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Isis: In Iraq Because Of Obama

No, he did not. The banner did it for him. He did say, Major Combat Operations in Iraq have ended ... and the US and its allies have prevailed.

How many died after his comment, "Major Combat Operations have ended"? Don't play silly games (though I suspect that's the best you can do) and try to nitpick my comments.

How, unless you're willfully ignorant too, read my post above.

Obama is responsible for the current mess because he ignored the advice of military advisors. Sorry

So you don't Bush even the least bit responsible?

And since when do US military advisers get to make decisions for foreign governments?

Obama owns Iraq. He took credit in 2011. You can't take credit for Iraqi success and then blame someone else when it falls apart.

Obama in 2011 8216 We 8217 re Leaving Behind A Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq 8217

Obama was a dumbass for saying "stable and self-reliant". This is the middle east we're talking about, nothing is ever stable over there.

But Obama doesn't own Iraq. ISIS never would have existed in Iraq if Bush hadn't dismantled the Iraqi army after ousting Saddam.

If you aren't and aware of his 2011 speech on Iraq then Google it.

You mean this?

" As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces -- again, just as we offer training and assistance to countries around the world. After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant. Just as Iraqis have persevered through war, I’m confident that they can build a future worthy of their history as a cradle of civilization."

It rather seems Obama predicted that "After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq"

Is that why you refused to quote this paragraph yourself? You knew that this is another lie about what Obama said "?

The reading and comprehension skills
are obviously lacking in those who think Obama said Iraq was stable. It is they who turn out to be the liars after all.

Obama removed the last U.S. forces from Iraq in December 2011, he announced that—as he had planned—the U.S. was leaving behind a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government.”

It was a "moment of success," he said.

On Feb. 27, 2009, a little more than a month after his first inauguration, Obama gave a speech at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina that the White House entitled, “Responsibly Ending the War in Iraq.”

Obama said then that his strategy was based on the “achievable goal” of a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant” Iraq--and that he intended to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq by the end of 2011, as had been envisioned in the Status of Forces agreement negotiated by the Bush Administration.

“Today, I can announce that our review is complete, and that the United States will pursue a new strategy to end the war in Iraq through a transition to full Iraqi responsibility,” said Obama. “This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant. To achieve that goal, we will work to promote an Iraqi government that is just, representative, and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe-haven to terrorists.”

“And under the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government, I intend to remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011,” said Obama. “We will complete this transition to Iraqi responsibility, and we will bring our troops home with the honor that they have earned.”

Almost three years later, on Dec. 14, 2011, when he was removing the last U.S. troops from Iraq, Obama gave a speech at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Here he said his strategy based on building a sovereign, stable, self-reliant Iraq had succeeded.

“It’s harder to end a war than begin one,” Obama said at Fort Bragg. “Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq--all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering--all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”
IS is in Iraq and Syria because the plans for the New Middle East require its existence, and it has nothing to do with whatever wing of the Wall Street/War Party controls the White House.

Wesley Clark made that much obvious in 2003:

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat.

"Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said.

"But there was more.

"This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran"

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
When the Iraqis told us they wanted us to leave, we probably should have just told them "fuck you, you didn't ask us to be here in the first place, you can't tell us to leave."

It's our planet, after all. We're exceptional 'n stuff.

We could have if George Bush didn't give back their sovereignty slightly more than a year after we invaded, and before the job was finished.
Obama was a dumbass for saying "stable and self-reliant". This is the middle east we're talking about, nothing is ever stable over there.

But Obama doesn't own Iraq. ISIS never would have existed in Iraq if Bush hadn't dismantled the Iraqi army after ousting Saddam.

No he wasn't. They were at that moment in time.

He never claimed they would stay that way.
This must
Nope. I study the specs and reports made by experts in the field. I sure don't listen to politicians. The reason we're in this mess is because a politician ignored the advice of the military experts. Dumb Ass.

I thought we weren't supposed to blame George Bush anymore?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. Obama is still ignoring the advice of military experts.
Boys want to play with toys.

This is why there is civilian command.
This must
Nope. I study the specs and reports made by experts in the field. I sure don't listen to politicians. The reason we're in this mess is because a politician ignored the advice of the military experts. Dumb Ass.

I thought we weren't supposed to blame George Bush anymore?
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. Obama is still ignoring the advice of military experts.
Boys want to play with toys.

This is why there is civilian command.
Obama still isn't listening to military advice. Boys with toys is insulting and ignorant.
sigh.....im not even going to bother with this.

If Bush and Cheney don't destabilize Iraq by invading and destroying it, Saddam wipes his ass with ISIS.
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

...because he so desperately wanted to see his foreign policy approval rating plummet and take his party down with it?

That was his grand scheme?

Do you people EVER think before you post?

Foreign policy, domestic policy....nothing but failures.

Very much like yourself.

His two most significant foreign policy achievements will be a nuclear Iran, and the restoration of the Islamic caliphate.

In the Big Book of Rightwing Mythology, maybe.

Why would Obama intentionally act in ways directly adverse to his own political fortunes, not to mention his party's?

Can youi quote someone with an opinion on that?

Obama has become more openly radical since his last election. He is, as he promised, more flexible with America's enemies. He no longer worries about being re-elected and his narcissism doesn't allow him to be concerned with other people, like the Dem party, so that is not a consideration when making decisions.

He already declared that he no longer needs congress, either party, since he has a pen and a phone. His main focus now seems to be fulfilling his dream of helping all Muslims and imposing Marxist bullshit on America. He no longer cares about approval ratings. He has an agenda and everything and everyone else be damned.

His lame comments after the beheadings and his lack of concern now for the safety of America and our allies tells us everything we need to know about this traitor.

Borders are more insecure than ever. He agreed to wait till after the election to grant amnesty and all the Dems seem to think Americans are so stupid they won't catch on.

Obamacare is still a mess, though he doesn't care. The media and Dems try to hide it by outright lying to protect those who passed it. The media dutifully tries to paint a brighter picture, even as more people face losing their insurance because they can't afford the higher premiums. Also, those who got subsidized on the federal exchange are not only being cancelled, but have to pay back the premiums.

Obama just goes golfing and acts like he doesn't give a shit anymore. The Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists should be happy with him since he's helped them more than he's helped America.

ISIS knows Obama won't be tough on them. Obama talks big, but doesn't back it up. No one is scared of him except tax payers, Christians, gun owners and anyone else standing in the way of his vision.
Hmmm, yea, let's look at the facts. Saddam had an army of what? 400,000 troops or there a bout? Where did they go? Bush and the Republicans didn't kill 400,000, right?

Bush I can t remember why we disbanded the Iraqi army Daily Mail Online

Top 10 Lessons of the Iraq War

Fox Hides Bush s Actions To Claim Bush Gave Visionary Warning About Islamic State Research Media Matters for America

What exactly was George W. Bush right about Early Often

We were not greeted as liberators, imposing democratic ideals on a country by military force is not easy, and disbanding the Iraqi army was a huge strategic blunder that eliminated a policing force and led many well-trained and disgruntled former service members to the insurgency.

The line of reasoning needed to conclude ‘Bush was right,’ ignores the most obvious counterargument: that the Iraq invasion itself created the conditions that would require a continual presence by the U.S. military in that country. Before the Iraq war, Iraq was not a safe haven for al-Qaeda — Afghanistan was. By taking scarce resources away from the conflict in Afghanistan and launching another offensive against Iraq, al-Qaeda was not dealt a crippling blow but instead had swarms of new recruits as opposition against U.S. interference in the region ballooned.


Some how it comforts the right wing to say to themselves "Bush was right". But what that does is make them unable to learn from this terrible debacle they led the US into. And it makes them the laughing stock of the world.
If you aren't and aware of his 2011 speech on Iraq then Google it.

You mean this?

" As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces -- again, just as we offer training and assistance to countries around the world. After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant. Just as Iraqis have persevered through war, I’m confident that they can build a future worthy of their history as a cradle of civilization."

It rather seems Obama predicted that "After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq"

Is that why you refused to quote this paragraph yourself? You knew that this is another lie about what Obama said "?
There goes Ibentokens fall back argument that he's posted 20+ times :rofl:
sigh.....im not even going to bother with this.

If Bush and Cheney don't destabilize Iraq by invading and destroying it, Saddam wipes his ass with ISIS.
Obama arranged for the field to be left open for ISIS.

You decide why.

...because he so desperately wanted to see his foreign policy approval rating plummet and take his party down with it?

That was his grand scheme?

Do you people EVER think before you post?

Foreign policy, domestic policy....nothing but failures.

Very much like yourself.

His two most significant foreign policy achievements will be a nuclear Iran, and the restoration of the Islamic caliphate.

In the Big Book of Rightwing Mythology, maybe.

Why would Obama intentionally act in ways directly adverse to his own political fortunes, not to mention his party's?

Can youi quote someone with an opinion on that?

Obama has become more openly radical since his last election. He is, as he promised, more flexible with America's enemies. He no longer worries about being re-elected and his narcissism doesn't allow him to be concerned with other people, like the Dem party, so that is not a consideration when making decisions.

He already declared that he no longer needs congress, either party, since he has a pen and a phone. His main focus now seems to be fulfilling his dream of helping all Muslims and imposing Marxist bullshit on America. He no longer cares about approval ratings. He has an agenda and everything and everyone else be damned.

His lame comments after the beheadings and his lack of concern now for the safety of America and our allies tells us everything we need to know about this traitor.

Borders are more insecure than ever. He agreed to wait till after the election to grant amnesty and all the Dems seem to think Americans are so stupid they won't catch on.

Obamacare is still a mess, though he doesn't care. The media and Dems try to hide it by outright lying to protect those who passed it. The media dutifully tries to paint a brighter picture, even as more people face losing their insurance because they can't afford the higher premiums. Also, those who got subsidized on the federal exchange are not only being cancelled, but have to pay back the premiums.

Obama just goes golfing and acts like he doesn't give a shit anymore. The Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorists should be happy with him since he's helped them more than he's helped America.

ISIS knows Obama won't be tough on them. Obama talks big, but doesn't back it up. No one is scared of him except tax payers, Christians, gun owners and anyone else standing in the way of his vision.
of course you have links for all that SeanRush blather? :eusa_eh:
If you aren't and aware of his 2011 speech on Iraq then Google it.

You mean this?

" As I told Prime Minister Maliki, we will continue discussions on how we might help Iraq train and equip its forces -- again, just as we offer training and assistance to countries around the world. After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq, and the United States will continue to have an interest in an Iraq that is stable, secure and self-reliant. Just as Iraqis have persevered through war, I’m confident that they can build a future worthy of their history as a cradle of civilization."

It rather seems Obama predicted that "After all, there will be some difficult days ahead for Iraq"

Is that why you refused to quote this paragraph yourself? You knew that this is another lie about what Obama said "?
There goes Ibentokens fall back argument that he's posted 20+ times :rofl:

The truth is irritating, huh.
Who else believes that Obama is an ISIS supporter???

"...the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.

“We know about who made Daesh,” said Bahaa al-Araji, a deputy prime minister, using an Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State on Saturday at a demonstration called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against the possible deployment of American ground troops. Mr. Sadr publicly blamed the C.I.A. for creating the Islamic State in a speech last week, and interviews suggested that most of the few thousand people at the demonstration, including dozens of members of Parliament, subscribed to the same theory. (Mr. Sadr is considered close to Iran, and the theory is popular there as well.)"

Gee.....I wonder why.....
Obama still isn't listening to military advice. Boys with toys is insulting and ignorant.
Very few military top brass advocate diplomacy over giving them permission to use the toys.

That was a remarkably stupid thing to say.

Not at all a smart thing to say what with Obama firing military who swore to uphold the constitution rather than the personality cult. Why invite them to spirit you away?
Who else believes that Obama is an ISIS supporter???

"...the conspiracy theories still circulating from the streets of Baghdad to the highest levels of Iraqi government that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.

“We know about who made Daesh,” said Bahaa al-Araji, a deputy prime minister, using an Arabic shorthand for the Islamic State on Saturday at a demonstration called by the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr to warn against the possible deployment of American ground troops. Mr. Sadr publicly blamed the C.I.A. for creating the Islamic State in a speech last week, and interviews suggested that most of the few thousand people at the demonstration, including dozens of members of Parliament, subscribed to the same theory. (Mr. Sadr is considered close to Iran, and the theory is popular there as well.)"

Gee.....I wonder why.....
Do you ever wonder why "Good-Time Charlie" and the Gipper created al-Qa'ida?

"Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United StatesCentral Intelligence Agency program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideenprior to and during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, 1979 to 1989.

"The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favored by neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Marxist-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan regime since before the Soviet intervention."

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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