Is Trump "doubting" his own victory???


You admit there is no proof, yet your hero Trump tweets that 3 million people voted illegally without a single ounce of proof. And this man is the President?

You are too stupid of a Moon Bat to connect the dots. However Trump will connect the dots by doing a real investigation and establishing the proof that is a good thing for this country because it is illegal for shithead illegals to vote.

You stupid Moon Bats were so damn concerned about the Russians influencing the election where is your outrage at illegals influencing the election?

By the way Moon Bat, you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. Trump is not my hero. I didn't even vote for him. However, I applaud his efforts to make sure that every vote counts by not diluting that vote by allowing illegals to vote. Don't you think that is a good thing? Since you are a Moon Bat you obviously don't think so because you know that without it the despicable Democrats will never win another election.
If Trump had an ounce of sense, he would do his investigation first before shooting off his big mouth
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Maybe going forward we should not count California votes because they are too democratic. Then lets not count the votes from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Teen, and all the southern states for the same reason
The electoral college worked exactly how it should... that is the point. It keeps the crazies at bay, this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. dip shit
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Maybe going forward we should not count California votes because they are too democratic. Then lets not count the votes from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Teen, and all the southern states for the same reason
The electoral college worked exactly how it should... that is the point. It keeps the crazies at bay
It still eats the shyte out of the Trumpster that he lost the popular vote, so he must lie about the results. Is there any point going forward when you will get fed up with his never ending lies
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Maybe going forward we should not count California votes because they are too democratic. Then lets not count the votes from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Teen, and all the southern states for the same reason
The electoral college worked exactly how it should... that is the point. It keeps the crazies at bay
It still eats the shyte out of the Trumpster that he lost the popular vote, so he must lie about the results. Is there any point going forward when you will get fed up with his never ending lies
Like I said this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. We can't have crazies from California determining the direction of this country.
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Maybe going forward we should not count California votes because they are too democratic. Then lets not count the votes from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Teen, and all the southern states for the same reason
The electoral college worked exactly how it should... that is the point. It keeps the crazies at bay
It still eats the shyte out of the Trumpster that he lost the popular vote, so he must lie about the results. Is there any point going forward when you will get fed up with his never ending lies
Like I said this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. We can't have crazies from California determining the direction of this country.
Do something about it, don't just shoot off you mouth
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Maybe going forward we should not count California votes because they are too democratic. Then lets not count the votes from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Teen, and all the southern states for the same reason
The electoral college worked exactly how it should... that is the point. It keeps the crazies at bay
It still eats the shyte out of the Trumpster that he lost the popular vote, so he must lie about the results. Is there any point going forward when you will get fed up with his never ending lies
Like I said this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. We can't have crazies from California determining the direction of this country.
Do something about it, don't just shoot off you mouth
I don't have to have the electoral college works exactly as it should and it keeps crazies like yourself from determining the direction of this country.
I wonder what ever happens to Trump's investigation of Obama's birth certificate? Lot of promises and said he was finding "unbelievable things", but he never put out. I suspect that will be what happens to the results of a voter fraud investigation, assuming the investigation isn't a fraud in and of itself.
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.
IMHO it appears Trump is the type that is not satisfied with just winning, he's got win by a mile and win it all to be happy, in other words win "bigly". Sometimes that's a good thing at other times it's a hindrance.

It appears that In this case it's definitely a hindrance, why the hell is he even bringing this up when he has to know there's no evidence to support his claim and it's only giving the press and the Democrats another shiny bauble to distract the public from what his Administration is attempting to accomplish? Maybe it's a clever attempt on Trump's part to distract the press and the Democrats from what He and his Merry Band of Republicrats are up to in the halls of power?

"Things that make you go hmmm" -- C+C Music Factory
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?

If it is true....where is the Federal investigation?
Do you have a single ounce of proof that any illegals voted?

I have MORE than a single source that illegals voted...

1. Washington Post
In 2014 Washington Post study that indicated more than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 elections indicated they were registered to vote.

2. The PEW:
The Pew Research study that said approximately 24 million, or one out of every eight, voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate. They also note that 2.5 million people have registrations in more than one state.

- Team Trump Offers Evidence for Millions Voting Illegally | RedState

3. Dead people voting in Colorado

4. Illegals found voting in Virginia; only discovered after they 'self-reported'.

A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. These aliens were only accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license and self-reported, telling authorities they were a non-citizen. This study doesn’t even include the metropolises of Fairfax County and Arlington. Moreover, the FBI opened an investigation in the state after 20 dead people turned in applications to vote.

5. Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted as well.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5th. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

6. Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania.

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

“There’s certainly the potential for hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners here legally and illegally to be on our voter rolls, and a certain percentage who are casting ballots,” Mr. Metchalfe told LifeZette. “We’ve got a lot of integrity issues that need to be addressed.”

(** No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real
- GREAT source listnig 10 total cases of Voter Fraud / Illegal Voting)

7. WSJ
"Widespread voter fraud, the media consensus suggests, isn’t possible. But there is a real chance that significant numbers of noncitizens and others are indeed voting illegally, perhaps enough to make up the margin in some elections."
- Do Illegal Votes Decide Elections?

8. Arizona
A man who's a resident alien but not a citizen successfully registered to vote in Maricopa County on a bet with a workmate. *He self-reported, claiming he registered to prove how easy it was for a non-citizen to register and get a voter ID / card.

(For idiots who say Voter Fraud doesn't happen:
14 Cases of Voter Fraud So Far This Year -- And It's Not Even Election Day Yet)

I do not have any proof that 3 - 4 million illegals voted, but there is proof that illegals ARE voting - have voted in US elections. If you still deny it you're an idiot.

If Illegals CAN vote...and ARE / HAVE BEEN Voting, as has been proven to be the case...then actions needs to be taken to STOP IT!
Do you have a single ounce of proof that any illegals voted?

I have MORE than a single source that illegals voted...

1. Washington Post
In 2014 Washington Post study that indicated more than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 elections indicated they were registered to vote.

2. The PEW:
The Pew Research study that said approximately 24 million, or one out of every eight, voter registrations in the United States are no longer valid or are significantly inaccurate. They also note that 2.5 million people have registrations in more than one state.

- Team Trump Offers Evidence for Millions Voting Illegally | RedState

3. Dead people voting in Colorado

4. Illegals found voting in Virginia; only discovered after they 'self-reported'.

A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote. These aliens were only accidentally caught because when they renewed their driver’s license and self-reported, telling authorities they were a non-citizen. This study doesn’t even include the metropolises of Fairfax County and Arlington. Moreover, the FBI opened an investigation in the state after 20 dead people turned in applications to vote.

5. Illegal voters uncovered in Philadelphia; half had previously voted as well.

At least 86 non-citizens have been registered voters in Philadelphia since 2013, and almost half of them have cast a ballot in a recent election, watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation noted this month. The number was only turned up after officials received specific requests from the voters themselves to remove their names from the rolls.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg,” Joseph Vanderhulst, the watchdog’s attorney, told LifeZette on Oct. 5th. “Who knows how many are on and don’t ask to be taken off?”

6. Voter registration cards sent to illegals in Pennsylvania.

In September, the secretary of state’s office in Pennsylvania mailed about 2.5 million voter registration postcards to people who are not registered voters, but are licensed drivers. Secretary of State Pedro Cortes admitted to the House of Representatives that seven people had reported that they received voter registration cards in error, self-reporting.

State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Butler County Republican who chairs the State Government Committee, said in September testimony that there’s several problem’s with the state’s voter registration system.

“There’s certainly the potential for hundreds, if not thousands, of foreigners here legally and illegally to be on our voter rolls, and a certain percentage who are casting ballots,” Mr. Metchalfe told LifeZette. “We’ve got a lot of integrity issues that need to be addressed.”

(** No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real
- GREAT source listnig 10 total cases of Voter Fraud / Illegal Voting)

7. WSJ
"Widespread voter fraud, the media consensus suggests, isn’t possible. But there is a real chance that significant numbers of noncitizens and others are indeed voting illegally, perhaps enough to make up the margin in some elections."
- Do Illegal Votes Decide Elections?

8. Arizona
A man who's a resident alien but not a citizen successfully registered to vote in Maricopa County on a bet with a workmate. *He self-reported, claiming he registered to prove how easy it was for a non-citizen to register and get a voter ID / card.

(For idiots who say Voter Fraud doesn't happen:
14 Cases of Voter Fraud So Far This Year -- And It's Not Even Election Day Yet)

I do not have any proof that 3 - 4 million illegals voted, but there is proof that illegals ARE voting - have voted in US elections. If you still deny it you're an idiot.

If Illegals CAN vote...and ARE / HAVE BEEN Voting, as has been proven to be the case...then actions needs to be taken to STOP IT!
To say that some people who should not have voted, did so, would not be inaccurate. But to say without a single iota of proof that 3 million illegals voted is totally ridiculous. But that is your President, a very insecure man
To say that some people who should not have voted, did so, would not be inaccurate. But to say without a single iota of proof that 3 million illegals voted is totally ridiculous. But that is your President, a very insecure man
1. Thank you for admitting illegals DID vote.

2. I agree that going from that fact to the idea that 3 - 4 million illegals voted is not a proven statement. I believe Trump is making a 'logical conclusion / assumption' based off the facts that illegals RAE and have been voting in our elections. Call it his opinion if you would like.

The thing that should be taken away from this whole issue is the acknowledgement that Illegals ARE voting in our elections and it is our government's responsibility to ensure the law is upheld, our elections protected from 'outside foreign sources', even if those forces are inside the United States.
He just wants to make sure the goddamn illegals don't get to vote in 2020. After all, despite lax voter ID laws in commie states like California it is illegal for illegals to vote.

Can you give us a list of a 100 verified fraudulent votes in the last election, out of over 3 million that's next to nothing...
To say that some people who should not have voted, did so, would not be inaccurate. But to say without a single iota of proof that 3 million illegals voted is totally ridiculous. But that is your President, a very insecure man
1. Thank you for admitting illegals DID vote.

2. I agree that going from that fact to the idea that 3 - 4 million illegals voted is not a proven statement. I believe Trump is making a 'logical conclusion / assumption' based off the facts that illegals RAE and have been voting in our elections. Call it his opinion if you would like.

The thing that should be taken away from this whole issue is the acknowledgement that Illegals ARE voting in our elections and it is our government's responsibility to ensure the law is upheld, our elections protected from 'outside foreign sources', even if those forces are inside the United States.
It is not his opinion, sonny, it was presented to us as a fact. A fact that is one big fat lie. Is this what you expect from your President? I can only imagine your reaction if Obama had done the same- lie, lie, lie
Is Trump "doubting" his own victory???

Why would he make up a story about 3 million illegal voters?
I would hardly say it's "made up", considering the Democrats' well-known history of voter fraud.

But face the facts...

Trump is POTUS, and you went to the back of the bus...

Now let the butthurt flow, loser..,.

Where is your facts... Where is your evidence...

Hitler said it was a well known fact that Jews were subhuman.

Back up your statements...
It is not his opinion, sonny, it was presented to us as a fact. A fact that is one big fat lie. Is this what you expect from your President? I can only imagine your reaction if Obama had done the same- lie, lie, lie
Sonny? lol

I read the transcripts of the interview in which his administration was asked to prove 3 - 4 million illegals voted. The very 1st 2 sources I posted were the exact same sources and information they provided. It lays the foundation down proving Illegals did vote and have voted in the past. they also use a study from a group that claims 3 - 4 million illegals voted. I researched that group and even found Fact Check sites that state the group claims this happened but do not have the proof to back up their claim. So Trump used this un-verifiable source to come up with his assessment / opinion.

Bottom Line: It has been proven that illegals voted in this past election.

How many, while concerning and which needs to be investigated, are not that big of deal because it did not decide the election. Proof exists that show the govt does need to do more to prevent illegals from voting. The election, however, is over. Trump won. Nothing is handed out for 2nd place.
I have no issue with ensuring our elections are as fair as possible. Seems like a reasonable project to me.
Our election are very fair, without voter ID

Was it... Where did the close the 800+ voting booths... Where were queues longest...

The GOP have been trying to disenfranchise poor people and minorities from voting for years...

I think they will deputized a bunch of good olde boys and have another Selma to keep them quite.
He just wants to make sure the goddamn illegals don't get to vote in 2020. After all, despite lax voter ID laws in commie states like California it is illegal for illegals to vote.

Can you give us a list of a 100 verified fraudulent votes in the last election, out of over 3 million that's next to nothing...
Slight of hand...
It is not his opinion, sonny, it was presented to us as a fact. A fact that is one big fat lie. Is this what you expect from your President? I can only imagine your reaction if Obama had done the same- lie, lie, lie
Sonny? lol

I read the transcripts of the interview in which his administration was asked to prove 3 - 4 million illegals voted. The very 1st 2 sources I posted were the exact same sources and information they provided. It lays the foundation down proving Illegals did vote and have voted in the past. they also use a study from a group that claims 3 - 4 million illegals voted. I researched that group and even found Fact Check sites that state the group claims this happened but do not have the proof to back up their claim. So Trump used this un-verifiable source to come up with his assessment / opinion.

Bottom Line: It has been proven that illegals voted in this past election.

How many, while concerning and which needs to be investigated, are not that big of deal because it did not decide the election. Proof exists that show the govt does need to do more to prevent illegals from voting. The election, however, is over. Trump won. Nothing is handed out for 2nd place.

Trump had proof Obama wasn't born in the US too.
Bottom Line: It has been proven that illegals voted in this past election.

FANTASTIC........Let's then have ANOTHER presidential election next month...After all, we need to find out if ALL of those "illegals" that voted last November voted for Trump..........LOL

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