Is this the year of the Libertarian Party?

Is 2018 the year of the Libertarian Party?

  • Yes, because the DNC has provided little of an option for independents.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, because the GOP has provided little to retain the independent vote.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Auto insurance faces 50 different state-based regulations. And yet auto insurance rates have been decreasing while health insurance has been increasing astronomically.

What the fuck are you talking about? Car insurance rates rose 3% just in November alone last year. FFS, if you're gonna just make shit up, at least have the common courtesy to provide bullshit sources. In fact, last year it took a state legislature, Michigan, to pass a law requiring auto insurance rates decline because they kept going higher and higher.

So it isn't insurance companies which are the problem..

It abso-fucking-lutely is because of insurance companies and drug companies. You want to know why health care costs keep going up? Look no further than the profit margins and the chargemasters. It's not about government at all. It's about insurance companies cooking up fake prices with insurance companies in order to preserve and maintain high profit margins.

Drug companies lobbied for, and got, a ban on Medicare using its position as the largest buyer to negotiate for lower drug costs. Again, that only happened because of donations and lobbying. Wouldn't have happened if there was a ban on donations and lobbying, though.

The problem is staring you in the face.
It's the federal government.
The federal government is the biggest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules for its private sector competitors.HOW'S THAT BEEN WORKING FOR YOU?

So you think that if the government wasn't involved in health care at all, corporations and medical provider networks would voluntarily lower their prices and profits?

We had some Libertarian tards out protesting the government sewar system. "Don't let the government take are crap" they had signs saying. "End all government funded health care"
No nation on earth has embraced Libertarianism

There is a reason
First off, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was founded as a libertarian government.

You know why no OTHER nation has ever embraced libertarianism? Because people who want power over the masses will fight libertarianism to the death, with the help of masses of needy, dependent, useful idiots, like yourself.
So slavery is a Liberartian principle?? What nonsense you spread
If we did not seize state power and give it to the federal government, then no money would have been spent capturing that power.

You're avoiding!!!! You're totally avoiding!!!!

You screech about special interest influence over government, but then oppose the only means by which that special interest influence can be mitigated.

Sorry, pal, we need a strong central authority because our economy is centralized. You have to be realistic.

That's my whole point, dumbass. When you centralize power, you make it easier to capture!

First of all, calling me names is only going to result in you getting it back ten times worse than you give it. So do yourself a favor and calm the fuck down.

Secondly, it's unrealistic to demand a decentralized government when we live in a highly centralized and globalized economy. We're never going back to horse-and-buggy days, and you need to grow up and realize that.

Finally, your cognitive dissonance is showing strongly here. Because you've set an unrealistic standard, you're ignoring what's realistically possible. It's not going to be possible to devolve the US into 50 different states that all operate differently for every single issue that affects all Americans. What is possible is to remove the ability for special interests to influence lawmakers by banning campaign donations and lobbying. If you prevent a special interest from being able to lobby a politician, then why would the politician act in the best interests of that special interest?

The politician no longer takes money from Wall Street, the politician no longer is lobbied by Wall Street, so the politician will...pass laws on behalf of Wall Street, why? There's no quid-pro-quo there anymore in a publicly-funded campaign system. The only quid pro quo are the voters' actual votes.

Take away the power, you take away the incentive to buy it. Problem solved!

Well that's just silly and unrealistic when we have multinational corporations that operate within the United States. So you have a very juvenile view of the world, one that is informed by lack of experience.
Would you be happy if the entire world was governed by one government? It sounds like that is what you are really after.

Do you think that is a good idea?
The control freak derps in Washington DC don't think Kansas should be allowed to decide for themselves how fast they can drive.

If you ever wonder why conservatives talk about "nanny state liberals", that's why.

Jimmy Carter pushed through the 55mph max speed supposedly to save fuel
We have been suffering ever since

Speed limits should be established based on the road design and conjestion
whatever the hell libertarian means to its so called supporters is moot until they get a majority of voters behind a candidate and elect someone.

aint gonna happen.
I can call any auto insurance company in the country to buy my auto insurance. This gives me maximum leverage, because they know I can hang up and call any of a constellation of competitors. And that keeps insurance rates low.Also, I am not held hostage by my employer and forced into a take-it-or-leave-it situation with my auto insurance.If I transfer to a different company, I don't automatically lose my auto insurance.I can also bundle my auto insurance with my life and home insurance to get discounts.I also get long term customer discounts.I am not able to not one bit of that with my health insurance.And why is that, Derp?

So there's a federal law that says health insurance can't be bundled with other insurance? What law is that? I'm not being glib, I just never heard of such a law before.
Auto insurance faces 50 different state-based regulations. And yet auto insurance rates have been decreasing while health insurance has been increasing astronomically.

What the fuck are you talking about? Car insurance rates rose 3% just in November alone last year. FFS, if you're gonna just make shit up, at least have the common courtesy to provide bullshit sources. In fact, last year it took a state legislature, Michigan, to pass a law requiring auto insurance rates decline because they kept going higher and higher.

Sorry, the last figures I saw, car insurance was going down. It's outdated.


So you think that if the government wasn't involved in health care at all, corporations and medical provider networks would voluntarily lower their prices and profits?


I have no doubt that if we had much less government in health care, costs would go down. Absolutely.
Because you made it so easy to capture. You centralized power in one place.

So this is an abuser's mentality: "Look what you made me do."

What other means than donations and lobbying can power be "captured" in a central authority? None.

It astonishes me that you tards keep centralizing power, and then you whine and whine when it gets captured! Then you demand MOAR centralized power!Jesus H. Christ, man! WAKE UP!

Well, we understand why and how it's being captured. You don't want to reconcile that because it would ruin this tragically juvenile worldview you have.
So slavery is a Liberartian principle?? What nonsense you spread
Show me where the constitution and first 10 Amendments mentions slavery, jackass. You are an ignoramus.
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
Because you made it so easy to capture. You centralized power in one place.

So this is an abuser's mentality: "Look what you made me do."

What other means than donations and lobbying can power be "captured" in a central authority? None.

Your delusion lies in the belief that you can stop the money or stop power from being captured.

After half a decade of attempts, there is more money than ever in politics. There is more power captured. BECAUSE THERE IS MORE POWER.

Jesus, man. Figure it out!

It astonishes me that you tards keep centralizing power, and then you whine and whine when it gets captured! Then you demand MOAR centralized power!Jesus H. Christ, man! WAKE UP!

Well, we understand why and how it's being captured. You don't want to reconcile that because it would ruin this tragically juvenile worldview you have.

Yes, it is being captured because you liberals made it so easy! You put it all in one place!
You dumbasses have had HALF A CENTURY of campaign finance reform and court decisions, and have not made one DENT in the fucking problem.

Not true! After McCain-Feingold, there was progress made. Then those gains were wiped out by a privately-funded lawsuit. A lawsuit that did what? Establish that money = speech. So that's the fundamental thing that you don't even touch on because you'd have to start compromising your childish worldview. If money = speech, then there is no such thing as "free speech", and some people have more speech than others.

If politicians no longer have to solicit campaign funds, then what does that mean for their legislating? For whom do they then legislate? On who's behalf are they legislating if they are no longer accepting campaign contributions or lobbying?


Money is the disease.

There is more money in politics now than ever before. Because there is more centralized power than ever before.WAKE UP!

NO! There is more money in politics because of a Conservative, privately-funded lawsuit that challenged campaign finance laws and established that money = speech and that there's no such thing as quid-pro-quo. Which you and I both know is a load of bullshit.
No matter what campaign finance law the tards have written, the special interests have found a way to keep buying our government at will.

That's because the campaign finance laws previously written were done with special interests looking over the shoulder.

And the tards keep centralizing more and more power, giving the federal government more control over our lives, and are just baffled why more and more money is used to capture control over their lives.

How has your life been more controlled by the federal government now than 20 years ago? What can you not do now that you could do back then? Are you just being a drama queen or are you a true victim of federal authority?
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
That makes no provision for slavery or promotion of slavery. That only concerned census and representative numbers.

Do you agree or disagree that the United States and the states that made it up were founded by classic liberals (libertarians)?
Wrong. They are. How are they not?

Simple; viruses don't know what state borders are. Interstate Commerce is the standard. Climate Change doesn't give a shit about arbitrary lines drawn on a map. Guns are purchased in one state, and trafficked into another.

So that's how they're not state issues.

The federal government has no business in those issues.

Well, too bad for you that they do.

Why do you want Big Pharma and Big Oil and the One Percent to own and control you?

They already do. Removing money from politics removed their ability to own and control politics. How else will they own and control it if they cannot donate to it or lobby it?
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
That makes no provision for slavery or promotion of slavery. That only concerned census and representative numbers.

Do you agree or disagree that the United States and the states that made it up were founded by classic liberals (libertarians)?
You are so ignorant. The Constitution was pro-slavery. It had provisions for hunting down people. That sound Libertarian to you? How about the slave importation section? It gave the south more representation for their slaves so slave holders had more power. You are a complete idiot. Oh wait, a Libertarian, same difference

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