Is war imminent? MSM claims Assad used chemical weapons

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Marion Morrison

Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2017
Grr, this crap makes me so mad! Every time the AP wants to crank up some war they start this "chemical attack on own people" crap!

Lying AP should be prosecuted for lies. My guess is Iranian or U.S. airstrikes hit chemical weapons rebels had IF anything like this really happened at all. That, or Turkey did it.

CNN is already trying to pin it on Assad, c'mon now, this is a tired lie!

They did it with Saddam Hussein, Ghaddafi, and now they're trying to say Assad did it.

Every time they want to gin up a war, these "chemical attacks" mysteriously happen.

Here's the thing though, they can't keep their lies straight.

It could very well have been Turkey:

Turkey likely to have used Chemical Weapons in Syria

Syria gas attack reportedly kills dozens -
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does the MSM even have someone on site or are they simply reporting what they are fed by whomever,,,,,as long as it sells
Isis did it.

Years ago obama insisted on and oversaw the destruction of all chemical weapons. Shortly after that, Isis launched a chemical attack.
Thread summary:

Trump is kissing Assad's butt.

Therefore, all the Trump-thugs have been instructed to also kiss Assad's butt. That now involves making excuses for the use of chemical weapons.
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The Syrian Coalition, an opposition group based outside the country, said government planes carried out the airstrike on Khan Sheikhoun, south of the city of Idlib, the provincial capital.

It said the planes fired missiles carrying poisonous gases, killing dozens of people, many of them women and children. The coalition described the attack as a "horrifying massacre."

Consider the source, people!
Isis did it.

Years ago obama insisted on and oversaw the destruction of all chemical weapons. Shortly after that, Isis launched a chemical attack.
Your friend Putin oversaw the destruction of chemical weapons controlled by the Assad regime. All Obama did was agree to let Putin handle the task.
The Syrian Coalition, an opposition group based outside the country, said government planes carried out the airstrike on Khan Sheikhoun, south of the city of Idlib, the provincial capital.

It said the planes fired missiles carrying poisonous gases, killing dozens of people, many of them women and children. The coalition described the attack as a "horrifying massacre.""

They took time out from beheading Christian children to make that statement.

At least 100 dead in suspected chemical attack in Syria, hospital reportedly hit
ISIS, and it's sympathizers are some of Assads chief opposition. I hope he did gas em'. Fuck thier hospital too...
ISIS, and it's sympathizers are some of Assads chief opposition. I hope he did gas em'. Fuck thier hospital too...

More than likely the airstrike hit where they had chemical weapons stored.

Assad knows they have hostages there as well. It could come out Turkey did it.

Could be surgical airstrike gone wrong.

I know one thing, when it's the "opposition" telling the story, it's unreliable.
It's clear that this was an isis attack. It has the fingerprint of isis. Without obama's support, Syrians with Russian help can wipe isis out of the country.
I suspect that like with Obama, congress will be reluctant to authorize Trump to act militarily. The jury is still out on his sanity and odds on that decision don't appear favorable.
Trump doesn't want to act militarily. The days of the United States giving aid and support to terrorists are over. Those days died with the obama administration.
But O'Bumbles drew a red line concerning chemical weapons so it's obvious that (1) the whole story is bullshit or (2) You liberals will just have to admit that your (once) New Messiah fucked up. Again.
But O'Bumbles drew a red line concerning chemical weapons so it's obvious that (1) the whole story is bullshit or (2) You liberals will just have to admit that your (once) New Messiah fucked up. Again.

Or ISIS has chemical weapons. :cry:
So, is the "Assad gassed his own people" mantra holding water today?

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