ISIS fighters trying to sneak across the border..


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
at least ten fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have been apprehended while attempting to enter the southern U.S. border.
The California Republican claims that “at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas,” in a conversation with Fox News on Tuesday. Hunter says that the Islamic terrorists are slipping into the U.S. through the porous southern border as several have already been captured.

“There’s nobody talking about it,” Rep. Hunter told Fox. “If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border. It’s that simple…They caught them at the border, therefore we know that ISIS is coming across the border. If they catch five or ten of them then you know there’s going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol.”

In August, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, warned that the open border posed an “immediate threat” for terrorist activity infiltrating the country. The government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, said ISIS terrorists were “planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born [sic] improvised explosive devices.”

GOP Rep 8216 At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border 8217 CBS DC
While I don't doubt it, out of curiousity how do they know they're ISIS or any other terror group? They have membership cards? :)
Assuming it was true even though considering the source, Drunken Hunter and the FOX Rumor Mill, it would be treasonous to make that info public so ISIL learns that they need to send more. You can always count on the Tea Bag Brotherhood/GOP to aid and abet the terrorists who want to harm this great country!!!
More immediate concern is securing the White House. That fence jumper gettng all the way inside was bad. A dozen with suicide vests would be nation-ending. Say bye-bye to the Constitution, hello martial law.
Ratings are as important as fear and erectile dysfunction, please help today by donating to the Faux Corporation...The billionaires and millionaires running the Murdoch enterprise has has a financial setback and need more funds from citizens to operate beyond the trend of the National Enquirer..
Good lord, another bedwetting 'Conservative'. Good God, with the kind of money and support ISIS has, if they do send someone over, it will on a jet, riding first class, with a Saudi passport. Why would they try to sneak across a border that is being watched? They will arrive first class with a very large bank account to back them up, if they arrive at all.
at least ten fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have been apprehended while attempting to enter the southern U.S. border.
The California Republican claims that “at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas,” in a conversation with Fox News on Tuesday. Hunter says that the Islamic terrorists are slipping into the U.S. through the porous southern border as several have already been captured.

“There’s nobody talking about it,” Rep. Hunter told Fox. “If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border. It’s that simple…They caught them at the border, therefore we know that ISIS is coming across the border. If they catch five or ten of them then you know there’s going to be dozens more that did not get caught by the border patrol.”

In August, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, warned that the open border posed an “immediate threat” for terrorist activity infiltrating the country. The government watchdog group, Judicial Watch, said ISIS terrorists were “planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born [sic] improvised explosive devices.”

GOP Rep 8216 At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border 8217 CBS DC
Hey, does this mean you've found someone other than 1 brain-dead rightwinger to confirm the story? I'm all eyes -- do tell ........
Ratings are as important as fear and erectile dysfunction, please help today by donating to the Faux Corporation...The billionaires and millionaires running the Murdoch enterprise has has a financial setback and need more funds from citizens to operate beyond the trend of the National Enquirer..

It goes much deeper than "ratings". The GOP is pulling out all the cards to try and regain the Senate. Lies and Fabrications have become their number one method. They are really piling up. The "death panels", "gonna "Kill Grandma", and now ISIS has crossed the border. And even with all these lies, the low information masses hang on to every word the GOP and FOX, the official GOP station, say. Frigin Amazing!
Ratings are as important as fear and erectile dysfunction, please help today by donating to the Faux Corporation...The billionaires and millionaires running the Murdoch enterprise has has a financial setback and need more funds from citizens to operate beyond the trend of the National Enquirer..

It goes much deeper than "ratings". The GOP is pulling out all the cards to try and regain the Senate. Lies and Fabrications have become their number one method. They are really piling up. The "death panels", "gonna "Kill Grandma", and now ISIS has crossed the border. And even with all these lies, the low information masses hang on to every word the GOP and FOX, the official GOP station, say. Frigin Amazing!
They should change the name to the Gullible Old Party...
Wow look at the certified, well known anti-American nuts rush forward to insist that ISIS isn't taking advantage of the nightmare border situation.
Last month some 50,000 children...CHILDREN walked...WALKED across our border without their parents..... And the whole world knows it.
LMAO...but no...terrorists would never think of trying it.
You people are funny.
Wow look at the certified, well known anti-American nuts rush forward to insist that ISIS isn't taking advantage of the nightmare border situation.

Link something other than a Repub congressman who is trying to scare Americans and influence the mid-term voters. You can't do it.
Yeah, *children* with tats and gang member *family members* waiting for them...
Last month some 50,000 children...CHILDREN walked...WALKED across our border without their parents..... And the whole world knows it.
LMAO...but no...terrorists would never think of trying it.
You people are funny.

And they were detained and are now in the court system. Try again.
Wow look at the certified, well known anti-American nuts rush forward to insist that ISIS isn't taking advantage of the nightmare border situation.

Link something other than a Repub congressman who is trying to scare Americans and influence the mid-term voters. You can't do it.

Yeah, it's difficult because the media is sympathetic to them. Liberal media doesn't report on such things. They don't report (truthfully) about the issues of abortion, either. Then loons like you can crow "that's not a credible source!" knowing full well the *credible* sources you demand, refuse to report on it.
While I don't doubt it, out of curiousity how do they know they're ISIS or any other terror group? They have membership cards? :)
you know your kind is way up on thier list, Jew and gay. If they get here I wouldn't want to be you.

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