Is Trump Wrong About Illegals Doing More Crimes?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Well, here's an article with all sorts of FACTS on the matter. My only problem is that a lot of the data comes from 2009, the latest figures the government has. (?) The year after Obama ascension? Why not newer?

Conclusion: criminal and illegal aliens commit murder at much higher rates than all inhabitants of the U.S. – at least 3 to 10 times higher.

And I believe these are low-end estimates. For one, murder is almost always handled at the state and local level, not the federal level. So the GAO’s homicide data are skewed toward the state and local data, which cover fewer years (four) and a smaller population (illegals only). The Washington Post states that “Federal prisoners made up 10 percent of the total incarcerated populations in the United States in 2013.”

Read more: Articles Illegal Aliens Murder at a Much Higher Rate Than US Citizens Do

And then comes this – Trump was right about illegal women being raped at the border.

In fact, the problem is infinitely worse than the article reveals. For example, of 61,529 criminal cases initiated by federal prosecutors in 2013, 24,746—fully 40 percent of the total—originated in five border jurisdictions in Arizona, New Mexico, Southern California, West Texas and South Texas. Almost all were DOJ Report Nearly Half of Fed Crimes Near Mexican Border - Judicial Watch. (DOJ Report Nearly Half of Fed Crimes Near Mexican Border - Judicial Watch)
Simply being illegal doesn't make you a criminal. Most work for everything they get. As for illegals committing more crimes than average, it's because they're poor, not because they're illegal. Check any poor community and you're going to find higher than average criminality, regardless of race or national origin.
Simply being illegal doesn't make you a criminal. Most work for everything they get. As for illegals committing more crimes than average, it's because they're poor, not because they're illegal. Check any poor community and you're going to find higher than average criminality, regardless of race or national origin.

Wrong being illegal is exactly that, illegal. It's a misdemeanor to come in illegally, it's a felony to work, it's a felony to steal identities, it's a felony to use forged documents, all of them are guilty of some or all of these. Then you have the other criminal offenses, DUI, rape, murder, B&E, robbery, domestic violence, drug and gang activity and the list goes on and on.
Simply being illegal doesn't make you a criminal. Most work for everything they get. As for illegals committing more crimes than average, it's because they're poor, not because they're illegal. Check any poor community and you're going to find higher than average criminality, regardless of race or national origin.

What do you not understand about the word Illegal?

It means someone who enters this country without the proper documentation. No matter what they do once they are here, the bottom line is they are here Illegally!
What do you not understand about the word Illegal?It means someone who enters this country without the proper documentation. No matter what they do once they are here, the bottom line is they are here Illegally!
I have no problem with the word "illegal". I don't automatically consider them criminals, however.
We have more than enough American Citizens committing horrific crimes. We certainly don't need this endless flow of Illegal criminals to continue. We have enough problems. Time to secure the border. Period, end of story.
Wrong being illegal is exactly that, illegal. It's a misdemeanor to come in illegally, it's a felony to work, it's a felony to steal identities, it's a felony to use forged documents, all of them are guilty of some or all of these. Then you have the other criminal offenses, DUI, rape, murder, B&E, robbery, domestic violence, drug and gang activity and the list goes on and on.
Of course, some illegals are criminals, but I automatically don't consider people who're working hard and trying to help their families to be criminals.
What do you not understand about the word Illegal?It means someone who enters this country without the proper documentation. No matter what they do once they are here, the bottom line is they are here Illegally!
I have no problem with the word "illegal". I don't automatically consider them criminals, however.

Let me understand this - if someone does something illegal, are they not committing a CRIME? Does that not then automatically make them a criminal?

The warped logic of liberals is almost beyond my ken. :banghead::banghead:
Is he close though? Why the hell does the idiot left think they should defend criminals who enter the U.S. illegally? Try entering any country in Central America or South America or Europe and Asia without documentation and be prepared to spend time in a jail cell that is a hundred years behind the standards of the U.S.
]Let me understand this - if someone does something illegal, are they not committing a CRIME? Does that not then automatically make them a criminal?
NO and I don't believe you're really trying to understand. You're trying to win an argument by definition.
Wrong being illegal is exactly that, illegal. It's a misdemeanor to come in illegally, it's a felony to work, it's a felony to steal identities, it's a felony to use forged documents, all of them are guilty of some or all of these. Then you have the other criminal offenses, DUI, rape, murder, B&E, robbery, domestic violence, drug and gang activity and the list goes on and on.
Of course, some illegals are criminals, but I automatically don't consider people who're working hard and trying to help their families to be criminals.

What you consider is irrelevant, the law says they are. We have people sworn to enforce the law, that would include your dear leader, who are not doing the job they swore to do.
What you consider is irrelevant, the law says they are. We have people sworn to enforce the law, that would include your dear leader, who are not doing the job they swore to do.
Obama has deported more illegals than his predecessors, so together with your other "insight", your opinion on the definition of illegal immigrant vs criminal really means nothing to me.
]Let me understand this - if someone does something illegal, are they not committing a CRIME? Does that not then automatically make them a criminal?
NO and I don't believe you're really trying to understand. You're trying to win an argument by definition.

If you don't have definitions in law, you have nothing. Which is exactly what you got.
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What you consider is irrelevant, the law says they are. We have people sworn to enforce the law, that would include your dear leader, who are not doing the job they swore to do.
Obama has deported more illegals than his predecessors, so together with your other "insight", your opinion on the definition of illegal immigrant vs criminal really means nothing to me.

I use the legal definition, you use your ass, cause you brain knows better.

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