Is Trump Right?

You're right. It's worse and only going to get worse for your guys.
Poll Clinton tops Bush Rubio among Hispanic voters for 2016 TheHill
"According to the survey, Clinton remains the most popular candidate among the Hispanic electorate, mirroring other recent national surveys. The former first lady is seen positively by 73 percent of likely Hispanic voters, while 17 percent have a negative view."
I don't believe it. And EARTH TO HS: Hispanics aren't going to decide anything . They are still a small minority. The American people are fed up with illegal immigration, and Trump will kick ass in 2016. You're shitting in your pants. HA HA HA. I love it.
I fear that the cloud of delusion that surrounded the right during the last election has reemerged only bigger, thicker, and much sooner than before.

Yeah, that was what they said about Clintons chances in 91, fool.
Comparing to Trump stupidity?

WTF, does your statement have a conceptual meaning, or did you just type random words as your feelings led you?
Actually I was asking you a question. Hopefully you know what you are talking about. Comparing Clinton 91 to Trump? So tell me, what did Clinton did in 91 campaign ?

Like your preceding post, I am not sure what you are asking.

What does "what did Clinton did in 91 campaign?" actually mean in English?
You're right. It's worse and only going to get worse for your guys.
Poll Clinton tops Bush Rubio among Hispanic voters for 2016 TheHill
"According to the survey, Clinton remains the most popular candidate among the Hispanic electorate, mirroring other recent national surveys. The former first lady is seen positively by 73 percent of likely Hispanic voters, while 17 percent have a negative view."
I don't believe it. And EARTH TO HS: Hispanics aren't going to decide anything . They are still a small minority. The American people are fed up with illegal immigration, and Trump will kick ass in 2016. You're shitting in your pants. HA HA HA. I love it.
I fear that the cloud of delusion that surrounded the right during the last election has reemerged only bigger, thicker, and much sooner than before.

lol, yeah, because anything that questions the 21% of the population that is libtard neoMarxist drivel has to be stupid, deluded or evil.

roflmao, you guys are making it too easy for us
Hispanics will vote for what's best for their race, not for what's best for America

That is demonstrably not true, Tank.

First of all 'Hispanic' is not a race, it is a language group.

Secondly, about 30% of Hispanics will vote even for Republican losers like Mitt the Bitch Romney, so they obviously do not only vote for what is best for Hispanics.
Sure I do. It was a secret plot to fool liberals of course.
You are clueless. Univision is a Spanish only TV station, that depends upon an influx of Spanish-only speakers, As immigrants live in the US, they learn English, and gravitate away from Univision, and start watching English language stations which are generally superior in programming. Univision is probably the most vested of all the vested interests for illegal aliens. The others are helped by illegal aliens, but Univision can't survive without them. You're an idiot.

Here'a a list of VESTED INTERESTS who profit from and want illegal aliens here. >>>

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.

Like I said. A secret plot to fool liberals. Lol

Lol, a secret plot to do what has already been done? Why?

You libtards are the biggest fools on the planet. Look at how many of you supported Stalin into power only to be purged, tortured and imprisoned or shot for it later?

You idiots think that the monsters you put into power will never turn on you, which makes you the biggest fools in history.
If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then? Why then push so hard for comprehensive immigration reform? None of that would help. Because it's not true of course.

What you fail to realize is Trump is screwing Repubs. Like I said Romney lost by nearly six mil votes. The only voting demographic that the Repubs have a hope of swinging in their favor to close that gap is Hispanics. The Repub rhetoric like you cite isn't going to do that.
He has NOT deported more than any other president. That is liberal nonsense propaganda spewed out by liberal media. Eisenhower deported 5 times as many illegal aliens in 1954, in Operation Wetback as Obama has.
Also, for every illegal alien Obama has deported (numbers of which I question, since it is HIS people who are doing the reporting), he has IMPORTED multiple numbers.

As for "comprehensive immigration reform", that isn't 'reform" in any way at all. It is nothing but a phony catch word for AMNESTY >> LEGALIZING the invaders.

Wrong. I know 3 officials border agents and one DEA. These officers are free to report against the president or anybody that is not consistent with the reports. This is a very big agency and it's impossible to keep a lid like that. That is correct Obama has deported more than anybody. For you to say numbers were fabricated is ignorance.
Amnesty? probably you also do not understand the qualification of amnesty program.

Yeah, that was what they said about Clintons chances in 91, fool.
Comparing to Trump stupidity?

WTF, does your statement have a conceptual meaning, or did you just type random words as your feelings led you?
Actually I was asking you a question. Hopefully you know what you are talking about. Comparing Clinton 91 to Trump? So tell me, what did Clinton did in 91 campaign ?

Like your preceding post, I am not sure what you are asking.

What does "what did Clinton did in 91 campaign?" actually mean in English?
You are the one making comparisons. Answer your own question.
It's easy to get the problems right, but not so easy to give viable solutions. There is a faction in the masses that is easy and quick to react to posers who loudly proclaim the problems with emotion and vigor. When you look at their solutions it becomes obvious they are just hucksters. Trump's solution is to force the Mexican government to build a huge wall. Meantime, the idiots in the US are still chanting "no new taxes". That means the surest way to get rid of the illegals, particularly the criminal ones, is to arrest them, put them in prisons with the harshest yet legal conditions, and deport them. Violating the border again would mean a long stay at the prison with those harsh conditions. But we won't do that because we don't have the revenue needed and are unwilling to raise the revenue needed. So we fool the dumb by telling them we will do something like build a fence or better, make the Mexicans build a huge fence or wall.
For the illegals who end up in prison it's like being sentenced to 'Club Med'. Three meals a day. The odd 'BJ'. Homemade moonshine. Drugs no problem. Movies. Free calls to the old lady.
Clean clothes. Gym. Hang with the bros. all day.
200% better than the shit lives they were living before.
Prison is a goal in life for them.
And the best part is before they are caught they can pretty much fuck up any peaceful innocents lives they can find first.
For honest decent hard working people the idea of going to prison is an anathema.
For fucking human scum it's a upward lifestyle move.
why do I hope, or why do I doubt it? I hope, because he MIGHT be able to do something about the US messes, Doubt, because he's a bser/blowhard.
aw, bs, just stop the stupid wars overseas and vs dope and you'll have TEN x the money needed to build a double fence. we don't need a wall. Just 12 coils of razor wire. 3, 2 atop them, 1 atop the 2. With a kill zone in between the wire piles and rifle towers every 1/4 mile. the towers can be manned by guys who are serving their weekends or 2 weeks per year of NG active duty, or by the militia. PLENTY would volunteer to man those towers and I'm one of them!. No shots fired except between the fences, just like is the case for prisons.
W won with 42% of the Latino vote.
Romney lost with 30% to Obama's 70%.
Not anywhere near a good idea to back a guy who says what Trump does. Not refreshing but retarded.
Ya but, is he right about Mexican crime or do you not care?

You know who cares? The dad that held his little girl while she died as a random hit from a Mexican already deported 5 times, for 7 felonies, who was in a sanctuary protecting HIM.
^ That is what Trump was referring to. And he is the only candidate on either side willing to do something about it.
I think that statement requires some evidence to be credible.

Your going to deny it?

Absolutely. The Hispanic voting demographic is huge and most decidedly not Republican. Romney lost by nearly six million votes. It's not hard to see the significance of this voting block.

From the same link.

" That deficit could again prove significant in 2016, when the pollsters estimate that the Hispanic vote will approach 12.5 million. In 2012, exit polls suggested 71 percent of Hispanic voters broke for President Obama."

What does that have to do with obama flooding the country with illegals for votes?
Weak attempt at a dodge....

If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then? Why then push so hard for comprehensive immigration reform? None of that would help. Because it's not true of course.

What you fail to realize is Trump is screwing Repubs. Like I said Romney lost by nearly six mil votes. The only voting demographic that the Repubs have a hope of swinging in their favor to close that gap is Hispanics. The Repub rhetoric like you cite isn't going to do that.

That you actually believe that shit is hilarious.
I bet you believe it when they say illegal crossings are down as well.
Like in the summer time when crossing the desert will likely kill you....and the lefty media says illegal crossing are down. Well no shit,even illegals are smart enough to wait for cooler weather when the other option is dying.
And how do you explain all the illegals bused all over the country?
You and your ilk are selling out the country for votes...and we wont forget it.

Border agents and DEA agents are not dummies or robots. There are republicans or democrat or independent like you and others. A lot or most of them are educated and some are also getting fired for any illegal activity. If there are any inconsistencies on this programs don't you think you already heard it by now?
Yes millions believed these reports. That is correct illegal crossings are down may it be cold weather or hot weather.
Bused illegals all over the country? You should know how, why and what by now. If not I will be glad to explain it to you.
Yes, but where is that support coming from? It's only coming from the NaziCon crazies. It sure as hell isn't the kind of support that could win the General Election. That why credible GOP candidates are scared shitless.

Without a doubt.
That's why Trump being in second place says far more about the state of Repub politics than it does about Trump.

I would have to say it's the state our country is in.
The midterms showed that.

The midterms mean nothing to a Presidential election. Winning a Repub district with Repub voters is not the same as winning entire states with the majority of all voters. That's where Trump screwed the pooch. No candidate can win by alienating Hispanics, independendts, or any sizeable demographic.

The Left, the mind dead RINO'S and the Socialist lap dog media know ONLY how to spread propaganda and NOT the truth. No matter how many times we mention ILLEGAL Mexican's these scumbags will continue to make it sound like ALL MEXICANS, instead of just illegals. The Hispanic AMERICANS who waited patiently, and paid the thousands of dollars in fees to come her CORRECTLY and spent almost another decade and more money to become TRUE AMERICANS of Mexican descent HATE the illegals for what they have done, and the stigma THOSE ILLEGALS place on truly good people, the DemocRAT liberals believe WE THE PEOPLE are stupid and don't understand this! That is why liberals.....


Yes Univision dumped Trump because they secretly agree with him. It's exactly that thinking that will allow Dems to win yet again.

Is that what you got from that little missive? Now, can I sell you that bridge in N.J. cheap? What a bonehead! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You're right. It's worse and only going to get worse for your guys.
Poll Clinton tops Bush Rubio among Hispanic voters for 2016 TheHill
"According to the survey, Clinton remains the most popular candidate among the Hispanic electorate, mirroring other recent national surveys. The former first lady is seen positively by 73 percent of likely Hispanic voters, while 17 percent have a negative view."
I don't believe it. And EARTH TO HS: Hispanics aren't going to decide anything . They are still a small minority. The American people are fed up with illegal immigration, and Trump will kick ass in 2016. You're shitting in your pants. HA HA HA. I love it.
I fear that the cloud of delusion that surrounded the right during the last election has reemerged only bigger, thicker, and much sooner than before.

You think you're winning. Hitlery isn't winning unless you live in India. She has already told you that is where she plans on sending your tax dollars. Globalists are not for America. They want our money and resources to equalize lesser nations.
Your going to deny it?

Absolutely. The Hispanic voting demographic is huge and most decidedly not Republican. Romney lost by nearly six million votes. It's not hard to see the significance of this voting block.

From the same link.

" That deficit could again prove significant in 2016, when the pollsters estimate that the Hispanic vote will approach 12.5 million. In 2012, exit polls suggested 71 percent of Hispanic voters broke for President Obama."

What does that have to do with obama flooding the country with illegals for votes?
Weak attempt at a dodge....

If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then? Why then push so hard for comprehensive immigration reform? None of that would help. Because it's not true of course.

What you fail to realize is Trump is screwing Repubs. Like I said Romney lost by nearly six mil votes. The only voting demographic that the Repubs have a hope of swinging in their favor to close that gap is Hispanics. The Repub rhetoric like you cite isn't going to do that.

That you actually believe that shit is hilarious.
I bet you believe it when they say illegal crossings are down as well.
Like in the summer time when crossing the desert will likely kill you....and the lefty media says illegal crossing are down. Well no shit,even illegals are smart enough to wait for cooler weather when the other option is dying.
And how do you explain all the illegals bused all over the country?
You and your ilk are selling out the country for votes...and we wont forget it.

Border agents and DEA agents are not dummies or robots. There are republicans or democrat or independent like you and others. A lot or most of them are educated and some are also getting fired for any illegal activity. If there are any inconsistencies on this programs don't you think you already heard it by now?
Yes millions believed these reports. That is correct illegal crossings are down may it be cold weather or hot weather.
Bused illegals all over the country? You should know how, why and what by now. If not I will be glad to explain it to you.

You cant tell me shit about the border,I lived less than a hundred miles from it.
The only time the illegal flow stopped was the heat of the summer and at least once a week i'd see groups walking the river.
Yeah, that was what they said about Clintons chances in 91, fool.
Comparing to Trump stupidity?

WTF, does your statement have a conceptual meaning, or did you just type random words as your feelings led you?
Actually I was asking you a question. Hopefully you know what you are talking about. Comparing Clinton 91 to Trump? So tell me, what did Clinton did in 91 campaign ?

Like your preceding post, I am not sure what you are asking.

What does "what did Clinton did in 91 campaign?" actually mean in English?
You are the one making comparisons. Answer your own question.

OK, I'll take a wild stab at answer your pidgin English;

Trump and Clinton both are/were considered long shots at best. Clinton was openly derided thinking he could beat George Bush in 1992, but he ran and won.

The opinions of political critics is bullshit half the time as the past does not prove what will happen in the future.
If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then?"

Here is how, 100 illegals are caught under Pres. X. He deports 50 of them.
5,000. illegals are caught under Pres. Z. He deports 60. He has deported more than President X, but has done nothing about the problem. Especially when Pres. Z guarantees the 60 that they can sneak back in and even gives them safe locations to be illegal in. He even hires more border agents to drive the illegals to their secure cities. If the illegals are FOR that party, it is all the more reason to stop the party allowing the hemorrhage. What is best for those 2 special,one hand washes the other, interest groups is not best for America. Citizens of foreign countries should not be allowed to determine who our officials are. That is an American citizen's right, and only their right.

We are now competing with both of the 2 special groups for American jobs. And loosing. Because President Z went to our companies and bribed them into hiring his illegals. And with gigantic balls Pres. Z takes credit for the employment rate going down in the United States, while more Americans than ever have just given up trying to find work.

Obama has a different map than you do. He has the Global map where America, Mexico and Cuba are all one country. That is why he wants to rework our immigration laws. Not to protect our country. Hillary has the same map. And is anxious to take over control of the checkbook, the phone and the pen.

There is nothing wrong with our immigration policy. It does not need reworked. It needs reread.
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