Is this OK in your eyes?

View attachment 149481 Oh man. Is this conversation 7 months late or what?

We've had this discussion regarding Trump.

Yes. We all.want the nation to prosper and do well.

Read this book. It will explain why we must be on our guard while this man is POTUS.

Given your history you should read that.

what is that supposed to mean, pal? You trying to divide by labeling other Americans in some way?

As an overt anarchist and political dissident, she is a threat to the country and should be stripped of her citizenship. Nothing good will ever come out of her and she is a total waste of any American benefits. Put her on a little boat in the Atlantic and let the Gulf Stream take her to Europe. Oh and give her a little lunch bag with a ham and cheese sandwich in it with a note from the President: 'No, Fuck You.'

Too strong. She's just a kid and has plenty of time to grow up when she gets a job and understands how Democrats screw people.

When I was around her age I had hair down to my shoulders, played lead guitar in a rock band, wanted pot to be legal, referred to cops as pigs, and thought nobody should be allowed to have a gun. One of the few benefits of aging is gaining wisdom and learning from past least most of us anyway.

I really agree Ray, but when you and I were kids with long hair and playing guitar, it was quite a different time from today. I really put the odds of her coming around as very slight. Unlike our childhood, today, they are really going after kids minds at an early age and INDOCTRINATING them. I never made and held a sign telling my president (even the Peanut Farmer) to go fuck himself and that he wasn't my president! I disliked them exactly because they WERE my president! ;)
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.
Explain inclusively.
Not just condemning the actions against your own side but taken by your own side against the other.

So something you will not do with your far left side..

You ignore your own side and will only see the other side..
I just wonder. Honestly, I don't know - but - assume this is about Trump.
What if it was for Obama?
Is there a difference? If so, why?
No difference.

What happened under Obama and now under Trump reflects a coarsening of public discourse. And an acceptance of it. Wonder if any one will finally step up and say enough AND do so inclusively.
Explain inclusively.
Not just condemning the actions against your own side but taken by your own side against the other.
By passing Hate Crime laws and Europe...........................

That was what I was probing on.

Hate speech is subjective the far left views any speech against them as hate speech..

As an overt anarchist and political dissident, she is a threat to the country and should be stripped of her citizenship. Nothing good will ever come out of her and she is a total waste of any American benefits. Put her on a little boat in the Atlantic and let the Gulf Stream take her to Europe. Oh and give her a little lunch bag with a ham and cheese sandwich in it with a note from the President: 'No, Fuck You.'

Too strong. She's just a kid and has plenty of time to grow up when she gets a job and understands how Democrats screw people.

When I was around her age I had hair down to my shoulders, played lead guitar in a rock band, wanted pot to be legal, referred to cops as pigs, and thought nobody should be allowed to have a gun. One of the few benefits of aging is gaining wisdom and learning from past least most of us anyway.

I really agree Ray, but when you and I were kids with long hair and playing guitar, it was quite a different time from today. I really put the odds of her coming around as very slight. Unlike our childhood, today, they are really going after kids minds at an early age and INDOCTRINATING them. I never made and held a sign telling my president (even the Peanut Farmer) to go fuck himself and that he wasn't my president! I disliked them exactly because they WERE my president! ;)

I know what you're saying but kids will be kids. She's a pretty girl capable of settling down with a capitalist and having a family. When she sees those people on food stamps buying things she would never dream of buying for her family, loading them into a newer model SUV, paying taxes because they make more than the average family, having HUD people inserted in their otherwise great neighborhood and destroying her property value, then she'll start to learn something about Democrat politics and their destructive goals.

College can teach you a lot of things, but one thing it can't teach you about is real life.
Sure it is ok, It is her opinion and she is not threatening violence.
In fact that is exactly the way I felt about Obama
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.

Not necessarily, sometimes demagogues and charlatans are elected. Democracy isn't perfect; someone once said that democracy suffers when the public is poorly educated and easily fooled.

As an overt anarchist and political dissident, she is a threat to the country and should be stripped of her citizenship. Nothing good will ever come out of her and she is a total waste of any American benefits. Put her on a little boat in the Atlantic and let the Gulf Stream take her to Europe. Oh and give her a little lunch bag with a ham and cheese sandwich in it with a note from the President: 'No, Fuck You.'

Wow, if that is how you feel about a very young adult, maybe a teen, how do you feel about the anarchists (bripat, et al) and others who post on this message board mostly hate, and are unabashed bigots, misogynists, racists and neo fascists? In fact, how do you feel about this young person in re the First Amendment?

As an overt anarchist and political dissident, she is a threat to the country and should be stripped of her citizenship. Nothing good will ever come out of her and she is a total waste of any American benefits. Put her on a little boat in the Atlantic and let the Gulf Stream take her to Europe. Oh and give her a little lunch bag with a ham and cheese sandwich in it with a note from the President: 'No, Fuck You.'

Too strong. She's just a kid and has plenty of time to grow up when she gets a job and understands how Democrats screw people.

When I was around her age I had hair down to my shoulders, played lead guitar in a rock band, wanted pot to be legal, referred to cops as pigs, and thought nobody should be allowed to have a gun. One of the few benefits of aging is gaining wisdom and learning from past least most of us anyway.

Some of us grew up and didn't need to conform and follow the herd. I grew up blocks from the Haight-Ashbury, and never felt the need to hang out on the streets in The Haight, I never let my hair grow long and not shave. Never tried a drug other than alcohol and pot, and I only used pot socially and then didn't enjoy the high. It made me sleepy and hungry, not euphoric.
That placard the woman in the O. P. is holding is fine with me. I don't agree, but its called Free Speech.

Bolshevik/Democrats are too poorly educated to know how important that is. To them, its only allowed it they agree with it, stupidly not understanding that is just not the way it works; or can ever work---without Totalitarianism ensuing.

A really smart man one said:

"The Liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other Liberties."

So, this deluded bitch in the O. P. can hold up any kind of placard she wants to; she just needs to realize that I can do the same thing. And, I expect she does not....this current crop of Bolsheviks (Democrats) do not appear to think so.

I can't know what she thinks, but in my opinion you've proved your point with you own words, Your judgement of her as a "deluded bitch" is no different than saying she's not of your kind, and in effect saying to her, "Fuck You".

No one has argued that her poster is civil, but it is her right to do so, as it is your right to act in the same way that she did (Notice I did not call you a deluded dick).

And isn't that exactly what I said you deluded dick. Her right to put whatever she wants on her placard. My right to disagree. Read again and Fuck You.

which part would you like me to comment on?
a. "Bolshevik/Democrats are too poorly educated to know how important that is"
b. "this deluded bitch in the O. P. can hold up any kind of placard she wants to"
c. "Read again and Fuck You"
She's a pretty girl capable of settling down

Can't dispute that possibility. But so too was Nancy Pelosi a pretty girl when young, and probably Elizabeth Warren as well. On that basis of being influenced by looks, we would give everyone a break and end up exactly where we are today! But what if that girl looked like this?


As strongly as I felt about Obama, Hillary and others, I was never compelled to lose emotional control, get lost emotionally, go to riots, protests, hold up signs, shout angry slogans, resort to violence. Society gives me a solution! Just as with all the Trump haters, in four more years, I will have the chance to vote for whomever I want. I can't always have my way, but just as with Obama, I hope Trump will do the best job he can and some good will come out of it. And it already has and I think will.

So too was Ashley Judd a pretty girl who had every chance of settling down with a capitalist and having some sense, . . . . . remember her on Star Trek? She was a delight!


Sweet as a cupcake. But what happened to her today?


Bottom line, I will not be swayed by looks, the potential to grow up or anything else. WE HAVE REACHED A CRITICAL MASS of people with bad intentions in America who are not one bit aiding the nation and never will. When I was that girl's age, I knew better, and when confronted with wrong doing, I came to my senses. I respected authority. All I'm saying is that what you have there is probably the anarchist and rebel of the future. Someone needs to look at her and within a 5 minute conversation, ought to be able to tell whether she is a good seed with just some bad input, or truly a bad seed with some very bad wiring.
That placard the woman in the O. P. is holding is fine with me. I don't agree, but its called Free Speech.

Bolshevik/Democrats are too poorly educated to know how important that is. To them, its only allowed it they agree with it, stupidly not understanding that is just not the way it works; or can ever work---without Totalitarianism ensuing.

A really smart man one said:

"The Liberty of discussion is the great safeguard of all other Liberties."

So, this deluded bitch in the O. P. can hold up any kind of placard she wants to; she just needs to realize that I can do the same thing. And, I expect she does not....this current crop of Bolsheviks (Democrats) do not appear to think so.

If "free speech" is so important to you, why do you bully those who use free speech to criticize the bozo in chief?
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.

Not necessarily, sometimes demagogues and charlatans are elected. Democracy isn't perfect; someone once said that democracy suffers when the public is poorly educated and easily fooled.
Wry, you do not strike me as well educated and democracy has already suffered at the hands of fools like yourself. It you imagine that a democracy can survive far left-wing politics and the mass immigration of peoples who cannot assimilate, then you are the fool I thought you to be.
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"Not my President" is a fair response / reaction to the current President. Literally, Trump is The President, but does he represent all of the people? That is the question and the answer is, he does not.

He is the most divisive President in my lifetime, even more so than Nixon. He has singled out Journalists, U. and College Professors, The Congress and members of the Judiciary, immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, his own Attorney General, liberals and progressives, Obama and HRC; he has alienated our allies and inflamed our adversaries. In fact everyone who has ever not kissed his ass has been attacked by tweets and off the cuff comments. And yet, he patronizes those who he feels at the moment that he needs, thus he is two-faced and untrustworthy.

And the award for the most clueless post of the day...this is it.

This said by a person who defends the greatest friend to Wall Street in American history. A global-elitist...hardcore corporatist and used trickle down economics like no other President in history. Obama.
It is simply amazing how any leftist can support a glaring elitist like Obama. The cluelessness knows no bounds.

Please check the number of Wall street persons now in our new administration + additional billionaires .
In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.

Not necessarily, sometimes demagogues and charlatans are elected. Democracy isn't perfect; someone once said that democracy suffers when the public is poorly educated and easily fooled.
Wry, you do not strike me as well educated and democracy has already suffered at the hands of fools like yourself. It you imagine that a democracy can survive far left-wing politics and the mass immigration of peoples who cannot assimilate, then you are the fool I thought you to be.

Thanks so much for sharing, I've read a number of your posts, and in all honesty, not one is thoughtful or thought provoking.

Postscript: I looked at page one of your (most recent) threads, my statement about your posts lacking anything thoughtful or thought provoking is sustained. Only one post had more than 10 replies, and more than half had zero, one or two. That's pitiful!
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In other democracies when a candidate loses the popular vote as Trump did to HRC by 3-4 million votes, they form a coalition government with the opposition because they recognize they have no mandate and most of the country is NOT with them. Trump ignores everyone except the derps that voted for him.

HE is the one that has rejected THEM and their beliefs and intentions. So when the people shove it back down his throat how about no whining about it. You want to pretend you received 100% of the vote, then people are free to say you are not my president and you can STFU about it.
When a party takes all three branches of government, the mandate is implicit, and no amount of butt hurt is going to change that.

Not necessarily, sometimes demagogues and charlatans are elected. Democracy isn't perfect; someone once said that democracy suffers when the public is poorly educated and easily fooled.
Wry, you do not strike me as well educated and democracy has already suffered at the hands of fools like yourself. It you imagine that a democracy can survive far left-wing politics and the mass immigration of peoples who cannot assimilate, then you are the fool I thought you to be.

Thanks so much for sharing, I've read a number of your posts, and in all honesty, not one is thoughtful or thought provoking.

Postscript: I looked at page one of your (most recent) threads, my statement about your posts lacking anything thoughtful or thought provoking is sustained. Only one post had more than 10 replies, and more than half had zero, one or two. That's pitiful!
Ì have been posting on subjects OPed by others. I rarely start posts. You, on the other hand, seem unable to stop yourself on posting outright idiocies given to a generation which has little idea of reality.

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