Is Trump Right?

The very same " retards" who won. Twice.
And put us into economic hell! As well as DIVIDING the country with their antagonism. We understand that the Republican elites gave us SPINELESS presidential candidates ..... if it happens again, there will be nothing left of the Republican party as their massive base will leave and start a third party! We can watch as you NeoCommies keep power and collapse the economy again!

So you're desperate then?

Only YOU FOOLS that want to live in a third world shithole aren't!

I do quite well for myself. I'm fine.
I'll send a muslim ISIS member to check on you!

Ok. Sure thing chief.
Latino Leaders To GOP: Dump Trump

This crazy shit just gets funnier and funnier.

They are scared shitless about what support he's gaining! Next segment is the BLiGhT crowd to put down!

Yes, but where is that support coming from? It's only coming from the NaziCon crazies. It sure as hell isn't the kind of support that could win the General Election. That why credible GOP candidates are scared shitless.

Without a doubt.
That's why Trump being in second place says far more about the state of Repub politics than it does about Trump.

The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

Hispanics are simply trying to reclaim their birthright.
"Money for Nothing"
Dire Straits

Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the analyst on Fox TV
That ain't ' workin' that's the way you do it
Corporations ain't people
And money ain't speech

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a diamond for your little finger
Maybe get stupid donors under your thumb

We gotta shake hands and knock on doors
50 state strategy
We gotta register new voters
We gotta get them picture ID's

See the bigot with the comb over and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That loudmouth bigot got his own jet airplane
That loudmouth bigot he's a billionaire

We gotta shake hands and knock on doors
50 state strategy
We gotta register new voters
We gotta get them picture ID's

I shoulda learned to play the con
I shoulda learned to play them marks
Look at that mama, She got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that?
Obamacare and free stuff?
Bangin' on Benghazi like a set of bongos
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Corporations ain't people
And money ain't speech

We gotta shake hands and knock on doors
50 state strategy
We gotta register new voters
We gotta get them picture ID's,

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You play the analyst on Fox TV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Corporations ain't people
And money ain't speech
Corporations ain't people
And money ain't speech

I want my
I want my
I want my Fox TV

I want my
I want my
I want my Fox TV

The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

Hispanics are simply trying to reclaim their birthright.

Mexico lost Texas and the Yucatan because Santa Anna was a dictator and numerous provinces rebelled. So the dictator faggot failed to control Texas and Yucatan? Tough shit, I hope he is burning in hell.

And then the scum bag took over his nation yet again and provoked another war with the US by putting troops inside Texas territory and firing on US troops so we INVADED AND KICKED HIS ASS. Loss of territory often goes along with that shit, but at least we didn't annex the whole fucking country like the Yankees did the South. bastards.

There is nothing more pathetic than some ass hat that starts a fight then goes crying like he is the victim when his target kicks his ass.

So go piss up a rope, you damned cry baby.
Trump's rise in the polls, despite his comments, says more about the Repub base than it does about Trump.

Yes, it says we are sick to death of you fucking Nazi bastards

Or you're retarded given the Repubs margins with Latino voters in 2012. But you're right of course. It's much better to feel good with what a candidate says.

Wait and see fucktard. Every time the GOP has nominated a conservative since 1972 they have won. The only time that they have lost was when they went with the 'more electable' moderate kiss ass.

I cant wait till we take over this country and put the fucking genie bitches back in their god damned bottle.
Trump's rise in the polls, despite his comments, says more about the Repub base than it does about Trump.

Yes, it says we are sick to death of you fucking Nazi bastards

Or you're retarded given the Repubs margins with Latino voters in 2012. But you're right of course. It's much better to feel good with what a candidate says.

Wait and see fucktard. Every time the GOP has nominated a conservative since 1972 they have won. The only time that they have lost was when they went with the 'more electable' moderate kiss ass.

I cant wait till we take over this country and put the fucking genie bitches back in their god damned bottle.

Yeah, right.

Republicans couldn't rule their way out of a paper bag.

Now, go get back on your inhaler and don't forget to clean out your cholostomy bag while yer at it.
You and other bigots and racists aren't interested in the truth – you'll remain bigots and racists regardless.
Mexico is one of the most crime ridden countries in the world, and you think the Mexicans in America are different?
Trump still rates high in the huge group of candidates on the Right. Obviously, the Right likes what he said.
I like what he said, because it was the truth

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