Is Trump "doubting" his own victory???

He just wants to make sure the goddamn illegals don't get to vote in 2020. After all, despite lax voter ID laws in commie states like California it is illegal for illegals to vote.
Illegals do not vote and you have no proof that they do.

OK Moon Bat lets connect some dots.

1. California has millions of illegals in the state.

2. Illegals hate Trump because he wants to enforce the immigration laws as established by Congress.

3. Trump only got 32% of the vote in California, the lowest in the country.

4. California has lax voter ID laws.

Only stupid uneducated low information Libtard Moon Bats can't connect those dots.

We don't have any definitive proof because nobody has investigated it yet. Trump want to fix that. That is a good thing.

You Moon Bats don't want him to do it because without illegal votes or fraudulent votes the filthy ass Democrats will never win another election.
You admit there is no proof, yet your hero Trump tweets that 3 million people voted illegally without a single ounce of proof. And this man is the President?
Seems to me he's kicking your candyass, so I don't think he's doubting much of anything....

After all, he's POTUS..,

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Why is he still crying about the election results then?
Trump is a very sick phyuck, and it bothers him greatly that he lost the popular vote by 3 million. The man is very insecure

He has no idea what being president means.
You are right, and he won't listen to anyone. There are very dangerous times
Trump did better with Hispanics than Romney did.

Now if the Hispanic vote was heavily illegal (which is absurd) who benefited?
Trump lied once again about 3 million illegal votes, he has zero proof of even one.

No only is there no proof there's not even any evidence that might suggest that it could be proved.

Trump has the brain of the typical USMB RWnut poster. That's fact, as frightening as that is.
Seems to me he's kicking your candyass, so I don't think he's doubting much of anything....

After all, he's POTUS..,

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Why is he still crying about the election results then?
Trump is a very sick phyuck, and it bothers him greatly that he lost the popular vote by 3 million. The man is very insecure

He has no idea what being president means.
He's terrific as a dick however, and as such, will be fun to observe to attempt to rise to the occasion.
Actually, my dear right wingers, I'm enjoying ridiculing both Trump and you morons who actually worship the orange charlatan....LOL

At least you admit it is nothing more than ridicule. The correct term is sore loser/butt hurt/scared/socialist/worthless.
Is Trump "doubting" his own victory???No
Why would he make up a story about 3 million illegal voters?
Probably to combat the Liberal attempt to de-legitimize the Trump administration by claiming Hillary won the completely irrelevant Popular Vote.

Is Trump 'worried' abut his win.

Does he think that millions of illegals (not only being encouraged by the ex-President to vote but) voting in US elections is just as much of a threat to our democracy (not to mention highly illegal) as Russians interfering in our elections?
It seems like it...and not only should HE be worried about that, everyone should.

The fact / idea that illegals in this country who do not have US citizenship and therefor are not allowed to participate in our elections actually doing so anyway is every bit as intrusive / illegal / a threat as another country interfering in our election. There is almost no serious difference.

Illegals in this country are an 'outside' force illegally in this country. Let's call them a country - 'Illegastan'. Illegastan, if illegally voting in our elections - being allowed to cast ballots using electronic voting machines - is almost the same thing as if Russia were to hack into our electronic voting machines and cast ballots for a candidate. It is all illegal manipulation of our election from outside, illegal, un-authorized parties.

Whether it is 3, 4, 5 million or 500 it is still illegal and un-authorized interference / manipulation of our elections. THAT is the threat.

How Liberals can be so pissed by an 'outside foreign force' (like Russia) interfering in our election and wanting to do everything we can to stop that from happening

.... YET not give a damn about wanting to take every precaution to prevent an 'outside foreign source' INSIDE this country do so is mind-numbingly retarded.

- The vast majority of Liberals in this country don't give a damn if Illegals in this country vote in our elections or not because they believe that the vast, overwhelming majority will vote Democratic Party candidates because Democrats are the ones giving them all the tax payer-funded hand-outs, programs, and services. IF THEY WERE VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WOULD BE RAISING HELL AND TRYING TO SHUT IT DOWN.

- The vast majority of vocal Liberals HATE the idea of Russia interfering in our election TO HELP DONALD TRUMP. You haven't heard a PEEP out of the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media about how the UKRAINE interfered in our election process, how they and the HILLARY CAMPAIGN worked together to create a report on Trump (that turned out to be hilariously WRONG). Why? Again, because as long as it is all in the Democratic party's favor there isn't a problem.

If Putin and Russia and/or Julian Assange would have been helping Hillary as much as CNN was, we wouldn't be hearing a peep about Russia or Wikileaks!

Either 'outside foreign sources' - whether foreign nations or foreign illegals inside our own country - are ALL a threat to our electoral process and their interference and attempts to inject themselves into that process must be stopped or none of it matters. Those who are not authorized to participate in the process, no matter who they are, should be prevented from doing so. It's in the Constitution. It's the law.

You admit there is no proof, yet your hero Trump tweets that 3 million people voted illegally without a single ounce of proof. And this man is the President?

You are too stupid of a Moon Bat to connect the dots. However Trump will connect the dots by doing a real investigation and establishing the proof that is a good thing for this country because it is illegal for shithead illegals to vote.

You stupid Moon Bats were so damn concerned about the Russians influencing the election where is your outrage at illegals influencing the election?

By the way Moon Bat, you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport. Trump is not my hero. I didn't even vote for him. However, I applaud his efforts to make sure that every vote counts by not diluting that vote by allowing illegals to vote. Don't you think that is a good thing? Since you are a Moon Bat you obviously don't think so because you know that without it the despicable Democrats will never win another election.
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Trump trying to prove he won the popular vote is the equivalent of O. J. vowing to find the real killers.
What's worse is snowflakes trying to claim they won the WH based off of an irrelevant number / process NOT used to elect the President of the United States. The fact that Trump is seemingly fighting over the 'Popularity contest' after he won the Presidency is ridiculous. On that we agree.
Is Trump "doubting" his own victory???No
Why would he make up a story about 3 million illegal voters?
Probably to combat the Liberal attempt to de-legitimize the Trump administration by claiming Hillary won the completely irrelevant Popular Vote.

Is Trump 'worried' abut his win.

Does he think that millions of illegals (not only being encouraged by the ex-President to vote but) voting in US elections is just as much of a threat to our democracy (not to mention highly illegal) as Russians interfering in our elections?
It seems like it...and not only should HE be worried about that, everyone should.

The fact / idea that illegals in this country who do not have US citizenship and therefor are not allowed to participate in our elections actually doing so anyway is every bit as intrusive / illegal / a threat as another country interfering in our election. There is almost no serious difference.

Illegals in this country are an 'outside' force illegally in this country. Let's call them a country - 'Illegastan'. Illegastan, if illegally voting in our elections - being allowed to cast ballots using electronic voting machines - is almost the same thing as if Russia were to hack into our electronic voting machines and cast ballots for a candidate. It is all illegal manipulation of our election from outside, illegal, un-authorized parties.

Whether it is 3, 4, 5 million or 500 it is still illegal and un-authorized interference / manipulation of our elections. THAT is the threat.

How Liberals can be so pissed by an 'outside foreign force' (like Russia) interfering in our election and wanting to do everything we can to stop that from happening

.... YET not give a damn about wanting to take every precaution to prevent an 'outside foreign source' INSIDE this country do so is mind-numbingly retarded.

- The vast majority of Liberals in this country don't give a damn if Illegals in this country vote in our elections or not because they believe that the vast, overwhelming majority will vote Democratic Party candidates because Democrats are the ones giving them all the tax payer-funded hand-outs, programs, and services. IF THEY WERE VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WOULD BE RAISING HELL AND TRYING TO SHUT IT DOWN.

- The vast majority of vocal Liberals HATE the idea of Russia interfering in our election TO HELP DONALD TRUMP. You haven't heard a PEEP out of the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media about how the UKRAINE interfered in our election process, how they and the HILLARY CAMPAIGN worked together to create a report on Trump (that turned out to be hilariously WRONG). Why? Again, because as long as it is all in the Democratic party's favor there isn't a problem.

If Putin and Russia and/or Julian Assange would have been helping Hillary as much as CNN was, we wouldn't be hearing a peep about Russia or Wikileaks!

Either 'outside foreign sources' - whether foreign nations or foreign illegals inside our own country - are ALL a threat to our electoral process and their interference and attempts to inject themselves into that process must be stopped or none of it matters. Those who are not authorized to participate in the process, no matter who they are, should be prevented from doing so. It's in the Constitution. It's the law.
Do you have a single ounce of proof that any illegals voted? Of course not, but like your President, its all you can talk about. Get a life buster, and prove what you have to say. No one cares for your opinions.
"THREE to FIVE million "illegals" voted in this last election," spews the orange charlatan.

Bear in mind that 3 to 5 million illegal voters is the equivalent of about the population of half a dozen states combined. But the main question about Trump's delusional claim rests with the fact that if the claim was even remotely true, does that mean that......possibly......he got more votes from these illegal voters than he should have honestly received?

In other words, what makes Trump believe that allof these illegal votes were ONLY for Clinton and not some for him also?

The question remaining is this: When will conservatives finally realize that Trump may be delusional and, if so, a danger to ALL of us?
More people in more states voted for trump, and a record number of county's voted for him. And if you take crazy cali out of the the equation both trumps and Hildabeasts votes away. Trumps wins the popular vote in the rest of the country handily.

We cant have crazy cali determining the direction of the country...
Maybe going forward we should not count California votes because they are too democratic. Then lets not count the votes from Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Alaska, Teen, and all the southern states for the same reason

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