Is Wall Street Behind The Delay In Declaring The Covid-19 Outbreak A "Pandemic"?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
This is basically the same scheme as weather derivatives. With weather derivatives you can bet against the weather and basically laugh all the way to the bank while bankrupting your enemy. Good financial instrument to have around, especially if you can control the weather.

Anyway. Here's a snip. Article's kind of long, so.

In June 2017, the World Bank announced the creation of “specialized bonds” that would be used to fund the previously created Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) in the event of an officially-recognized (i.e. WHO-recognized) pandemic.

They were essentially sold under the premise that those who invested in the bonds would lose their money if any of six deadly pandemics hit, including coronavirus. Yet, if a pandemic did not occur before the bonds mature on July 15, 2020, investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date. The PEF, which these pandemic bonds fund, was created by the World Bank “to channel surge funding to developing countries facing the risk of a pandemic” and the creation of these so-called “pandemic bonds” was intended to transfer pandemic risk in low-income countries to global financial markets. According to a World Bank press release on the launch of the bonds, WHO backed the World Bank’s initiative.

However, there is much more to these “pandemic bonds” than meets the eye. For example, PEF has a “unique financing structure [that] combines funding from the bonds issued today with over-the-counter derivatives that transfer pandemic outbreak risk to derivative counterparties.” The World Bank asserted that this structure was used in order “to attract a wider, more diverse set of investors.”

Critics, however, have called the unnecessarily convoluted system “World-Bank-enabled looting” that enriches intermediaries and investors instead of the funds intended targets, in this case low-income countries struggling to fight a pandemic. These critics have asked why not merely give these funds to a body like the Contingency Fund for Emergencies at the World Health Organization (WHO), where the funds could go directly to affected countries in need.

Some analysts have argued that these pandemic bonds were never intended to aid low-income pandemic-stricken countries, but instead to enrich Wall Street investors. For instance, American economic forecaster Martin Armstrong has called the World Bank’s pandemic bonds “a giant gamble in the global financial casino” and a “scheme like no other,” recently arguing that these bonds could present a “a structured derivative time bomb” that could upend financial markets if a pandemic is declared by WHO. Armstrong went on to say that it is in WHO’s interest to declare the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, but noted that, in doing so, they would cause bondholders to take significant losses.

Continued - Is Wall Street Behind The Delay In Declaring The Covid-19 Outbreak A "Pandemic"?
But the question arises; IS it a pandemic?

Well. What this is is basically financializing disease and plague. And right from the horses mouth in this case. It's why I compared it to what's going on with weather derivatives. What to yo uthink all of these fires all over the place are about? lol. Coincidence? Pffft. A lot of people generate a lot of wealth from catastrophe. Pure evil, man. These fuckers have not an ounce of humanity in them.

Oh, it'll be a pandemic alright. But not until after July 15, 2020, as the World Bank states, ''when the investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date.''

Again, the investors who purchased those products would lose millions if global health authorities were to use the ''pademic'' label in relation to the surge in global coronavirus cases.
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But the question arises; IS it a pandemic?

Well. What this is is basically financializing disease and plague. And right from the horses mouth in this case. It's why I compared it to what's going on with weather derivatives. What to yo uthink all of these fires all over the place are about? lol. Coincidence? Pffft. A lot of people generate a lot of wealth from catastrophe. Pure evil, man. These fuckers have not an ounce of humanity in them.

Oh, it'll be a pandemic alright. But not until after July 15, 2020, as the World Bank states, ''when the investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date.''
I like your presentation. Not usually a conspiracy theory fan or follower, but you vary well may have hit on something. I will be watching now. Don't completely forget your thread in upcoming months. If you see something, say something. Thanks for the heads up, Natural.
I like your presentation. Not usually a conspiracy theory fan or follower, but you vary well may have hit on something. I will be watching now. Don't completely forget your thread in upcoming months. If you see something, say something. Thanks for the heads up, Natural.

Thanks, White. But I dunno, man, I plan on being on a Mexican cliff in the coming months, overlooking the beaches and the Pacific ocean and sipping on those pink and blue fruity things, whispering sweet nothings into the ears of my fine ass mamacita.

They're also gonna soon be using this coronavirus crap to keep people (and their wealth) inside their little wall, too, so. Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste and whatnot. Remember?
Who owns the biggest share of these pandemic bonds would be my question.

BTW, they did pay out on the Ebola crisis.
But the question arises; IS it a pandemic?

Well. What this is is basically financializing disease and plague. And right from the horses mouth in this case. It's why I compared it to what's going on with weather derivatives. What to yo uthink all of these fires all over the place are about? lol. Coincidence? Pffft. A lot of people generate a lot of wealth from catastrophe. Pure evil, man. These fuckers have not an ounce of humanity in them.

Oh, it'll be a pandemic alright. But not until after July 15, 2020, as the World Bank states, ''when the investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date.''

Again, the investors who purchased those products would lose millions if global health authorities were to use the ''pademic'' label in relation to the surge in global coronavirus cases.
IF they wait til July it'll be over or so out of control labelling it then would be useless
I like your presentation. Not usually a conspiracy theory fan or follower, but you vary well may have hit on something. I will be watching now. Don't completely forget your thread in upcoming months. If you see something, say something. Thanks for the heads up, Natural.

Thanks, White. But I dunno, man, I plan on being on a Mexican cliff in the coming months, overlooking the beaches and the Pacific ocean and sipping on those pink and blue fruity things, whispering sweet nothings into the ears of my fine ass mamacita.

They're also gonna soon be using this coronavirus crap to keep people (and their wealth) inside their little wall, too, so. Never let a perfectly good crisis go to waste and whatnot. Remember?
Enjoy your trip. Drive instead of fly if possible. Picked up Flu A, flying to Houston on first leg of ski trip last month. It hit me day 3, putting a crimp in the skiing. Too bad you cannot carry where you are going. Mexico sounds like a third world country these days, even in some of the tourist areas. Have a good time, keep you eyes open, and take care of yourself and mamacita.
This is basically the same scheme as weather derivatives. With weather derivatives you can bet against the weather and basically laugh all the way to the bank while bankrupting your enemy. Good financial instrument to have around, especially if you can control the weather.

Anyway. Here's a snip. Article's kind of long, so.

In June 2017, the World Bank announced the creation of “specialized bonds” that would be used to fund the previously created Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) in the event of an officially-recognized (i.e. WHO-recognized) pandemic.

They were essentially sold under the premise that those who invested in the bonds would lose their money if any of six deadly pandemics hit, including coronavirus. Yet, if a pandemic did not occur before the bonds mature on July 15, 2020, investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date. The PEF, which these pandemic bonds fund, was created by the World Bank “to channel surge funding to developing countries facing the risk of a pandemic” and the creation of these so-called “pandemic bonds” was intended to transfer pandemic risk in low-income countries to global financial markets. According to a World Bank press release on the launch of the bonds, WHO backed the World Bank’s initiative.

However, there is much more to these “pandemic bonds” than meets the eye. For example, PEF has a “unique financing structure [that] combines funding from the bonds issued today with over-the-counter derivatives that transfer pandemic outbreak risk to derivative counterparties.” The World Bank asserted that this structure was used in order “to attract a wider, more diverse set of investors.”

Critics, however, have called the unnecessarily convoluted system “World-Bank-enabled looting” that enriches intermediaries and investors instead of the funds intended targets, in this case low-income countries struggling to fight a pandemic. These critics have asked why not merely give these funds to a body like the Contingency Fund for Emergencies at the World Health Organization (WHO), where the funds could go directly to affected countries in need.

Some analysts have argued that these pandemic bonds were never intended to aid low-income pandemic-stricken countries, but instead to enrich Wall Street investors. For instance, American economic forecaster Martin Armstrong has called the World Bank’s pandemic bonds “a giant gamble in the global financial casino” and a “scheme like no other,” recently arguing that these bonds could present a “a structured derivative time bomb” that could upend financial markets if a pandemic is declared by WHO. Armstrong went on to say that it is in WHO’s interest to declare the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, but noted that, in doing so, they would cause bondholders to take significant losses.

Continued - Is Wall Street Behind The Delay In Declaring The Covid-19 Outbreak A "Pandemic"?

Thiis is way way way past the minds of those who can't figure out there are only 2 genders.

This is way way way past the minds of those who hate Trump............

The common sense and logic IQ is so low they won't ever be able to connect the very factual truth of your article. Yes, it is a pandemic and no we are not being told for a few reasons. YET> we will be told it's coming...........
But the question arises; IS it a pandemic?

Well. What this is is basically financializing disease and plague. And right from the horses mouth in this case. It's why I compared it to what's going on with weather derivatives. What to yo uthink all of these fires all over the place are about? lol. Coincidence? Pffft. A lot of people generate a lot of wealth from catastrophe. Pure evil, man. These fuckers have not an ounce of humanity in them.

Oh, it'll be a pandemic alright. But not until after July 15, 2020, as the World Bank states, ''when the investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date.''

Again, the investors who purchased those products would lose millions if global health authorities were to use the ''pademic'' label in relation to the surge in global coronavirus cases.

It's going to be possibly sooner than July.

Ever hear of :

I haven't had a chance to check it out but did hear about it on one of the infowars shows a few weeks ago.... It had something to do with depopulation I believe.
This is basically the same scheme as weather derivatives. With weather derivatives you can bet against the weather and basically laugh all the way to the bank while bankrupting your enemy. Good financial instrument to have around, especially if you can control the weather.

Anyway. Here's a snip. Article's kind of long, so.

In June 2017, the World Bank announced the creation of “specialized bonds” that would be used to fund the previously created Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF) in the event of an officially-recognized (i.e. WHO-recognized) pandemic.

They were essentially sold under the premise that those who invested in the bonds would lose their money if any of six deadly pandemics hit, including coronavirus. Yet, if a pandemic did not occur before the bonds mature on July 15, 2020, investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date. The PEF, which these pandemic bonds fund, was created by the World Bank “to channel surge funding to developing countries facing the risk of a pandemic” and the creation of these so-called “pandemic bonds” was intended to transfer pandemic risk in low-income countries to global financial markets. According to a World Bank press release on the launch of the bonds, WHO backed the World Bank’s initiative.

However, there is much more to these “pandemic bonds” than meets the eye. For example, PEF has a “unique financing structure [that] combines funding from the bonds issued today with over-the-counter derivatives that transfer pandemic outbreak risk to derivative counterparties.” The World Bank asserted that this structure was used in order “to attract a wider, more diverse set of investors.”

Critics, however, have called the unnecessarily convoluted system “World-Bank-enabled looting” that enriches intermediaries and investors instead of the funds intended targets, in this case low-income countries struggling to fight a pandemic. These critics have asked why not merely give these funds to a body like the Contingency Fund for Emergencies at the World Health Organization (WHO), where the funds could go directly to affected countries in need.

Some analysts have argued that these pandemic bonds were never intended to aid low-income pandemic-stricken countries, but instead to enrich Wall Street investors. For instance, American economic forecaster Martin Armstrong has called the World Bank’s pandemic bonds “a giant gamble in the global financial casino” and a “scheme like no other,” recently arguing that these bonds could present a “a structured derivative time bomb” that could upend financial markets if a pandemic is declared by WHO. Armstrong went on to say that it is in WHO’s interest to declare the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, but noted that, in doing so, they would cause bondholders to take significant losses.

Continued - Is Wall Street Behind The Delay In Declaring The Covid-19 Outbreak A "Pandemic"?

July 15, 2020. ...they're never gonna make it before ....
Once it gets going Its gonna spread like wildfire
Its here in TN already

But the question arises; IS it a pandemic?

Well. What this is is basically financializing disease and plague. And right from the horses mouth in this case. It's why I compared it to what's going on with weather derivatives. What to yo uthink all of these fires all over the place are about? lol. Coincidence? Pffft. A lot of people generate a lot of wealth from catastrophe. Pure evil, man. These fuckers have not an ounce of humanity in them.

Oh, it'll be a pandemic alright. But not until after July 15, 2020, as the World Bank states, ''when the investors would receive what they had originally paid for the bonds back in addition to interest and premium payments on those bonds that they recieve between the date of purchase and the bond’s maturation date.''

Again, the investors who purchased those products would lose millions if global health authorities were to use the ''pademic'' label in relation to the surge in global coronavirus cases.
Hey Natural. WHO declared it a pandemic. Looks like some of the big boys took the hit on the bonds over the Covid19 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic. But, not as big a hit as the dead people and their families. Your Mexico idea may be best if you can get there by personal car.
Hey Natural. WHO declared it a pandemic. Looks like some of the big boys took the hit on the bonds over the Covid19 Novel Coronavirus Pandemic. But, not as big a hit as the dead people and their families. Your Mexico idea may be best if you can get there by personal car.

Yeah, I saw that. I was trollin Dana in her thread about it. Lightheartedly, of course.

Ironically, Trump will be announcing government ''stimulus'' spending tonight. Aka bailouts.

My guess is that the investors who are gonna likely take a loss on these pandemic bonds are gonna be the very same investors who get the break on the bailouts tonight. Interesting same day timing, for sure.

Now, of course, that's conjecture. But it's good conjecture given these cruise ships and whatnot were at the heart of it getting into America. So, lets see who gets the bailouts tonight when Trump speaks on it.

The border thing is pretty much a given, I already heard em promoting that gag on the idiot box.
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