Is this OK in your eyes?

A President put's on his pants one leg at a time just as I do.....................His position on issues is his position and not necessarily mine.

I am under NO OBLIGATION to support his position if it's counter to mine.
Can you think of something that should not be said or done in the US that is LEGAL?
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
that makes no sense

do you vote in your best interests or not

and then...if a president is AGAINST yours, do you cheer for his success?

thats crayseeeeeee :cuckoo:

town board meeting:

all in favor of jenny say aye.


shit jenny is elected and her #1 objective is to put a grocery store on my damn street.

cheer for jennys success?

ohhhhla parking lot where my favorite climbing trees were :dig:

this is why id like for there to be no nations. voters are lunatics

Agreed, but, you should hope and support his (or her) efforts to make this a better Country. I didn't agree with many policies of many presidents, but, he (whoever he was) WAS our president (or is) and because I'm in this country, will hope he does something that will help us.

But you are correct, SUPPORT was the wrong word.... I clearly did not and don't support every action every President has made... so, point given there....
uh, well guaging if hes "helping" us sort of relies on what youll hope he will or wont do, and different people define if hes "helped" or not differently

so again, it makes no sense to support someone against your own best wishes....its ignorant

when someone says they hope the best for the country...."best" is whatever their own opinion of best is

in my opinion...this country would be better with 100% open borders, but stricter enforcement on homelessness.

id love that shit

would you, prrrrrolly not

so would you "hope for the best" if i was president and what *I* see as best??

no cuz thats retarded

hence the sign, in the OP
A President put's on his pants one leg at a time just as I do.....................His position on issues is his position and not necessarily mine.

I am under NO OBLIGATION to support his position if it's counter to mine.

I agree. I conceded this point to G.T.
Do you hope against all hope that whatever he does will improve the US. Or do hope he fails?
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
that makes no sense

do you vote in your best interests or not

and then...if a president is AGAINST yours, do you cheer for his success?

thats crayseeeeeee :cuckoo:

town board meeting:

all in favor of jenny say aye.


shit jenny is elected and her #1 objective is to put a grocery store on my damn street.

cheer for jennys success?

ohhhhla parking lot where my favorite climbing trees were :dig:

this is why id like for there to be no nations. voters are lunatics

Agreed, but, you should hope and support his (or her) efforts to make this a better Country. I didn't agree with many policies of many presidents, but, he (whoever he was) WAS our president (or is) and because I'm in this country, will hope he does something that will help us.

But you are correct, SUPPORT was the wrong word.... I clearly did not and don't support every action every President has made... so, point given there....
uh, well guaging if hes "helping" us sort of relies on what youll hope he will or wont do, and different people define if hes "helped" or not differently

so again, it makes no sense to support someone against your own best wishes....its ignorant

when someone says they hope the best for the country...."best" is whatever their own opinion of best is

in my opinion...this country would be better with 100% open borders, but stricter ennforcemebt on homelessness.

id love that shit

would you, prrrrrolly not

so would you "hope for the best" if i was president and what *I* see as best??

no cuz thats retarded

hence the sign, in the OP

I would recognized you as the President, I would not say "not my President", obviously, if she is an American citizen, he is her President. But she has the right to say he's not, even though she is wrong (meaning, he is President). Anyway... seems pretty juvenile to me

But yes, I did hope Obama, Bush etc. would do something to improve the Country over all ..... it all varies however on what you view as being good for the Country. I just want to be sure there is no double standard.
A President put's on his pants one leg at a time just as I do.....................His position on issues is his position and not necessarily mine.

I am under NO OBLIGATION to support his position if it's counter to mine.

I agree. I conceded this point to G.T.
Do you hope against all hope that whatever he does will improve the US. Or do hope he fails?
Depends on the agenda............if his agenda is against my beliefs, and I think it will harm the country.............Yea...........I hope he fails..........

In regards to Foreign Policy............when American lives are on the line.......that is a different story.
People who protest are those who have way too much time on their hands. It's indicative that we have way too many people not working in this country.

The definition of insanity is.......

Protests solve nothing, they never have. They may get you hurt (or killed) they may land you in jail, they may make you a felon for the rest of your life, but they don't solve anything. Yet for some reason, people still believe they are making changes in our society and government by protesting.

I know it's impossible to do, but I would love to know how many of these losers are not even registered to vote.
Do you hope against all hope that whatever he does will improve the US. Or do hope he fails?

This is complicated though because of how polarized politics is. If I'm a Republican success for Obama goes against my world view, so of course I want him to fail. Same for Trump if I'm a Democrat. I'm happy to be proven wrong and shown that a thing works, but so much of politics now is just different values and different ways of viewing the world. There are very rare situations where success for one side is good/productive for the other side.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
that makes no sense

do you vote in your best interests or not

and then...if a president is AGAINST yours, do you cheer for his success?

thats crayseeeeeee :cuckoo:

town board meeting:

all in favor of jenny say aye.


shit jenny is elected and her #1 objective is to put a grocery store on my damn street.

cheer for jennys success?

ohhhhla parking lot where my favorite climbing trees were :dig:

this is why id like for there to be no nations. voters are lunatics

Agreed, but, you should hope and support his (or her) efforts to make this a better Country. I didn't agree with many policies of many presidents, but, he (whoever he was) WAS our president (or is) and because I'm in this country, will hope he does something that will help us.

But you are correct, SUPPORT was the wrong word.... I clearly did not and don't support every action every President has made... so, point given there....
uh, well guaging if hes "helping" us sort of relies on what youll hope he will or wont do, and different people define if hes "helped" or not differently

so again, it makes no sense to support someone against your own best wishes....its ignorant

when someone says they hope the best for the country...."best" is whatever their own opinion of best is

in my opinion...this country would be better with 100% open borders, but stricter ennforcemebt on homelessness.

id love that shit

would you, prrrrrolly not

so would you "hope for the best" if i was president and what *I* see as best??

no cuz thats retarded

hence the sign, in the OP

I would recognized you as the President, I would not say "not my President", obviously, if she is an American citizen, he is her President. But she has the right to say he's not, even though she is wrong (meaning, he is President). Anyway... seems pretty juvenile to me

But yes, I did hope Obama, Bush etc. would do something to improve the Country over all ..... it all varies however on what you view as being good for the Country. I just want to be sure there is no double standard.
sure you do

now that a scummers in office that you wanna make sure hes treated fairly. aww.
Oh man. Is this conversation 7 months late or what?

We've had this discussion regarding Trump.

Yes. We all.want the nation to prosper and do well.

Read this book. It will explain why we must be on our guard while this man is POTUS.
people still believe they are making changes in our society and government by protesting.

You don't think the Vietnam protests had a meaningful impact on society? I do. How about protests for worker rights and wages? Pretty sure that had an impact too.
people still believe they are making changes in our society and government by protesting.

You don't think the Vietnam protests had a meaningful impact on society? I do. How about protests for worker rights and wages? Pretty sure that had an impact too.

You can't make comparisons to when we had antiquated communications in this country and today. Outside of perhaps writing a letter to your local newspaper, your opinions were pretty much your own.

Today with email, social media, video recorders on your cell phone, the internet, it's very easy to have your opinion heard without making an ass out of yourself. You don't need to get out a pen and paper, look up the address of your representative in the phone book, walk or ride to the mailbox, and then get no response not knowing if it was ever received.

Today polls are more accurate as well. Representatives today know exactly how the public feels on issues. They may not act in favor of the majority, but at least they know they are working for or against our wishes.
You can't make comparisons to when we had antiquated communications in this country and today.

That's fair I guess, but I don't know that I believe protesting has entirely outlived its usefulness, not that the protesters mentioned in this thread are doing anything useful.
Personally, I think it's anti-American (whether it is intended for Trump, Obama, Bush or Clinton etc.) ... there is freedom of speech, but, will never understand anyone that would not hope for the best for our country and stand behind an elected President.
that makes no sense

do you vote in your best interests or not

and then...if a president is AGAINST yours, do you cheer for his success?

thats crayseeeeeee :cuckoo:

town board meeting:

all in favor of jenny say aye.


shit jenny is elected and her #1 objective is to put a grocery store on my damn street.

cheer for jennys success?

ohhhhla parking lot where my favorite climbing trees were :dig:

this is why id like for there to be no nations. voters are lunatics

Agreed, but, you should hope and support his (or her) efforts to make this a better Country. I didn't agree with many policies of many presidents, but, he (whoever he was) WAS our president (or is) and because I'm in this country, will hope he does something that will help us.

But you are correct, SUPPORT was the wrong word.... I clearly did not and don't support every action every President has made... so, point given there....
uh, well guaging if hes "helping" us sort of relies on what youll hope he will or wont do, and different people define if hes "helped" or not differently

so again, it makes no sense to support someone against your own best wishes....its ignorant

when someone says they hope the best for the country...."best" is whatever their own opinion of best is

in my opinion...this country would be better with 100% open borders, but stricter ennforcemebt on homelessness.

id love that shit

would you, prrrrrolly not

so would you "hope for the best" if i was president and what *I* see as best??

no cuz thats retarded

hence the sign, in the OP

I would recognized you as the President, I would not say "not my President", obviously, if she is an American citizen, he is her President. But she has the right to say he's not, even though she is wrong (meaning, he is President). Anyway... seems pretty juvenile to me

But yes, I did hope Obama, Bush etc. would do something to improve the Country over all ..... it all varies however on what you view as being good for the Country. I just want to be sure there is no double standard.

"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.
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That placard the woman in the O. P. is holding is fine with me. I don't agree, but its called Free Speech.

Bolshevik/Democrats are too poorly educated to know how important that is. To them, its only allowed it they agree with it, stupidly not understanding that is just not the way it works; or can ever work---without Totalitarianism ensuing.

A really smart man one said:

"The Liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other Liberties."

So, this deluded bitch in the O. P. can hold up any kind of placard she wants to; she just needs to realize that I can do the same thing. And, I expect she does not....this current crop of Bolsheviks (Democrats) do not appear to think so.
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Perfectly OK with me.

Once you realize that opinions are like assholes, we all have them and they all stink, you don't get your panties in a twist over them

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