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Is this message board always so short on liberals?

There are certainly many leftists here. There are loads of democrats here and some of them post in such profligate fashion one would almost think they are being paid to post.

Liberals, however, are extremely rare on this bord.

Maybe 3 or 4. I'm definitely a conservative but I know a liberal when I read them. One used to be a mod.
We take polls now and then, so the numbers are pretty clear. It's about 72% to 77% Trumpster here. I think that population has increased 5% or so in the last few years.

That's okay. It's one helluva good place for observation, even if trying to communicate with them is pointless.
One has to try, in order to achieve....dumbass.
We need more decent conservatives speaking up, who aren't brainwashed by the authoritarian Trumpish personality cult propaganda machine that pisses on freedom and the Constitution.

So what was authoritarian about Trump? Give us an example or two.
Define Conservative.
Here you go:
There are certainly many leftists here. There are loads of democrats here and some of them post in such profligate fashion one would almost think they are being paid to post.

Liberals, however, are extremely rare on this bord.
I agree. So much so that you can almost tell when they are in contact with people behind the scenes on live chats asking for talking points. I remember one even goofing and saying as much. :)
While greed, corruption and general indecency are not limited to one party, it's unfortunately the case today that one of both major parties still respects the Constitution and the values of freedom and democracy, while the other does not and is preparing for the installation of autocratic tyranny. The former are the Democrats, as appaling individual Democrats might be, and the latter are the Republicans.
If you believe that the Democrat party respects the Constitution and the values of freedom, you're not dealing with a full deck. Plain and simple.

The past 5 years should tell you the depths they will go to in order to shut down a dissenting opinion, ostracize or censor those who have a different worldview, all to hold power for the sake of doing AWAY with the Constitution in favor of an authoritarian government that is in charge of your very survival through handouts and stipends and ensuring that the rule exist that you harm yourself more by trying to get away from government dependency.

So, I'll pass on the notion that both parties are corrupt. The GOP's largest problem is they lack a moral track and are as spinless as an Octopus.
My biggest beef with Trump is that he doesn't respect the Constitution, attempted a coup to stay in power despite being diselected,
Ok, I get that the media's spin is that January 6th was an attempted coup. No one has been charged with any kind of crime related to a "coup," so the Biden Justice Department disagrees with you.
and ever since then continues to undermine trust in Constitutional institutions, such as free elections. He's using lies and propaganda to destroy public discourse as a basis for his power, much like autocrats such as Putin, Bolsonaro or Duterte, and he's building up a personality cult.
Again, more empty words repeated over and over by the media and parroted by those desperate to distract from the incredible failures of the Biden administration.*

The issue I have with both of the above quotes is that they are characterizations, not descriptions. Why not say exactly what Trump said of did that fits those descriptions?
When one of two parties no longer respects the Constitution, but is preparing a coup to seize power, in order to end freedom and democracy and establish an autocratic tyranny -- it simply doesn't matter what else they're doing. You have to oppose them, if you're decent.
Who is preparing a coup to seize power? What exactly are they doing? Be specific as to who and what.

Those statements are absurd on their face. That's why "decent conservatives" don't want to speak out when they do disagree with Trump. They don't want to be lumped in with that kind of craziness.
It's simply a matter of freedom vs tyranny, like 1933 in Germany. There really is no other way to see it.
Yes, because Trump is "literally Hitler." Or was the G.W. Bush? Or both? Reagan also?

This is another example of the left using name calling instead of reason.

Tell me why Trump's efforts to close the border were bad for the American people and that Biden flying undocumented, untested and unvaccinated illegal aliens to red states is good for the American people.
Or is the current administration and congress so difficult to defend that the liberals are waiting for the GOP to win, so they can go back to being the vocal critics?

Nothing wrong with that, I'm just wondering. I like it when liberals defend the indefensible.

Mods, if this should be in feedback, feel free to move it. It's a question about the board combined with politics, so I thought if I put it in feedback, it might get moved here.

They can't make actual arguments, they can really only emote...so when they get repeated posts explaining the truth, facts and reality, they just leave....
7 Core Principles of Conservatism
  • Individual Freedom. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual,God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. ...
  • Limited Government. ...
  • The Rule of Law. ...
  • Peace through Strength. ...
  • Fiscal Responsibility. ...
  • Free Markets. ...
  • Human Dignity.
Liberals run from USMB they flock together where they can ban the opposite point of view.
LoL, I am very familiar with that. I've been booted off of three liberal forums, and that after trying hard not be snarky, and being super careful to comply with rules.

The most recent one, was not so slanted leftward, but there was a moderator there who was also a moderator on the previous, very liberal, forum and she pretty openly hounded me with false accusations of breaking the rules and then banned me.
7 Core Principles of Conservatism
  • Individual Freedom. The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual,God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. ...
  • Limited Government. ...
  • The Rule of Law. ...
  • Peace through Strength. ...
  • Fiscal Responsibility. ...
  • Free Markets. ...
  • Human Dignity.
  • Free Markets. ...
  • Human Dignity

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