Is this is our future?

You mean the Technical Cleansing? That's not the future, that is now.... and the usual left wing communists are the originators.

"You mean the Technical Cleansing? That's not the future, that is now.... and the usual left wing communists are the originators."

By pointing to the left and ignoring the right you become part of the problem.

A rational reasonable person would be clever enough to understand that BOTH sides are waging war on "free speech" and "thought".

By accusing the left and defending the right you are helping the right to do what you say you don't want.

Every single one in the right voiced their opinion against the Technical Cleansing, while the left wing journalists can not have enough enjoyment celebrating

I have no idea what you are talking about.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming

so much for Trump being for the people.LOL
Look here Trumpbot, I am going to tell you something the snake-oil salesmen you listen to will never tell you. The red scare is a quaint old custom that only elderly assholes fall for. I am not a socialist as I grew up understanding the term but you people slinging the term around willy-nilly has robbed it of it stigma. Now it simply means not being a hateful dick like you.

More insults, more stupidity....

Yes, you are not a socialist in how you grew up understanding the term. You are a socialist in how Americans grew up understanding the term. Big government European style ultra high tax rates... free stuff for all, and of course... the open border so that Americans can be replaced with more socialists from Mexico.

An anti-liberty dysgenic shit-storm. Judging by cities in California you can take that last part literally.
Socialism means government ownership of the means of production. That's it. You are confusing that with the political/economic system in place in the entire civilized world. It's like you people calling yourselves conservative when you no longer fit the dictionary definition of not really wanting to change things much.
A typically half-assed definition of socialism but it is good to see one of you admit that "socialism means government ownership of the means of production." There is only one way to accomplish that - gov't confiscation of private wealth - and only one way to maintain it … totalitarianism.

Thankfully our prescient Founding Dads had the good sense to establish a constitution that serves to protect us from gov't tyranny, including but not limited to our freedom from unreasonable search & seizure.

If this country ever again must endure massive, violent civil unrest it will be triggered by the WashDC swamp attempting to usurp our constitutional rights and freedoms which have underpinned all this country has accomplished the last 2+ centuries.
They are usurping our rights right under our noses in plain site and all we do about it is nothing. It is all wrapped neatly in this partisan wrapper that no one has the cognitive ability to unwrap.

That is the entire point of this thread.
You want to discuss cyber-anything with this bunch? They are mostly a bunch geriatric cranks that probably still use internet explorer on a machine they bought from Goodwill 10 years ago.
Yes, that is why I come here. To talk to people with differing views than my own.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming

so much for Trump being for the people.LOL
Yeah, it was expected that he would cave. I knew enough about him to know that moral clarity and principles were not his strong suit.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
“We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America.”

No, we don’t.

Granted, the current administration is hostile to the truth, contriving and propagating all manner of lies and misinformation, but the Federal government in general is not involved in any such conspiracy, with officials both elected and appointed speaking out against Trump’s lies and dishonesty.

And if Assange should stand trial in the United States, it won’t be in an effort to ‘silence’ him; Assange will be afforded comprehensive due process and the presumption of innocence.

As usual the problem isn’t ‘the government’ – the problem is the ignorance, stupidity, and apathy of the American people, Trump supporters being the most recent and glaring example.

We have met the enemy and he is us.
Going after Assange is an attempt to prevent the truth from seeing the light of day. It will send a strong signal to would be whistle blowers as well as journalists and publishers. It will have a chilling effect on the press. This is the government attempting to suppress the truth.

They are using the Espionage Act to prosecute someone who is not even a US citizen and who doesn't publish from the US. They have branded Assange a terrorist for giving a voice to people who have been crushed by our government. This is journalism, it is the role of the journalist. To be a check on government power.

So yes, the government is the problem. But the problem is compounded by the ignorance, stupidity and apathy of the American people. Now look in the mirror, jackass.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
Turds like you are the ones who support the right of monopolies like Google and youTube to censor views they don't like.
Funny how nobody complained when the former president used the IRS to punish political enemies and used the FBI to illegally conduct a surveillance on a political opponent but apparently a BBC story gets the left all hysterical about something they call the "thought police" during a republican administration
Look, I understand that you think a Republican administration is beyond reproach and so you have no real opinion about what is being discussed. But you are barking up the wrong tree with your sob story.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
Turds like you are the ones who support the right of monopolies like Google and youTube to censor views they don't like.
No I don't.
Yes, those are the policies that I disagree with. The ones that marginalize your voice.

I appreciate that, but it's also a matter of private property.

Further, when certain voices are suppressed they gain a aura of "taboo" which attracts attention. This is why I support free speech. I want people to be able to be exposed to ALL speech, so they're free to choose between nanny state collectivism and equal misery enforced through omnipotent government, or a system that has already proven to produce the highest standards of living for the most people with opportunities to achieve vast wealth like no other place on earth.

So I'm happy that AssBook and Google have gone out of their way to revise history and suppress speech. It seems like my point of view is winning. I'm going to guess you see that also, much to your chagrin.


I think for the most part your point of view is wrong. Nor do I believe it to be a winner. In fact, I believe your point of view has lead us to this moment in history where we have to concern ourselves with this discussion.

My primary concern is that the suppression of your point of view will lead to the suppression of my point of view and only one point of view will eventually be tolerated.
Pot Calls Kettle Black

#65: They have branded Assange a terrorist.'

'Insofar as the State formulates the machinery of the political enterprise, it is an apparatus of terror. That basic aspect of State terrorism is hidden by the discourse and procedures of political affairs, but any attempt to jeopardize or even to challenge the structure of the State or its monopoly of violence brings out instantly the first steps of State-sponsored terrorism....We will favor the hypothesis that the political venture has a hidden purpose linked to the repression of any investigation of the foundation. It is the reason why I suggest that the analyst in politics acts as a heretic does in the field of religion.'
(Apollon, A Lasting Heresy, in Jacques Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics)
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
That's OK. JESUS is also coming soon. All those plutocrats will burn in hell. I'm looking forward to seeing their faces when God informs them of where they will be spending eternity.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
Actualy, ever been on YouTube lately? They are in the middle of a pogrom against anyone that questions or mocks liberalism. They call anything they don't like "HATE SPEECH" as the basis of all this...So, yes, it's begun, the purge is starting.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
Actualy, ever been on YouTube lately? They are in the middle of a pogrom against anyone that questions or mocks liberalism. They call anything they don't like "HATE SPEECH" as the basis of all this...So, yes, it's begun, the purge is starting.
Yes, I am on youtube often. There is no pogrom. This is just inflammatory rhetoric that makes having a rational discussion about an admitted problem, impossible.
Everyone on the left seems fine with charging people who were arrested with a more serious crime based on their "hatred" of the victim but it only deals with certain victims. Hate crime statutes are unconstitutional.
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
Actualy, ever been on YouTube lately? They are in the middle of a pogrom against anyone that questions or mocks liberalism. They call anything they don't like "HATE SPEECH" as the basis of all this...So, yes, it's begun, the purge is starting.
Yes, I am on youtube often. There is no pogrom. This is just inflammatory rhetoric that makes having a rational discussion about an admitted problem, impossible.
We disagree. Louder with chowder, black pigeon peaks. Perhaps it speaks to my browsing history. I look at stuff like funny pet videos and historical stuff, and even at that, I have seen the backlash against criticizing liberalism. They outright ban or demonetize people for challenging the current liberal zeitgeists. This is no exaggeration, YOUTUBE is purging folks with little or no explanation. TOS? They seem to redefine or tap dance around what that means.
Last edited:
WeChat and the Surveillance State

The above linked story is actually about what happened to a journalist from the BBC who was discussing with friends on mainland China about what was happening in Hong Kong during the recent protest.


Apparently, the truth about what transpired in Tiananmen Square is suppressed in China.

Which brings us to our current situation here in America. I'm sure that the above photo has evoked a sense of awareness in some. We are starting to see this right.

We also know that the US government is doing what it can to suppress the truth in America. They have been prosecuting whistle blowers in record numbers and currently have Julian Assange under indictment for disseminating the truth. For disclosing war crimes, for defending the defenseless.

The implications are real. We've already lost our government to a plutocracy. We are about to lose what little remains of a government watchdog. The winners in this battle, the plutocrats, will not only write the history, they will also control our present reality. Realize that the government and the plutocrats are essentially one.

Opinion -The Thought Police Are Coming
Actualy, ever been on YouTube lately? They are in the middle of a pogrom against anyone that questions or mocks liberalism. They call anything they don't like "HATE SPEECH" as the basis of all this...So, yes, it's begun, the purge is starting.
Yes, I am on youtube often. There is no pogrom. This is just inflammatory rhetoric that makes having a rational discussion about an admitted problem, impossible.
We disagree. Louder with chowder, black pigeon peaks. Perhaps it speaks to my browsing history. I look at stuff like funny pet videos and historical stuff, and even at that, I have seen the backlash against criticizing liberalism. They outright ban or demonetize people for challenging the current liberal zeitgeists.
We disagree only in the language that you use. On principle, we agree.

I like to think we can have a rational discussion about our concerns.
I have to hand it to USMB, they are my go to on freedom of expression . Big shout out to this entire board. It's time to contribute some hard earned shekels. Just sayin.

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