Is Trump's Wall Negotiable?

After Bush, the next time Republicans ruin our economy, Mexico will build a wall to keep us out.
It being EFFECTIVE is not!!


A "wall" wouldn't be "effective" at stopping illegal aliens from enterining the country, would not be "effective" in preventing terrorists from entering the country, and sure has hell wouldn't be "cost effective".

Let’s think about it for a minute, what does the wall do:

(a) Gives American politicians a symbol to look and say “see what we did”

(b) Gives the world a symbol that says “see America doesn’t want you”​

To me that’s the wrong message to send (a) I don’t want a hollow “symbol” I want real change and a long term solution and (b) I want the world to know people are still welcome here as long as you come legally and follow our laws.

To solve this problem we need long term solutions:

1. In the short term - temporarily put some troops on the border – reduce the flow.

2. Fix the issues with e-verify and provide a national means for determining citizenship so that employers have the tools to hire legally. Right now there is way too much CYA and not holding employers responsible due to fake documents, “day labor”, and paying under the table.

3. Once we give teeth to the employment laws, start cracking down on employers. You hire someone and don’t check their ability to work in this country; we're talking stiff fines and jail time.

4. Guarantee that Employers are hiring based on a labor shortage and that the wages/taxes paid are equivalent to hiring an American. Make hiring imported labor more expensive than hiring homegrown or here legally.

5. Restrict access to government services, if you’re here illegally and you have problems take them back to your home country. [Education – NOT, Drivers Licenses – NOT, In State Tuition – NOT, Social Services – NOT, Medical Care (except for life threatening injuries, then deportation)] This of course applies to the illegals, not US Citizens.

6. Make Social Services, Education, and Medical facilities responsible for reporting Illegal Aliens attempting to access government programs for themselves or as the parent/legal guardian of an illegal child or legal child.

7. Amend the Constitution so that simply giving birth in this country does not automatically guarantee citizenship (anchor babies). Retain birthright citizenship only if you are here legally.

8. Develop a Temporary Worker program. You want to apply to work here, not a problem but the only registration points are in your country of origin.

9. Each state should modify each of their official State Identifications/Drivers Licenses to include the citizenship status of the individual identified and verify at time of application. The ID would clearly indicate if the individual was a citizen or non-citizen. The ID for citizens would have a normal expiration date. For those issued to legal residents, the expiration date would be the lesser of the normal expiration date or the date the individual’s legal status expires.​

Once the these items are in place the need for a wall will diminish because the incentives are removed for breaking the law in the first place.

Did millions and millions Illegal Aliens all get shipped here? No, they came here on their own. Same will happen to the majority of those here illegally, they will self deport. Not saying everyone will of course but with no access to employment and no access to social services then a large number will choose to go home. That will leave a smaller number to deal with through normal law enforcement processes.


The topic is not whether you support the Wall, but what if the Wall in negotiable.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
"The Wall" will be worthless if erected. I'm sure that Trump knows this. Illegals will find a way in regardless of means to stop them. The solution to rid this nation of illegals, is to imprison for life without the possibility of parole, anyone that houses, feeds, employs, or otherwise aids illegals once they enter this country. In other words, severely punish those that aid and assist ANY and ALL illegals. Illegals are here because they can work, eat, and get many different kinds of help from many people and agencies. End their sources of support and thus end their entry into this country.

Trump and millions of others know the obvious solution. It's just a matter of having the guts to fix the problem. Many of our social and economics problems have simple easy solutions, but no one has the guts to bring about the necessary changes required. Trump will be the next president regardless of the number of times that he amends his earlier statements. His only challenger is Hillary, and she's got more negative baggage than a three time loser serving life without the possibility of parole.

The topic is not whether you support the Wall, but what if the Wall in negotiable.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?

Will Trump walk back his comments about building the wall?

No, and the reason why is because that is his bread and butter sales pitch. He is going to keep the wall as his agenda, but will focus less on it while running against the Democratic Nominee.

Now Jake has written what I have been writing about for awhile and that is instead going after building the wall go after punishing the employer.

See building the wall is great for show but I can provide enough links to show the cartel will just tunnel under it, so how the hell does the wall solve the problem?

Now some will write you put land mines all over the place, and I write are we living in East Berlin now?

The best solution is to dry up resources for illegals in this country. Go after the employer, change the marriage laws, and suspend visas on work and fiancee's and this will curb so much of the illegal migration and would be cheaper than the wall.

Trump addresses that on his web site.
Of course it's negotiable. He's negotiating with himself as we speak!

So I tell them that we'll build a wall.
Then I'll tell them we might built a wall.
Then I'll tell them Mexico hasn't paid us yet and we can't start work without a deposit.
Then I'll find a pile of rocks and say it's a wall, and when people complain I'll say I wasn't actually involved in the wall, I just licensed out my name to it.
Then I'll ask if everyone can smell what I'm cookin'.
Then I'll have the butler make miniature caviar crispy tacos so that the slobs can know how classy I am.

Partisan blather.
It's a serious question.

Illegal immigration has been a driving factor for his most fervent supporters, and much of their anger towards the Republican establishment has come from the GOP's willingness to cut a deal on immigration reform.

So if Trump changes his mind on the wall, what happens?

Nothing. They don't seem to care that he's waffling on Muslims, why would they care if he starts walking back his wall?

Remember, in Trumps own words, everything he says is just a suggestion and is negotiable.
Toro asked a reasonable question.

This was my reasonable response.

"The Wall is a means to an end, ie stopping the inflow of illegals.

As long as the end is served, that is what matters."

So far you libs have nothing to offer but partisan blather.

If any of you would like to address what an actual Trump supporter is actually saying in the context of a thread about where the topic is what Trump supporters think...

You see where I am going with this?

Yes….directly into the col de sac of idiocy where you live.
The majority of illegals are here from over-staying their visas. A 3,000 foot high wall would not have stopped them except for the aircraft that they may be flying in on.

I support building the wall to stop payloads of nuclear material and determined terrorists who wish to use our border as entry points. Stopping a nanny or gardener does zilch to help anyone but unfortunately (or fortunately), the wall would not discriminate between the terrorist wanting to carry in plutonium and the nanny.

Your “the wall is immaterial” is the tip of the shit-berg that is the Drumpf candidacy. Especially after he has said time and again that he would build it, and make Mexico pay for it.
Listen to him. Everything he has said is a "suggestion". There will not be a wall, everything is negotiable. And his followers won't care.
Maybe most lefties fell asleep during civics 101 or they were too busy learning how to put a condom on a banana to pay attention to the way government works or maybe they are just used to a depraved neo-monarchy like the Obama administration that governs be edicts and uses agencies like the IRS to punish political enemies. At any rate the president cannot order the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Everything Trump claims he wants to do is a wish list dependent on congressional oversight and the system of checks and balances that the Obama administration has managed to sidestep.
Listen to him. Everything he has said is a "suggestion". There will not be a wall, everything is negotiable. And his followers won't care.

That is true. His followers are Jonestown scholars who just want anarchy since they are no longer 95% in control of it (old white guys). It’s the school yard equivalent to taking your ball and going home.
Maybe most lefties fell asleep during civics 101 or they were too busy learning how to put a condom on a banana to pay attention to the way government works or maybe they are just used to a depraved neo-monarchy like the Obama administration that governs be edicts and uses agencies like the IRS to punish political enemies. At any rate the president cannot order the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Everything Trump claims he wants to do is a wish list dependent on congressional oversight and the system of checks and balances that the Obama administration has managed to sidestep.


So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?

The lengths you guys will go to to prop up this small fraction of a man is getting sillier and sillier.

Next you’ll be excusing his making crank phone calls to reporters pretending to be someone else….

Oh wait.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
"The Wall" will be worthless if erected. I'm sure that Trump knows this. Illegals will find a way in regardless of means to stop them. The solution to rid this nation of illegals, is to imprison for life without the possibility of parole, anyone that houses, feeds, employs, or otherwise aids illegals once they enter this country. In other words, severely punish those that aid and assist ANY and ALL illegals. Illegals are here because they can work, eat, and get many different kinds of help from many people and agencies. End their sources of support and thus end their entry into this country.

Trump and millions of others know the obvious solution. It's just a matter of having the guts to fix the problem. Many of our social and economics problems have simple easy solutions, but no one has the guts to bring about the necessary changes required. Trump will be the next president regardless of the number of times that he amends his earlier statements. His only challenger is Hillary, and she's got more negative baggage than a three time loser serving life without the possibility of parole.

The topic is not whether you support the Wall, but what if the Wall in negotiable.
Almost everything in life is negotiable, why not the wall? The "Wall" is just political rhetoric, nothing more. And, even if the "Wall" is forgotten, something has to be done, and done soon. The "illegal" problem has gotten completely out of hand.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
"The Wall" will be worthless if erected. I'm sure that Trump knows this. Illegals will find a way in regardless of means to stop them. The solution to rid this nation of illegals, is to imprison for life without the possibility of parole, anyone that houses, feeds, employs, or otherwise aids illegals once they enter this country. In other words, severely punish those that aid and assist ANY and ALL illegals. Illegals are here because they can work, eat, and get many different kinds of help from many people and agencies. End their sources of support and thus end their entry into this country.

Trump and millions of others know the obvious solution. It's just a matter of having the guts to fix the problem. Many of our social and economics problems have simple easy solutions, but no one has the guts to bring about the necessary changes required. Trump will be the next president regardless of the number of times that he amends his earlier statements. His only challenger is Hillary, and she's got more negative baggage than a three time loser serving life without the possibility of parole.

The topic is not whether you support the Wall, but what if the Wall in negotiable.
Almost everything in life is negotiable, why not the wall? The "Wall" is just political rhetoric, nothing more. And, even if the "Wall" is forgotten, something has to be done, and done soon. The "illegal" problem has gotten completely out of hand.

Yeah but does Mexico still have to pay for a theoretical wall or will the American taxpayers now be stuck with the bill. Remember Trump promised Mexico would pay for it.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
"The Wall" will be worthless if erected. I'm sure that Trump knows this. Illegals will find a way in regardless of means to stop them. The solution to rid this nation of illegals, is to imprison for life without the possibility of parole, anyone that houses, feeds, employs, or otherwise aids illegals once they enter this country. In other words, severely punish those that aid and assist ANY and ALL illegals. Illegals are here because they can work, eat, and get many different kinds of help from many people and agencies. End their sources of support and thus end their entry into this country.

Trump and millions of others know the obvious solution. It's just a matter of having the guts to fix the problem. Many of our social and economics problems have simple easy solutions, but no one has the guts to bring about the necessary changes required. Trump will be the next president regardless of the number of times that he amends his earlier statements. His only challenger is Hillary, and she's got more negative baggage than a three time loser serving life without the possibility of parole.

The topic is not whether you support the Wall, but what if the Wall in negotiable.
Almost everything in life is negotiable, why not the wall? The "Wall" is just political rhetoric, nothing more. And, even if the "Wall" is forgotten, something has to be done, and done soon. The "illegal" problem has gotten completely out of hand.

Is the 2nd Amendment Negotiable?
Of course it's negotiable. He's negotiating with himself as we speak!

So I tell them that we'll build a wall.
Then I'll tell them we might built a wall.
Then I'll tell them Mexico hasn't paid us yet and we can't start work without a deposit.
Then I'll find a pile of rocks and say it's a wall, and when people complain I'll say I wasn't actually involved in the wall, I just licensed out my name to it.
Then I'll ask if everyone can smell what I'm cookin'.
Then I'll have the butler make miniature caviar crispy tacos so that the slobs can know how classy I am.

Partisan blather.

Yeah, that's it. When a Republican speaks out against Trump, it's partisan blather. When Trump donates to Democrats....that's just business as usual.
Construction experts have pegged the wall at 25 billion dollars (seriously, they broke it down to the number of yards of concrete, number of trucks, labor, and all other estimated costs), and that's exclusive of the huge costs of ongoing expenses.
It will never fly, and the absurdity of his plan for Mexico or illegals somehow paying for it is a joke. His solution there was so poorly thought out it's laughable. The man is intellectually unfit for office.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
"The Wall" will be worthless if erected. I'm sure that Trump knows this. Illegals will find a way in regardless of means to stop them. The solution to rid this nation of illegals, is to imprison for life without the possibility of parole, anyone that houses, feeds, employs, or otherwise aids illegals once they enter this country. In other words, severely punish those that aid and assist ANY and ALL illegals. Illegals are here because they can work, eat, and get many different kinds of help from many people and agencies. End their sources of support and thus end their entry into this country.

Trump and millions of others know the obvious solution. It's just a matter of having the guts to fix the problem. Many of our social and economics problems have simple easy solutions, but no one has the guts to bring about the necessary changes required. Trump will be the next president regardless of the number of times that he amends his earlier statements. His only challenger is Hillary, and she's got more negative baggage than a three time loser serving life without the possibility of parole.

The topic is not whether you support the Wall, but what if the Wall in negotiable.
Almost everything in life is negotiable, why not the wall? The "Wall" is just political rhetoric, nothing more. And, even if the "Wall" is forgotten, something has to be done, and done soon. The "illegal" problem has gotten completely out of hand.

Yeah but does Mexico still have to pay for a theoretical wall or will the American taxpayers now be stuck with the bill. Remember Trump promised Mexico would pay for it.
What difference does it make? Who paid for the last wall? Who is still paying for the last wall? The taxpayers pay for everything, including waste, foreign aid, pork, excessive military spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, looking for water on Mars, senseless deadly costly wars, enormous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, lavish White House vacations, excessive government travel, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, the ridiculous number of U.S. military bases on foreign soil, the building of mosque on foreign soil, subsidies for Brazilian corn crops, protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, the building of ships and planes the Pentagon doesn't need nor want, no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), Wall Street and Corporate bailouts, tax breaks for the wealthy and elite, studying the sex life and habits of cockroaches, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc..

The present "Wall" is one of the biggest waste of tax dollars in recent history. The taxpayers are stuck with bills for everything else, why not the stupid worthless "Wall"?

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