Do CEO's know that their jobs can be replaced by a computer, with a programmer that earns a small fraction of what they earn?
If you can pull that off, you're going to be a trillionaire. Even the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world can't even remotely operate at that level. They can barely handle a phone tree option :lol:
Since cpu's are using a tree phone option, it will be no time before the robotic CEO can be made to accomplish power lunches and golf games....
If you really believe that's what CEO's do than you are the poster child of the ignorant libtard.

CEO's chart the course of the organization based on strategic planning, stock prices, market share, competition, regulation, manufacturing, personnel, and unforeseen circumstances (for instance - a natural disaster) among thousands and thousands of over variables. So like I said - if you can develop an artificial intelligence technology so sophisticated that it can take that many variables into account in real time (including human emotions associated with personnel), then you will be a trillionaire.
Do CEO's know that their jobs can be replaced by a computer, with a programmer that earns a small fraction of what they earn?
If you can pull that off, you're going to be a trillionaire. Even the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world can't even remotely operate at that level. They can barely handle a phone tree option :lol:
Since cpu's are using a tree phone option, it will be no time before the robotic CEO can be made to accomplish power lunches and golf games....
If you really believe that's what CEO's do than you are the poster child of the ignorant libtard.

CEO's chart the course of the organization based on strategic planning, stock prices, market share, competition, regulation, manufacturing, personnel, and unforeseen circumstances (for instance - a natural disaster) among thousands and thousands of over variables. So like I said - if you can develop an artificial intelligence technology so sophisticated that it can take that many variables into account in real time (including human emotions associated with personnel), then you will be a trillionaire.
Any computer can do that....but those with the dough don't want themselves replaced, just the low life scum...
Do CEO's know that their jobs can be replaced by a computer, with a programmer that earns a small fraction of what they earn?
If you can pull that off, you're going to be a trillionaire. Even the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world can't even remotely operate at that level. They can barely handle a phone tree option :lol:
Since cpu's are using a tree phone option, it will be no time before the robotic CEO can be made to accomplish power lunches and golf games....
If you really believe that's what CEO's do than you are the poster child of the ignorant libtard.

CEO's chart the course of the organization based on strategic planning, stock prices, market share, competition, regulation, manufacturing, personnel, and unforeseen circumstances (for instance - a natural disaster) among thousands and thousands of over variables. So like I said - if you can develop an artificial intelligence technology so sophisticated that it can take that many variables into account in real time (including human emotions associated with personnel), then you will be a trillionaire.
Any computer can do that....but those with the dough don't want themselves replaced, just the low life scum... No computer can do that. Even the most advanced AI in the world can't because a computer is forever limited by the structures of its programming. It can't imagine. It can't dream. It can't account for an employee having the flu and another one being sleep deprived. It cannot operate outside of anything that it was programmed with and every single day with people is something new and unexpected.
More evidence of the liberal false narrative about the "success" of the Obama Administration...

We can add that Obama care is dead as well... It never ceases to amaze me how conservatives can so easily identify and accurately predict the results of a policy while liberals are so blinded by their ideology that not only cannot they see the forest for the trees but then they can't even bring themselves to admit that a liberal policy was a catastrophic failure after the fact.

The 14th Obamacae co-op is now closing its doors. There were only 23 to start with. Everything about Obamacare has been catastrophic. It caused people to lose their health insurance when it claimed to do the opposite. It caused people to lose their doctor when it promised to give people more access to doctors. It caused healthcare costs to skyrocket when it claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. And it has cost the American people trillions of dollars to legislate, pass, setup, and run. An unmitigated disaster from start to finish. That's what happens with legislation that is unconstitutional and which is founded on lies.

Obamacare’s 14th Co-Op Is Closing. More Could Follow.
This is a damning indictment on liberal policies...

• Federal debt has nearly doubled, from $9.986 trillion at the end of 2008 to $19.207 trillion in May 2016. That’s “trillion” with a “t” — 12 zeros. For perspective: 1 million seconds is 12 days, 2 billion is 31 years, and 1 trillion seconds ago? Roughly 30,000 B.C. It’s a huge, huge number.

• By year’s end, gross debt will have grown from 68% of the economy in 2008 to 105%, according to the Office of Management and Budget.

• The growing debt is expected to double what the government spends on annual debt service payments within five years, and quadruple them over the next 10 years — from $253 billion in 2016 to $839 billion in 2026.

GOP ‘Blueprint for Reform’
It's no wonder ISIS is alive and Solyndra is dead with the idiotic marxist policies implemented by the Obama Administration and the Dumbocrats in Congress...

Nancy Allamon said the couple literally can’t afford to get sick. After the passage of Obamacare, their health insurance deductible spiked to $5,000—money they don’t have. They also saw their monthly insurance payments rise.

2 Ohio Counties, Red and Blue, Ready for Obama Era’s End
So bizarre....I thought liberals "hated" the so-called "corporate welfare" and yet they there is no end to their arousal at throwing hundreds of billions at "green energy" companies.

"Why is the government bailing him out and giving him taxpayer money when last year he said he doesn’t need subsidies? Musk is bailing out his own company with taxpayer dollars. That’s how much of a racket this is. Musk is getting subsidies for one company and then using those subsidies to bail out another company that’s also subsidized."

“If this wasn’t a green energy company, you would have both Democrats and Republicans screaming about this,” Williams, the Taxpayers Protection Alliance president, told The Daily Signal, adding:

"This is the quintessential insider deal. But because this involves green energy you have the left overlooking corporate welfare and corporate favoritism because it’s something they like. But if it involved a big bank or some other company, the left and the right would be up in arms about this."

Taxpayers Finance Family Ties of 2 Failing Green Companies
Chugging koolaid again, I see. Care to tell us bout the alternative energy successes we've invested in? Care to talk about the steady success we're having in defeating ISIS? What's that, you have no fucking clue?

do tell???
ISIS is alive. Solyndra is dead. And the U.S. economy is as well thanks to liberals placing ideology over reality - which prevents liberal's from grasping basic economics.

The Washington Post recently highlighted a new study from a group of economists who were commissioned by the city of Seattle to look at that city's minimum wage hike from $9.96 an hour to $11.14 an hour. What they found was enlightening:
  • Some of the workers weren't helped at all, since their pay would have likely gone up anyway with experience and tenure on the job.
  • Although workers were earning more, fewer of them had a job than would have without an increase.
  • Those who did work had fewer hours than they would have without the wage hike.
  • The economists found that the minimum wage hike that sounded so generous when passed resulted in somewhere between a $5.54 a week raise and a $5.22 a week reduction in pay.
In comments that sounded as if they came straight out of an Econ 101 text, the Post concluded that "Increasing the minimum wage increases the costs of hiring workers. As a result, employers must accept reduced margins or customers must pay steeper prices. If employers cannot stay in business while paying their staff more, they will either hire fewer people or give their workers fewer hours. As a result, even if wages per hour increase workers' total earning could decline."

Turns out distorting the laws of economics for politics does not work after all.

The Bitter Lesson From Seattle's Minimum Wage Hike

Why raising the minimum wage in Seattle did little to help workers, according to a new study
The failures of Obama and his administration are many, far reaching, and will be next to impossible for the U.S. to overcome. Mr. "Repair the U.S. reputation around the globe" has done nothing but destroy relations with our allies, and make relations with our enemies even worse. This is what happens when you elect a community organizer to the White House. He has no idea what real leadership looks like.

Putin suspends weapons-grade plutonium deal with U.S.; State Dept. suspends bilateral contacts with Russia over Syria
Astounding audio taking you through the very short yet brutally effective history of ISIS. As you will hear in the audio, ISIS funds their terrorism to the tune of over $2 billion per year from oil wells that they have taken control of. When asked why Obama didn't direct U.S. military forces to destroy the oil wells in order to cripple the financing of this brutal terrorist regime, former CIA director Michael Murrell said that Barack didn't want to damage to the environment. What? People are being brutally murdered and Barack Obama is worried about the environment?!?

This kind of insanity explains three things. First, why Obama illegally wasted billions of dollars on failed "green" energy companies like Solyndra. Two, why he ignorantly - yet emphatically - stated that the greatest threat to national security is "global warming". And three, why a businessman like Mitt Romney would have exponentially better national security knowledge and forecasts than ideologue Barack Obama. Mitt accurately predicted that Russia was the greatest geopolitical threat - a fact that has been proven dozens of times over the years since the debates (most recently with the "buzzing" of our naval battleships by Russian fighter jets), to which Barack Obama (in his infinite ideological cluelessness) stated "the 1980's called...they want their Cold War back".

This is a man who never saw the threat of Russia, who has referred to ISIS as "the JV team" despite their success (not to mention brutality) far exceeding that of Al Qaeda, and who is more concerned with the environment than dead christians. This further proves two widely reported items: that Obama routinely skips national security meeting and that he is significantly concerned with the advancement of islam.

GM is dead too....Obama has left a broad path of destruction in his wake...
We can add both GM and healthcare plans are now dead thanks to Obama and the Dumbocrats....

Once was a shock. Twice was an outrage. Thrice is a nightmare that won't end.

Over the past three years, my family's private, individual health insurance plan — a high-deductible Preferred Provider Organization — has been canceled three times. Our first death notice, from Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, arrived in the fall of 2013. Our second, from Rocky Mountain Health Plans, came last August. Three weeks ago, we received another ominous "notice of plan discontinuation" from Anthem informing us that the insurer "will no longer offer your current health plan in the State of Colorado."

Remember when Obama emphatically stated "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan"??? Well...they liked their plan. And three times now it has been canceled on them because of Obamacare. Are progressives ready to admit that Obama is a liar? Are they ready to admit that the federal government is inept? Are they ready to admit that the Dumbocrats are corrupt? :dunno:

Malkin: Obama Lied. My Third Health Plan Just Died

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