Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters
Joe Montana, always & forever.

Brady is a very good QB, but not such a great person. He's a cheater and he loves DJT - those things prevent him from being 'greatest ever' anything. History will bear it out.

Great to see a FEMALE come on here for once who does not have her head up Bradys ass and loves his looks so much that they ignore what a criminal he is that they worship him.:beer::clap::clap::clap::clap:
That is hard to find around here.
that rarely happens ever at this site. There is this one female NFL fan last year who stopped coming here after last years superbowl which is a shame because she knew as much about football as all of us dudes did,but she told me last year she was so disgusted with how the cheatriots get away with scandal after scandal all the time that she was going to leave this section and that she was done with football. kudos to her,wise decision.:thup:

Last year was the first superbowl I did not watch,the one from two years ago when pete the cheat threw the game for the cheats to win was the last superbowl I plan to watch unless of course it is my Rams and that could be decades with how bad they are

Like I said,the thread title SHOULD say who is the best quaterback of all time in the superbowl era,Montana or Bradshaw since as we both know THEY are the only two quarterbacks that are TRUE winners of four superbowls.
The SB


That is off point.

This thread is about Brady being the greatest. He is not.

Not even one of top 20 greatest ever.
So Dan Marino is a "god"? Don't get me wrong...I think Marino was a great quarterback, Patriot but his post season stats hardly look "god like"! He played in 18 playoff games and only won 8. He threw 32 touchdown passes but also threw 24 interceptions.

Compare those stats to Tom Brady. Brady has played in 35 playoff games and won 26. He's thrown 66 TD's and only 30 interceptions.
Yes. Like Lawrence Taylor - Dan Marino is a god. There is nobody even in the conversation. He had a ridiculous cannon for an arm, could put the ball into places that Tom Brady wouldn't even fantasize about putting it, and completely shattered the NFL passing record books.

Again continue to take team measurements and attribute them to individuals. It's absurd. Tom Brady did not win 26 playoff games. Look in the official NFL records and you will not see his name listed anywhere in those games. The New England Patriots won 26 playoff games.

You can't make a case for Brady based on his individual performances so you keep going to team accomplishment. That's is absurd as crediting me with giving birth to my daughters. Sure...I played a role. But my wife was the one who actually gave birth. I didn't do shit. I didn't endure the pain. I just sat there. Stop trying to credit Brady for team accomplishments. Look at his individual performances - and you'll see he's not even remotely in the conversation. He's a great player. But not in the conversation with Dan Marino.

It's Dan Marino #1, John Elway #2, Peyton Manning #3, Steve Young #4, and Troy Aikman #5.

By the way - if you want to cite team accomplishments then you should have Peyton Manning #1. He absolutely owned Tom Brady. Owned him. Frankly, I'm not willing to credit Manning because his team was superior to those Patriot teams. That's not a reflection on Brady. Anymore than it is a reflection on Brady that the New England Patriots have 26 playoff wins.
Joe Montana, always & forever.

Brady is a very good QB, but not such a great person. He's a cheater and he loves DJT - those things prevent him from being 'greatest ever' anything. History will bear it out.
Joe Montana had the arm strength of a little girl. He would throw 5 yard passes to the flat to Roger Craig and Tom Rathman and get all the credit in the world for making throws that literally an 8 year old could have made in those games. He's nowhere near the conversation. For god sake's, he's not even the best QB in San Francisco 49er history. Forget about NFL history.
Can Phallics name an NFL team that doesn't "cheat"?

Answer: NO
Oh come on...what an absurd argument. That's like saying Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders were "ok" because other presidents did it. It is never ok to break the law or cheat. Ever.
At least one of them should be wearing a Falcons uniform. The Falcons were fined and lost a draft pick in March. ;)

What happened?

They got caught pumping fake crowd noise into their stadium.

Atlanta Falcons lose 2016 pick for pumping fake noise
And they got rid of the cheating bastard, event marketing director, Roddy White.

Arthur Blank Apologized, Rich McKay was banned from Competition Committee even thought he was not aware of what was going on.

Brady gets a pass.

That is off point.

This thread is about Brady being the greatest. He is not.

Hey, you're the one who posted the Super Bowl pic with the athletes caught cheating in Patriots uniforms. My comment was on point in relation to that.
Jesus Christ, are you idiots so insecure that you have to cry every five fucking minutes?

I answered you and went back on topic wipe your tears already.:itsok:

It's funny that you take my comment as "crying." :p

I guess you're the one who decides when the conversation can go off point and when it has to go back on point, huh? :lmao:
Can Phallics name an NFL team that doesn't "cheat"?

Answer: NO
Oh come on...what an absurd argument. That's like saying Obama's unconstitutional Executive Orders were "ok" because other presidents did it. It is never ok to break the law or cheat. Ever.

this is ONE TIME we can agree.:up: see what its like trying to have a discussion with old fartstyle,you would have better luck trying to explain it to a 2 year old.:up:
Still no team you want to put forth as an example, Phallics?

Still fixated on men's "joints"?

Yeah, nothing's changed with you...has it?
Is Tom Brady the Greatest Ever?


Answer: NO

Look who the OP is,the biggest troll to ever post at USMB the fact he is so butthurt I took him to school two years ago that the rams were coming back to LA when he said they never would that he is still trying to convince himself he is right,that they are still playing in st louis as you well know. so considering who the OP is,that proves in spades Brady is NOT the best.

not even one of the top 20 best in the superbowl era.:lmao::haha:
I think the point is that it probably wasn't just one game in which Brady had balls deflated to an illegal level he preferred.

The level of inflation seems to be a fairly minor thing, but it is a rule. I'm certainly not going to say Brady sucks because he played with slightly under-inflated balls.

For about the thousandth has never been proven that Tom Brady played with illegal balls. When the NFL TRIED to say that it had proof the judge presiding at trial practically laughed at them while he asked if that was all they had! Aaron Rogers played with over inflated balls. The NFL did nothing. The Vikings played with heated balls. The NFL did nothing. To say that "Deflategate" was a tempest in a teapot would be the understatement of the century.

OFS: "the judge presiding at trial practically laughed"

The Appeals court reversed that probably think it was a victory for Brady somehow.:slap:

Then "out of the blue" Tom Brady gave up and accepted his punishment for his deeds forever establishing he is nothing but a 6th round draft pick who needed to cheat to get his wins and is a quitter.:itsok:

"It’s on his resume. And because he has two incidents that are going to be on his resume: Spygate and Deflategate. And you’re not going to be able to mention …. when you say Joe Montana, what do you say? When you say Terry Bradshaw?

this goes on his resume -- Spygate, Deflategate -- is gonna [come down to] your location and your [man] love and infatuation for the Patriots and Tom Brady
But to say this is not going to be on his resume, that’s 1,000 percent false."

'Undisputed' tackles whether Tom Brady's legacy is tainted by Deflategate | FOX Sports

Total cheater.

The appeals court didn't rule on Brady's guilt...they simply ruled that Goodell had the power to impose whatever punishment he wanted under the CBA!

That isn't a finding of "guilt" on the part of Brady...a concept that you refuse to admit!

How's Brady cheating now? You claim he only succeeds because he cheats? Explain why he's probably going to win another MVP? Then tell me the team that you think hasn't been caught by the NFL doing something deemed illegal and explain why the Patriots get hit with massive fines...loss of a first round draft pick...and the loss of their star quarterback while other teams doing the same thing results in Goodell giving them a pass?
I never said they found him "guilty". Guilt is reserved for a criminal trial you doofus, I have instructed you as much in many posts. Your most positive quality is that you have a brilliant propensity for attempting to deflect but fail 100% of the time.:itsok:
trying to have a conversation with old fart style and using logic and common sense with him gets you nowhere.

Its like trying to explain to him that Bill Clinton should have been in prison for the last couple of decades because he lied under oath.with OFS and his warped logic though,when he is backed up against the wall with this logic of course,in his desperate attempts of denial,he will convince himself that because clinton was not put on trial and put behind bars,then he was not in contempt of court.that he was a victem and proven to be innocent since he wasnt convicted.

I know Oldstyle accuses me of being obsessed with homosexual things yet he tells me about his feet and how big they are (size 12), then his relations with various men such as Steve Spagnoulo and Jack Nicholson, his viewing habits ...he watches football in the darkness all alone on his love seat and what he does for hobbies.

I have never spoken of my history with the NFL, who I represented, what coaches, scouts and players I know, never once about my broadcasting gig (500,000 listeners) with players and scouts etc we trade stories about one infamous coach before he became "BIG TIME" and how he changed ...while I defend the prick "On Air" or how I teach Sports and Entertainment law at a law school located in Greenwich Village, NYC.

OFS does not know my foot size or anything personal, who my tailor is, what I "watch" on TV( I do not have time for that shit) or what fucking couch or chair I sit in. I think he is a predator of sorts or some other strange thing.

......and he sits there reading this now thinking of Jack Nicholson's joint.

What I think when I say Jack Nicholson's joint.


What Oldstyle thinks about when I say Jack Nicholson's' joint


...and Brady is not the greatest, he is a cheater and was suspended
It hasn't dawned on them yet that the garbage they post is what lights the fire in Tom Brady's belly!

I doubt Tom Brady reads the posts from these idiots. Lol.

Idiots like Phallics and his little buddy that has everyone but Phallics on ignore LIVE to call into sports talk radio or write opinion pieces on Brady's "guilt"! I guarantee you that Brady uses what they say as an incentive. He plays with a chip on his shoulder even after all these years of success BECAUSE of people like Phallics!

OFS: "Brady uses what they say as an incentive. He plays with a chip on his shoulder even after all these years of success BECAUSE of people like Phallics!":disbelief::cuckoo::itsok:

"The Patriots will never shed the 'cheaters' label"

The Patriots may never shed the 'cheaters' label

You handed the OP,old fart style,pooper and all the other cheatriot apologists Brady worshippers their asses to them on a platter and gave them such a major ass beating their butts are going to be so sore they will scream and pain everytime they try and sit down and be crying for weeks on end over this ass beating they wont recover from for maybe YEARS.

Best damn link ever and you have produced DOZENS of them.

Damn,what do you charge for a court fee,i would sure LOVE to have you for my lawyer,you would have the other lawyers opponent opposing you crying everytime the way you got all cheatriot apologists on here crying and whining in defeat.:up:

they of course will ii do this-:scared1: and not bother to read that link since it exposes them as the biggest frauds in NFL history ever

I like the part here where it says THIS-And yet, the majority of the country, probably more than that, doesn't care.

They nailed it,so many people dont care about the superbowl anymore cause of how they have tainted the game.
What happened?

They got caught pumping fake crowd noise into their stadium.

Atlanta Falcons lose 2016 pick for pumping fake noise
And they got rid of the cheating bastard, event marketing director, Roddy White.

Arthur Blank Apologized, Rich McKay was banned from Competition Committee even thought he was not aware of what was going on.

Brady gets a pass.

That is off point.

This thread is about Brady being the greatest. He is not.

Hey, you're the one who posted the Super Bowl pic with the athletes caught cheating in Patriots uniforms. My comment was on point in relation to that.
Jesus Christ, are you idiots so insecure that you have to cry every five fucking minutes?

I answered you and went back on topic wipe your tears already.:itsok:

It's funny that you take my comment as "crying." :p

I guess you're the one who decides when the conversation can go off point and when it has to go back on point, huh? :lmao:

Go sniffle somewhere else

Yo, go back in time when the quarterback was a man, and took a beating! Today, it`s a pansy game! By the way, Atlanta, the Southern Team, Will Rise Again, and Win the Super Bowl!!!

View attachment 109457

well the OP is such a stupid fuck moron that he doesnt understand that in this day and age that you can barely touch the reciever when you cover him so where back in the 70's and 80's and before that,defenders could pretty much mug them so shady brady is not even one of the top 20 best in the modern day of the superbowl especially since he is a fraud.:biggrin:
Brady is the best of his era. Montana was the best of his era. If you put Montana in Brady's era (5,000 more passes per year overall with fewer interceptions (6 TEAMS had fewer than 10!!!)), Montana would be destroying the league. On top of that, the rules that protect QBs today are ones that the US Secret Service would like to have for the President--one is colloquially known as the "Brady rule". If you put Brady in Montana's era of headhunting defensive ends, QB's getting their legs snapped in half, stick-em, and wide receivers who at least had to get touched before pass interference was called, he's not going to do so well.

It's certainly possible Montana would have been better in today's game and that Brady would have been worse in Montana's day. Still, we'll never know, we can only go by what they actually have done.

Shady Brady would not have lasted more than a year in Montanas day and age ESPECIALLY since had he been with the cheats back then before robert kraft was the owner when the cheats were a likeable organization and did not have the home town refs in their pockets with the owner back then,in that day and age,without the powerful robert kraft as the owner,he would never have been able to get them to one superbowl without the refs in krafts pocket and not able to cheat.

plus having to face top notch competetion in the AFC east playing the bill and dolphins who both had hall of fame QB'S and hall of fame coachs. the teams in the AFC easy brady faces each year are a joke,they dont belong in the NFL,they are so bad high schools teams could beat those teams on a given sunday. that is what makes steve grogan all the more impressive the fact he did beat the dolphins and bills back then when marino and kelly were the QBS of those teams. grogan is another quarterback that brady could not carry the jockstrap of.:biggrin:








Your hero


Even if the low standards of his supporters are applied Brady comes out as a 6th round draft pick who had a nice run in the NFL, but can never be declared the greatest for his own self destructive behavior and undeniable habit of cheating and lying.
in one word

It's not a fact. The appropriate investigative agencies haven't proved it. ;)
The record that is published by the appropriate investigative agency, indeed does prove it.

Just read the record.

It says more probably than not.
This is an old argument....that standard is called "preponderance if the evidence" and a "term of art". Such standard is used in civil litigation, was agreed to by the parties in the CBA and accepted by the court who up help the suspension.

Brady in agreeing to the suspension also reaffirmed that it was the correct decision by his acquiescence.

I know it is only cheating if you get caught. Silly idea but whatever.
No facts, no argument. Anything to normalize what this joker has done. :uhoh3::itsok:

Again, thankfully all this nonsense is "on line" where it matters not.

yeah as i said before,these clowns are so butthurt their hero has been exposed for the criminal cheating fraud he is,the way they take it so personal,they no doubt would pull out a knife in stab you in the back in a dark alley at night if you had this conversation with pooper,OFS or chrissy the way they take it so personal and get so angry,so yeah,thank god like you said,this is online.:up:
The record that is published by the appropriate investigative agency, indeed does prove it.

Just read the record.

It says more probably than not.
This is an old argument....that standard is called "preponderance if the evidence" and a "term of art". Such standard is used in civil litigation, was agreed to by the parties in the CBA and accepted by the court who up help the suspension.

Brady in agreeing to the suspension also reaffirmed that it was the correct decision by his acquiescence.

I know it is only cheating if you get caught. Silly idea but whatever.
No facts, no argument. Anything to normalize what this joker has done. :uhoh3::itsok:

Again, thankfully all this nonsense is "on line" where it matters not.

yeah as i said before,these clowns are so butthurt their hero has been exposed for the criminal cheating fraud he is,the way they take it so personal,they no doubt would pull out a knife in stab you in the back in a dark alley at night if you had this conversation with pooper,OFS or chrissy the way they take it so personal and get so angry,so yeah,thank god like you said,this is online.:up:

I wouldn't risk ruining a knife on you, you aren't worth the trouble.
I used to think Joe Montana was the greatest ever, but I'm wondering if Tom Brady is the best.

What do you think?
That's sad. Joe Montana isn't even in the top 25 all time and Tom Brady isn't in the top 5 (he is in the top 10).

I always know immediately that a person doesn't know shit about football when they grade a QB on how many rings he's won. QB's don't win rings. Teams do. Championships are a measurement of teams - not individuals. Go to the NFL website you and you won't see Joe Montana listed a single time as a Super Bowl winner. You will, however, see the San Francisco 49ers listed.

The greatest QB's in order:

1. Dan Marino (it's not even close - he obliterated the NFL record books)
2. John Elway
3. Peyton Manning
4. Steve Young
5. Troy Aikman (most pin-point accurate passer ever)

And before anyone even attempt to argue about #1 - Don Shula is the winningest coach in NFL history. He coached the legendary Johnny Unitas in Baltimore. He coached Earl Morrell and Bob Griese. Don Shula himself said that Dan Marino is the greatest QB to ever play football and that it wasn't even close. I think he has forgotten more about football than anyone here on USMB will ever know.

These are just a few quarterbacks that you mentioned that are TEN times better than Tom Brady in the era of the superbowl. Jim Kelly,Steve Grogan,Roger Stabach,Bob Griese are just a couple others along with the ones you mentioned I can think of immediatly at the moment at the top of my head that like the ones you mentioned are all TEN times better than Brady.

Brady is not even in the top 25 best even in the superbowl era.:rolleyes:
I used to think Joe Montana was the greatest ever, but I'm wondering if Tom Brady is the best.

What do you think?
That's sad. Joe Montana isn't even in the top 25 all time and Tom Brady isn't in the top 5 (he is in the top 10).

I always know immediately that a person doesn't know shit about football when they grade a QB on how many rings he's won. QB's don't win rings. Teams do. Championships are a measurement of teams - not individuals. Go to the NFL website you and you won't see Joe Montana listed a single time as a Super Bowl winner. You will, however, see the San Francisco 49ers listed.

The greatest QB's in order:

1. Dan Marino (it's not even close - he obliterated the NFL record books)
2. John Elway
3. Peyton Manning
4. Steve Young
5. Troy Aikman (most pin-point accurate passer ever)

And before anyone even attempt to argue about #1 - Don Shula is the winningest coach in NFL history. He coached the legendary Johnny Unitas in Baltimore. He coached Earl Morrell and Bob Griese. Don Shula himself said that Dan Marino is the greatest QB to ever play football and that it wasn't even close. I think he has forgotten more about football than anyone here on USMB will ever know.

These are just a few quarterbacks that you mentioned that are TEN times better than Tom Brady in the era of the superbowl. Jim Kelly,Steve Grogan,Roger Stabach,Bob Griese are just a couple others along with the ones you mentioned I can think of immediatly at the moment at the top of my head that like the ones you mentioned are all TEN times better than Brady.

Brady is not even in the top 25 best even in the superbowl era.:rolleyes:

Right on cue!

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