Is this OK in your eyes?

Of course it's o.k.

The countries in the world where such things are not o.k. are oppressive shit holes.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.

Proof that you are never too old to be indoctrinated.

There is indeed a difference between say ... being told what the 1st Amendment means, and reading it for yourself. Patrick Henry and stuff.

However, freedom to say something does not in itself bestow wisdom on your words.

a. Much of the COTUS is open to discussion, debate and opinions

b. Sometimes the words spoken or written tells more about the speaker/writer, than about the topic.
First Amendment and all that. I won't defend with my life her right to say that, because she's an idiot. But she does have the right to parrot what her leftists handlers want her to.

How do you know she's not a teabagger referring to The O'bama?

And BOOM goes the dynnamite
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.

Proof that you are never too old to be indoctrinated.

There is indeed a difference between say ... being told what the 1st Amendment means, and reading it for yourself. Patrick Henry and stuff.

However, freedom to say something does not in itself bestow wisdom on your words.

a. Much of the COTUS is open to discussion, debate and opinions

b. Sometimes the words spoken or written tells more about the speaker/writer, than about the topic.

Being articulate doesn't make you right. Nor does being vulgur make you wrong.

Smart people focus on the content not the manner in which it is conveyed.
Dumbasses judge everything on outward appearances & semantics.
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
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In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and STFU about it.

He received a majority of the electing vote, which is the Electoral College. Don't like that? Change it. The constitutional mechanism is available to all.

The last thing we want in the United States is endless rounds of coalition governments.

As an overt anarchist and political dissident, she is a threat to the country and should be stripped of her citizenship. Nothing good will ever come out of her and she is a total waste of any American benefits. Put her on a little boat in the Atlantic and let the Gulf Stream take her to Europe. Oh and give her a little lunch bag with a ham and cheese sandwich in it with a note from the President: 'No, Fuck You.'
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.

Awww, you think on things in a way that makes you feel good rather than on rationality. Like a drunk soccer fan.
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and STFU about it.

He received a majority of the electing vote, which is the Electoral College. Don't like that? Change it. The constitutional mechanism is available to all.

The last thing we want in the United States is endless rounds of coalition governments.

Nominated the most illogical post of the month.

BTW, the checks and balances written into COTUS are there for a reason, and it takes a coalition - even within a single political party - to get things done. Since Gingrich killed cooperation, we have had a devil of a time getting anything productive done, and even when a common sense proposal is proffered, the other political party, and sometimes members of the party of origination, piss and moan about it.

It's time to stop voting by rote, and to begin to listen to common sense members of Congress, if we are to ever leave the doldrums and reach agreements. Ideology will never satisfy the needs of the nation and its people, it's time to boot out the Congressional Leadership and begin anew, with a handshake across the aisle and an optimistic and pragmatic sense by those we elect who should represent all of the people, and not only their party and those who bribe them to secure their vote.
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.
Hard to claim a mandate when the opposing party received more votes in all three branches of government

You can claim.....We won
You can't claim the people support you

As an overt anarchist and political dissident, she is a threat to the country and should be stripped of her citizenship. Nothing good will ever come out of her and she is a total waste of any American benefits. Put her on a little boat in the Atlantic and let the Gulf Stream take her to Europe. Oh and give her a little lunch bag with a ham and cheese sandwich in it with a note from the President: 'No, Fuck You.'

Too strong. She's just a kid and has plenty of time to grow up when she gets a job and understands how Democrats screw people.

When I was around her age I had hair down to my shoulders, played lead guitar in a rock band, wanted pot to be legal, referred to cops as pigs, and thought nobody should be allowed to have a gun. One of the few benefits of aging is gaining wisdom and learning from past least most of us anyway.
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.

So what was Trump supposed to do, tell people he's not taking the job because he lost the popular vote? Do you suppose if things were reversed and Hillary won the EC and not the popular, she would have conceded the election and gave it to Trump? These are the same people who pull hobos off of train tracks and give them cigarettes to cast a ballot.
That placard the woman in the O. P. is holding is fine with me. I don't agree, but its called Free Speech.

Bolshevik/Democrats are too poorly educated to know how important that is. To them, its only allowed it they agree with it, stupidly not understanding that is just not the way it works; or can ever work---without Totalitarianism ensuing.

A really smart man one said:

"The Liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other Liberties."

So, this deluded bitch in the O. P. can hold up any kind of placard she wants to; she just needs to realize that I can do the same thing. And, I expect she does not....this current crop of Bolsheviks (Democrats) do not appear to think so.

I can't know what she thinks, but in my opinion you've proved your point with you own words, Your judgement of her as a "deluded bitch" is no different than saying she's not of your kind, and in effect saying to her, "Fuck You".

No one has argued that her poster is civil, but it is her right to do so, as it is your right to act in the same way that she did (Notice I did not call you a deluded dick).

And isn't that exactly what I said you deluded dick. Her right to put whatever she wants on her placard. My right to disagree. Read again and Fuck You.

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