Is this OK in your eyes?

Yeah it could be Franklin Pierce.

Course they didn't have photography then. Prolly didn't have the term "fuck you" either.
Wrong and wrong.

(a) not like that they didn't.
(b) if you have a history of the term "fuck you" --- bring it on.

If not --- fuck you.
You're not a very bright lass, are you Pogo?

Never did go for the sex change, so nope.

But I see you have no answer.
Ergo Option B.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
some people are told what to do.....and they do it blindly.....mostly the far right and left....
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
If it was for Obama, then she is racist. If it was for Trump, then she is a justice warrior. (Sarcasm alert)
"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.

Please check the number of Wall street persons now in our new administration + additional billionaires .

Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.
The Rich got richer, at a pace never seen before in U.S. history under Obama, and as a direct result of the policies of his administration.
The data has been in for years, virtually 100% of the TARP funds ended up in the hands of the super wealthy and major corporations. That is a cold hard fact. The government did not simply "bail out" the rich. They made them richer using our tax dollars. PERIOD.
And Obama signed the policies that made that happen. PERIOD.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
The last eight years must have left you very confused.
"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.

Please check the number of Wall street persons now in our new administration + additional billionaires .

Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.
The Rich got richer, at a pace never seen before in U.S. history under Obama, and as a direct result of the policies of his administration.
The data has been in for years, virtually 100% of the TARP funds ended up in the hands of the super wealthy and major corporations. That is a cold hard fact. The government did not simply "bail out" the rich. They made them richer using our tax dollars. PERIOD.
And Obama signed the policies that made that happen. PERIOD.

Excuse me, TARP was signed by President G. W. Bush on October 3, 2008. As a hack, you've once again failed and have put your license to troll at great risk.
Most on the right had no problem with this when President Obama was in office; most conservatives now oppose such expression with Trump.

Are you suggesting most conservatives are HYPOCRITES? In fact the self described conservatives on this message board are mostly Russian agent provocateurs and fellow travelers of the neo fascist movement. The are not real conserviatives, they're CINO.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.

Playing around with the first amendment is way too much of a slippery slope. Gotta leave the nutters be I'm afraid.
There Is No Freedom of Screech

We, the people, must make our own definition of the First Amendment and nullify SCROTUS's anti-majority rulings. That Star Chamber's goal has always been to elevate its pets so they could disgust, harass, threaten, insult, and humiliate us.
A President put's on his pants one leg at a time just as I do.....................His position on issues is his position and not necessarily mine.

I am under NO OBLIGATION to support his position if it's counter to mine.

I agree. I conceded this point to G.T.
Do you hope against all hope that whatever he does will improve the US. Or do hope he fails?
Depends on the agenda............if his agenda is against my beliefs, and I think it will harm the country.............Yea...........I hope he fails..........

In regards to Foreign Policy............when American lives are on the line.......that is a different story.
One Man's Mede Is Another Man's Persian

What about the GOPers' "Terrorism is not a threat" Wag the Dog theory? And DubDud and his Daddy attacked our best ally against Iranian terrorism.
people still believe they are making changes in our society and government by protesting.

You don't think the Vietnam protests had a meaningful impact on society? I do. How about protests for worker rights and wages? Pretty sure that had an impact too.
A Show Presented by Media Millionaires on Behalf of Their Sons and Their Sons' Classmates

The Vietnam protests were not anti-war, nor did they stop the war. They were class warfare. The spoiled sheltered snobs' hidden message was, "Daddy, you always told us the working class was lazy, stupid, and greedy. Well, we got something you can add to that, Daddy: Its sons are baby-killers. Will you pay attention to us now, Daddy?"
View attachment 149481 Oh man. Is this conversation 7 months late or what?

We've had this discussion regarding Trump.

Yes. We all.want the nation to prosper and do well.

Read this book. It will explain why we must be on our guard while this man is POTUS.

Given your history you should read that.
Weewee on the People

An anti-democratic manifesto written by lawyers for the colonial 1%. What political bullies have told you it isn't?
Assuming the young lady in the photo is an American citizen, clearly she doesn't understand that Trump is, in fact, her President.

Perhaps she should be in class, learning incredibly fundamental stuff like that.

On the other hand, if she's in college, they may not be teaching it.
This is perfect. Let them show their asses. I love free speech because it exposes the assholes and idiots.
Yep, one of the primary reasons I'm so vehemently pro-freedom of expression.

Unlike the Regressives, who are the opposite.

I am.vehementky pro free expression. Once again, Mac outs me as not a regressive. I wuv me.

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