Is Trump's Wall Negotiable?

Maybe most lefties fell asleep during civics 101 or they were too busy learning how to put a condom on a banana to pay attention to the way government works or maybe they are just used to a depraved neo-monarchy like the Obama administration that governs be edicts and uses agencies like the IRS to punish political enemies. At any rate the president cannot order the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Everything Trump claims he wants to do is a wish list dependent on congressional oversight and the system of checks and balances that the Obama administration has managed to sidestep.


So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?

Which, of course is not what he said.

Which of course is precisely what he said.

Pointing out that all campaign promises are made in the context of checks and balances, and future events that cannot be predicted, and thus they are, at best Statements of Intent, not guarantees of outcome,


"So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?"
Try to be less dishonest.
Full disclosure, that was rhetorical. I know you are a liberal, and thus will be dishonest.

Except it’s exactly the same.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Everything with Trump is negotiable and subject to reverse. He will sell his supporters down the river at the first chance.
Wonder if the 2nd Amendment is negotiable. I understand it’s not a president’s amendment to negotiate away but when you start talking about banning weapons…I wonder if Drumpf (who doesn’t look like he does much shooting) will just use that as a bargaining chip…agreeing to sign the ban if he gets what he wants on the silly wall….

Considering how the hard right has lied about so many matters during the last fifty years defines Correll's comments are nothing but partisan BS.

My point was that this comments are just conciliatory gestures to those Republicans he has defeated, to give them a chance at saving face.

Which, as is the norm for you, you avoided addressing.

Because you know it's true, but are too intellectually dishonest to admit it.
Maybe most lefties fell asleep during civics 101 or they were too busy learning how to put a condom on a banana to pay attention to the way government works or maybe they are just used to a depraved neo-monarchy like the Obama administration that governs be edicts and uses agencies like the IRS to punish political enemies. At any rate the president cannot order the building of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Everything Trump claims he wants to do is a wish list dependent on congressional oversight and the system of checks and balances that the Obama administration has managed to sidestep.


So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?

Which, of course is not what he said.

Which of course is precisely what he said.

Pointing out that all campaign promises are made in the context of checks and balances, and future events that cannot be predicted, and thus they are, at best Statements of Intent, not guarantees of outcome,


"So anything said during a campaign…we should never expect a candidate for President (much less the Senate or the House) to follow through on any of it since it takes another branch of government to sign off on it?"
Try to be less dishonest.
Full disclosure, that was rhetorical. I know you are a liberal, and thus will be dishonest.

Except it’s exactly the same.

Anyone that can read, that is not blinded by their partisan bile, can plainly see that that is not true.

Try reading it again.
Of course it is the same, and only partisan tools on either side blame the opponent while letting their person slip by.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You have no idea what your messiah stands for. Yet, if I recall, you’re voting for him.
Pathetic doesn’t begin to describe you.
Very silly. Really pathetic and childish.

You make snide comments like "messiah" and then call him silly for correctly calling you a bitch?

Very dishonest of you.

If you don't want to be called a bitch than stop acting like one.

How silly of you. You take after your messiah too much. On your knees boy, he has another load for you.
GROW UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least try to appear somewhat adult.
Most republicans will continue to blindly support Trump, regardless his backpedaling, flip-flops, and inconsistencies, for no other reason than he’s the presumptive republican nominee......

Wrong. Many Republicans will vote for him for no other reason than he's not Hillary Clinton.

Are you?

What's the weather forecast in Hell?
Extremely HOT !!!!!!!!!
Start instantly by ending programs that benefit illegals. End DACA and bringing minors here. Start deporting everyone in holding. End all federal funding to sanctuary cities.

It's a start.
Wonder if the 2nd Amendment is negotiable. I understand it’s not a president’s amendment to negotiate away but when you start talking about banning weapons…I wonder if Drumpf (who doesn’t look like he does much shooting) will just use that as a bargaining chip…agreeing to sign the ban if he gets what he wants on the silly wall….

Are you kidding! He goes shooting and hunting all the time. He is a lifelong NRA member with a CCW.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Unlike you apparently, Trump supporters understand that an American president has to negotiate pretty much everything with Congress if he hopes to get anything done. That said, of course they expect him to try to accomplish everything he promised to do.

Btw, America already has a border fence, one which Senator Clinton voted for twice, and what Trump has promised to do is make America's border fence more effective than the one Clinton voted for.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Unlike you apparently, Trump supporters understand that an American president has to negotiate pretty much everything with Congress if he hopes to get anything done. That said, of course they expect him to try to accomplish everything he promised to do.

Btw, America already has a border fence, one which Senator Clinton voted for twice, and what Trump has promised to do is make America's border fence more effective than the one Clinton voted for.
Honey, he said "big ass wall," not a "Clinton sized border fence."

It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
Unlike you apparently, Trump supporters understand that an American president has to negotiate pretty much everything with Congress if he hopes to get anything done. That said, of course they expect him to try to accomplish everything he promised to do.

Btw, America already has a border fence, one which Senator Clinton voted for twice, and what Trump has promised to do is make America's border fence more effective than the one Clinton voted for.
Honey, he said "big ass wall," not a "Clinton sized border fence."

Right, Clinton failed to build an effective border barrier and Trump plans to succeed at it.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?

Whether a wall or just increased security and not allowing illegals to pour in without consequences, something should be done.

When asked specifically about the issue of making it illegal, he only stated that IF abortion was illegal, then it stands to reason that people breaking the law would face a penalty.

Banning Muslims? Is that how you interpret not allowing people in without being vetted? Or putting a temporary ban on immigrants from certain countries, the way Carter did, because it's in the best interest of our country? You make it sound like Muslim citizens will be rounded up.

Get a grip.
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Wonder if the 2nd Amendment is negotiable. I understand it’s not a president’s amendment to negotiate away but when you start talking about banning weapons…I wonder if Drumpf (who doesn’t look like he does much shooting) will just use that as a bargaining chip…agreeing to sign the ban if he gets what he wants on the silly wall….

Are you kidding! He goes shooting and hunting all the time. He is a lifelong NRA member with a CCW.
I understand one of the top gun priorities in Trumps list is to pass universal recognition of CCW....and pull silencers off the class III list.

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