Is Trump Right?

Hispanics will vote for what's best for their race, not for what's best for America
Not necessarily. They may fool you this time. They can be hoodwinked only for so long. If the Republican candidate can run a good campaign and expose illegal immigration for all its harms, and the vested interests who push it Iike I listed in Post # 197, they can get everybody to vote for them (other than loose-brained liberals)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.
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Absolutely. The Hispanic voting demographic is huge and most decidedly not Republican. Romney lost by nearly six million votes. It's not hard to see the significance of this voting block.

From the same link.

" That deficit could again prove significant in 2016, when the pollsters estimate that the Hispanic vote will approach 12.5 million. In 2012, exit polls suggested 71 percent of Hispanic voters broke for President Obama."

What does that have to do with obama flooding the country with illegals for votes?
Weak attempt at a dodge....

If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then? Why then push so hard for comprehensive immigration reform? None of that would help. Because it's not true of course.

What you fail to realize is Trump is screwing Repubs. Like I said Romney lost by nearly six mil votes. The only voting demographic that the Repubs have a hope of swinging in their favor to close that gap is Hispanics. The Repub rhetoric like you cite isn't going to do that.

That you actually believe that shit is hilarious.
I bet you believe it when they say illegal crossings are down as well.
Like in the summer time when crossing the desert will likely kill you....and the lefty media says illegal crossing are down. Well no shit,even illegals are smart enough to wait for cooler weather when the other option is dying.
And how do you explain all the illegals bused all over the country?
You and your ilk are selling out the country for votes...and we wont forget it.

Border agents and DEA agents are not dummies or robots. There are republicans or democrat or independent like you and others. A lot or most of them are educated and some are also getting fired for any illegal activity. If there are any inconsistencies on this programs don't you think you already heard it by now?
Yes millions believed these reports. That is correct illegal crossings are down may it be cold weather or hot weather.
Bused illegals all over the country? You should know how, why and what by now. If not I will be glad to explain it to you.

You cant tell me shit about the border,I lived less than a hundred miles from it.
The only time the illegal flow stopped was the heat of the summer and at least once a week i'd see groups walking the river.
If you can see them that easy then these people that work for a living don't? Your lying. I know people that own lands by the border of California and Arizona. You might live right on the border but you still don't know shit what is going on inside the immigration or the border. Except your crap against the agency. I know border agents that live and works there and I can talk to them at anytime.
What does that have to do with obama flooding the country with illegals for votes?
Weak attempt at a dodge....

If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then? Why then push so hard for comprehensive immigration reform? None of that would help. Because it's not true of course.

What you fail to realize is Trump is screwing Repubs. Like I said Romney lost by nearly six mil votes. The only voting demographic that the Repubs have a hope of swinging in their favor to close that gap is Hispanics. The Repub rhetoric like you cite isn't going to do that.

That you actually believe that shit is hilarious.
I bet you believe it when they say illegal crossings are down as well.
Like in the summer time when crossing the desert will likely kill you....and the lefty media says illegal crossing are down. Well no shit,even illegals are smart enough to wait for cooler weather when the other option is dying.
And how do you explain all the illegals bused all over the country?
You and your ilk are selling out the country for votes...and we wont forget it.

Border agents and DEA agents are not dummies or robots. There are republicans or democrat or independent like you and others. A lot or most of them are educated and some are also getting fired for any illegal activity. If there are any inconsistencies on this programs don't you think you already heard it by now?
Yes millions believed these reports. That is correct illegal crossings are down may it be cold weather or hot weather.
Bused illegals all over the country? You should know how, why and what by now. If not I will be glad to explain it to you.

You cant tell me shit about the border,I lived less than a hundred miles from it.
The only time the illegal flow stopped was the heat of the summer and at least once a week i'd see groups walking the river.
If you can see them that easy then these people that work for a living don't? Your lying. I know people that own lands by the border of California and Arizona. You might live right on the border but you still don't know shit what is going on inside the immigration or the border. Except your crap against the agency. I know border agents that live and works there and I can talk to them at anytime.

I'm retired and I lived on the S. Llano river out in the boonies.
I've seen illegals in numbers you'll never understand. I had to eventually leave cheap can openers and canned enchiladas along with cheap tequila and water on the porch to keep them from kicking in the door of my other property up river. And that still didnt always keep em from destroying my property.
Go fuck yourself until you've lived with the destruction they cause.
If Obama is "flooding" for votes the how did he deport more than any other Pres and why double the number of border patrol then? Why then push so hard for comprehensive immigration reform? None of that would help. Because it's not true of course.

What you fail to realize is Trump is screwing Repubs. Like I said Romney lost by nearly six mil votes. The only voting demographic that the Repubs have a hope of swinging in their favor to close that gap is Hispanics. The Repub rhetoric like you cite isn't going to do that.

That you actually believe that shit is hilarious.
I bet you believe it when they say illegal crossings are down as well.
Like in the summer time when crossing the desert will likely kill you....and the lefty media says illegal crossing are down. Well no shit,even illegals are smart enough to wait for cooler weather when the other option is dying.
And how do you explain all the illegals bused all over the country?
You and your ilk are selling out the country for votes...and we wont forget it.

Border agents and DEA agents are not dummies or robots. There are republicans or democrat or independent like you and others. A lot or most of them are educated and some are also getting fired for any illegal activity. If there are any inconsistencies on this programs don't you think you already heard it by now?
Yes millions believed these reports. That is correct illegal crossings are down may it be cold weather or hot weather.
Bused illegals all over the country? You should know how, why and what by now. If not I will be glad to explain it to you.

You cant tell me shit about the border,I lived less than a hundred miles from it.
The only time the illegal flow stopped was the heat of the summer and at least once a week i'd see groups walking the river.
If you can see them that easy then these people that work for a living don't? Your lying. I know people that own lands by the border of California and Arizona. You might live right on the border but you still don't know shit what is going on inside the immigration or the border. Except your crap against the agency. I know border agents that live and works there and I can talk to them at anytime.

I'm retired and I lived on the S. Llano river out in the boonies.
I've seen illegals in numbers you'll never understand. I had to eventually leave cheap can openers and canned enchiladas along with cheap tequila and water on the porch to keep them from kicking in the door of my other property up river. And that still didnt always keep em from destroying my property.
Go fuck yourself until you've lived with the destruction they cause.

As I said you are fucking LYING. You said you live less than 50 miles from the border.
If you live in Llano, Ca that is about 150 mile from the border.
If you live in Llano, Tx that is about 170 mile closest to the border by Ciudad Acuña. They passed crystal city, uvalde, San Antonio etc. while they are already inside US....Then walk to Llano? Your bullshit.
Scott & White Hospital in Llano is my customer. I have 3 engineer employees that support and live in that territory. So you go fuck yourself ass hole.
Yes, Trump is right.

Hispanics will vote for what's best for their race, not for what's best for America
Not necessarily. They may fool you this time. They can be hoodwinked only for so long. If the Republican candidate can run a good campaign and expose illegal immigration for all its harms, and the vested interests who push it Iike I listed in Post # 197, they can get everybody to vote for them (other than loose-brained liberals)

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs.

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

You forgot to include the key word in your title: "Harms of Illegal Immigration." Legal immigration, where people are vetted (for skill set, criminal record, health, etc.) before being allowed to enter the country and become citizens, can be used to strengthen the country. I naively believed this was the immigration system we had in place, along with keeping the illegals out. My bad.
You forgot to include the key word in your title: "Harms of Illegal Immigration." Legal immigration, where people are vetted (for skill set, criminal record, health, etc.) before being allowed to enter the country and become citizens, can be used to strengthen the country. I naively believed this was the immigration system we had in place, along with keeping the illegals out. My bad.
I disagree. I did not overlook the word "illegal". I meant to include ALL immigration. Illegal AND legal both. I have said many times that I would welcome legal immigrants IF/WHEN they bring $$ to open businesses & create jobs (FOR AMERICANS) or if they bring some NEEDED skill.

Sadly though, this has not been the case, with legal immigrants entering on H1B visas. Unscrupulous corporations have been bringing in foreigners (many from India), firing Americans to make room for them, and then paying the new arrivals lower wages. They lie and claim there is a labor shortage. Whaaaat?? When they are firing Americans, there is a labor shortage ? These rogues simply want to boost their profits with cheap foreign labor, AKA domestic outsourcing.
You forgot to include the key word in your title: "Harms of Illegal Immigration." Legal immigration, where people are vetted (for skill set, criminal record, health, etc.) before being allowed to enter the country and become citizens, can be used to strengthen the country. I naively believed this was the immigration system we had in place, along with keeping the illegals out. My bad.
I disagree. I did not overlook the word "illegal". I meant to include ALL immigration. Illegal AND legal both. I have said many times that I would welcome legal immigrants IF/WHEN they bring $$ to open businesses & create jobs (FOR AMERICANS) or if they bring some NEEDED skill.

Sadly though, this has not been the case, with legal immigrants entering on H1B visas. Unscrupulous corporations have been bringing in foreigners (many from India), firing Americans to make room for them, and then paying the new arrivals lower wages. They lie and claim there is a labor shortage. Whaaaat?? When they are firing Americans, there is a labor shortage ? These rogues simply want to boost their profits with cheap foreign labor, AKA domestic outsourcing.

I for one strongly against H1B program. This is a direct threat against American workers. I went several rounds on separate post with members of this site who supported H1 program. I'm a business owner but do not believe we have labor shortages. We have millions of Americans unemployed at the same time we want to hire foreign workers because of greediness.
I for one strongly against H1B program. This is a direct threat against American workers. I went several rounds on separate post with members of this site who supported H1 program. I'm a business owner but do not believe we have labor shortages. We have millions of Americans unemployed at the same time we want to hire foreign workers because of greediness.
The claim that there is a labor shortage is one of the most despicable examples of dishonesty there ever has been. They are FIRING American workers to hire the foreign ones. And when there is a labor shortage, wages are up But wages are not up. They are down. Of course because the foreign workers are willing to work for less. That's the whole idea of it, from the traitorous companies' perspective.
I see the media and a lot of others complaining about what Trump said but no facts on the issue.

So, do Mexicans rape at high numbers?

Trump and the myth of immigrant crime - Chicago Tribune

Lol use a supporting source to whatever libtard bullshit you want, but if people are not willing to sign up to that ass hat site, you made no points of persuasion whatsoever, douche.

You are so stupid that you really shouldn't be posting here. Steve Chapman leans conservative and the Tribune is a Republican paper. BTW, you can stick your douche up where the sun don't shine, asshat.
I see the media and a lot of others complaining about what Trump said but no facts on the issue.

So, do Mexicans rape at high numbers?

Trump and the myth of immigrant crime - Chicago Tribune

Lol use a supporting source to whatever libtard bullshit you want, but if people are not willing to sign up to that ass hat site, you made no points of persuasion whatsoever, douche.

You are so stupid that you really shouldn't be posting here. Steve Chapman leans conservative and the Tribune is a Republican paper. BTW, you can stick your douche up where the sun don't shine, asshat.

Well, you lead off with ad hominem, in that you think I am too stupid to post here, which if true, you would be refuting my facts instead of calling me stupid and not addressing those facts I present. So, you kind of disprove your own claim about my stupidity.

Then you make the false assumption that there are no libtards in the Republican party or that call themselves conservative. Totally not true, and proof of that is Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chis Christie.

But being wrong and dimwitted like you are doesn't prove you are a douche. That you likely know that all these claims were false and still tried to smear me makes you a douche. And I was already well aware of that.

Of course there are victims of crime from illegal aliens just like there are victims of crime from American citizens. The point Trump is trying to make is that the vast majority of illegals from Mexico are really bad criminals who have come here to rape and murder us, when in fact the crime rate from illegal Mexicans is lower than the overall crime rate.

Surprise Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime. - The Washington Post

Now, does that mean I support more illegals coming into the US? Absolutely not, but for completely different reasons, and I don't have to call them rapists and murderers to support the idea that we should be limiting immigration to legal immigrants. What I hate so much about Trump and anyone who supports him or his ideas is that they are all based on hate, and on top of that, most of this hate filled contentiousness comes from so-called Christians. Somehow I just don't see Jesus standing there with his Bible in one hand, his gun in the other, and screaming that fags and Mexicans are the scourge of this country, yet that is the perception I have of great American conservatives.
I see the media and a lot of others complaining about what Trump said but no facts on the issue.

So, do Mexicans rape at high numbers?

Trump and the myth of immigrant crime - Chicago Tribune

Lol use a supporting source to whatever libtard bullshit you want, but if people are not willing to sign up to that ass hat site, you made no points of persuasion whatsoever, douche.

You are so stupid that you really shouldn't be posting here. Steve Chapman leans conservative and the Tribune is a Republican paper. BTW, you can stick your douche up where the sun don't shine, asshat.

Well, you lead off with ad hominem, in that you think I am too stupid to post here, which if true, you would be refuting my facts instead of calling me stupid and not addressing those facts I present. So, you kind of disprove your own claim about my stupidity.

Then you make the false assumption that there are no libtards in the Republican party or that call themselves conservative. Totally not true, and proof of that is Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Chis Christie.

But being wrong and dimwitted like you are doesn't prove you are a douche. That you likely know that all these claims were false and still tried to smear me makes you a douche. And I was already well aware of that.

Sorry, but you lost this one when you first posted.

Of course there are victims of crime from illegal aliens just like there are victims of crime from American citizens. The point Trump is trying to make is that the vast majority of illegals from Mexico are really bad criminals who have come here to rape and murder us, when in fact the crime rate from illegal Mexicans is lower than the overall crime rate.

Surprise Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime. - The Washington Post

Now, does that mean I support more illegals coming into the US? Absolutely not, but for completely different reasons, and I don't have to call them rapists and murderers to support the idea that we should be limiting immigration to legal immigrants. What I hate so much about Trump and anyone who supports him or his ideas is that they are all based on hate, and on top of that, most of this hate filled contentiousness comes from so-called Christians. Somehow I just don't see Jesus standing there with his Bible in one hand, his gun in the other, and screaming that fags and Mexicans are the scourge of this country, yet that is the perception I have of great American conservatives.

Lol, you are such a liar, in this case a statistical lie you repeat as though it is about illegal immigration when the author rebuts a claim that Trump did not make, a straw man fallacy. Trump spoke of illegal Mexican immigrants, and your author shifts the topic to all immigrants of all nationalities.

Do you realize that you are full of shit?

Ben Carson on Donald Trump Don t let P.C. culture win Washington Examiner

Bill O Reilly Talking Points Memo Donald Trump s Immigration Analysis Is Correct Fox News Insider

The most SHOCKING thing about Trump s comments isn t the part about Mexicans - Allen B. West -

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