ISIS calls it payback; some in the West agree and blame our involvement


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
More reasoned minds would call such a supposition as fanciful cowardliness. ISIS is the devil. Ok? They do not need any further incentive to murder whoever they choose. Yesterday, a video surfaced in the news showing ISIS executing 200 Syrian children. Video allegedly shows ISIS murdering 200 Syrian children They were not French, nor Americans. It was not a matter of “payback.” It was a diabolical ideology so warped that it thinks it is following the wishes of their “god.”

But we cannot go there, can we? We cannot talk about God or the devil in the media, much less in political circles or universities. We have to bring in psychologists to try to understand the psychosis of a a mass murderer or a mad ideology. As though it most often stems from an abusive or isolated childhood or rejection somewhere along the way. Or some chemical imbalance.

Well, fine, play your games and continue to expect horrific scenes to play out such as in Paris. But once a more rational and, let us call it, gifted mind and soul comes to know that the God of the Bible IS God, only then will they realize and acknowledge that the devil is also real --- as Jesus said so many times.

Scripture says how Satan entered the mind and soul of Judas. Well Satan has entered the minds and souls of Islamic terrorism. I do not expect that traitor in the White House to do anything for our cause. I do not expect a timid congress either. I do not expect any political body or even the media to face the truth, but we as individuals can and should. Churches need to as well. Islam is not totally infested, but Islam has fostered hundreds of thousands of “devils” because it has corrupted the message of Jesus Christ, and Judaism. What was said in Genesis 16:12 about Ishmael, the bastard son of Abraham and his servant girl Hagar, has always rung true age after age.

He will be a wild donkey of a man;
his hand will be against everyone
and everyone's hand against him,
and he will live in hostility
toward all his brothers."

Ishmael is the father of the Arab nation just as Isaac is the father of the Jewish nation. The Bible is not fiction.

So I say this blaming ourselves for the hatred and violence within Islamic terrorism is the bane of our miserable state. Islam has been plotting the demise of infidels since time immemorial. Maybe the majority of Muslims do not see it that way or want it that way, but the minority who do is almost as large as the majority it seems. This religion has a horrible disease inside of it that foments an evil. I am sick of Obama and this Western liberal mindset blaming the West and pretending if we do not go near the mad dog it will turn into a cuddly little poodle.

Drastic times calls for drastic measures. And since so few are devout church goers and prayer warriors, then it has to be a severe military response and quarantine against middle eastern “refugees.” Innocent lives in the West are victims. Now also must the innocent Muslims amongst the guilty Muslims become victims. They must not be allowed in, and many others deported.
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There will always be the mental midgets that blame the West for all the barbaric actions of Islamists. They are called progressives.
Good thing you guys are powerless. You'd be dangerous if you had any courage.
Good thing you guys are powerless. You'd be dangerous if you had any courage.

You must come to these boards just to feed your ego?

If there were no internet I expect you might be prone to writing yourself a letter praising your own wisdom and then going to the post office and mailing it to yourself.
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Good thing you guys are powerless. You'd be dangerous if you had any courage.

You must come to these boards just to feed your ego?

If there were no internet I expect you might be prone to writing yourself a letter praising your own wisdom and the going to the post office and mailing it to yourself.
Actually I come to these boards to laugh at you impotent cave chimps that love running around screaming "the sky is falling".

If the US and european countries kept their asses out of the ME then they would have never had a reason to attack. Any fool that doesnt get that is missing the gene for intelligence.

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