Is this OK in your eyes?

Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.
That placard the woman in the O. P. is holding is fine with me. I don't agree, but its called Free Speech.

Bolshevik/Democrats are too poorly educated to know how important that is. To them, its only allowed it they agree with it, stupidly not understanding that is just not the way it works; or can ever work---without Totalitarianism ensuing.

A really smart man one said:

"The Liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other Liberties."

So, this deluded bitch in the O. P. can hold up any kind of placard she wants to; she just needs to realize that I can do the same thing. And, I expect she does not....this current crop of Bolsheviks (Democrats) do not appear to think so.

I can't know what she thinks, but in my opinion you've proved your point with you own words, Your judgement of her as a "deluded bitch" is no different than saying she's not of your kind, and in effect saying to her, "Fuck You".

No one has argued that her poster is civil, but it is her right to do so, as it is your right to act in the same way that she did (Notice I did not call you a deluded dick).
"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What gives you the idea that the young lady is not motivated by what she believes to be best for this country?

She may well be. Chances are, she's been taught unmitigated Communist crap in the public system. She knows nothing else.

The odds that you have been brainwashed by Right Wing propaganda are much better than chance.
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.
"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.

If all you have are personal attacks, you could save time by simply posting "FU". It's easy, especially for someone as dimwitted as you seem to be.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
What do you stand behind when you feel your presidents policies are detrimental to your country?
"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.

If all you have are personal attacks, you could save time by simply posting "FU". It's easy, especially for someone as dimwitted as you seem to be.

You support Obama, are a leftist...and I am dimwitted??
Now that is rich.

P.S. - I noticed you did not address my points.
Of course not, to do so requires you to be critical of a your team leader.
Grow up
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.

How soon people forget the way Obama was treated by the "right-wing" kooks out there protesting his very election; not anything he supported! He was this and that, not of this country, Godless, and of course "not one of us!" How many Presidents get shouted down by a Congressman at his "State Of The Union?" Memories are conveniently short and forgiving when it suits them! :beer:
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.
Explain inclusively.
During Obama when the "Wall Street Occupiers" were there...I was so struck by the ridiculousness of the whole thing. They were occupying the wrong street. They should have been at Pennsylvania Ave.
The Obama "recovery" was blatantly geared towards the benefit of the wealthy. And indeed, under Obama the rich got richer at a pace unheard of before.
And yet - somehow, leftist still think he was great.
Point being, all people do today is engage in large scale rock throwing. It's like the Hatfield and McCoy's but on a national level.
Obama was a truly bad President on pretty much every level, but he was my President. Rather than carry a sign sayin "Fuck Obama"...I would rather carry one showing the stats of his policies, and how he is utterly the opposite of what he claimed to be.
She is 100% correct... If she's holding that sign for my benefit. Or. A foreigner, standing in another country... A question, such as you pose; requires more context, in order to glean any useful answer...
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.
Explain inclusively.
Not just condemning the actions against your own side but taken by your own side against the other.
"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.

If all you have are personal attacks, you could save time by simply posting "FU". It's easy, especially for someone as dimwitted as you seem to be.

You support Obama, are a leftist...and I am dimwitted??
Now that is rich.

P.S. - I noticed you did not address my points.
Of course not, to do so requires you to be critical of a your team leader.
Grow up

Your points were off topic and thus irrelevant to the issue at hand. And of course your effort to revise history isn't even your own, it's an echo with zero substance that a not very bright, i.e. a dimwit, would post.

In short, FU.
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.
Explain inclusively.
Not just condemning the actions against your own side but taken by your own side against the other.
By passing Hate Crime laws and Europe...........................

That was what I was probing on.
You can't make comparisons to when we had antiquated communications in this country and today.

That's fair I guess, but I don't know that I believe protesting has entirely outlived its usefulness, not that the protesters mentioned in this thread are doing anything useful.

I just find it a waste of time is all. I would really like to know how many of these protesting people vote, or have ever sent an email to their Congressman or woman, wrote to their Senator, even tried to run for city Council.

I think there are ways to help to change your environment, but standing there like a light post holding a sign isn't one of them.
I do have one question about the sign, is she asking Trump to do something with the last two words?
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.

I don't automatically give nationalism respect, it has to be earned. That said, I feel safe in this Country as opposed to other countries. I am glad I was born here. Still, it's not perfect here we have a history of mistakes.

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