Is Trump's Wall Negotiable?

It is normal for victims of scams and con artist to instinctively resort to denial. As can be seen so far in this thread. Denial is the selected response of Trump supporters.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?

I find the willingness to negotiate a balanced solution to America's problems refreshing..

Trump's pretty well walking back what the left wing news sources over inflated in the first place, punishing women more than they already are or banning all muslims ... only the left wing media and their true believers fell for that crap.
I really think sometimes,they just put their fingers in their ears,they don't wanna hear the truth, its harder, to distort that way.freaking third grade playground childish nonsense.

No, I don't think it's like this.

The truth is often complex.

Politicians know that the people prefer that the "truth" is simple. So successful politicians are the ones who make politics simple enough for the majority of people, who don't have the time or inclination to understand the complexities, and give the people want they want, which isn't success, it's hope from their stinking sniveling miserable lives.

The only way politicians are going to increase the intelligence of their politics is if the voters bother to vote for politicians who are more about succeeding in the things that matter, than the things that politicians have decided matter.

It's easier for the people to decide that abortion is important. In an age of 7 billion people on the planet, people still give a damn about abortion?
It's easier for them to decide that gun control, or lack of it, is the important issue when it comes to crime.

They present these simple issues, that have little to no impact on their daily lives, and the people gobble it all up.

What's important is education, health, jobs, things like that. And most of the time either they're ignored, or twisted so much people don't have a clue what are the real issues within these issues.

What is important is for the Gov to get out of people's lives and let Americans do what they do best: make America GREAT again!! No mistake; America is still great but it needs to reapply the lessons of the past: work hard and smart!!!

Drumpf (or someone like him) is what you get when you run for President because you don’t really want the responsibility or are not genuinely interested in people and solving the problems and challenges they face and paddling the nation forward…but you run because you think it’s a cool gig...

So you have a qoute with Trump saying that it's just for fun? It's a shame that posters like this one,are not even honest themselves, let alone anyone wouldn't matter who was running,the hate is automatic.

He’s been running for nearly a year. The only policy announcements he has made have been largely comedic and juvenile; almost to the point of being laughed out of the room (NATO doesn’t fight terrorism?). Now he’s coming out and doing this pivot thing rendering that his brash, bold, and in-yo-face policy announcement were “merely suggestions”.

Look, if you were to view my posting history, you’ll find me mentioning the wall between us and Mexico and us and Canada goes back to well before Obama insulted Drumpf at the WCD and set off his “I’ll show you” campaign.

What was being stated in the video is that people who think they are the best persons for the job have reasons for running. The “everything is negotiable” is fine for a lawyer trying to get you off from serving time in jail or a car salesman trying to fit you into a new Lexus.

Not something you want from someone who seeks to lead the nation.
He will completely walk his Wall comment back. I think he has to stand by the Muslim temporary ban. Interesting figures below reveal that as usual FL and OH and PA are close The NC figures merit watching. If they fall, I think that shows Trump is stronger in Middle America than the center and left realize. This is a fun as well as important election.

I am beginning to think he will be guided by McConnell and Ryan if he wins.

Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 45, Clinton 41 Trump +4
Oregon: Trump vs. Clinton FOX 12/KPTV Clinton 43, Trump 32 Clinton +11
Louisiana: Trump vs. Clinton JMC Analytics Trump 52, Clinton 36 Trump +16
Florida: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 43, Trump 42 Clinton +1
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 39, Trump 43 Trump +4
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 43, Trump 42 Clinton +1

New Hampshire: Trump vs. Clinton Dartmouth Clinton 34, Trump 29 Clinton +5
Massachusetts: Trump vs. Clinton Boston Globe/Suffolk Clinton 55, Trump 31 Clinton +24
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton Civitas (R) Clinton 49, Trump 40 Clinton +9
What Trump's supporters are saying is that Donald can lie and they are fine with it.

WRONG!!! We understand that Trump is about getting rid of the problems libtards have created....everything from the Ghettos to a failed business environment. As for a Physical WALL; it may not be necessary in some parts but a barrier both human and physical?? Definitely!! I know that "wall" can have a meaning not just including bricks and mortar.

noun: wall; plural noun: walls
  1. 1.
    a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land.
    "a garden wall"
    synonyms: barrier, partition, room divider, enclosure, screen, panel, separator;More
    dam, dyke
    "solid brick walls"
    fortification, rampart, barricade, parapet, bulwark, stockade, bailey, breastwork
    "an ancient city wall"
    • an upright side of a building or room.
      "opulent rooms with tapestries on the walls"
    • any high vertical surface, especially one that is imposing in scale.
      "the eastern wall of the valley"
    • short for Berlin Wall.
      singular proper noun: Wall; noun: the Wall
      "he was on location in Germany while the Wall was tumbling down"
  2. 2.
    a thing regarded as a protective or restrictive barrier.
    "police investigating the murders met a wall of silence from witnesses"
    synonyms: obstacle, barrier, barricade, fence;

But I DO expect Trump to stop the flow and solve the current illegals mess. And we haven't even touched on sending illegals to a third country if they are really legitimate refugees.

An omnibus bill that uses e-verify, punishes bad business hiring practices severely (jail for managers and triple fines on dividend amounts during the illegal period), and more security at the border. If Ryan had been Speaker, such a bill would have passed.
An omnibus bill that uses e-verify, punishes bad business hiring practices severely (jail for managers and triple fines on dividend amounts during the illegal period), and more security at the border. If Ryan had been Speaker, such a bill would have passed.

Funny how you left out the Pathway to citizenship for the millions and millions of illegals already here.


I believe he'll build a wall.

The size?

................ That's negotiable

Toro asked a reasonable question.

This was my reasonable response.

"The Wall is a means to an end, ie stopping the inflow of illegals.

As long as the end is served, that is what matters."

So far you libs have nothing to offer but partisan blather.

If any of you would like to address what an actual Trump supporter is actually saying in the context of a thread about where the topic is what Trump supporters think...

You see where I am going with this?
It being EFFECTIVE is not!!


A "wall" wouldn't be "effective" at stopping illegal aliens from enterining the country, would not be "effective" in preventing terrorists from entering the country, and sure has hell wouldn't be "cost effective".

Let’s think about it for a minute, what does the wall do:

(a) Gives American politicians a symbol to look and say “see what we did”

(b) Gives the world a symbol that says “see America doesn’t want you”​

To me that’s the wrong message to send (a) I don’t want a hollow “symbol” I want real change and a long term solution and (b) I want the world to know people are still welcome here as long as you come legally and follow our laws.

To solve this problem we need long term solutions:

1. In the short term - temporarily put some troops on the border – reduce the flow.

2. Fix the issues with e-verify and provide a national means for determining citizenship so that employers have the tools to hire legally. Right now there is way too much CYA and not holding employers responsible due to fake documents, “day labor”, and paying under the table.

3. Once we give teeth to the employment laws, start cracking down on employers. You hire someone and don’t check their ability to work in this country; we're talking stiff fines and jail time.

4. Guarantee that Employers are hiring based on a labor shortage and that the wages/taxes paid are equivalent to hiring an American. Make hiring imported labor more expensive than hiring homegrown or here legally.

5. Restrict access to government services, if you’re here illegally and you have problems take them back to your home country. [Education – NOT, Drivers Licenses – NOT, In State Tuition – NOT, Social Services – NOT, Medical Care (except for life threatening injuries, then deportation)] This of course applies to the illegals, not US Citizens.

6. Make Social Services, Education, and Medical facilities responsible for reporting Illegal Aliens attempting to access government programs for themselves or as the parent/legal guardian of an illegal child or legal child.

7. Amend the Constitution so that simply giving birth in this country does not automatically guarantee citizenship (anchor babies). Retain birthright citizenship only if you are here legally.

8. Develop a Temporary Worker program. You want to apply to work here, not a problem but the only registration points are in your country of origin.

9. Each state should modify each of their official State Identifications/Drivers Licenses to include the citizenship status of the individual identified and verify at time of application. The ID would clearly indicate if the individual was a citizen or non-citizen. The ID for citizens would have a normal expiration date. For those issued to legal residents, the expiration date would be the lesser of the normal expiration date or the date the individual’s legal status expires.​

Once the these items are in place the need for a wall will diminish because the incentives are removed for breaking the law in the first place.

Did millions and millions Illegal Aliens all get shipped here? No, they came here on their own. Same will happen to the majority of those here illegally, they will self deport. Not saying everyone will of course but with no access to employment and no access to social services then a large number will choose to go home. That will leave a smaller number to deal with through normal law enforcement processes.

An omnibus bill that uses e-verify, punishes bad business hiring practices severely (jail for managers and triple fines on dividend amounts during the illegal period), and more security at the border. If Ryan had been Speaker, such a bill would have passed. And a pathway to citizenship for illegals currently in the country.

Funny how you left out the Pathway to citizenship for the millions and millions of illegals already here.
Thank you, added it.
Is Trump's Wall Negotiable?

Hello, knock knock. It's a "suggestion".
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?
"The Wall" will be worthless if erected. I'm sure that Trump knows this. Illegals will find a way in regardless of means to stop them. The solution to rid this nation of illegals, is to imprison for life without the possibility of parole, anyone that houses, feeds, employs, or otherwise aids illegals once they enter this country. In other words, severely punish those that aid and assist ANY and ALL illegals. Illegals are here because they can work, eat, and get many different kinds of help from many people and agencies. End their sources of support and thus end their entry into this country.

Trump and millions of others know the obvious solution. It's just a matter of having the guts to fix the problem. Many of our social and economics problems have simple easy solutions, but no one has the guts to bring about the necessary changes required. Trump will be the next president regardless of the number of times that he amends his earlier statements. His only challenger is Hillary, and she's got more negative baggage than a three time loser serving life without the possibility of parole.
Is Trump's Wall Negotiable?

Hello, knock knock. It's a "suggestion".
It's a nothing, which is fine. McConnell and Ryan will run the government if Trump wins and they remain in their positions.
It seems like Trump has been walking back from many of the things he's been saying over the past few months - from punishing women who have abortions to minimum wages to taxes to banning Muslims. Everything is a starting point for negotiations. And his supporters are all fine with that, it appears.

But what about the wall?

If Trump says the wall is negotiable, what will be the reaction of his most diehard supporters? Will they still say its OK because everything is negotiable?

Will Trump walk back his comments about building the wall?

No, and the reason why is because that is his bread and butter sales pitch. He is going to keep the wall as his agenda, but will focus less on it while running against the Democratic Nominee.

Now Jake has written what I have been writing about for awhile and that is instead going after building the wall go after punishing the employer.

See building the wall is great for show but I can provide enough links to show the cartel will just tunnel under it, so how the hell does the wall solve the problem?

Now some will write you put land mines all over the place, and I write are we living in East Berlin now?

The best solution is to dry up resources for illegals in this country. Go after the employer, change the marriage laws, and suspend visas on work and fiancee's and this will curb so much of the illegal migration and would be cheaper than the wall.
the best way is to enforce the laws on the books and quit creating a bigger government.
Of course it's negotiable. He's negotiating with himself as we speak!

So I tell them that we'll build a wall.
Then I'll tell them we might built a wall.
Then I'll tell them Mexico hasn't paid us yet and we can't start work without a deposit.
Then I'll find a pile of rocks and say it's a wall, and when people complain I'll say I wasn't actually involved in the wall, I just licensed out my name to it.
Then I'll ask if everyone can smell what I'm cookin'.
Then I'll have the butler make miniature caviar crispy tacos so that the slobs can know how classy I am.

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