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Is this message board always so short on liberals?

We take polls now and then, so the numbers are pretty clear. It's about 72% to 77% Trumpster here. I think that population has increased 5% or so in the last few years.

That's okay. It's one helluva good place for observation, even if trying to communicate with them is pointless.
If you’ve seen one lib you’ve seen them all

and that goes for Tweeners too
Which is when a business goes to hiring illegals.

We do NOT have a free market. In a free market the government does not subsidize certain businesses. In a free market the government doesn't make the tax payers bail out a failed business. In a free market if I want to sell my wares overseas, I can, I do not have to get the government permission.
Hiring illegals is a crime and if this crime is not adjudicated against them, that is on the government. But the government is always evil. Hence the phrase, "Government is a necessary evil but should be severely limited in application" <-- paraphrased

Government subsidizing business is not part of the free market as government resides OUTSIDE the free market. No one will argue that government should be in the business of picking winners or losers. If a business cannot survive without subsidies, then it needs to fail.

Businesses and industries like:

Green energy. i.e., solar panels, windmills, tide generators.
Coal. i.e., Mining, power generation
Oil. i.e. drilling/mining, power generation, transportation, manufacturing
Automobiles i.e. car and truck manufacturing.

etc., etc.

On the same hand, government should not be regulating any of the above.

Full stop.
So who was the last Republican President that was more conservative than Trump? Trump spoke out for religious freedom, strongly supports our police and military, pro-life, cutting wasteful spending, did the job for free for four years, lost a billion dollars of net worth to run and become President, tough on our border, for lower taxation, especially for our job creators......

So how do you figure Trump or his supporters are not conservative?

I'm no huge Trump fan...that said I think he has conservative values for the most part.

He's head and shoulders above Potatohead fcking everything up now
While greed, corruption and general indecency are not limited to one party, it's unfortunately the case today that one of both major parties still respects the Constitution and the values of freedom and democracy, while the other does not and is preparing for the installation of autocratic tyranny. The former are the Democrats, as appaling individual Democrats might be, and the latter are the Republicans.
Or is the current administration and congress so difficult to defend that the liberals are waiting for the GOP to win, so they can go back to being the vocal critics?

Nothing wrong with that, I'm just wondering. I like it when liberals defend the indefensible.

Mods, if this should be in feedback, feel free to move it. It's a question about the board combined with politics, so I thought if I put it in feedback, it might get moved here.
What you're seeing is a balanced representation of reality in America.
There's only a few left-wingers in the real world.
Most of the Librarians sound like Democrats...and you only have a few communists....and most of them are from another country.
Many of us have been kicked off of leftist sites....so we mostly ended up here.
Leftists can't handle a fair fight....so they ban anyone who thinks differently.
Well, Trump was diselected, but he rallied up a mob to storm the Capitol and did all he could to stay in power. He even attacked Pence for doing his constitutional duty. If Pence hadn't called in security forces, only God knows what would have happened. Most likely, Trump would have used the turmoil as a pretext to call out a state of emergency and prevented the certification of Biden's victory from happening.

Ever since then, Trump and almost the entire spineless ilk of Republicans who follow him, spread the lie that elections only matter when Republicans win. By doing so, Trump is preparing another putsch in 2024, in case he's losing again.

It's obvious as daylight the Republican party no longer respects free elections, and by doing so, they have turned their backs on the Constitution -- just like in all the other banana republics in Latin America or Africa, where transitions of power have less to do with elections, but with putsches and coups.

And frankly, when you're not seeing that, there is no sense in debating with you or your kind -- you're supporters of autocratic tyranny who don't even have the slightest interest in honest debate. All you want is abusing debate in order to foster propaganda and narratives that have the goal of establishing tyranny.

So good luck with that. You're the enemy.
What the fuck is diselected? Did you make that one up on your own or get it from some other brain-dead liberal?
Hiring illegals is a crime and if this crime is not adjudicated against them, that is on the government. But the government is always evil. Hence the phrase, "Government is a necessary evil but should be severely limited in application" <-- paraphrased

Government subsidizing business is not part of the free market as government resides OUTSIDE the free market. No one will argue that government should be in the business of picking winners or losers. If a business cannot survive without subsidies, then it needs to fail.

Just because you aren't caught doesn't make it any less illegal.

Businesses and industries like:

Green energy. i.e., solar panels, windmills, tide generators.
Coal. i.e., Mining, power generation
Oil. i.e. drilling/mining, power generation, transportation, manufacturing
Automobiles i.e. car and truck manufacturing.

etc., etc.

On the same hand, government should not be regulating any of the above.

Full stop.

Which really does nothing to note that everything is regulated, hence we do not have free markets or anything close to them so you can't give free markets credit for anything since they do not exist.
I understand it far better than you. And nobody that worships Trump the way you do is a conservative
Do you?

And I'm not asking in jest or to put you on the spot.

What is a conservative or a liberal...or a Democrat or a Republican anymore.

A Missouri Democrat or a Southern Illinois Democrat (or West Virginian Democrat since that is pretty topical) would be considered my a New York, Massachusetts or Maryland Democrat to be a conservative.

And vice versa...a Maryland Republican like Larry Hogan is...from my perspective... to the left of our former Democrat Governor Jay Nixon.

So the question is...do these words actually stand for positions anymore.
Perhaps most Dem sympathizers are just alienated by the total lack of debate quality on this forum, which is in large parts dominated by mindless Trump puppets, Russian propaganda bots and other retards who couldn't even correctly define words like "Constitution", "freedom" or "democracy", even if their lifes depended on it.

^^^ Diagnosis: Completely Lacking in Self-Awareness and Chronic Projection ^^^
So who was the last Republican President that was more conservative than Trump? Trump spoke out for religious freedom, strongly supports our police and military, pro-life, cutting wasteful spending, did the job for free for four years, lost a billion dollars of net worth to run and become President, tough on our border, for lower taxation, especially for our job creators......

So how do you figure Trump or his supporters are not conservative?
All Republican presidents have always been more conservative then trump. If you try to overthrow free elections, it is such a radical move, no real conservative would touch you with a 10 foot pole.
When one incumbent candidate gets around 10 million less votes than his competitor, he's diselected, by any meaningful definition of this word.

When the "selected" candidate gets 81M votes while sitting in his basement and election rules are changed so that ballots are "harvested", votes without proper chain of custody, receipt by deadlines and obvious manufactured duplicates are counted..then we have an illegitimate government.

You Prog-Loons are desperate to conceal the fraud. That is why your Elite Masters direct you to demonize those who ask questions.
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The boards policies basically allow all sorts of racist and sexist crap So its like a haven for trumpers. The mods dont [sic] even enforce the very few rules fairly and moderates get deterred from posting.
It allows lying sacks of shit like you too, so shaddup

Tainted Tommy thinks that a fair discussion can only exist where only opinions with which he agrees can be expressed, and those with which he disagrees are censored.

His only purpose for existence is to continually remined us Americans why we kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago.

Tainted Tommy ↓

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