Is your life consistant with your faith?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Are you living a life consistant with your faith? It's not an easy task I know. I thought I was doing good for a while until I actually sat down and made a list of things I believed that I followed with exactness and those I needed some work on.

The list I did with exactness contained one principle I felt I was living correctly.

The I need work category had a ton of them.

It really opened my eyes. I really thought I was doing well till I did that. I knew I had a few things to work on, but dang. It's amazing how we can keep ourselves from seeing things clearly sometimes. Our own self perception gets in the way.

I think it's very important for us to strive to live our faith. We won't be perfect. I am sure there will always be something to work kon. But I think we have to have faith to make the effort and then Let God do the rest.

I am not talking about working for salvation, because that's impossible. I am talking about being honest with ourselves and with God about listening to what we believe He is teaching us.

So have you ever evaluated yourself? Have you made goals with the Lord on how to do better? I don't really care what faith, denomination, or sect, you belong to. I am just curious how many people are doing things to improve themselves.
I believe that God expects us to do our best ... he knows mankind is imperfect. Being perfect in everything we do, think or say is not possible. God knows what's in our heart and has great capacity for understanding and forgiveness.
Am I? I make a sincere attempt. It doesn't always work out as planned. Life and faith are both process, not destination.
Good thing: I believe in God.

Bad things: Nearly everything else you can name.
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I live my life in accordance with my morals.

Mainly I try and treat others as I would like to be treated.
If EVERYONE did that the world would be a fantastic place.
Are you living a life consistant with your faith? It's not an easy task I know. I thought I was doing good for a while until I actually sat down and made a list of things I believed that I followed with exactness and those I needed some work on.

The list I did with exactness contained one principle I felt I was living correctly.

The I need work category had a ton of them.

It really opened my eyes. I really thought I was doing well till I did that. I knew I had a few things to work on, but dang. It's amazing how we can keep ourselves from seeing things clearly sometimes. Our own self perception gets in the way.

I think it's very important for us to strive to live our faith. We won't be perfect. I am sure there will always be something to work kon. But I think we have to have faith to make the effort and then Let God do the rest.

I am not talking about working for salvation, because that's impossible. I am talking about being honest with ourselves and with God about listening to what we believe He is teaching us.

So have you ever evaluated yourself? Have you made goals with the Lord on how to do better? I don't really care what faith, denomination, or sect, you belong to. I am just curious how many people are doing things to improve themselves.

This is a really great question and a great mind opener for some, I am sure.

I feel, not in a conceited way by any means, that I am constantly evaluating my life and what am I doing or not doing right make sure I am LIVING the best I can before Him. Also, I have some people who look up to me, and I want them to know that I am striving to live every day the best way I know how ...when they can see me and when they can't.

Obviously, I am not perfect, or anywhere near it, and I still mess up, but God's grace is sufficient...ALWAYS....and I am thankful for Him allowing me to live this life.

Thanks for posting this. I am glad someone else thinks this way, too!
I try to live by the Golden Rule, but it's the human reactions that are difficult to overcome, like resentments and forgiving betrayals that get in the way. If I were a true God-like person, I wouldn't even entertain those thoughts. But God also supposedly gave us brains with the capacity to recognize those faults and react to them. I don't practice any organized religion, never have, and yet I see others who proclaim to be righteous do some pretty wicked things without hesitation and then they proceed to try to justify such acts.

Personally, I've succeeded with people all my life by going with my first gut reaction to something rather than going to some textbook explanation of how I should or should not react and then I proceed accordingly. My mother used to have some great words of wisdom to live by, the one that's stuck to me all my years being "If you have to ask yourself should I or shouldn't I, chances are you shouldn't." And you can apply that to the smallest conundrum. Go with your gut.
Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


Thank you for sharing. Volunteer work is a great way.

Perhaps its not throwing Christmas out completely but changing how you focus it. Maybe teach your family to serve others for Christmas. It's something I want to do someday.

However, whatever you do, base it on truth. Be honest with yourself and with your family. I've been thinking about the Christmas thing myself. I dont mind the gift giving. but I am inclined to not pretend the Santa stuff is real. Id rather look to a Christmas Carol then the Santa Claus Myth.

Have you talked your husband about your thoughts and feelings?
I try very hard... Lord knows I am imperfect, but I die daily.

I have been trying Glenn Becks 40 day - 40 night challenge and it is quite enlightning.

Thanks for sharing Avie....
I try very hard... Lord knows I am imperfect, but I die daily.

I have been trying Glenn Becks 40 day - 40 night challenge and it is quite enlightning.

Thanks for sharing Avie....

It is quite a challenge. I've actually started a second round into it this week since 40 days from today is Christmas. Ive made some modifications to it to address some things i feel like I should be focusing on. but i think its an excellent jumping off point to start the repentence process.
Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you. It's all about giving, not receiving. I too grew up with Santa, then the "real" meaning of Christmas when I was told there was no Santa. But eventually, as I grew into adulthood, the pleasures of Christmas were centered around what I could do for others, not what I would "get" under the tree.

Rather than waiting for January to volunteer, you should make the effort at Christmastime. Help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange. Gather toys for tots for the Marines, or even volunteer to fix up broken toys and then give them to a homeless shelter for families. Visit a nursing home and chat with a senior citizen about his or her Christmas past. You will soon notice how happy it makes you to see someone else less fortunate happy, if only for a while.
I try very hard... Lord knows I am imperfect, but I die daily.

I have been trying Glenn Becks 40 day - 40 night challenge and it is quite enlightning.

Thanks for sharing Avie....

I could believe in Beck's 40-day challenge if he had begun with atonement. His past actions have been just the opposite of what he now preaches.
I try very hard... Lord knows I am imperfect, but I die daily.

I have been trying Glenn Becks 40 day - 40 night challenge and it is quite enlightning.

Thanks for sharing Avie....

It is quite a challenge. I've actually started a second round into it this week since 40 days from today is Christmas. Ive made some modifications to it to address some things i feel like I should be focusing on. but i think its an excellent jumping off point to start the repentence process.

So you've done a lot of things recently that you need to repent for? Please, do tell. :popcorn:
Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you. It's all about giving, not receiving. I too grew up with Santa, then the "real" meaning of Christmas when I was told there was no Santa. But eventually, as I grew into adulthood, the pleasures of Christmas were centered around what I could do for others, not what I would "get" under the tree.

Rather than waiting for January to volunteer, you should make the effort at Christmastime. Help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange. Gather toys for tots for the Marines, or even volunteer to fix up broken toys and then give them to a homeless shelter for families. Visit a nursing home and chat with a senior citizen about his or her Christmas past. You will soon notice how happy it makes you to see someone else less fortunate happy, if only for a while.
I think you missed my point; I wasn't complaining about not getting anything or there not being a Santa for me at Christmas.

The point I was trying to make was that the whole thing is a big fat LIE! And that "The Spirit of Christmas" is a LIE! December 25th was not Jesus's Birthday...anything past that is a LIE because THAT FACT is a lie!

Being a hypocrite and participating is my sin...
Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you. It's all about giving, not receiving. I too grew up with Santa, then the "real" meaning of Christmas when I was told there was no Santa. But eventually, as I grew into adulthood, the pleasures of Christmas were centered around what I could do for others, not what I would "get" under the tree.

Rather than waiting for January to volunteer, you should make the effort at Christmastime. Help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange. Gather toys for tots for the Marines, or even volunteer to fix up broken toys and then give them to a homeless shelter for families. Visit a nursing home and chat with a senior citizen about his or her Christmas past. You will soon notice how happy it makes you to see someone else less fortunate happy, if only for a while.
I think you missed my point; I wasn't complaining about not getting anything or there not being a Santa for me at Christmas.

The point I was trying to make was that the whole thing is a big fat LIE! And that "The Spirit of Christmas" is a LIE! December 25th was not Jesus's Birthday...anything past that is a LIE because THAT FACT is a lie!

Being a hypocrite and participating is my sin...

And you apparently missed my point. It doesn't matter when Jesus' birthday was. It doesn't even matter if His whole life was made up. But the "spirit" of His story is what has reached down to all our souls.
Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you. It's all about giving, not receiving. I too grew up with Santa, then the "real" meaning of Christmas when I was told there was no Santa. But eventually, as I grew into adulthood, the pleasures of Christmas were centered around what I could do for others, not what I would "get" under the tree.

Rather than waiting for January to volunteer, you should make the effort at Christmastime. Help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange. Gather toys for tots for the Marines, or even volunteer to fix up broken toys and then give them to a homeless shelter for families. Visit a nursing home and chat with a senior citizen about his or her Christmas past. You will soon notice how happy it makes you to see someone else less fortunate happy, if only for a while.

"You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you?"
Isn't Christmas a religious holiday?

Please tell me? Are you going to "help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange" this year? Are you gathering "toys for tots"? Are ya fixin those broken toys and givin them to the homeless shelter families? Checkin your nursing home list and chattin it up with a senior citizen about his or her "Christmas past"?

Obviousley you didn't read my entire post; I was refering to the hypocracy of it all...and you just made my point! :clap2:
Every year at this time my inner turmoil begins.

I have a very difficult time with Christmas.

When I was a little girl my sister and I were taught to believe in Santa. Which in itself was torture; waiting for this guy to show up with gifts, under the tree...ect...

When I was around 10 the truth was a dissapointment for me, and really messed me up about what to believe and what not to believe.
So I obviousley had a problem with this holiday to begin with.

Then; to show how nieve' I am, about ten years ago I found out that Jesus was not in fact born on Dec. 25th. I'm thinking what the ???

So here I am now realizing that this "holiday" is in fact a pagen holiday...there is quite a lot of information here on the internet about how this all origionated (sp), all of the symbols and what they mean...ect...

I don't want to do this "Christmas" thing any more. My husband is really into it though you know. I know that he has nothing but good intensions, he likes to spoil the kids on the holidays.

So it is a quandry for me...if I was not married I wouldn't do it.

Also, I look around my little corner of this world, and I see people making signs to hold up; needing food, no where to live....ect...the thought of spending $100.00 on a stupid tree seems sad, and hypocritical to me.

So, no, I am not doing what I would like to be doing with my life.

I have plans to do some volunteer work at the hospital starting in January, which I am excited about. Maybe that will help my conscience some. I know that I live by GRACE, so I am not trying to boast here.

Thank you for this topic and for letting me share!


You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you. It's all about giving, not receiving. I too grew up with Santa, then the "real" meaning of Christmas when I was told there was no Santa. But eventually, as I grew into adulthood, the pleasures of Christmas were centered around what I could do for others, not what I would "get" under the tree.

Rather than waiting for January to volunteer, you should make the effort at Christmastime. Help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange. Gather toys for tots for the Marines, or even volunteer to fix up broken toys and then give them to a homeless shelter for families. Visit a nursing home and chat with a senior citizen about his or her Christmas past. You will soon notice how happy it makes you to see someone else less fortunate happy, if only for a while.

"You don't have to be religious to have the spirit of Christmas with you?"
Isn't Christmas a religious holiday?

Please tell me? Are you going to "help prepare the huge meals for the homeless that hundreds of charitable organizations arrange" this year? Are you gathering "toys for tots"? Are ya fixin those broken toys and givin them to the homeless shelter families? Checkin your nursing home list and chattin it up with a senior citizen about his or her "Christmas past"?

Obviousley you didn't read my entire post; I was refering to the hypocracy of it all...and you just made my point! :clap2:

I think you need some anger management before you'll understand. I agree that a lot of the religious celebrations are phony, but so what? If it makes people happy, where's the harm? Same with Santa Clause.

And yes, I do volunteer at Christmas. In fact, I cook an entire meal for a homeless shelter for Vietnam Vets (although it's now expanded to take in Iraq vets, too). It's small, only accommodating 20 at a time, but they are extremely grateful for the down-home old-fashioned Christmas dinner, which I start preparing a few days before. I used to volunteer at least once a week at the shelter, but I'm no longer able to do that. Some of the vets are religious, some are struggling addicts using the 12 steps, and some think it's all bullshit. But they all enjoy the opportunity to get together in the spirit of the holiday. It's great fun to listen to their stories, and I'm old enough to relate to the horrors of both wars which left them mentally scarred.

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