Is Trump Right?

I see the media and a lot of others complaining about what Trump said but no facts on the issue.

So, do Mexicans rape at high numbers?

Trump and the myth of immigrant crime - Chicago Tribune

Lol use a supporting source to whatever libtard bullshit you want, but if people are not willing to sign up to that ass hat site, you made no points of persuasion whatsoever, douche.

You are so stupid that you really shouldn't be posting here. Steve Chapman leans conservative and the Tribune is a Republican paper. BTW, you can stick your douche up where the sun don't shine, asshat.

Well, you lead off with ad hominem, in that you think I am too stupid to post here, which if true, you would be refuting my facts instead of calling me stupid and not addressing those facts I present. So, you kind of disprove your own claim about my stupidity.

Then you make the false assumption that there are no libtards in the Republican party or that call themselves conservative. Totally not true, and proof of that is Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chis Christie.

But being wrong and dimwitted like you are doesn't prove you are a douche. That you likely know that all these claims were false and still tried to smear me makes you a douche. And I was already well aware of that.

Sorry, but you lost this one when you first posted.

Is that kind of braggadocio supposed to impress anyone? It doesn't impress me at all, except as a tacit admission you have nothing to present of any substance.

But then again, that's what douches like you do to people.
You forgot to include the key word in your title: "Harms of Illegal Immigration." Legal immigration, where people are vetted (for skill set, criminal record, health, etc.) before being allowed to enter the country and become citizens, can be used to strengthen the country. I naively believed this was the immigration system we had in place, along with keeping the illegals out. My bad.
I disagree. I did not overlook the word "illegal". I meant to include ALL immigration. Illegal AND legal both. I have said many times that I would welcome legal immigrants IF/WHEN they bring $$ to open businesses & create jobs (FOR AMERICANS) or if they bring some NEEDED skill.

Sadly though, this has not been the case, with legal immigrants entering on H1B visas. Unscrupulous corporations have been bringing in foreigners (many from India), firing Americans to make room for them, and then paying the new arrivals lower wages. They lie and claim there is a labor shortage. Whaaaat?? When they are firing Americans, there is a labor shortage ? These rogues simply want to boost their profits with cheap foreign labor, AKA domestic outsourcing.

Thanks for clarifying. My misunderstanding was a result of your using "illegal" before your list: "If the Republican candidate can run a good campaign and expose illegal immigration for all its harms, ...". I thought you just forgot to include it in your list title.

The H1B visa issue is different than the illegal immigrant issue addressed by the OP. Abuse of the H1B program should be identified and penalized. However, it does not change the fact that the right people from other countries can be permanently added to the American team to the benefit of all Americans. Just look at all of the foreign kickers in the NFL.
You are so stupid that you really shouldn't be posting here. Steve Chapman leans conservative and the Tribune is a Republican paper. BTW, you can stick your douche up where the sun don't shine, asshat.
Doesn't matter who or what they are. Anyone who would minimize the harms of immigrant crime is an idiot.
Thanks for clarifying. My misunderstanding was a result of your using "illegal" before your list: "If the Republican candidate can run a good campaign and expose illegal immigration for all its harms, ...". I thought you just forgot to include it in your list title.

The H1B visa issue is different than the illegal immigrant issue addressed by the OP. Abuse of the H1B program should be identified and penalized. However, it does not change the fact that the right people from other countries can be permanently added to the American team to the benefit of all Americans. Just look at all of the foreign kickers in the NFL.
I agree about good immigrants who add beneficially to America. These however are relatively rare, and the H1Bs and legal foreigners taking jobs away from American workers, is every bit as bad as the illegal situation, if not worse.
Of course there are victims of crime from illegal aliens just like there are victims of crime from American citizens. The point Trump is trying to make is that the vast majority of illegals from Mexico are really bad criminals who have come here to rape and murder us, when in fact the crime rate from illegal Mexicans is lower than the overall crime rate.
Surprise Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime. - The Washington Post
Now, does that mean I support more illegals coming into the US? Absolutely not, but for completely different reasons, and I don't have to call them rapists and murderers to support the idea that we should be limiting immigration to legal immigrants. What I hate so much about Trump and anyone who supports him or his ideas is that they are all based on hate, and on top of that, most of this hate filled contentiousness comes from so-called Christians. Somehow I just don't see Jesus standing there with his Bible in one hand, his gun in the other, and screaming that fags and Mexicans are the scourge of this country, yet that is the perception I have of great American conservatives.
You DON'T KNOW what the crime rate is of illegal Mexicans, so don't give us that crap that their crime rate is lower than the overall crime rate. I've already refuted that here in 4 different ways.(Post # 110). And you can take your stupid hate card and stuff it you know where.

So what's YOUR vested interest on illegal aliens ?

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
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I see the media and a lot of others complaining about what Trump said but no facts on the issue.

So, do Mexicans rape at high numbers?

Trump and the myth of immigrant crime - Chicago Tribune
Trump and the REALITY of illegal alien crime.


FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial

Crime victims of illegal aliens

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

Examples of Serious Crimes of Illegal Aliens

Of course there are victims of crime from illegal aliens just like there are victims of crime from American citizens. The point Trump is trying to make is that the vast majority of illegals from Mexico are really bad criminals who have come here to rape and murder us, when in fact the crime rate from illegal Mexicans is lower than the overall crime rate.

Surprise Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime. - The Washington Post

Now, does that mean I support more illegals coming into the US? Absolutely not, but for completely different reasons, and I don't have to call them rapists and murderers to support the idea that we should be limiting immigration to legal immigrants. What I hate so much about Trump and anyone who supports him or his ideas is that they are all based on hate, and on top of that, most of this hate filled contentiousness comes from so-called Christians. Somehow I just don't see Jesus standing there with his Bible in one hand, his gun in the other, and screaming that fags and Mexicans are the scourge of this country, yet that is the perception I have of great American conservatives.

(1) NO auditor0007 of COURSE he is NOT talking about law abiding citizens.
He was complaining about criminals taking advantage of the amnesty and sanctuary environment
to get away with trafficking, rape and murder.

Even if he spoke too broadly to stir people up, who DOESN'T know what he means?
Even if he did apologize for how it was taken, he still has to reinforce what he means.
Just like in war -- Sometimes you have to go in with an absolute unwavering "shoot to kill attitude"
to DETER anyone from shooting in the first place. Some situations politically
call for being unapologetic, over the top, and willing to take the hit for collateral damage if needed to DETER criminals.

(2) As for crime, regardless if this rate here or there is higher or lower,
CRIME IS CRIME. And as long as the PERCEPTION is that American govt
is WEAK on the border crimes, this is an invitation to get away with whatever until forced to stop.

Nobody is enforcing that message that no crimes or violations will be tolerated,
but that is where criminals NEED to run into those walls and be told NO or they will take advantage.

If for each drunk driving incident, the entire city raised such a hub-bub about it,
that it became disruptive to drive drunk, then wouldn't it be discouraged or stopped
compared to a city where such drivers keep getting a "warning or probation," and only have to
comply with certain conditions for a fixed time, in order to "remove the violation off their record."
Where is the motivation to stop? Instead of doing the same thing over and over until FORCED to stop.

auditor0007 If you only see this from the perspective of educated law abiding citizens,
you may not quite get how this overreaching approach is necessary to send
an absolute message that crime will be guarded against, instead of just letting it slide.

You seem to underestimate what it takes to enforce a strong defense
so visible vocal and unwavering that crime is reduced deterred in advance.

The softer approach may work well for education and internal programs one-on-one for rehab and corrections after people are caught and detained, but is disastrous for external issues of defense, where I would trust the tougher approach would work for deterrence.

It's like how criminals will go for an easy target, and if you don't make it easy for them,
they will go elsewhere. The point is to make it where it is CLEARLY "inconvenient"
and not invite abuses by lax policies.
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