ISIS Claims Responsibility for Paris Attacks, Calling Them ‘Miracles’

The DC capital, the Toronto tower, the Empire State Bldg and other landmarks around the world are flooded in the French colors of red white and blue. And what of the White House? Obama can't find the Red White and Blue flood lights of the dozen that lit it up when SCOTUS declared fag marriage?
Just picked this up Mixed bag but ISIS has many foreign supporters.

Hunt for the Isis killers: Syrian passport is found on the body of a suicide bomber at the Stade de France

Hunt for the Isis killers: Syrian passport found on bomber in Paris

That was at the stadium bombings.

Witnesses at the other places say they shouted about Syria.

The homo-progressives will be disappointed and still cling to the hope it was really a racist Christian pretending to be a jihadist.
France gonna get ISIS for this...

France vows to punish IS for Paris attacks that kill 127
Nov 14,`15 -- French President Francois Hollande vowed to attack the Islamic State group without mercy as the jihadist group admitted responsibility Saturday for orchestrating the deadliest attacks on France since World War II.
He said at least 127 people died Friday night in shootings at Paris cafes, suicide bombings near France's national stadium and a hostage-taking inside a concert hall. Another 200 or so were injured, dozens critically. Hollande, who declared three days of national mourning and raised the nation's security to its highest level, called the carnage "an act of war that was prepared, organized, planned from abroad with internal help."

The Islamic State group's claim of responsibility appeared in Arabic and French in an online statement circulated by IS supporters. It was not immediately possible to confirm the authenticity of the admission, which bore the group's logo and resembled previous verified statements from the group. The statement mocked France's involvement in air attacks on suspected IS bases in Syria and Iraq, noting that France's air power was "of no use to them in the streets and rotten alleys of Paris."


A man places a candle in front of the Carillon cafe in Paris Saturday Nov. 14, 2015, a day after over 120 people were killed in a series of shooting and explosions.​

As Hollande addressed the nation, French anti-terror police worked to identify potential accomplices to the attackers, who remained a mystery to the public: their nationalities, their motives, even their exact number. Police said a Syrian passport was recovered from the remains of one suicide bomber outside the stadium. Authorities said eight died, seven in suicide bombings, a new terror tactic in France. Police said they shot and killed the other assailant.

Prosecutor's office spokeswoman Agnes Thibault-Lecuivre said authorities couldn't rule out the possibility that other militants involved in the attack remained at large. The violence raised questions about security for the millions of tourists who come to Paris and for world events routinely hosted in the normally luminous capital, where 1,500 troops were deployed to support police in restoring order and reassuring a frightened populace.


See also:

Scenes of horror as a Paris night becomes a bloodbath
Nov 13,`15 -- The assailants' weapons were those of war: automatic rifles and suicide belts of explosives. The killing was indiscriminate, spread across a swath of the city, in at least six different sites. An ordinary Friday night in Paris transformed into a bloodbath. The word Parisians used over and over as they tried to make sense of the horror was "carnage."
At the packed Bataclan concert hall in eastern Paris, the attackers opened fire on a crowd waiting to hear American rock band Eagles of Death Metal perform. One witness told France Info radio he heard them yell "Allahu Akbar" - God is great in Arabic - as they started their killing spree and took hostages. The city's police chief, Michel Cadot, said the assailants also wore explosive belts, which they detonated. About a mile (1.5 kilometers) from there, attackers sprayed gunfire at the Belle Equipe bar, busy as ever on a Friday night with patrons unwinding from their week. One witness, also speaking to French radio, said the dead and wounded dropped "like flies" and that "there was blood everywhere. You feel very alone in moments like that."

The preliminary death toll there appeared to be 18 dead, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said. White sheets were laid over bodies. To the north, loud explosions reverberated around the national stadium, packed with some 80,000 fans watching France beat Germany in a soccer exhibition match. One of the loud detonations in the chill air so startled French player Patrice Evra that he paused in mid-run, seemingly lost, and kicked away the ball. A police union official, Gregory Goupil, said the two explosions were suicide attacks and a bombing that killed at least three people - near two of the entrances to the stadium and a McDonalds. The stadium was the first site targeted.


Investigating police officers inspect the lifeless body of a victim of a shooting attack outside the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, France, Saturday, Nov. 14, 2015. Well over 100 people were killed in Paris on Friday night in a series of shooting, explosions. French President Francois Hollande declared a state of emergency and announced that he was closing the country's borders.​

From there, the wave of killings quickly spread. There were 14 dead on one street, five on another, Molins said. The spread of the killings added to the confusion and made a coherent picture slow to form. But the shock was instantaneous, as was the understanding that this was terror and killing on a scale unseen in Paris since World War II. "The terrorists, the assassins, sprayed the outsides of several cafes with machine guns and went inside," Cadot, the police chief, said. "So there were victims in terrible and atrocious states in numerous places."

Pierre-Henri Lombard was dining in a restaurant in the trendy neighborhood when he heard sounds like the fireworks for France's Bastille Day national holiday. Then the panic began. "Waiters went outside and said it was a shooting. We saw dozens of people rundown the street, a couple were bleeding," he said. As police, soldiers and the emergency services sprang into action, sirens wailing, helicopters whirring overhead, medical personnel started reporting for work of their own accord to help treat the injured. Five subway lines were shut down entirely, and Paris police told people to stay at home and avoid going out unless absolutely necessary.

"Paris Terror Attack: Young Frenchman with 'known extremism links' named as one of the eight gunmen

The French national is believed to be among the four men who stormed the Bataclan concert hall overnight, killing at least 82 people, a source close to the investigation said.

According to broadcaster BFMTV, one of the killers at the Bataclan concert hall has been identified by their fingerprints and was French.

The TV station said the French national was known to intelligence services."

It also said that in addition to a Syrian passport found at the scene of a deadly stadium attack in the north of the city, an Egyptian passport was found close to the body of one of the assailants."

Paris Terror Attack: Young Frenchman with 'known extremism links' named as one of the eight gunmen -

Wipe them out.
French officials: 3 teams carried out highly coordinated Paris attacks

Terrorists split into three co-ordinated groups before Friday's sickening massacre, a top French official has confirmed.

Paris prosecutor Francois Molins tonight gave a statement, where he also confirmed that all the attackers had "identical, crude" suicide vests.

He also confirmed one of the attackers was French, was born in 1985 and was known to be radicalised. He was identified by his fingerprints.

Three people in Belgium have been arrested in relation to the investigation, Molins said"

Paris attack terrorists split into '3 groups', a French official said
"The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the catastrophic attacks in the French capital, referring to them as “miracles” in a written statement released by one of its official publication arms and distributed on Twitter via the accounts of known militant propagandists."

There is only one way to deal with these animals that is annihilation!
ISIS? The ISIS JV team Barry claims has been so weakened?

How could a squad of JVs Barry claims are just about out of business pull off such attacks?
1? Wow, and there were how many terrorists? But you accept the premise with only 1? Who's the loser? Your first rodeo I'm thinking.

ISIS has supporters world wide. Chechen terrorists have pledged 16,000 plus jihadists to ISIS. That's why Putin is trying to take out as many foreign ISIS fighters in Syria rather than in his own back yard.

ISIS is turning into a boogeyman. Whether you ever met someone from ISIS is becomming moot. Now it's an 'I'm with Stupid' type thing.
I never met a serial killer but I know they exist. More than that how do you know you have never met someone from ISIS?
1? Wow, and there were how many terrorists? But you accept the premise with only 1? Who's the loser? Your first rodeo I'm thinking.
Your stupidty is what makes you assume there is only 1. A smart person would hedge his bets by waiting to see the evidence, before proclaiming there is only 1. Chances are, if 1 of them is a Syrian, others probably are too. You should try to be less dumb.
  • “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    Daily Express (UK) ^
    AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations - hidden amongst innocent refugees. "Just wait," he smiled. The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes. The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe. Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the...
Paris attacks are not "miracles" at all.

The Paris attacks were well planned attacks by Islamic fanatics, and now the Western world, hopefully, awaits a firm and deadly reaction against these savages, without the usual politically correct, cowardly and submissive attitude by the victims, who in their ignorance are convinced that Islam is a religion of peace.
Paris attacks are not "miracles" at all.

The Paris attacks were well planned attacks by Islamic fanatics, and now the Western world, hopefully, awaits a firm and deadly reaction against these savages, without the usual politically correct, cowardly and submissive attitude by the victims, who in their ignorance are convinced that Islam is a religion of peace.
I agree a decisive, fatal strike at this fanatics is the order of the day. All "diplomacy" has ever brought was another bombing, or terrorist attack.
  • “Just wait”: Islamic State says it has smuggled 1000s of jihadis into Europe
    Daily Express (UK) ^
    AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert Jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations - hidden amongst innocent refugees. "Just wait," he smiled. The operative said the undercover infiltration was the beginning of a larger plot to carry out revenge attacks in the West in retaliation for the US-led coalition airstrikes. The lethal ISIS gunmen use local smugglers to blend in and travel amongst a huge tide of illegal migrants flooding Europe. Two Turkish refugee-smugglers backed up the...
The scary part is that they war no uniforms the average person would have no idea who they are until it is too late.
Paris attacks are not "miracles" at all.

The Paris attacks were well planned attacks by Islamic fanatics, and now the Western world, hopefully, awaits a firm and deadly reaction against these savages, without the usual politically correct, cowardly and submissive attitude by the victims, who in their ignorance are convinced that Islam is a religion of peace.
I agree a decisive, fatal strike at this fanatics is the order of the day. All "diplomacy" has ever brought was another bombing, or terrorist attack.

Paris attacks are not "miracles" at all.

The Paris attacks were well planned attacks by Islamic fanatics, and now the Western world, hopefully, awaits a firm and deadly reaction against these savages, without the usual politically correct, cowardly and submissive attitude by the victims, who in their ignorance are convinced that Islam is a religion of peace.
I agree a decisive, fatal strike at this fanatics is the order of the day. All "diplomacy" has ever brought was another bombing, or terrorist attack.

Enough with the PC nonsense it has gotten the civilized world nowhere except digging graves.
"The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the catastrophic attacks in the French capital, referring to them as “miracles” in a written statement released by one of its official publication arms and distributed on Twitter via the accounts of known militant propagandists."

There is only one way to deal with these animals that is annihilation!

Fuck global warming....that's not our biggest problem
Every resource that countries have need to be focused on ending this BS.....We need to end these people...
Enough with the PC nonsense...can't offend people.Let's admit that Muslims have a problem with their people.

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