Is what's happening in Sweden a coming attraction in the U.S.?

If you want preview of America in the future just look at Baltimore or Detroit.
It's hard to believe. We've ALLOWED this to happen to our nation.

The least educated, least productive, least patriotic, and least desirable members of this society (and non-citizens) are being ALLOWED to destroy this country.

Our language, culture, and history are being changed, controlled, and ruined by people who understand the least about them. They know only how to riot, commit crimes, steal what others have EARNED, and whine about how they are so fucking oppressed.

We have to find the courage and determination to take our country back. No matter the cost.

The Europeans should have learned how to avoid these problems. All they had to do was to observe, and realize how America was being destroyed through "diversity" and "multi-culturalism."
We've ALLOWED this to happen to our nation.

The least educated, least productive, least patriotic, and least desirable members of this society (and non-citizens) are being ALLOWED to destroy this country
Some of us didn’t “allow” it to happen.

Some of us have been protesting what Democrats are doing ever since we understood what they are doing.
Some of us didn’t “allow” it to happen.

Some of us have been protesting what Democrats are doing ever since we understood what they are doing.
Sure. A lot of us HATE what is happening to America, and have stated as much.

But, we could have stopped it. We simply lacked the will to do so. So - in truth, we "ALLOWED" it to happen.

And things will continue to get worse until we DO find the will to stop the madness.

Our streets are filled with thieves and thugs. Stores are being forced to shut down because of out of control thievery. Many of our neighborhoods, schools, and some cities are beginning to resemble African shitholes.

And it is only happening because decent Americans would rather not make waves. Our future depends on our present decisions and actions.
The feminist convinced women that being mothers is male patriarch oppression.
Now Europe has a declining population.
The Muslims see it as an opportunity to invade and take over.
The feminist made a big mistake.
Islamists treat women like chattel.

Sweden RAPE CRISIS: Record number of reported rapes in ...

Sweden RAPE CRISIS: Record number of reported rapes in 2019. A whopping 8350 rapes were reported in Sweden last year according to new preliminary statistics released by the Council for.........

Remember when the left wing bigot Seth Meyers made a joke about Swedish women being raped by Muslim immigrants.
Liberals are soulless cretins.
It's hard to believe. We've ALLOWED this to happen to our nation.

The least educated, least productive, least patriotic, and least desirable members of this society (and non-citizens) are being ALLOWED to destroy this country.

Our language, culture, and history are being changed, controlled, and ruined by people who understand the least about them. They know only how to riot, commit crimes, steal what others have EARNED, and whine about how they are so fucking oppressed.

We have to find the courage and determination to take our country back. No matter the cost.

The Europeans should have learned how to avoid these problems. All they had to do was to observe, and realize how America was being destroyed through "diversity" and "multi-culturalism."
Allowed you say

it was 100 percent deliberate
California, Colorado, New Mexico , Texas , Illinois , NY probably alone have 35-40 million
Allowed you say

it was 100 percent deliberate
You're right, it WAS deliberate. And the Asshole In Chief is allowing the invasion to continue.

But, I say again, it will only stop when enough patriotic citizens get angry enough to MAKE it stop.

Because our political "leaders" are worse than worthless. They only want money and political power - they don't care about this country or the American people. We're on our own.
It is too late for Scandinavian and European nations to recover their cultural identity and heritage. Too many orcs have set up shop and blended. Soon no one will recognize what European or Scandinavian countenance used to look like and everything from religion to laws to national history will be swallowed alive and forgotten. England is no different. The same weaponized mass migration has been used against us here in the United States. Because I see no armies of my fellow Americans forming up to save their blood and culture, history and heritage, I am presuming what makes America . . . America will also soon be going the way of the Scandinavians and Europeans—erased from existence by the same dark hordes.
Fifteen years ago I had a friend who had immigrated from the UK. He went home on vacation to London and he said he couldn’t recognize it anymore. There were so many Muslims and women in burkas walking down the street that he felt he was in a Muslim nation.
There are a lot of beautiful women in the UK and Netherlands. It'll be sad to watch that change because of the intermixing that will occur.

Apparently we're doomed to eventually become a world filled with boring beige mongrels. Nasty.
White supremacist much ?
What's wrong with brown color is beautiful and let me remind you that except thr last 200 years whites were behind browns even slaves for them (pharaohs, babylon, the Moors, The Tatar, the Ottomans, and so many non white great civilisations)

Don't forget that the Islamic empire crossed to Europe during Europe dark ages and brought science, hygiene practices (soap, baths, water system, hospitals....) built cities, roads and entire cities, and Europe picked up from there.

If you think that just been white you are superior it is a clear evidence you have a low IQ and haven't read history or met people outside of your race.

Algebra and algorithms both of which facilitated the advances we have today are both developed by Muslim Brown scientists 😀

Oh speaking of scandavians countries, they were basically savages and cannibals while Damascus, Baghdad, Marrakesh and most Muslim cities and countries were decades ahead in terms of civilisation.
You are speaking to a brick wall.
These people have lives that displease them.
And they desperately want to blame someone else for their own failures/inadequacies.
So...they pull out the old xenophobia card.
Well it's more like 500 years, but your point is well taken. However the racial components of your argument obscure the cultural components. "White" culture can be just as civilized (or uncivilized) as any other culture, depending on time and place. Conflict and dysfunction arise when one cultural group tries to impose its culture on another group. This is especially problematic when mass migrations occur, like the European invasion of the Americas or the Muslim invasion of Europe.
So be it. Humans have been migrating for thousands of years while all of a sudden is a no no?
Europeans migrated here. Cleansed out the natives and now they don't want others in fear of being a minority ? Hypocritical much?
White supremacist much?

So...they pull out the old xenophobia card.

Take a look at the state of utter mental confusion displayed by these two posters.

Confusing xenophobia and white supremacist states like 19th century America, South Africa under Apartheid, Israel with the right of a democratic state like 20th, 21th century America to preserve its racial composition through immigration laws.

70 years of multiracialist indoctrination messed up the ability to reason of millions of westerners to the point they now firmly believe America, England, Australia have an "obligation", a "duty" to destroy their own racial compositions in order to stop being "racist".
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