ISIS is the newest Boogeyman

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, ill-guarded nukes in former Soviet satellite countries have been available ion the black market to anyone with very large amounts of money. Right now, ISIS appears to be # 1 in the world for fitting that profile, and getting richer every day. If acquiring Iraq's oil wealth, acquiring nukes will be just a matter of time, and maybe not much time, at that.

Then there's the possibility of a Pakistan connection. Same one that helped North Korea, Iran, and Libya with their nuke programs. And Pakistan themselves were aided in their nuclear buildup by agents in the US and Canada.

You got the money. You got the commodity. You can bet on it. Sources available on request.

Out of Mosul they grabbed 400 million plus. They get to Baghdad aye carumba! I understand why people are going let them kill each other but holy toledo. They get to plunder Baghdad? OMG. People aren't thinking straight. If ISIS grabs Baghdad we're toast.

I cannot speak in military terms. But I think we're toast covers it.

When did you start channeling Bart Simpson?


All these years I thought he was channelling me. Hey wait! Bart got me?
OMG. People aren't thinking straight. If ISIS grabs Baghdad we're toast.
Exactly how does the ISIS grabbing Baghdad make us toast?

They aren't threatening America or Canada. . :cool:

I love you more than my cowboy boots Sunni Man.:D I really have over all these years liked talking with you and trying to understand your point of view which is awesome because you are a convert. You bring a special meaning to your new life.

Take my word for it. You do not want to be associated with ISIS. Not at all. Please trust me on this. Baghdadi is pure evil. So are his followers. They are not of faith.
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I love you more than my cowboy boots Sunni Man.:D
Now that is saying a lot!! . :smiliehug:

Bet you didn't know that the Sunni Man wears cowboys everyday?

I grew up in Oklahoma and lived in Texas. Own about a dozen pair......lizard, aligator, elephant, python, anteater, rattlesnake, shark skin, etc., in various colors. .. :eusa_angel:

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I love you more than my cowboy boots Sunni Man.:D
Now that is saying a lot!! . :smiliehug:

Bet you didn't know that the Sunni Man wears cowboys everyday?

I grew up in Oklahoma and lived in Texas. Own about a dozen pair......lizard, aligator, elephant, python, anteater, rattlesnake, shark skin, etc., in various colors. .. :eusa_angel:


You are as Sunni as al-Hallaj.............................
our only actual enemies are Americans that don't share Progressive values to hear left-wing nutjobs tell it
Obama just notified Congress 275 military advisors will be going to Iraq.......
I say let the Allah Monkeys fight each other. Hopefully only the fanatics will be killed.

Meanwhile the USA should covertly arm and financially support Kurdish Independence. It is time for the nation of Kurdistan. Iraq can be reapportioned - Give part of southern Iraq (the shia part) to Iran in exchange for Iran giving part of Kurdish Iran to the newly formed Nation of Kurdistan.
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I love you more than my cowboy boots Sunni Man.:D
Now that is saying a lot!! . :smiliehug:

Bet you didn't know that the Sunni Man wears cowboys everyday?

I grew up in Oklahoma and lived in Texas. Own about a dozen pair......lizard, aligator, elephant, python, anteater, rattlesnake, shark skin, etc., in various colors. .. :eusa_angel:


I knew that would get your attention. :eusa_angel: You're a good man. Great poster. I'm really worried about this situation. Worried about fallout on both sides. We've come so far in understanding I don't want this one lunatic to be used against Islam. And this guy is beyond man. He makes bin Laden look like Liberace ok with all the sparklies.
I love you more than my cowboy boots Sunni Man.:D
Now that is saying a lot!! . :smiliehug:

Bet you didn't know that the Sunni Man wears cowboys everyday?

I grew up in Oklahoma and lived in Texas. Own about a dozen pair......lizard, aligator, elephant, python, anteater, rattlesnake, shark skin, etc., in various colors. .. :eusa_angel:


You are as Sunni as al-Hallaj.............................
Naw.....I'm really not into Sufism.

Some of them are OK and others are plumb crazy weird. .. :cool:
I say let the Allah Monkeys fight each other. Hopefully only the fanatics will be killed.

Meanwhile the USA should covertly arm and financially support Kurdish Independence. It is time for the nation of Kurdistan. Iraq can be reapportioned - Give part of southern Iraq (the shia part) to Iran in exchange for Iran giving part of Kurdish Iran to the newly formed Nation of Kurdistan.

Honest to goodness you will not believe what these guys are about. They are hell on earth.

Now that aside. We should have done what was long overdue. Screw the League of Nations and give the Kurds, Shia and Sunni their own land. And let them draw it out and so they can be part of forming their own nations.
Now that is saying a lot!! . :smiliehug:

Bet you didn't know that the Sunni Man wears cowboys everyday?

I grew up in Oklahoma and lived in Texas. Own about a dozen pair......lizard, aligator, elephant, python, anteater, rattlesnake, shark skin, etc., in various colors. .. :eusa_angel:


You are as Sunni as al-Hallaj.............................
Naw.....I'm really not into Sufism.

Some of them are OK and others are plumb crazy weird. .. :cool:

Wait a minute ant eater? I've got lizard a couple of different monitors, I have gator some snake and I know of shark but ant eater oh come on.

Now that aside. We should have done what was long overdue. Screw the League of Nations and give the Kurds, Shia and Sunni their own land. And let them draw it out and so they can be part of forming their own nations.

If you and Joe Biden both agree, then this has to be right.

I have always thought so. Iraq is simply too artificial a creation without requiring a mad man to dominate it.

I doubt if Turkey would ever permit an independent Kurdistan on its border.

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