ISIS barbarians chainsaw 9 youths in half in public

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Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
Says the hysterical chick.

I believe certain individuals in the Alt Right do take notes on what ISIS is doing for their own nefarious purposes.

Your deflection is noted.

Why won't both of you condemn all violence?
Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
Says the hysterical chick.

I believe certain individuals in the Alt Right do take notes on what ISIS is doing for their own nefarious purposes.

Your deflection is noted.

Why won't both of you condemn all violence?
Cooked up in the socialist think tanks, propagated by the Pravda media, and repeated by their mindless sheep.

Baaaaa!! Baaaa!!Baaaa!!
Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
Says the hysterical chick.

I believe certain individuals in the Alt Right do take notes on what ISIS is doing for their own nefarious purposes.

Your deflection is noted.

Why won't both of you condemn all violence?
Cooked up in the socialist think tanks, propagated by the Pravda media, and repeated by their mindless sheep.

Baaaaa!! Baaaa!!Baaaa!!
Horse crap. :lolL

Why won't you denounce all violence.

I see you have become fluent in Tea Party Speak.
The violent attacks in and during the Trump rallies have been well covered.

The far right was told not to hit. The far right hit. Then the far right bullies got the sheet beat out of them.

Alt Right: don't hit.

You are such a tool of the left....I named specific attack after specific attack, organized attacks and mass murder.....and you respond with this......moron.

The Leftist Extremists are tools, they're full of the Kool-Aid, they repeat like pre-programmed robots the latest Memo issued from Hillary Politburo HQ.


Drinking the Kool-Aid leads to.


Also with regard to being Islamic Apologists, the Cuckservatives are just as bad, the Cuckservatives never condemn the Islamists either because they're so afraid of upsetting the Islamists, so they can't take the bull by the horns for fear of the Islamists, what testicle-free bottom feeders.
Lucy, you are crazy, you know.

ISIS bad! Clinic bombers bad! Church class shooters bad!

Do you agree?
Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
Says the hysterical chick.

I believe certain individuals in the Alt Right do take notes on what ISIS is doing for their own nefarious purposes.

Your deflection is noted.

Why won't both of you condemn all violence?
Cooked up in the socialist think tanks, propagated by the Pravda media, and repeated by their mindless sheep.

Baaaaa!! Baaaa!!Baaaa!!
Horse crap. :lolL

Why won't you denounce all violence.

I see you have become fluent in Tea Party Speak.

Are you denouncing all violence?

Also you're Off Topic, the topic of the thread is ISIS, who are Islamic, the topic is Islamic violence.

The Tea Party has nothing to do with this topic, neither does Christianity, or Gary Johnson and Libertarians.
Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
Says the hysterical chick.

I believe certain individuals in the Alt Right do take notes on what ISIS is doing for their own nefarious purposes.

Your deflection is noted.

Why won't both of you condemn all violence?

I'm not hysterical and I'm not deflecting, I'm calm and completely On Topic with regard to the OP article of this thread.

What's hysterical is you suggesting that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS, and it's also a deflection.
Do a hiroshima on Mosul. No. On second thought...don't. Let them kill each other. Their problem, not ours.
Lucy and the rest are off topic if they refuse to denounce all violence: ISIS, far right, far left, Mickey Mouse, whoever uses it to make others do their religious or politcal bidding.

They will not denounce all violence, which demonstrates that hiding among the Alt Right are violent men and women who want to use violence to make America do what it wants.

When the illiterate use TPM terms like "socialist" or "nazi" or whatever, then, yes, it becomes part of the discussion.
Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
Says the hysterical chick.

I believe certain individuals in the Alt Right do take notes on what ISIS is doing for their own nefarious purposes.

Your deflection is noted.

Why won't both of you condemn all violence?
Cooked up in the socialist think tanks, propagated by the Pravda media, and repeated by their mindless sheep.

Baaaaa!! Baaaa!!Baaaa!!
Horse crap. :lolL

Why won't you denounce all violence.

I see you have become fluent in Tea Party Speak.

2aguy is absolutely correct. For intelligent folks that have been following events of the past year, it is clear, the left has been violent in the extreme, and all the while, getting a pass from the establishment.

On the other hand, the only incident I can recall where the so called "alt-right" has inspired violence has been that Dylan Roof incident. To my recollection, the entirety of the right condemned that violence. In fact, they were outraged that the left picked up on that incident as an excuse to demonize the memory of the southern patriots that fought for the notion of states rights, the legitimacy and power of the tenth Amendment. Now however, Federalism, Statism, and the police state are the call of the day.

Why? Because the right has denounced the violence of that day, and has been shamed into rejecting their heritage. The left made something that was about freedom be about bigotry and slavery. That is not what it was about to the folks that love independence, family, their heritage and States rights.

I notice that you can't come up with any other supposed incidence of "alt-right" violence, nothing specific, nor what the results of the aftermath would be, to PROVE that the right did, or did not denounce said violence.

Answer me this, Did, or did not the governor, Republican Nikki Haley get the Confederate flag removed and denounce the violence or not?

What about the left? Have they been shamed into denouncing the violence of their ways? Nope, the establishment would rather fan the flames of discord and racial tensions. . . .

No, over all, the establishment and their agenda with the left gets a free pass to agitate for violence.
ISIS bad, guys.

American violent people, bad, guys.

And not one of you will condemn all of the violence.

Some of you know violent people in the Alt Right.

They will end up like Finicum.
Lucy and the rest are off topic if they refuse to denounce all violence: ISIS, far right, far left, Mickey Mouse, whoever uses it to make others do their religious or politcal bidding.

They will not denounce all violence, which demonstrates that hiding among the Alt Right are violent men and women who want to use violence to make America do what it wants.

When the illiterate use TPM terms like "socialist" or "nazi" or whatever, then, yes, it becomes part of the discussion.
He said it. He used the term Alt right again.


Fake Jake loves playing word salad. It's a leftist tactic
ISIS bad, guys.

American violent people, bad, guys.

And not one of you will condemn all of the violence.

Some of you know violent people in the Alt Right.

They will end up like Finicum.
He said it again.

ISIS barbarians tie nine Iraqi youths up in Mosul and CHAINSAW them in half for 'belonging to a resistance faction'
  • Nine young Iraqi men were tied to iron poles in ISIS stronghold of Mosul
  • Executioner used an electric chainsaw to kill prisoners in Tal Afar Square
  • All nine had been accused of being involved in a resistance movement

ISIS barbarians have chainsawed nine youths in half in public - after they were accused of belonging to a 'resistance faction'.

The young men were tied to iron poles at Tal Afar Square, in the terror group's Iraqi stonghold of Mosul, before being sliced in two with an electric cutter.

All nine had been accused in an ISIS sharia court of being involved in a resistance movement before being sentenced to death.


The young men were tied to iron poles at Tal Afar Square, in the terror group's Iraqi stonghold of Mosul, before being sliced in two with an electric cutter

Read more: ISIS brutes CHAINSAW nine youths in half for 'belonging to resistance'
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Obozo armed and trained ISIS to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
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