Is Trump who we need to get back some Common Sense in this country?

I was not taking Trump seriously as a candidate but the way things are in our society, I'm beginning to listen and wonder if he just might have a chance.

This Politically Correct nation of ours has gone too far. Confederate Flags are out; Nathan Bedford Forrest's statue has to come down and Detroit is putting up a replica of satan. Illegal Immigration is just dandy even to the point they have a priority in being hired over Americans.

When are our politicians going to stand up for Common Sense? Illegal Immigration costs are astronomical for the US, but that doesn't stop some schools facing the majority of students who can't speak English. Mexican Flags can be waving at the expense of the American flag and the values this nation was based on are being threatened. We've been promised a border wall but nothing has happened.

Maybe we need a non politician for president. Just maybe it should be Trump.

"Common sense" being what YOU want and not what others want, right?

Common sense is what most of mainstream Americans think what is right.. No one is getting the crowds Trumps is getting. Look up the statistics for crime from illegals, the financial burden they cause and the economic problems in terms of jobs being taken away from our own citizens. That doesn't even include the fact that so much money earned here is sent back to their home countries instead of being spent here.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

What is wrong with 3rd party candidates? Are you happy with the status quo and the way things are in America? Do you think Donald Trump is a good choice? What is it that he says that crosses party lines? I've seen nothing that makes him any different from any other republican candidate.

Chris, his stance on immigration is the biggest draw he has because it is so different than the rest of the lineup. All the other GOP's are being "politically correct." Trump is saying what most of America thinks. Could he be the real deal in getting us that border wall? I think so.

His stance on immigration isn't different. It's just worded differently. It's designed to draw a reaction. There is no meat to it.

He wants to secure the border and reduce illegal immigration. As does every other candidate from both major parties. In fact, illegal immigration is down and the border is more secure now than ever. Under the Kenyan in chief.

The stuff you are drawn to is his ridiculous claims that illegal immigrants are a danger to you and you family and that he believes he can make Mexico pay for the construction of a fucking wall. It's the stuff of retards.

So, how is what Trump is saying different from the other candidates, D or R?
Note. His big applause lines are when he is issuing insults at some person or group. It echoes the sentiments of the least among us.

He well as anyone....that his supporters are charged up by divisive red meat. He knows that his support base won't ask him to tell them how he'll actually do anything.
I was not taking Trump seriously as a candidate but the way things are in our society, I'm beginning to listen and wonder if he just might have a chance.

This Politically Correct nation of ours has gone too far. Confederate Flags are out; Nathan Bedford Forrest's statue has to come down and Detroit is putting up a replica of satan. Illegal Immigration is just dandy even to the point they have a priority in being hired over Americans.

When are our politicians going to stand up for Common Sense? Illegal Immigration costs are astronomical for the US, but that doesn't stop some schools facing the majority of students who can't speak English. Mexican Flags can be waving at the expense of the American flag and the values this nation was based on are being threatened. We've been promised a border wall but nothing has happened.

Maybe we need a non politician for president. Just maybe it should be Trump.

"Common sense" being what YOU want and not what others want, right?

Common sense is what most of mainstream Americans think what is right.. No one is getting the crowds Trumps is getting. Look up the statistics for crime from illegals, the financial burden they cause and the economic problems in terms of jobs being taken away from our own citizens. That doesn't even include the fact that so much money earned here is sent back to their home countries instead of being spent here.

Why did you just say that no one is getting the crowds that Trump is getting? Are you being dishonest or are you ignorant of the facts?
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What about you...did you originally think that it was all ego for Trump?

NO ! no ego, i have been listening to Trump for several years, he says many thing i would like to see implemented in my country, same as Michael Savage has been saying for many years.., "Borders, Language, Culture", liberfools have prostituted our Constitution to the point it don't mean shit any more.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

What is wrong with 3rd party candidates? Are you happy with the status quo and the way things are in America? Do you think Donald Trump is a good choice? What is it that he says that crosses party lines? I've seen nothing that makes him any different from any other republican candidate.

Chris, his stance on immigration is the biggest draw he has because it is so different than the rest of the lineup. All the other GOP's are being "politically correct." Trump is saying what most of America thinks. Could he be the real deal in getting us that border wall? I think so.

His stance on immigration isn't different. It's just worded differently. It's designed to draw a reaction. There is no meat to it.

He wants to secure the border and reduce illegal immigration. As does every other candidate from both major parties. In fact, illegal immigration is down and the border is more secure now than ever. Under the Kenyan in chief.

The stuff you are drawn to is his ridiculous claims that illegal immigrants are a danger to you and you family and that he believes he can make Mexico pay for the construction of a fucking wall. It's the stuff of retards.

So, how is what Trump is saying different from the other candidates, D or R?

I just told you. Please read what you just quoted.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

I understand your concern, but wouldn't it be great if 3rd party candidates could have a chance of being POTUS? It would give us at least 3 serious choices instead of two when voting,
Happened under when Clinton ran against Bush SR..............and the votes cast for Ross Perot gave Clinton the election.

Someone will always be the spoiler in a race with three candidates. Just how many presidential election years did you vote "the lesser of two evils?" Maybe being a spoiler is just what we need.

Clinton was a decent president.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

I understand your concern, but wouldn't it be great if 3rd party candidates could have a chance of being POTUS? It would give us at least 3 serious choices instead of two when voting,
Happened under when Clinton ran against Bush SR..............and the votes cast for Ross Perot gave Clinton the election.

Someone will always be the spoiler in a race with three candidates. Just how many presidential election years did you vote "the lesser of two evils?" Maybe being a spoiler is just what we need.

Clinton was a decent president.

What did you like about Clinton?
Common sense is what most of mainstream Americans think what is right.. No one is getting the crowds Trumps is getting. Look up the statistics for crime from illegals, the financial burden they cause and the economic problems in terms of jobs being taken away from our own citizens. That doesn't even include the fact that so much money earned here is sent back to their home countries instead of being spent here.

Oh, great. Then Common Sense is idiocy then?

No one is getting the crowds Trump is getting. How many of them are reality TV stars? Er.... probably only him. How many have his name recognition? Him and Bush and Bush's is tainted to hell.

Yeah, immigration is an issue, however generally the public won't vote for it. I've seen it time and again in the US, Europe etc etc.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

I understand your concern, but wouldn't it be great if 3rd party candidates could have a chance of being POTUS? It would give us at least 3 serious choices instead of two when voting,
Happened under when Clinton ran against Bush SR..............and the votes cast for Ross Perot gave Clinton the election.

Someone will always be the spoiler in a race with three candidates. Just how many presidential election years did you vote "the lesser of two evils?" Maybe being a spoiler is just what we need.

Clinton was a decent president.

What did you like about Clinton?

His ability to compromise and work across the aisle. He worked well with Gingrich and made headway into getting the welfare problem under control in a fair and just manner.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

I understand your concern, but wouldn't it be great if 3rd party candidates could have a chance of being POTUS? It would give us at least 3 serious choices instead of two when voting,
Happened under when Clinton ran against Bush SR..............and the votes cast for Ross Perot gave Clinton the election.

Someone will always be the spoiler in a race with three candidates. Just how many presidential election years did you vote "the lesser of two evils?" Maybe being a spoiler is just what we need.

Clinton was a decent president.
Clinton got the election because of the spoiler....................

Clinton got credit for economic policies from the past and cuts to Welfare forced by the GOP that he later took credit a time that the GOP took the House and the Senate..........................

We'll just disagree weren't sitting in the Arabian Gulf back then waiting for the CNC to make up his mind after the Italians got hit either..................

Then our forces got hit and he tucked tail and ran..........................about
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

I understand your concern, but wouldn't it be great if 3rd party candidates could have a chance of being POTUS? It would give us at least 3 serious choices instead of two when voting,
Happened under when Clinton ran against Bush SR..............and the votes cast for Ross Perot gave Clinton the election.
The Nader votes in Florida gave the election to W.
At first glance.........I put him off as a joke......................

At second glance.............I saw a few things he is saying as the right things to say and agreed..........

After digging deeper................I saw that much of what he says I agree with.........and many of these things cross party lines................and are the exact same things I get into arguments from both sides on............................

My greatest concern........................he's another 3rd party candidate and another Ross Perot...................

I understand your concern, but wouldn't it be great if 3rd party candidates could have a chance of being POTUS? It would give us at least 3 serious choices instead of two when voting,
Happened under when Clinton ran against Bush SR..............and the votes cast for Ross Perot gave Clinton the election.

Someone will always be the spoiler in a race with three candidates. Just how many presidential election years did you vote "the lesser of two evils?" Maybe being a spoiler is just what we need.

Clinton was a decent president.

What did you like about Clinton?

His ability to compromise and work across the aisle. He worked well with Gingrich and made headway into getting the welfare problem under control in a fair and just manner.
He had no choice...................he was a lame duck.........................

Had he had a choice you'd be singing a different tune...............
Trump is using politics to generate interest and expand his product. Even if it goes so far as his landing in the White House you can be sure it's all to enhance his brand. Just enjoy his public shaming of democrat fascism and general democrat stupidity and ignorance while it happens. He's saying a lot of what reasonable Americans want to hear and say but can't for fear of democrat fascist reprisal. So enjoy the ride and laugh at moronic democrats who hate hearing the truth about themselves.

Common sense is what most of mainstream Americans think what is right.. No one is getting the crowds Trumps is getting. Look up the statistics for crime from illegals, the financial burden they cause and the economic problems in terms of jobs being taken away from our own citizens. That doesn't even include the fact that so much money earned here is sent back to their home countries instead of being spent here.

Oh, great. Then Common Sense is idiocy then?

No one is getting the crowds Trump is getting. How many of them are reality TV stars? Er.... probably only him. How many have his name recognition? Him and Bush and Bush's is tainted to hell.

Yeah, immigration is an issue, however generally the public won't vote for it. I've seen it time and again in the US, Europe etc etc.

That's just it. His name recognition is not that likeable. 1) He barked loudly the last presidential election and nothing happened. He didn't really mean it. Poor track record in politics... 2) The Democrats were successful in claiming the rich are elitists and out of touch with the main stream citizen...3) Granted. Trump has an ego that just won't stop, but who doesn't have that problem who is in politics?

I like the fact that Trump will be his own man and not be beholden to anyone or any group. I'm not saying I'll vote for Trump, but I, like I would be the majority of citizens like his message. Will I agree with him on all issues? No. But I pick those issues where he could make a difference and make my decision in that manner.

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