have no idea when a violent criminal will attack them...that is the problem you guys always pretend doesn't exist...then you fall back on " one in my family has ever been a victim of a crime" and use that to create your feelings about people who carry guns...

Somebody in every family has been a victim of crime. Choosing to deal with it in a mature way instead of as a scared whining baby is what makes the difference.
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

I've spent most of my life living in the country. A cop getting there in half an hour means he was speeding all the way. I wouldn't tolerate anyone keeping a gun strapped to their leg unless they were on their way out to the back acreage. Guns should be stored safely unless they are in use.
Do they think they need to be armed 24/ They do realize that they have no idea when a violent criminal will attack them...that is the problem you guys always pretend doesn't exist...then you fall back on " one in my family has ever been a victim of a crime" and use that to create your feelings about people who carry guns...

Somebody in every family has been a victim of crime. Choosing to deal with it in a mature way instead of as a scared whining baby is what makes the difference.
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

I've spent most of my life living in the country. A cop getting there in half an hour means he was speeding all the way. I wouldn't tolerate anyone keeping a gun strapped to their leg unless they were on their way out to the back acreage. Guns should be stored safely unless they are in use.
Your choice. God Bless America!

Now, why do you seek to ridicule and demean everyone who disagrees with your position regarding self-defense?
Somebody in every family has been a victim of crime. Choosing to deal with it in a mature way instead of as a scared whining baby is what makes the difference.
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

Plan for self defence? Sure. Strapping on a gun, and wearing it around the house every day is nuts.
Disagreed, but I understand how members of the authoritarian Left seek to demean all supporters of gun rights in an effort to eventually disarm the population.

It's what the NRA used to teach before they sold out to gun manufacturers and safety took a back seat to profit.
Somebody in every family has been a victim of crime. Choosing to deal with it in a mature way instead of as a scared whining baby is what makes the difference.
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

I've spent most of my life living in the country. A cop getting there in half an hour means he was speeding all the way. I wouldn't tolerate anyone keeping a gun strapped to their leg unless they were on their way out to the back acreage. Guns should be stored safely unless they are in use.
Your choice. God Bless America!

Now, why do you seek to ridicule and demean everyone who disagrees with your position regarding self-defense?

Believe what you want about self defense. I have a problem with rambo wanna bees who wear guns at Walmart, or a little league ball game. That endangers too many people just so you can make a fashion statement, or boost your failing ego.
For those of us not born and raised in the gun culture, this image seems to be rather ham handed stab at normalizing something I find disturbing.

As I,said, I,was not raised in a household with guns. I was not raised in a home that felt constantly threatened and in desperate need of protection by force of arms. I was not raised in a household where guns were romanticized.

I find that gun culture to be a hinderence to fully understanding the scourge of guns and senseless gunplay. A couple of housewives packing heat seems to me, at least, more than a little sad.
The photo doesn't bother me in the least, though I suspect many conservatives feel about gays what you feel about guns -- not comfortable with them and resent normalizing the behavior.
No one has used a homosexual to rob a liquor store or kill innocent bystanders.
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.
Define "gun culture". Is that the same as "self-defense culture"? When parents take their kids to Tae Kwon Do lessons are they promoting violence or self-defense?

Depends on the attitude they teach the kids. If the kid thinks he needs to stay in a fighting stance 24/7 because they are afraid someone might jump them at any minute, they are being taught a violence culture. That would be the same attitude of gun nuts who think they need to be armed 24/7

Do they think they need to be armed 24/ They do realize that they have no idea when a violent criminal will attack them...that is the problem you guys always pretend doesn't exist...then you fall back on " one in my family has ever been a victim of a crime" and use that to create your feelings about people who carry guns...

Somebody in every family has been a victim of crime. Choosing to deal with it in a mature way instead of as a scared whining baby is what makes the difference.
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.

Tell that to these people...they led their lives without carrying a gun.....and then the monsters found them...these stories happen all the time. These people were very they aren't with us anymore....

Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders - Wikipedia

During this time, Hayes and Komisarjevsky escalated the aggravated nature of their crimes: Komisarjevsky raped the 11-year-old Michaela.[15][16] Komisarjevsky, who had photographed the sexual assault of the girl on his cell phone,[17] then provoked Hayes into raping Jennifer. While Hayes was raping her on the floor of the living room, Komisarjevsky entered the room and announced that William Petit had escaped. Hayes then strangled Jennifer, doused her lifeless body and parts of the house, including the daughters' rooms, with gasoline. While tied to their beds, both daughters had been doused with gasoline; each had her head covered with a pillowcase.[18] A fire was started, and Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene. Hayley and Michaela both died of smoke inhalation.[19]

Wichita Massacre - Wikipedia

Their crime spree culminated on December 14, when the Carrs invaded a home and subjected five young men and women to robbery, sexual abuse, and murder. The brothers broke into a house chosen nearly at random where Brad Heyka, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander, Jason Befort and his girlfriend, a young woman identified as 'H.G.', all in their twenties, were spending the night. They were all working adults: Befort was a local high school teacher; Heyka, a director of finance with a local financial services company; Muller, a local preschool teacher; and Sandler, a former financial analyst who had been studying to become a priest. H.G. is a teacher.

The Carrs initially scoured the house for valuables. H.G. learned of Befort's intent to propose marriage to her when the Carrs discovered the engagement ring he had hidden in a can of popcorn. After the search, the Carrs forced their hostages to strip naked, bound and detained them, and subjected them to various forms of sexual abuse, including rape and oral sex.[7] The brothers forced the men to engage in sexual acts with the women, and the women with each other. They drove the victims to ATMs to empty their bank accounts, before taking them to a snowy deserted soccer complex on the outskirts of town. There they shot the five execution-style in the backs of their heads. The Carr brothers drove Befort's truck over the bodies and left them for dead.

H.G. survived her head wound at the soccer field because her plastic barrette deflected the bullet. After the killers left, she walked naked for more than a mile in freezing weather to seek first aid and shelter at a house. Before getting medical treatment, she reported the incident and descriptions of her attackers to the couple who took her in, even before the police arrived.
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

I've spent most of my life living in the country. A cop getting there in half an hour means he was speeding all the way. I wouldn't tolerate anyone keeping a gun strapped to their leg unless they were on their way out to the back acreage. Guns should be stored safely unless they are in use.
Your choice. God Bless America!

Now, why do you seek to ridicule and demean everyone who disagrees with your position regarding self-defense?

Believe what you want about self defense. I have a problem with rambo wanna bees who wear guns at Walmart, or a little league ball game. That endangers too many people just so you can make a fashion statement, or boost your failing ego.

Yeah.....and at the Republican baseball practice, if they didn't have one of the leadership there, who had 2 security guards as part of his position, a Bernie Sanders supporter would have murdered them......and several of those members of the Republican party had concealed carry permits in their home state, but couldn't carry their guns to the ball park...because of people like you.
There are gun nuts....and anti-gun nuts. Somewhere in between is the place of reason.

Guns are tools. They are tools that have potentially lethal consequences. They should be treated with the respect and care that they deserve.

A "gun culture" doesn't exactly promote that does it?

My grandfather was in the military, he had guns, he had hunting rifles. He did not go to downtown Saltlake City "packing"...EVER.

My culture treat's guns as a useful tool to be treated with respect, secured when not in use and not used as a statement.

That's probably why I have issues with the photo in the OP. Not that they have guns, but that they feel the need to be armed in the kitchen, talking with the dog, chilling with if that is totally ordinary. I understand WHY they want to portray the image...but it's not realistic.
saw is good self defense but I'm not going to haul it around.
Define "gun culture". Is that the same as "self-defense culture"? When parents take their kids to Tae Kwon Do lessons are they promoting violence or self-defense?

Depends on the attitude they teach the kids. If the kid thinks he needs to stay in a fighting stance 24/7 because they are afraid someone might jump them at any minute, they are being taught a violence culture. That would be the same attitude of gun nuts who think they need to be armed 24/7

There is evil lurking around every corner. You are the last line of defense to save humanity. Every person you see is a potential adversary. You are never really safe....don't let your guard down

Look.....a black guy just popped out of the bushes
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
Actually, it's not "values"...I was raised around guns.

None of my relatives ever felt it was appropriate to carry an AK to Target while shopping.

Who said anything about an AK ?
When I carry in public it's concealed. You could stand next to me and never would know.

Although I do agree that the vast majority of morons with pitbulls in public are doing so for the wrong reasons.

A friend of mines' wife just spend two weeks in the hospital because their sons 90lb pit attacked her. I do not like those things around me. Even though I love animals.

Lots of gun nuts cary for the same reason the idiots take pitbulls in public.

And lots of law abiding citizens carry just like other citizens take a dog with them into public, and post no more threat. Tell you what. Since you seem convinced someone is going to blow your head off at any moment, don't leave your house. You might be safer there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, I'm not convinced that someone is going to blow my head off at any moment. That would make me a gun nut who thinks he needs to be armed at all times. If somebody does blow my head off, it's just as likely to be a gun nut as it is a bad guy.

In order to prove that, feel free to post reliable statistics showing that more people are killed by "gun nuts" than by "bad guys". If you can't, your statement is false and your paranoia is based on a lie. We'll wait.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.

While gun ownership is up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The only ones talking about being afraid are those like you who are afraid of people carrying guns for self defense....

Of course I'n scared of gun nuts. Did you hear about the vigilante gun nut who thought he saw someone shoplifting a tool? He followed the guy into the parking lot and fired 5 rounds at the guy's car and only 3 hit. The gun nut idiot claimed he was marking the car for the cops. I could have been in that parking lot. My kid could have been in that parking lot. You bet I'm scared of crazy gun nuts.

You have one story......Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack, and this is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice and barak obama's CDC.....

And since the 1990s as we went from 4.7 million people actually carrying guns to 2017 and 16.3 million people carrying guns...our gun violence rate fell 75%...and our gun murder rate fell nothing you say is supported by the facts on the ground.

I mentioned one story this time. There are plenty of others that fit the same pattern. Many end up with innocent bystanders dying. That scenario is not uncommon by any evaluation. How many should die or be injured just because you want to make a macho fashion statement?

And there are 1,500,000 other stories of Americans who own and even carry a gun who use it to stop a violent crime and even to save lives. And as my links show, attacks can and do happen anywhere.

So a gun nut killing an innocent person is not a problem? What if someone you love was killed by a rambo wanna be?
people who kill are breaking the law right?

The vast majority of LEGAL gun owners will never use their firearms in the commission of any crime.

No law abiding person whether they own guns or not is ever responsible for the actions of a criminal and should not be restricted because someone else might commit a crime.
Of course I'n scared of gun nuts. Did you hear about the vigilante gun nut who thought he saw someone shoplifting a tool? He followed the guy into the parking lot and fired 5 rounds at the guy's car and only 3 hit. The gun nut idiot claimed he was marking the car for the cops. I could have been in that parking lot. My kid could have been in that parking lot. You bet I'm scared of crazy gun nuts.

You have one story......Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to actually stop violent criminal attack, and this is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice and barak obama's CDC.....

And since the 1990s as we went from 4.7 million people actually carrying guns to 2017 and 16.3 million people carrying guns...our gun violence rate fell 75%...and our gun murder rate fell nothing you say is supported by the facts on the ground.

I mentioned one story this time. There are plenty of others that fit the same pattern. Many end up with innocent bystanders dying. That scenario is not uncommon by any evaluation. How many should die or be injured just because you want to make a macho fashion statement?

And there are 1,500,000 other stories of Americans who own and even carry a gun who use it to stop a violent crime and even to save lives. And as my links show, attacks can and do happen anywhere.

So a gun nut killing an innocent person is not a problem? What if someone you love was killed by a rambo wanna be?

Believe it or not, I've read gun nuts saying that since other things cause more deaths, the gun deaths aren't worth addressing. It's the ridiculous argument that since guns kill, we should ban cars and swimming pools.

I believe the lobby (NRS) to sell more and more guns has completely sold out human lives to the bottom line of the gun makers ' p&l.

Sent from my iPad using

Guns don't kill

The people who actually pull the trigger do the killing.
There are gun nuts....and anti-gun nuts. Somewhere in between is the place of reason.

Guns are tools. They are tools that have potentially lethal consequences. They should be treated with the respect and care that they deserve.

A "gun culture" doesn't exactly promote that does it?

My grandfather was in the military, he had guns, he had hunting rifles. He did not go to downtown Saltlake City "packing"...EVER.

My culture treat's guns as a useful tool to be treated with respect, secured when not in use and not used as a statement.

That's probably why I have issues with the photo in the OP. Not that they have guns, but that they feel the need to be armed in the kitchen, talking with the dog, chilling with if that is totally ordinary. I understand WHY they want to portray the image...but it's not realistic.

A chain saw is good self defense but I'm not going to haul it around.

Actually a chainsaw is a very poor tool for self defense. The very best tool for self defense is a firearm of some sort.

Use the tool for what it was designed for. You don't use a chain saw for finish trim work. You don't use a nail gun to drive a screw.

A firearm is designed to fire a projectile so as to stop a threat at a distance and as a force multiplier so as to stop more than one threat.

That is all a firearm is.
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it

No...what I have done is show that the entire argument that the anti gunners use to push for more and more gun control a lie. The entire argument guys like you push is that more guns in the hands of more people will increase the crime rate, the gun murder rate, the gun violence rate.....and none of that is true or factual...which means you have nothing...your arguments are wrong....they are based on nothing.....

As reality, facts, and truth show, more law abiding people owning and carrying guns does not increase the gun violence rate, it does not increase the gun murder rate and it does not increase the violent crime rate......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%
--gun crime down 75%
--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Concealed carry permit number....
New Study: Over 16.3 million concealed handgun permits, last year saw the largest increase ever in number of permits - Crime Prevention Research Center

actual study...

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2017 by John R. Lott :: SSRN

And more than enough actual research shows that guns in the hands of Americans helps to lower the crime rate....
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.
thumbsup.gif of 2015 because obama supported black lives matter, the police in all the major cities have backed down in going after criminals...and obama has caused an increase in crime in democrat controlled cities....because of his support for anti-police groups and politicians....

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