Is Trump's Wall Negotiable?

It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Most republicans will continue to blindly support Trump, regardless his backpedaling, flip-flops, and inconsistencies, for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee, although they disagree with much of what he advocates, although he’s in no way a ‘conservative,’ and although his policy positions conflict with much of the republican agenda.

Such is the nature of blind partisanism.
Construction experts have pegged the wall at 25 billion dollars (seriously, they broke it down to the number of yards of concrete, number of trucks, labor, and all other estimated costs), and that's exclusive of the huge costs of ongoing expenses.
It will never fly, and the absurdity of his plan for Mexico or illegals somehow paying for it is a joke. His solution there was so poorly thought out it's laughable. The man is intellectually unfit for office.

Sounds like bullshit.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Most republicans will continue to blindly support Trump, regardless his backpedaling, flip-flops, and inconsistencies, for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee, although they disagree with much of what he advocates, although he’s in no way a ‘conservative,’ and although his policy positions conflict with much of the republican agenda.

Such is the nature of blind partisanism.

You must have missed the last batch of talking points.

The Leftie Party Line is that the "majority" of Republicans are "anti-trump" and thus will not vote for Trump and HIllary will win a historic landslide.

So you need to be arguing with your fellow leftist over whether the GOP is a monolithic block of blind partisans, or completely fractured.

Except there is no such debate because what you really are doing is saying whatever sounds most negative at that moment regardless of any consideration such as truthfulness or civility.

Ironically demonstrating blind partisanship yourself.
Most republicans will continue to blindly support Trump, regardless his backpedaling, flip-flops, and inconsistencies, for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee......

Wrong. Many Republicans will vote for him for no other reason than he's not Hillary Clinton.
What difference does it make?
He said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall. If he says we have to, that is more money we have to borrow.
Who paid for the last wall? Who is still paying for the last wall? The taxpayers pay for everything, including waste, foreign aid, pork, excessive military spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, looking for water on Mars, senseless deadly costly wars, enormous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, lavish White House vacations, excessive government travel, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, the ridiculous number of U.S. military bases on foreign soil, the building of mosque on foreign soil, subsidies for Brazilian corn crops, protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, the building of ships and planes the Pentagon doesn't need nor want, no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), Wall Street and Corporate bailouts, tax breaks for the wealthy and elite, studying the sex life and habits of cockroaches, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc..
Yeah but your messiah said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall.

The present "Wall" is one of the biggest waste of tax dollars in recent history. The taxpayers are stuck with bills for everything else, why not the stupid worthless "Wall"?

Your messiah said he would build a “beautiful” wall.
And that we wouldn’t have to pay for it.

He wasn’t lying was he?
Look, smartass, Trump is NOT my "messiah". I do NOT worship Trump. What damn difference does it make what he said concerning the "Wall", or who'll pay for it? Do you know and understand what campaign rhetoric is? Do you know and understand what political rhetoric is? The taxpayers are stuck with the bill for hundreds of thousands of things. If you believe everything politicians say, or what candidates say, then you're in sad mental shape. Do you not know the game?

He he he…thanks for proving my point that he is 100% untrustworthy.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.

Your inability to accept that reasonable people can reasonably disagree with you is a problem with YOUR thinking, not ours.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Most republicans will continue to blindly support Trump, regardless his backpedaling, flip-flops, and inconsistencies, for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee, although they disagree with much of what he advocates, although he’s in no way a ‘conservative,’ and although his policy positions conflict with much of the republican agenda.

Such is the nature of blind partisanism.

Blind partisans..Reiterating the same bullshit because you really don't believe you're right.
Such as yourself.
Look, smartass, Trump is NOT my "messiah". I do NOT worship Trump. What damn difference does it make what he said concerning the "Wall", or who'll pay for it? Do you know and understand what campaign rhetoric is? Do you know and understand what political rhetoric is? The taxpayers are stuck with the bill for hundreds of thousands of things. If you believe everything politicians say, or what candidates say, then you're in sad mental shape. Do you not know the game?

He he he…thanks for proving my point that he is 100% untrustworthy.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You make snide comments like "messiah" and then call him silly for correctly calling you a bitch?

Very dishonest of you.

If you don't want to be called a bitch than stop acting like one.
Trump (or someone like him) is what you get when a party such as the GOP is not genuinely interested in people and solving the problems and challenges they face and moving the nation forward; you end up with someone like Trump when you as a party indeed put party before country, put failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma before country, and allow fear, ignorance, and hate to run amok.
Trump (or someone like him) is what you get when a party such as the GOP is not genuinely interested in people and solving the problems and challenges they face and moving the nation forward; you end up with someone like Trump when you as a party indeed put party before country, put failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma before country, and allow fear, ignorance, and hate to run amok.

And to think you are the one that was just accusing the GOP of being blind partisans.


He he he…thanks for proving my point that he is 100% untrustworthy.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You make snide comments like "messiah" and then call him silly for correctly calling you a bitch?

Very dishonest of you.

If you don't want to be called a bitch than stop acting like one.

How silly of you. You take after your messiah too much. On your knees boy, he has another load for you.
Maybe most lefties fell asleep during civics 101 or they were too busy learning how to put a condom on a banana to pay attention to the way government works or maybe they are just used to a depraved neo-monarchy like the Obama administration that governs be edicts and uses agencies like the IRS to punish political enemies. At any rate the president cannot order the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Everything Trump claims he wants to do is a wish list dependent on congressional oversight and the system of checks and balances that the Obama administration has managed to sidestep.


So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?

Which, of course is not what he said.

Which of course is precisely what he said.
What difference does it make?
He said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall. If he says we have to, that is more money we have to borrow.
Who paid for the last wall? Who is still paying for the last wall? The taxpayers pay for everything, including waste, foreign aid, pork, excessive military spending, subsidies to rich farmers and big oil, the care and support of illegal immigrants, exploring the far reaches of the universe, looking for water on Mars, senseless deadly costly wars, enormous perks and benefits given to members of Congress, lavish White House vacations, excessive government travel, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, the ridiculous number of U.S. military bases on foreign soil, the building of mosque on foreign soil, subsidies for Brazilian corn crops, protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, the building of ships and planes the Pentagon doesn't need nor want, no-bid government contracts ( Halliburton ), Wall Street and Corporate bailouts, tax breaks for the wealthy and elite, studying the sex life and habits of cockroaches, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc..
Yeah but your messiah said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall.

The present "Wall" is one of the biggest waste of tax dollars in recent history. The taxpayers are stuck with bills for everything else, why not the stupid worthless "Wall"?

Your messiah said he would build a “beautiful” wall.
And that we wouldn’t have to pay for it.

He wasn’t lying was he?
Look, smartass, Trump is NOT my "messiah". I do NOT worship Trump. What damn difference does it make what he said concerning the "Wall", or who'll pay for it? Do you know and understand what campaign rhetoric is? Do you know and understand what political rhetoric is? The taxpayers are stuck with the bill for hundreds of thousands of things. If you believe everything politicians say, or what candidates say, then you're in sad mental shape. Do you not know the game?

He he he…thanks for proving my point that he is 100% untrustworthy.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Now the presumptive nominee, Trump is trying to make his way to the political center.

The question is will his supporters allow him to do so.
He said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall. If he says we have to, that is more money we have to borrow.
Yeah but your messiah said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall.

Your messiah said he would build a “beautiful” wall.
And that we wouldn’t have to pay for it.

He wasn’t lying was he?
Look, smartass, Trump is NOT my "messiah". I do NOT worship Trump. What damn difference does it make what he said concerning the "Wall", or who'll pay for it? Do you know and understand what campaign rhetoric is? Do you know and understand what political rhetoric is? The taxpayers are stuck with the bill for hundreds of thousands of things. If you believe everything politicians say, or what candidates say, then you're in sad mental shape. Do you not know the game?

He he he…thanks for proving my point that he is 100% untrustworthy.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Now the presumptive nominee, Trump is trying to make his way to the political center.

The question is will his supporters allow him to do so.

He has yet to stabilise his policies so he has a lot of room to move. Now he has a lot of support from ex-hopefuls. I think the GOP will take a few of the rough edges off; it is after all what he wants. But he must not lose what he is on about and that is getting the POLICY mix right. Exciting, isn't it!!!

Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You make snide comments like "messiah" and then call him silly for correctly calling you a bitch?

Very dishonest of you.

If you don't want to be called a bitch than stop acting like one.

How silly of you. You take after your messiah too much. On your knees boy, he has another load for you.

And you had the nerve to complain about him being "pathetic and childish"?


Maybe most lefties fell asleep during civics 101 or they were too busy learning how to put a condom on a banana to pay attention to the way government works or maybe they are just used to a depraved neo-monarchy like the Obama administration that governs be edicts and uses agencies like the IRS to punish political enemies. At any rate the president cannot order the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Everything Trump claims he wants to do is a wish list dependent on congressional oversight and the system of checks and balances that the Obama administration has managed to sidestep.


So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?

Which, of course is not what he said.

Which of course is precisely what he said.

Pointing out that all campaign promises are made in the context of checks and balances, and future events that cannot be predicted, and thus they are, at best Statements of Intent, not guarantees of outcome,


"So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?"

Try to be less dishonest.

Full disclosure, that was rhetorical. I know you are a liberal, and thus will be dishonest.
He said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall. If he says we have to, that is more money we have to borrow.
Yeah but your messiah said we wouldn’t have to pay for the wall.

Your messiah said he would build a “beautiful” wall.
And that we wouldn’t have to pay for it.

He wasn’t lying was he?
Look, smartass, Trump is NOT my "messiah". I do NOT worship Trump. What damn difference does it make what he said concerning the "Wall", or who'll pay for it? Do you know and understand what campaign rhetoric is? Do you know and understand what political rhetoric is? The taxpayers are stuck with the bill for hundreds of thousands of things. If you believe everything politicians say, or what candidates say, then you're in sad mental shape. Do you not know the game?

He he he…thanks for proving my point that he is 100% untrustworthy.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Now the presumptive nominee, Trump is trying to make his way to the political center.

The question is will his supporters allow him to do so.

Now that he is the presumptive nominee, Trump will be making some conciliatory gestures to those Republicans he has defeated, to help them save face as/if they walk back their earlier crazy talk and rally around the Nominee.

The question is whether the Lefties will lie about his actions that way they have lied about everything else for the last 50 years.

(that last part was a joke. of course they will lie, they are leftists)
Considering how the hard right has lied about so many matters during the last fifty years defines Correll's comments are nothing but partisan BS.

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