CDZ Is this image a problem for you? Does it disturb you?

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.

While gun ownership is up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The number of guns in circulation is up as gunowners add to their collection
Actual gun ownership is down as the number of families who keep a gun in the house has decreased over the last 25 years
There are gun nuts....and anti-gun nuts. Somewhere in between is the place of reason.

Guns are tools. They are tools that have potentially lethal consequences. They should be treated with the respect and care that they deserve.

A "gun culture" doesn't exactly promote that does it?

My grandfather was in the military, he had guns, he had hunting rifles. He did not go to downtown Saltlake City "packing"...EVER.

My culture treat's guns as a useful tool to be treated with respect, secured when not in use and not used as a statement.

That's probably why I have issues with the photo in the OP. Not that they have guns, but that they feel the need to be armed in the kitchen, talking with the dog, chilling with if that is totally ordinary. I understand WHY they want to portray the image...but it's not realistic.

A chain saw is good self defense but I'm not going to haul it around.

Actually a chainsaw is a very poor tool for self defense. The very best tool for self defense is a firearm of some sort.

Use the tool for what it was designed for. You don't use a chain saw for finish trim work. You don't use a nail gun to drive a screw.

A firearm is designed to fire a projectile so as to stop a threat at a distance and as a force multiplier so as to stop more than one threat.

That is all a firearm is.

I prefer a big stick with a nail in it
Choosing to face it head-on rather than whining in a closet is more mature and self-reliant.

Facing the world every day without having to hide behind a gun is the mature way.
Wouldn't that depend upon where you live? If a person has a cop standing outside their door or even on the street corner, your argument would be more valid, but if two attractive women are living alone in a secluded rural area where the nearest LEO is 20 minutes away, it might be smarter to have a good plan for self-defense.

I've spent most of my life living in the country. A cop getting there in half an hour means he was speeding all the way. I wouldn't tolerate anyone keeping a gun strapped to their leg unless they were on their way out to the back acreage. Guns should be stored safely unless they are in use.
Your choice. God Bless America!

Now, why do you seek to ridicule and demean everyone who disagrees with your position regarding self-defense?

Believe what you want about self defense. I have a problem with rambo wanna bees who wear guns at Walmart, or a little league ball game. That endangers too many people just so you can make a fashion statement, or boost your failing ego.
Again, why you are free to choose for yourself, why do you seek to deny people their Constitutional rights?
There are gun nuts....and anti-gun nuts. Somewhere in between is the place of reason.

Guns are tools. They are tools that have potentially lethal consequences. They should be treated with the respect and care that they deserve.

A "gun culture" doesn't exactly promote that does it?

My grandfather was in the military, he had guns, he had hunting rifles. He did not go to downtown Saltlake City "packing"...EVER.

My culture treat's guns as a useful tool to be treated with respect, secured when not in use and not used as a statement.

That's probably why I have issues with the photo in the OP. Not that they have guns, but that they feel the need to be armed in the kitchen, talking with the dog, chilling with if that is totally ordinary. I understand WHY they want to portray the image...but it's not realistic.

A chain saw is good self defense but I'm not going to haul it around.

Actually a chainsaw is a very poor tool for self defense. The very best tool for self defense is a firearm of some sort.

Use the tool for what it was designed for. You don't use a chain saw for finish trim work. You don't use a nail gun to drive a screw.

A firearm is designed to fire a projectile so as to stop a threat at a distance and as a force multiplier so as to stop more than one threat.

That is all a firearm is.

I prefer a big stick with a nail in it
A matter of choice. The clear difference here is that some people are content to leave it as a matter of choice while others not only have a personal choice, but seek to enforce that choice on everyone else.


  1. favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
I can understand why those women in the OP need a firearm at their side

What if that dog starts to shit on the floor?
There are gun nuts....and anti-gun nuts. Somewhere in between is the place of reason.

Guns are tools. They are tools that have potentially lethal consequences. They should be treated with the respect and care that they deserve.

A "gun culture" doesn't exactly promote that does it?

My grandfather was in the military, he had guns, he had hunting rifles. He did not go to downtown Saltlake City "packing"...EVER.

My culture treat's guns as a useful tool to be treated with respect, secured when not in use and not used as a statement.

That's probably why I have issues with the photo in the OP. Not that they have guns, but that they feel the need to be armed in the kitchen, talking with the dog, chilling with if that is totally ordinary. I understand WHY they want to portray the image...but it's not realistic.
saw is good self defense but I'm not going to haul it around.
Define "gun culture". Is that the same as "self-defense culture"? When parents take their kids to Tae Kwon Do lessons are they promoting violence or self-defense?

Depends on the attitude they teach the kids. If the kid thinks he needs to stay in a fighting stance 24/7 because they are afraid someone might jump them at any minute, they are being taught a violence culture. That would be the same attitude of gun nuts who think they need to be armed 24/7

There is evil lurking around every corner. You are the last line of defense to save humanity. Every person you see is a potential adversary. You are never really safe....don't let your guard down

Look.....a black guy just popped out of the bushes
Fear-mongering is a favorite LW tactic.

More people die every year from fatal driving accidents than from gun murders. Should we ban cars within a 100 yards of every school, every pedestrian walkway and every park just because someone might decide to drive over other people? Should the LWers fear-monger that prospect or will they STFU because they enjoy the freedom of their driving privileges rather than be forced to bicycle around town or take a bus?
It seems weird to me that anyone could NOT be disturbed by this photo. And it has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment, which I strongly support. It's just disturbing that anyone would feel so insecure in their home that they felt the need to carry a weapon on their person. Something is bad wrong there.

Really? Why would they feel insecure in their home simply because they are wearing a gun? It is no different from wearing a cell you take off your cell phone at home simply because you have a land line in your home? Besides that....some of the holsters you wear require undoing your belt to get them off.....and if you are coming and going, that can be a hassle...

Try to get some real experience and will help with your future posts...
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.

Correlation doesn't equal causation. For example:

Did you know that ice cream causes violent crime? It's true. If you look at the stats, every major upswing in ice cream consumption is accompanied by higher rates of violent crime. Facts is facts!
There are gun nuts....and anti-gun nuts. Somewhere in between is the place of reason.

Guns are tools. They are tools that have potentially lethal consequences. They should be treated with the respect and care that they deserve.

A "gun culture" doesn't exactly promote that does it?

My grandfather was in the military, he had guns, he had hunting rifles. He did not go to downtown Saltlake City "packing"...EVER.

My culture treat's guns as a useful tool to be treated with respect, secured when not in use and not used as a statement.

That's probably why I have issues with the photo in the OP. Not that they have guns, but that they feel the need to be armed in the kitchen, talking with the dog, chilling with if that is totally ordinary. I understand WHY they want to portray the image...but it's not realistic.
saw is good self defense but I'm not going to haul it around.
Define "gun culture". Is that the same as "self-defense culture"? When parents take their kids to Tae Kwon Do lessons are they promoting violence or self-defense?

Depends on the attitude they teach the kids. If the kid thinks he needs to stay in a fighting stance 24/7 because they are afraid someone might jump them at any minute, they are being taught a violence culture. That would be the same attitude of gun nuts who think they need to be armed 24/7

There is evil lurking around every corner. You are the last line of defense to save humanity. Every person you see is a potential adversary. You are never really safe....don't let your guard down

Look.....a black guy just popped out of the bushes
Fear-mongering is a favorite LW tactic.

More people die every year from fatal driving accidents than from gun murders. Should we ban cars within a 100 yards of every school, every pedestrian walkway and every park just because someone might decide to drive over other people? Should the LWers fear-monger that prospect or will they STFU because they enjoy the freedom of their driving privileges rather than be forced to bicycle around town or take a bus?

What a goofy comparison.
I see no need for myself to carry a weapon, I don't have a problems with humanity many of you have..
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.

While gun ownership is up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The number of guns in circulation is up as gunowners add to their collection
Actual gun ownership is down as the number of families who keep a gun in the house has decreased over the last 25 years

And that is not held up by actual research....people have stopped reporting gun ownership to pollsters, especially as left wing anti gunners have tried to publish their names in papers and have attacked them for owning those guns....
"It is no different than wearing a cell phone"

You're making yourself look utterly disconnected from reality for the sake of a really weird political position. Every gun owner I know would tell you that you're a fucking idiot.

There are over 16.3 million people now carrying a gun for self defense.....

Our gun accident rates have gone down.

Our gun murder rate went down 49%.

Our gun violence rate went down 75%.

Our violent crime rate went down 72%.

You are the one who is disconnected from the facts, the truth and the reality of guns in this country....

Cause and effect

You have failed to prove it
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.

While gun ownership is up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The number of guns in circulation is up as gunowners add to their collection
Actual gun ownership is down as the number of families who keep a gun in the house has decreased over the last 25 years

We went from 200 million guns to close to 600 million guns...the same two guys in Idaho are not the ones buying those fact, minorities and women are the biggest growth areas for gun gun owners...
No, he showed cause and effect. Gun violence is down because crime is down.

Thanks, Obama.

Correlation doesn't equal causation. For example:

Did you know that ice cream causes violent crime? It's true. If you look at the stats, every major upswing in ice cream consumption is accompanied by higher rates of violent crime. Facts is facts!

You can't actually show that.....we can show that as more people own and carry guns.....gun crime has gone down...and as to causation..there is actual research that shows legal carrying of guns helps to lower the gun crime rate.
They are a self defense tool......and can be a fashion statement.

So what task are those tools being used for right now? If I only need a wrench once every couple of weeks, I might keep it close in a tool box, but I'm not going to carry with me every minute. How often do you think they have need for those tools? Admit it, it's nothing more than a fashion statement, or perhaps an extension for a guy who is less than confident in his manhood.

Really? You need to ask that question? Can you tell these women the exact time of the day or night they may run into a criminal, a rapist, robber or murderer? If we had that ability, then we would only need to carry at that time, but until we achieve that level of psychic perfection, then the only course of action if you want to protect yourself from a random, violent, criminal attack, is to carry your gun like you do your cell phone.

As to an extension of that why these women are carrying those guns?

And again with the sexual reference....please get help.
Don't know when a fire might break out either, but I don't see them strapping a fire extinguisher to their legs. Can you say Fashion Statement?
Do you carry a wallet? FASHION STATEMENT
Do you carry a cell phone? Ditto
Do you carry a pen? Ditto also
See where this is going? Just because you may not need a given tool on a given day, does not mean that carrying it daily is a fashion statement. Besides, we know nothing about the situation, you assume they are in their own home, with the doors looked and are relatively safe. How do you know that? They may be in a house that is far out in the country with ample predators around. They just came in from outside to make a meal. Does that mean the guns are a fashion statement, simply because they did not remove them at the door? You make so many assumptions and judge the people and situation based on those assumptions. In reality, you know nothing but there are two women carrying guns in a kitchen. Does this frighten you? Or maybe it simply offends you for some reason. Why is it so terrible for two women to carry guns? Are you sexist? Or maybe you just believe that no one should be "allowed" to carry, unless YOU say so.

What ever the case may be, the problem here is not the women in the picture. The problem is YOU. You know nothing about the situation, and yet you pass judgement on it. Why is that? What is your intent?

Don't be silly. The implication of the picture is exactly what you said it was. They are calmly inside their own home. There is no reason to believe they just came from an intense situation where fire arms were needed. That is not a normal situation. The guns are a fashion statement. That is it.
Why do you continue to make assumptions? You do know the old saying: All assuming does is make an a** out of U and me. You know nothing about the situation, they may well be armed because the is a very real threat, you simply do not know.
Looks more like gun nuts are cowards who are desperately trying to look tough.
Next time you see someone carrying, go tell them that, see what happens. My bet is that they will either punch you, or more likely, laugh at you.
When guns are a symbol of indadequacy:

Penny's is a violent place apparently...

Bars are a great place for firearms...

Target...another violent place...don't go shopping without dangling an assault style weapon...

Just eating out with my weaponry .... doesn't everyone?

Contrast that with those for whom gun's are just a tool:



So is the gun a statement or a useful tool? My grandfather (and husband) had/have guns. During hunting season, rifles are in use, when not in use, they're safely stored. My grandfather would have laughted at people who feel the need to carry assault type rifles and "massive stopping power" into Penny's.

Yeah.....the bar one? Virginia and allowed concealed carry in bars...their crime rate in bars went down....

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”

Virginia isn't the only state that allows carrying a just can't drink and carry, just like you can't drive and carry... guys would laugh at people who carry every day....tell us, do you know exactly when you will be violently attacked by a criminal? Because a lot of women who are violently raped, a lot of people who are brutally beaten and robbed, and a lot of people murdered by criminals sure could have used your psychic abilities.....

I think allowing guns in bars is a VERY BAD IDEA frankly. Alcohal fuels violence - there is no doubt about that.

I'm not totally anti-gun, believe it or not. I support the right of citizens to have guns but I also support LIMITS on that right (just like any other right). One of those is mixing guns and booze.

Is there any llimitation you support when it comes to gun rights?
Sure, If you are convicted of a violent crime, no gun, period. Full stop. See the only way to CONSTITUTIONALLY take a right, is through what is called "due process". In other words, conviction of a crime.
If guns are tools, they should be treated as tools. I don't go shopping in target dragging my rototillar behind me.
Neither do I. I do carry my Swiss Army knife, in a pouch on my belt for everyone to see, everywhere I go.
So what task are those tools being used for right now? If I only need a wrench once every couple of weeks, I might keep it close in a tool box, but I'm not going to carry with me every minute. How often do you think they have need for those tools? Admit it, it's nothing more than a fashion statement, or perhaps an extension for a guy who is less than confident in his manhood.

Really? You need to ask that question? Can you tell these women the exact time of the day or night they may run into a criminal, a rapist, robber or murderer? If we had that ability, then we would only need to carry at that time, but until we achieve that level of psychic perfection, then the only course of action if you want to protect yourself from a random, violent, criminal attack, is to carry your gun like you do your cell phone.

As to an extension of that why these women are carrying those guns?

And again with the sexual reference....please get help.
Don't know when a fire might break out either, but I don't see them strapping a fire extinguisher to their legs. Can you say Fashion Statement?
Do you carry a wallet? FASHION STATEMENT
Do you carry a cell phone? Ditto
Do you carry a pen? Ditto also
See where this is going? Just because you may not need a given tool on a given day, does not mean that carrying it daily is a fashion statement. Besides, we know nothing about the situation, you assume they are in their own home, with the doors looked and are relatively safe. How do you know that? They may be in a house that is far out in the country with ample predators around. They just came in from outside to make a meal. Does that mean the guns are a fashion statement, simply because they did not remove them at the door? You make so many assumptions and judge the people and situation based on those assumptions. In reality, you know nothing but there are two women carrying guns in a kitchen. Does this frighten you? Or maybe it simply offends you for some reason. Why is it so terrible for two women to carry guns? Are you sexist? Or maybe you just believe that no one should be "allowed" to carry, unless YOU say so.

What ever the case may be, the problem here is not the women in the picture. The problem is YOU. You know nothing about the situation, and yet you pass judgement on it. Why is that? What is your intent?

Don't be silly. The implication of the picture is exactly what you said it was. They are calmly inside their own home. There is no reason to believe they just came from an intense situation where fire arms were needed. That is not a normal situation. The guns are a fashion statement. That is it.
Why do you continue to make assumptions? You do know the old saying: All assuming does is make an a** out of U and me. You know nothing about the situation, they may well be armed because the is a very real threat, you simply do not know.

I suppose there could be a very real threat, but a random picture with a couple women in the kitchen smiling doesn't give that impression. I guess the entire house could be flying through the air because of tornado, just like the Wizard of OZ too. The picture doesn't give that impression either, but it could be happening.
When guns are a symbol of indadequacy:

Penny's is a violent place apparently...

Bars are a great place for firearms...

Target...another violent place...don't go shopping without dangling an assault style weapon...

Just eating out with my weaponry .... doesn't everyone?

Contrast that with those for whom gun's are just a tool:



So is the gun a statement or a useful tool? My grandfather (and husband) had/have guns. During hunting season, rifles are in use, when not in use, they're safely stored. My grandfather would have laughted at people who feel the need to carry assault type rifles and "massive stopping power" into Penny's.

Yeah.....the bar one? Virginia and allowed concealed carry in bars...their crime rate in bars went down....

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”

Virginia isn't the only state that allows carrying a just can't drink and carry, just like you can't drive and carry... guys would laugh at people who carry every day....tell us, do you know exactly when you will be violently attacked by a criminal? Because a lot of women who are violently raped, a lot of people who are brutally beaten and robbed, and a lot of people murdered by criminals sure could have used your psychic abilities.....

I think allowing guns in bars is a VERY BAD IDEA frankly. Alcohal fuels violence - there is no doubt about that.

I'm not totally anti-gun, believe it or not. I support the right of citizens to have guns but I also support LIMITS on that right (just like any other right). One of those is mixing guns and booze.

Is there any llimitation you support when it comes to gun rights?
Sure, If you are convicted of a violent crime, no gun, period. Full stop. See the only way to CONSTITUTIONALLY take a right, is through what is called "due process". In other words, conviction of a crime.

So without a background check, what will stop him from being able to buy a gun?

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