ISIS barbarians chainsaw 9 youths in half in public

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The violent attacks in and during the Trump rallies have been well covered.

The far right was told not to hit. The far right hit. Then the far right bullies got the sheet beat out of them.

Alt Right: don't hit.
The violent attacks in and during the Trump rallies have been well covered.

The far right was told not to hit. The far right hit. Then the far right bullies got the sheet beat out of them.

Alt Right: don't hit.

You are such a tool of the left....I named specific attack after specific attack, organized attacks and mass murder.....and you respond with this......moron.
Alt Right porn, yes, it is.

You know the violence brigades forming in the far right of the weirdos in this country are taking notes from ISIS.

Yeah....not so much.....lefty tried to actually assassinate Trump.....your brown shirts actually shut down a Trump rally in Chicago...your brown shirt shot a Trump supporter in the leg...your Brown shirt attacked a Trump supporter with a crow bar...your brown shirts attacked and chased Trump supporters at one of his rallies....your brown shirts mobbed Trump's motorcade at a fund raiser in Milwuakee.....your brown shirts cornered and threw eggs at a female Trump supporter.....your brown shirts blocked a highway leading to a Trump rally....your black lies matter sympathizers murdered 8 police officers.....your muslim, hilary supporter murdered 49 gay men in Orlando...and the killers father was given a primo seat at a hilary rally...

The actual killing and violence is all yours.......not Trumps...asswipe.
The violent attacks in and during the Trump rallies have been well covered.

The far right was told not to hit. The far right hit. Then the far right bullies got the sheet beat out of them.

Alt Right: don't hit.

You are such a tool of the left....I named specific attack after specific attack, organized attacks and mass murder.....and you respond with this......moron.
So "the left" is anyone or group with which you disagree, any group that will not support Trump. You are an idiot. Oh, I see that you are ignoring all the violence and bombings and murders of the Alt Right. You are a tool of the far right faction of the Alt Right, and you think only your side can do those things with impunity.

Tools like you and fools like TheOwl got the message, I see. Good.
The violent attacks in and during the Trump rallies have been well covered.

The far right was told not to hit. The far right hit. Then the far right bullies got the sheet beat out of them.

Alt Right: don't hit.

You are such a tool of the left....I named specific attack after specific attack, organized attacks and mass murder.....and you respond with this......moron.
So "the left" is anyone or group with which you disagree, any group that will not support Trump. You are an idiot. Oh, I see that you are ignoring all the violence and bombings and murders of the Alt Right. You are a tool of the far right faction of the Alt Right, and you think only your side can do those things with impunity.

Tools like you and fools like TheOwl got the message, I see. Good.

no moron....the left are those who support have yet to name the violence of the alt right....a bunch of internet trollers who no one, who wasn't a troller had ever heard of until this year.......when hilary had to use it to deflect from her email scandal........I only learned about alt right because of Milo Yiannoupolis.....and he is a gay, very gay, conservative who supports trolling as an expression of free speech......and anti political correctness......

But thanks for trying to smear people as racists to support your real, violent, racist, left wing support of the racist democrat political party......
I have described the violence of the Alt Right; I don't need do more, because it is common knowledge. But if you are condemning all violence, then that is good.

"Left" then is those who support HRC. That's good. I am not left then.

Heard on the news that Stein and Johnson get to be on the debate program.

Do you think Johnson is "left" by your standards?

You haven't done is only common knowledge because you guys say it is and you don't expect to be challenged....

Johnson is far Right.......he is a libertarian....more Right than conservatives are.......
I have described the violence of the Alt Right; I don't need do more, because it is common knowledge. But if you are condemning all violence, then that is good.

"Left" then is those who support HRC. That's good. I am not left then.

Heard on the news that Stein and Johnson get to be on the debate program.

Do you think Johnson is "left" by your standards?

You haven't described here....let me repeat the actual violence and murder of the left this election cycle...and it isn't even Labor Day yet....

Yeah....not so much.....lefty tried to actually assassinate Trump.....your brown shirts actually shut down a Trump rally in Chicago...your brown shirt shot a Trump supporter in the leg...your Brown shirt attacked a Trump supporter with a crow bar...your brown shirts attacked and chased Trump supporters at one of his rallies....your brown shirts mobbed Trump's motorcade at a fund raiser in Milwuakee.....your brown shirts cornered and threw eggs at a female Trump supporter.....your brown shirts blocked a highway leading to a Trump rally....your black lies matter sympathizers murdered 8 police officers.....your muslim, hilary supporter murdered 49 gay men in Orlando...and the killers father was given a primo seat at a hilary rally...

The actual killing and violence is all yours.......not Trumps...ass
Monty Python, ISIS?
"Our fathers would slice us in 2 with a bread knife and dance about our graves singing hallelujah."
I have described the violence of the Alt Right; I don't need do more, because it is common knowledge. But if you are condemning all violence, then that is good.

"Left" then is those who support HRC. That's good. I am not left then.

Heard on the news that Stein and Johnson get to be on the debate program.

Do you think Johnson is "left" by your standards?

You haven't done is only common knowledge because you guys say it is and you don't expect to be challenged....

Johnson is far Right.......he is a libertarian....more Right than conservatives are.......
It's the truth, and if you don't agree, I don't care.

Good. I support Johnson. I suggest you do.

I notice you won't condemn all violence.
I have described the violence of the Alt Right; I don't need do more, because it is common knowledge. But if you are condemning all violence, then that is good.

"Left" then is those who support HRC. That's good. I am not left then.

Heard on the news that Stein and Johnson get to be on the debate program.

Do you think Johnson is "left" by your standards?
Why will 2aguy not denounce all violence?

Your comments in this thread are beyond ridiculous and also near hysterical.

You're saying that people on the Right are taking notes from ISIS? So you think that people on the Right are amongst other things, up for:

Slicing peoples' heads off with knives, including children.
Dissolving people in vats of acid.
Burying people alive, including children.
Throwing people off rooftops.
Selling women and girls into sex slavery.
ISIS barbarians tie nine Iraqi youths up in Mosul and CHAINSAW them in half for 'belonging to a resistance faction'
  • Nine young Iraqi men were tied to iron poles in ISIS stronghold of Mosul
  • Executioner used an electric chainsaw to kill prisoners in Tal Afar Square
  • All nine had been accused of being involved in a resistance movement

ISIS barbarians have chainsawed nine youths in half in public - after they were accused of belonging to a 'resistance faction'.

The young men were tied to iron poles at Tal Afar Square, in the terror group's Iraqi stonghold of Mosul, before being sliced in two with an electric cutter.

All nine had been accused in an ISIS sharia court of being involved in a resistance movement before being sentenced to death.


The young men were tied to iron poles at Tal Afar Square, in the terror group's Iraqi stonghold of Mosul, before being sliced in two with an electric cutter

Read more: ISIS brutes CHAINSAW nine youths in half for 'belonging to resistance'
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Obozo armed and trained ISIS to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Alt-Left ie. Leftist Extremists who are in bed with Islamists, which is why the Leftist Extremists are constantly Islamist Apologists, they'll enjoy this, it's shocking that they haven't already employed their tired old deflection of:

What about The Crusades?
ISIS barbarians tie nine Iraqi youths up in Mosul and CHAINSAW them in half for 'belonging to a resistance faction'
  • Nine young Iraqi men were tied to iron poles in ISIS stronghold of Mosul
  • Executioner used an electric chainsaw to kill prisoners in Tal Afar Square
  • All nine had been accused of being involved in a resistance movement

ISIS barbarians have chainsawed nine youths in half in public - after they were accused of belonging to a 'resistance faction'.

The young men were tied to iron poles at Tal Afar Square, in the terror group's Iraqi stonghold of Mosul, before being sliced in two with an electric cutter.

All nine had been accused in an ISIS sharia court of being involved in a resistance movement before being sentenced to death.


The young men were tied to iron poles at Tal Afar Square, in the terror group's Iraqi stonghold of Mosul, before being sliced in two with an electric cutter

Read more: ISIS brutes CHAINSAW nine youths in half for 'belonging to resistance'
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


Obozo armed and trained ISIS to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The Alt-Left ie. Leftist Extremists who are in bed with Islamists, which is why the Leftist Extremists are constantly Islamist Apologists, they'll enjoy this, it's shocking that they haven't already employed their tired old deflection of:

What about The Crusades?

LOL and they are too stupid to understand that the Crusades were a response to...wait for it...Islamic aggression
There is no such thing as alt right outside of democrat delusion but who wants open borders?

The only people who want Open Borders are the Leftist Extremists, who are Traitors and on a daily basis lick the buttocks of the Globalists.

The Leftist Extremists, not being that intelligent or well-educated, don't know that if the Globalists get their evil way, it's the Leftist Extremist lap dogs who'll get removed first by the Globalists, the Globalists won't need them anymore and they certainly won't want what are essentially a rabble of Anarchists who need a good wash and a change of underwear hanging around.
Just another word or term passed on by the propagandists and repeated by their dumb sheep.

Baaaaa!! Baaaa!! Baaaa!!
Spamming (above) is an Alt Right tactic, among others.

You guys can't take what you dish, then you cry.

Yes, you wish to imitate ISIS behavior here in American society.

The Leftist Extremist's spam on a daily basis.

How is this OP spam? It's not, it's an article about the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult's most recent Death Squad, ISIS. We know that the Alt-Left support ISIS, because the Alt-Left support everything Islamic, and they do so because like Islam the Alt-Left hate Western Civilisation and the established values system that we have in The West.

The Leftist Extremists, being in general God hating Athiests have now reached their batshit end point, which is to have literally got into bed with the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult and why not, because from the Alt-Left perspective it makes complete sense.

We never see hardly ANY of the Leftists here condemning any Islamic Terrorist atrocity, what we do see is a majority of Leftists charging into threads to attempt to deflect and brush aside such Islamic Terrorist barbarism, with:

What about The Crusades?

What about violent Christians?

This has nothing to do with Islam.

Not all Muslims support terrorism.

The perpetrator wasn't an Islamist, he was mentally ill.

This OP article, with the chainsaws, HASN'T been condemned either, has it Leatherface?
Spamming (above) is an Alt Right tactic, among others.

You guys can't take what you dish, then you cry.

Yes, you wish to imitate ISIS behavior here in American society.

The Leftist Extremist's spam on a daily basis.

How is this OP spam? It's not, it's an article about the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult's most recent Death Squad, ISIS. We know that the Alt-Left support ISIS, because the Alt-Left support everything Islamic, and they do so because like Islam the Alt-Left hate Western Civilisation and the established values system that we have in The West.

The Leftist Extremists, being in general God hating Athiests have now reached their batshit end point, which is to have literally got into bed with the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult and why not, because from the Alt-Left perspective it makes complete sense.

We never see hardly ANY of the Leftists here condemning any Islamic Terrorist atrocity, what we do see is a majority of Leftists charging into threads to attempt to deflect and brush aside such Islamic Terrorist barbarism, with:

What about The Crusades?

What about violent Christians?

This has nothing to do with Islam.

Not all Muslims support terrorism.

The perpetrator wasn't an Islamist, he was mentally ill.

This OP article, with the chainsaws, HASN'T been condemned either, has it Leatherface?
Just another word or term passed on by the propagandists and repeated by their dumb sheep.

Baaaaa!! Baaaa!! Baaaa!!

Which was never even mentioned at this forum until Hillary gave her speech last week.

Like typical Hillarybots, since then they've spammed the forum with a ton of OPs babbling about the Alt-Right.
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