Is Trumpovitch like Neville Chamberlain?


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016

  • mrb_

    I believe that he's worse. All Chamberlain tried to do us appease Hitler. Trumpovitch is not only appeasing Putin, he's aiding and abetting him. Probably for personal and financial reasons. But the reason isn't all that important but it does provide motive.
Democrats are trying desperately to start a war with Russia. They believe that a war will finally delegtimize Trump's presidency and remove him from office.

Russia is not our enemy. The only aiding and abetting the enemy is accepting democrats. That's the enemy. obama and hillary are enemies, not Putin.
Are you like Corky?


No, Corky was born with a handicap. You are deliberately ignorant.

'Is Trumpovitch like Neville Chamberlain?'

No, but liberals are bitter, sour-grapes, butt-hurt snowflakes who are still throwing tantrums and who refuse to accept DEFEAT, gracefully or not.
'Is Trumpovitch like Neville Chamberlain?'

No, but liberals are bitter, sour-grapes, butt-hurt snowflakes who are still throwing tantrums and who refuse to accept DEFEAT, gracefully or not.
Who refused to accept defeat 8 years ago Pub breath?? When the fan blows the sheet back in your face you don't like it???? Poor little pubbies
  • mrb_

    I believe that he's worse. All Chamberlain tried to do us appease Hitler. Trumpovitch is not only appeasing Putin, he's aiding and abetting him. Probably for personal and financial reasons. But the reason isn't all that important but it does provide motive.
Maybe we should wait and see what Trump does in response to the hacking. My guess is he will insist on better security for computer systems, which might actually make sense since no one can reasonably expect to control another nation's actions. Just defend against them.
Trump may like Putin for his strong guy image, but I don't think we need to go quite so far as that, Eddie. At least not yet.
  • mrb_

    I believe that he's worse. All Chamberlain tried to do us appease Hitler. Trumpovitch is not only appeasing Putin, he's aiding and abetting him. Probably for personal and financial reasons. But the reason isn't all that important but it does provide motive.
Maybe we should wait and see what Trump does in response to the hacking. My guess is he will insist on better security for computer systems, which might actually make sense since no one can reasonably expect to control another nation's actions. Just defend against them.
Trump may like Putin for his strong guy image, but I don't think we need to go quite so far as that, Eddie. At least not yet.
Better earlier than later Mam
Who refused to accept defeat 8 years ago Pub breath?? When the fan blows the sheet back in your face you don't like it???? Poor little pubbies
I have no clue who you are talking about because the country accepted Obama as President. There has NEVER been this much bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt anti-American hatred, divisiveness, etc towards a new in-coming President ever, and that includes 2008. The closest thing to what is going on is 2000 - 'Florida'.

Hillary declared to contest the election was to 'undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests', and since then Liberals have gone bat-shit crazy
- Demand Recounts...and lose them
- Try to flip Electoral College voters, only to have more Hillary voters flip for Trump
- Try to declare a win due to irrelevant Popular Votes
- Vow to do nothing but obstructionists for the benefit of their party, to hell with the country

Today's 'Progressive liberals' doing all of these things are proving they are just as much of a threat to out democracy as Islamic extremism. Both are intolerant, invasive, cancerous diseases.
You're thinking of Lurch Kerry
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

You must have missed the United States Navy had to fire warning shots at the pesky critters yesterday, eh?
Who refused to accept defeat 8 years ago Pub breath?? When the fan blows the sheet back in your face you don't like it???? Poor little pubbies
I have no clue who you are talking about because the country accepted Obama as President. There has NEVER been this much bitter, sore-loser, butt-hurt anti-American hatred, divisiveness, etc towards a new in-coming President ever, and that includes 2008. The closest thing to what is going on is 2000 - 'Florida'.

Hillary declared to contest the election was to 'undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests', and since then Liberals have gone bat-shit crazy
- Demand Recounts...and lose them
- Try to flip Electoral College voters, only to have more Hillary voters flip for Trump
- Try to declare a win due to irrelevant Popular Votes
- Vow to do nothing but obstructionists for the benefit of their party, to hell with the country

Today's 'Progressive liberals' doing all of these things are proving they are just as much of a threat to out democracy as Islamic extremism. Both are intolerant, invasive, cancerous diseases.
Accepted??? Yeah your senate leader really accepted him lol
It's to bad the left was not this concerned about Putin and Russia when he was getting pretty much anything he wanted under Obama.
Putin did not want missle defense system in Poland there isn't one.
Putin wanted the Criemia back he has it.
Putin wanted Assad to remain in power in Syria he has.
Putin wanted Russia to have more power and influence in the world they do.
Trump has a serious problem to deal with in Russia and Putin and how he will deal with it is anyone's guess. I don't believe we need any politically expediate concern about Russia from those who have had none for almost eight years now.
You're thinking of Lurch Kerry
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

You must have missed the United States Navy had to fire warning shots at the pesky critters yesterday, eh?
Whats a warning shot between friends ? I remember almost a war with Russia over cuban missles.....and now you nitwits want to trust them???Make friends???
You're thinking of Lurch Kerry
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

You must have missed the United States Navy had to fire warning shots at the pesky critters yesterday, eh?
Whats a warning shot between friends ? I remember almost a war with Russia over cuban missles.....and now you nitwits want to trust them???Make friends???

You miss many things, edward. Too many and it makes you look like a dullard
No you schnook It's chump making friends with a guy who wants to bury us that irks me And you and your gang of deplorables suck it up For shame

Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

You must have missed the United States Navy had to fire warning shots at the pesky critters yesterday, eh?
Whats a warning shot between friends ? I remember almost a war with Russia over cuban missles.....and now you nitwits want to trust them???Make friends???

You miss many things, edward. Too many and it makes you look like a dullard
I missed??Coming from a trumpette thats a laugh
Iran, doofus, think Iran
Whats Iran done to us??? Want them to go nuclear??? Break the deal

You must have missed the United States Navy had to fire warning shots at the pesky critters yesterday, eh?
Whats a warning shot between friends ? I remember almost a war with Russia over cuban missles.....and now you nitwits want to trust them???Make friends???

You miss many things, edward. Too many and it makes you look like a dullard
I missed??Coming from a trumpette thats a laugh

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