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Is this message board always so short on liberals?

Favoring the overthrow of the constitutional tranfer of power on Jan 6 is one,
Signing the Budget and bragging about it as a great victory, the misappropriating the money agreed by two houses of congress, taking it away from the lines where it was appropriated by the House of representatives, to give to his wall which was not funded as he liked, directly against constitutional control of the House of the purse strings is another.

A President signing a bill is not authoritarian. Every President does it when it meets their standards. Trump had every right to use our military budget for the wall. We are being attacked by invaders and the Communists refused to help. The Communists want those invaders in the country. If China announced the are going to invade our country and take it over, would Trump be an authoritarian if he used our military to defend us if Congress decided not to fund our defense?

Nobody was ever able to overthrow our transfer of power. Delay it for an hour or so, yes, but a bunch of yahoos dressed up like fake wrestlers is no threat to our government functions of any kind.
Well, Trump was diselected, but he rallied up a mob to storm the Capitol and did all he could to stay in power. He even attacked Pence for doing his constitutional duty. If Pence hadn't called in security forces, only God knows what would have happened. Most likely, Trump would have used the turmoil as a pretext to call out a state of emergency and prevented the certification of Biden's victory from happening.
If he had done that, I would criticize him for it.

In fact, I do criticize him for his over-blown rhetoric of January 6th. But I don't criticize him often for that.

Why not?

Because the criticism of Trump is itself over-blown. On January 6th, Trump made a speech. That's the beginning and end of his supposed wrong-doing that day. I don't want to be associated with people who accuse Trump of a crime for his speech. The 1A still means something to me.

To this day, he believes and states that the election was "stolen." He has a right to say that, and given the shenanigans that took place in swing states, it's a reasonable opinion, agree or disagree.

I criticize the January 6th rioters, but also not very often. Because I don't want to be on the same side as people who cheered the violence of BLM and ANTIFA for the year of 2020, and then suddenly decided that politically motivated violence became wrong on January 6th 2021.

I don't want to side with people whose answer to the murder of police officers by rioters is that we need to defund the police, but whose answer to the police killings of unarmed people on January 6th was to exonerate the officers involved. Why are the D.C. Capitol police the only police in the world that liberals support (other than the secret police of communist countries, I suppose)?

I don't want to side with people who advocate that they justice department hound American citizens for attending a protest in D.C. on Jan 6th, whether they were involved in violence or not.
Ever since then, Trump and almost the entire spineless ilk of Republicans who follow him, spread the lie that elections only matter when Republicans win. By doing so, Trump is preparing another putsch in 2024, in case he's losing again.

It's obvious as daylight the Republican party no longer respects free elections, and by doing so, they have turned their backs on the Constitution -- just like in all the other banana republics in Latin America or Africa, where transitions of power have less to do with elections, but with putsches and coups.
Actually, I am seeing the Republicans - and a couple of Democrats - fight for free elections, but not allowing the Democrat Party's so-called, "voting rights" bills, which are nothing more than open invitations to cheating, to pass.
And frankly, when you're not seeing that, there is no sense in debating with you or your kind -- you're supporters of autocratic tyranny who don't even have the slightest interest in honest debate. All you want is abusing debate in order to foster propaganda and narratives that have the goal of establishing tyranny.

So good luck with that. You're the enemy.
So much empty rhetoric, and so little facts.
It's about 72% to 77% Trumpster here.

Just being conservative or not a flaming progressive commie like you does not make them all "Trumpers."

That 77% are just the majority in this country who still have common sense.
All Republican presidents have always been more conservative then trump. If you try to overthrow free elections, it is such a radical move, no real conservative would touch you with a 10 foot pole.

Why didn't you just respond by saying "I can't remember the last President more conservative than Trump." At least you'd be honest.

Nobody tried to overthrow anything.
I get called a liberal all the time. I'm pro-life. I note that I am a Christian. I fully support the 2nd. I believe we need to keep the electoral college. We need to keep the USSC at 9. I believe we need to balance the budget.

I didn't vote for Trump.

What do you suppose gets me called a liberal?
You keep defending for your democrat massas, who only use you as political cannon fodder.

That's what. Now be a good little leftist, take out your race card grenade, deploy and run away.
No, just that so many are loathe to speak right now because Joe has turned out so much worse than even they expected that they are fighting back the impulse to wish Trump was still in office, too.

Indeed. The Lefties are in shock at how Incredibly Awful the Biden Admin is, and the resulting damage to our economy and national security. Our Constitutional Rights have also been damaged...but they don't value those.
Just being conservative or not a flaming progressive commie like you does not make them all "Trumpers."

That 77% are just the majority in this country who still have common sense.
I'd ask you to explain how I'm a "commie", but I know you can't.

I'm no huge Trump fan...that said I think he has conservative values for the most part.

He's head and shoulders above Potatohead fcking everything up now

I'm a Trump fan because I'm a fan of his policies. I don't care about personality that much. Our elections should not be a popularity contest. Any real American who cares about this country votes for the candidate that will do what's best for most if not all of us, and to hell if you like him or not.

It's just like being a supervisor on the job. You have an applicant that's accomplished little in their working career but is a really nice person, or you have an applicant that's accomplished quite a bit, but rough around the edges. I'm hiring the latter. The company that hires the former can watch my company take their customers away one by one.
Suggestion: Don’t pick fights you can’t win.

Your nescient insults are dismissed.
Like you have any actual effect on my life.
On the other hand, it's obvious you need to have your feelings assuaged, which is why you're here.
Do you?

And I'm not asking in jest or to put you on the spot.

What is a conservative or a liberal...or a Democrat or a Republican anymore.

A Missouri Democrat or a Southern Illinois Democrat (or West Virginian Democrat since that is pretty topical) would be considered my a New York, Massachusetts or Maryland Democrat to be a conservative.

And vice versa...a Maryland Republican like Larry Hogan is...from my perspective... to the left of our former Democrat Governor Jay Nixon.

So the question is...do these words actually stand for positions anymo

I'm a Trump fan because I'm a fan of his policies. I don't care about personality that much. Our elections should not be a popularity contest. Any real American who cares about this country votes for the candidate that will do what's best for most if not all of us, and to hell if you like him or not.

It's just like being a supervisor on the job. You have an applicant that's accomplished little in their working career but is a really nice person, or you have an applicant that's accomplished quite a bit, but rough around the edges. I'm hiring the latter. The company that hires the former can watch my company take their customers away one by one.

I'll agree with that.

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