Is "Water" a Human Right?

M 14.

What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?

This government in Detroit, because of their lack of management, lack of repair, wasteful spending, has raised these citizens water prices, to where they are DOUBLE the price of the average American's water...and they just got raised another 8%....

now $100 bucks a month may not be a lot for you and me, but it may be for those less fortunate than us...and month after month and year after year it adds up...

I don't think these people should get their water for FREE, but I don't think they should put up with a mismanaged government run water works facility's shenanigans and mismanagement either.

Detroit loses 35,000,000,000(that's 35 billion) gallons of water a year due to broken and leaky pipes, costing $25 MILLION a year that is put on these citizen's bills....

AND once again, we the people, have gotten in to a fight on whether poor people should pay or not pay in Detroit....

a distraction

When the REAL issue and root of the problem, is Detroit's supposed Government's, mismanagement
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M 14.

What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?

This government in Detroit, because of their lack of management, lack of repair, wasteful spending, has raised these citizens water prices, to where they are DOUBLE the price of the average American's water...and they just got raised another 8%....

now $100 bucks a month may not be a lot for you and me, but it may be for those less fortunate than us...and month after month and year after year it adds up...

I don't think these people should get their water for FREE, but I don't think they should put up with a mismanaged government run water works facility's shenanigans and mismanagement either.

Detroit loses 35,000,000,000(that's 35 billion) gallons of water a year due to broken and leaky pipes, costing $25 MILLION a year that is put on these citizen's bills....

AND once again, we the people, have gotten in to a fight on whether poor people should pay or not pay in Detroit....

a distraction

When the REAL issue is Detroit's supposed Government's, mismanagement

and who elected that govt ?
M 14.

What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?

This government in Detroit, because of their lack of management, lack of repair, wasteful spending, has raised these citizens water prices, to where they are DOUBLE the price of the average American's water...and they just got raised another 8%....

now $100 bucks a month may not be a lot for you and me, but it may be for those less fortunate than us...and month after month and year after year it adds up...

I don't think these people should get their water for FREE, but I don't think they should put up with a mismanaged government run water works facility's shenanigans and mismanagement either.

Detroit loses 35,000,000,000(that's 35 billion) gallons of water a year due to broken and leaky pipes, costing $25 MILLION a year that is put on these citizen's bills....

AND once again, we the people, have gotten in to a fight on whether poor people should pay or not pay in Detroit....

a distraction

When the REAL issue is Detroit's supposed Government's, mismanagement

and who elected that govt ?

That's a cop out....

Since we're mostly made of water and we have a human right to live then I'd say that water is a human right despite what any mother fucker at the Nestle corporation might say. Without water, you have no rights because you're dead and no longer a human.

What they are doing to people in that city is criminal and immoral.
What a 'load'!
Humans are animals living with other animals. No animal has a 'right' to live including man.
Where did you get that nonsense? All animals have the imparitive to defend themselves from other animals. All animals are genetically wired to try to stay alive. Including man.

If all animals had a 'right' to live why are we humans eating other animals? Surely the beef steer must then have a 'right' to live right?
Man has from the beginning of his time on earth stayed near a water source. Ever heard of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? The Ganges. The great lakes?
Man is not entitled to water just b/c he exists.
No water? Fucking move to where there is some and stop whining. No work? Fucking move to where there is some.
Of course now that BOBO has decided to allow the entire populations of S. American countries to come and take whatever McJobs might have been out there things have changed.
BOBO is your basic Socialist who thinks if we all live 'communal' lives then everyone will prosper. What until another ten million illegals line up with their hands out for food stamps and free housing/medical/dental/cloths/electricity/cell phones/bus passes. As MT said Socialism works great until you run out of other peoples money.
M 14.

What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?

This government in Detroit, because of their lack of management, lack of repair, wasteful spending, has raised these citizens water prices, to where they are DOUBLE the price of the average American's water...and they just got raised another 8%....

now $100 bucks a month may not be a lot for you and me, but it may be for those less fortunate than us...and month after month and year after year it adds up...

I don't think these people should get their water for FREE, but I don't think they should put up with a mismanaged government run water works facility's shenanigans and mismanagement either.

Detroit loses 35,000,000,000(that's 35 billion) gallons of water a year due to broken and leaky pipes, costing $25 MILLION a year that is put on these citizen's bills....

AND once again, we the people, have gotten in to a fight on whether poor people should pay or not pay in Detroit....

a distraction

When the REAL issue is Detroit's supposed Government's, mismanagement

and who elected that govt ?

That's a cop out....


? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
M 14.
What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....
What do you mean "what if"?
Ammo prices are way up because the government has increased demand, especially while we were actively at war.

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?
No. Supply and demand.
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and who elected that govt ?

That's a cop out....


? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
Yes ....really!

People elect their governments in good faith. Believing they will do the best job for them.

Plus many of these people are the citizens in America, who do not vote....which is 50% of our citizens....

AND, you don't know the counter part of who got in office, would have been better or WORSE....

so yes, it's a cop out.
and who elected that govt ?

That's a cop out....


? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
Everyone knows that the voters of Detroit would vote for David Duke if he rubbed black shoe polish on his face. They are that stupid. These 'chocolate cities' are the result of what happens when people are elected to run the cities based solely on the color of their skin.
M 14.
What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....
What do you mean "what if"?
Ammo prices are way up because the government has increased demand, especially while we were actively at war.

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?
No. Supply and demand.
I disagree....

not in the scenario where government is buying up the ammo because they are at war, or need the gun manufacturers to make their guns for war instead of guns for we the people....

but a government that intentionally went out and bought up the guns and ammo SO THAT YOU could not....afford them.

that is an indirect way for them to use their power, to take your 2nd amendment right, away from you....not if you are wealthy, but if you are middle class and or less wealthy.
That's a cop out....


? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
Yes ....really!

People elect their governments in good faith. Believing they will do the best job for them.

Plus many of these people are the citizens in America, who do not vote....which is 50% of our citizens....

AND, you don't know the counter part of who got in office, would have been better or WORSE....

so yes, it's a cop out.

The people of Detroit are the only one's who can change their own corrupt govt. They are the one's copping out. Recall those bastards and elect someone who sympathizes with their plight.
? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
Yes ....really!
People elect their governments in good faith. Believing they will do the best job for them.
Unless they are urban minorities and vote Dem, in which case they believe they will receive the biggest handouts.
I don't know if you checked recently, but I'd call 83% a majority, not minority
M 14.
What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....
What do you mean "what if"?
Ammo prices are way up because the government has increased demand, especially while we were actively at war.

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?
No. Supply and demand.
I disagree....
That in no way means I am wrong.

Every time there's a school shooting and The Obama starts his inane rambling about banning 'assault weapons', the price goes up.
Does that violate the 2nd? No.

Does placing a tax on 'assault weapons' with the specific intent to limit their availability? Yes.
? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
Yes ....really!

People elect their governments in good faith. Believing they will do the best job for them.

Plus many of these people are the citizens in America, who do not vote....which is 50% of our citizens....

AND, you don't know the counter part of who got in office, would have been better or WORSE....

so yes, it's a cop out.

The people of Detroit are the only one's who can change their own corrupt govt. They are the one's copping out. Recall those bastards and elect someone who sympathizes with their plight.
And that's what I am advocating with this issue...

instead it has been about whether water should be given for free...

a DISTRACTION to the REAL issue.

and these people do not ELECT all the water works management and workers....

so it is going to be a long, tedious road to make these changes....but if we do not focus on them, for the sake of these people, then it will be ground hog day, over and over and over again.

And I DO NOT EXPECT these less educated people to KNOW how to fix the Water Facilities....shoot, even the more educated, has a hard task ahead of them, to fix it.
M 14.

What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?

This government in Detroit, because of their lack of management, lack of repair, wasteful spending, has raised these citizens water prices, to where they are DOUBLE the price of the average American's water...and they just got raised another 8%....

now $100 bucks a month may not be a lot for you and me, but it may be for those less fortunate than us...and month after month and year after year it adds up...

I don't think these people should get their water for FREE, but I don't think they should put up with a mismanaged government run water works facility's shenanigans and mismanagement either.

Detroit loses 35,000,000,000(that's 35 billion) gallons of water a year due to broken and leaky pipes, costing $25 MILLION a year that is put on these citizen's bills....

AND once again, we the people, have gotten in to a fight on whether poor people should pay or not pay in Detroit....

a distraction

When the REAL issue and root of the problem, is Detroit's supposed Government's, mismanagement

The gov't IS already buying up as much ammo as possible making prices skyrocket and making it difficult to buy. So Yes i have a Right to own a gun but useless if i can't buy ammo.
FYI ~ Obama has done MORE for the gun industry than anyone else in the past 50 years years. Even hard to find a Gun.

1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation - Forbes
President Obama: The Greatest Gun Salesman In America

My water bill this past month was $135. I live in Oregon where we Have Water flowing in streams, creeks and rivers Everywhere. I'm surrounded by fresh clean water. And as I stated previous...The state owns ALL water including Rain & Snow Melt.

I can be sure that If I do not pay my water bill it will be shut off...Been there and done that...
I was $50 short on a bill. They send a pink notice...2 days before shutoff they personally place a yellow warning on the front door...No Pay they shut it off at the end of the day...Can't get it put back on until the next day. It totally Sucks as everyone that passes my house can see that yellow notice.

It was a mix up at the bank. I had paid but do you think they give a damn what my excuse was NOPE..And they did get the check I sent so then I had a credit for paying them twice...Do you think they care about that NO. WHY...Because it's MY Responsibility to make sure I pay the bill on time without any excuses. I now have credit & know that I'm ahead, so no worries of That situation ever happening again.
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That's a cop out....


? really ? They are the one's making the decisions are they not ? Detroit's government certainly wasn't installed there by a coup .
Yes ....really!

People elect their governments in good faith. Believing they will do the best job for them.

Plus many of these people are the citizens in America, who do not vote....which is 50% of our citizens....

AND, you don't know the counter part of who got in office, would have been better or WORSE....

so yes, it's a cop out.
Voting is A Right..If those in their own community are not participating in their own local government it their own fault...Detroit tends to vote party. That same party is not serving them well. Whose problem is that?? Their own...
thank you for the update. My point is when you take yourself out of our bias for guns and look at the overall aspect of it. That it is quite an interesting thing to watch how people come down on the issue.

Guns are just an easy example. You literally could use any right for the point.

first amendment, 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. The idea that we put those things as rights, yet something we literally need to live we dont.

you dont need your freedom of speech, your guns, your right to search and seizure. those are luxuries and nothing more.

You dont need your guns, or freedom of speech, no more than you need a car to drive or tv to watch football. Water you need.

So then you take the concept of capitalism and paying for water etc. I get it, you pay for water at home so its clean etc. You pay for bottled water because they are out to make a product, but that product should not interfere with the fact you need water to live and thus should be able to get water whenever you need it.

very warped sense of standards that one would put the right to bare arms over the right to drink water.
And what's your proposal for water distribution?

No-charge distribution to everyone?

i dont have that answer right now...water in the future and now is becoming a really big issue.

Oh course we could do nothing and devolve into whatever that end point turns out to be..Because you know, at least you have your guns

You have time to post pointless diatribes about gun rights but no time to post about an actual approach to water?

M 14.
What if, the government bought up a whole bunch of ammunition and guns, causing through supply and demand, the prices for guns and ammo to rise, so that guns and ammo were so expensive, that near no one was able to buy them and pay for them....
What do you mean "what if"?
Ammo prices are way up because the government has increased demand, especially while we were actively at war.

Wouldn't THAT be breaking the 2nd amendment, only in an underhanded way?
No. Supply and demand.
I disagree....

not in the scenario where government is buying up the ammo because they are at war, or need the gun manufacturers to make their guns for war instead of guns for we the people....

but a government that intentionally went out and bought up the guns and ammo SO THAT YOU could not....afford them.

that is an indirect way for them to use their power, to take your 2nd amendment right, away from you....not if you are wealthy, but if you are middle class and or less wealthy.

That would only work long-term if they prevented companies from making guns and ammunition. If they increase the demand by buying huge amounts of guns and ammo, they create an incentive for more people to go into the guns and ammo business. Short term the prices will rise, but unless they keep buying greater and greater quantities or prevent companies from increasing the supply, the supply will eventually rise and prices will fall again.

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