Is this OK in your eyes?

First Amendment and all that. I won't defend with my life her right to say that, because she's an idiot. But she does have the right to parrot what her leftists handlers want her to.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.

Proof that you are never too old to be indoctrinated.
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
i saw it 746 times under obama too

every president since our inception has his haters


Yeah it could be Franklin Pierce.

Course they didn't have photography then. Prolly didn't have the term "fuck you" either.
Here's a better one...

People who protest are those who have way too much time on their hands. It's indicative that we have way too many people not working in this country.

The definition of insanity is.......

Protests solve nothing, they never have. They may get you hurt (or killed) they may land you in jail, they may make you a felon for the rest of your life, but they don't solve anything. Yet for some reason, people still believe they are making changes in our society and government by protesting.

That's what Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King and millions of Vietnam war protestors said.

Oh wait.....:eusa_doh: no they said the opposite.
During Obama when the "Wall Street Occupiers" were there...I was so struck by the ridiculousness of the whole thing. They were occupying the wrong street. They should have been at Pennsylvania Ave.
The Obama "recovery" was blatantly geared towards the benefit of the wealthy. And indeed, under Obama the rich got richer at a pace unheard of before.
And yet - somehow, leftist still think he was great.
Point being, all people do today is engage in large scale rock throwing. It's like the Hatfield and McCoy's but on a national level.
Obama was a truly bad President on pretty much every level, but he was my President. Rather than carry a sign sayin "Fuck Obama"...I would rather carry one showing the stats of his policies, and how he is utterly the opposite of what he claimed to be.

Maybe you ought to explore those stats and compare what Obama inherited, and then post your opinion, not the revised history by the Republican/Right Wing meme.

In a Freshman History Class one blue book question which I've always remembered was this:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man"?

Think about that, and the myriad issues which faced Obama on day one of his Presidency! Consider what G.W. Bush faced on day one, and later, on 9-11 and then on 9/29/08:

When and Why Did the Stock Market Crash in 2008?

A little history sans revision by hacks in enlightening.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.

The odds that you have been brainwashed by Right Wing propaganda are much better than chance.

Unlikely. The Jesuits had me for four years. :laugh:
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.

Proof that you are never too old to be indoctrinated.

There is indeed a difference between say ... being told what the 1st Amendment means, and reading it for yourself. Patrick Henry and stuff.

However, freedom to say something does not in itself bestow wisdom upon your words.
You can't make comparisons to when we had antiquated communications in this country and today.

That's fair I guess, but I don't know that I believe protesting has entirely outlived its usefulness, not that the protesters mentioned in this thread are doing anything useful.

I just find it a waste of time is all. I would really like to know how many of these protesting people vote, or have ever sent an email to their Congressman or woman, wrote to their Senator, even tried to run for city Council.

I think there are ways to help to change your environment, but standing there like a light post holding a sign isn't one of them.

It is one of them, and when their are tens of thousands they do impact policies, and can change the course of history. Granted, some signs and symbols are more effective than the one in question, some are thoughtful and thought provoking and that is the point.

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